¾æÕÝØâÕ íâÞâ âÕÚáâ:

 © Copyright Tom Waits
 © Copyright Ú¸À¸»» س½°Â¾², ¿µÀµ²¾´
 Email: Ignatoff@bigfoot.com
 Date: 10 Feb 1999

 å¾Âµ»¾ÁÌ ±Ë ÃÁ»ËÈ°ÂÌ ¾Â·Ë²Ë ¾ Á¾´µÏ½½¾¼.

                                                Act 3

Rain Dogs                                                       ßÁË Ô¾¶´Ï
½°·Ë²°Î µÅ, ºÂ¾ ¾Á°²¸» ¸ ½¸º°º ½µ ½°¹´µÂ Á²¾¹ ¿ÃÂÌ...
     Waits ¾¿Àµ´µ»¸» ; ¿¾½Ï¸µ º°º "...¸Å ¼¾¶½¾ ò¸´µÂÌ ¿»Ã°Îɸ¼¸ ²¾ ²Àµ¼Ï ¸ ¿¾Á»µ ´¾¶´Ï.
Þ½¸ ½¸º°º ½µ ¼¾³Ã ½°¹Â¸ ´¾À¾³Ã ´¾¼¾¹. Ô¾¶´Ì Á¼Ë²°µÂ ²Áµ ·°¿°Å¸ Á ¿¾Ç¾²ËÅ Ïɸº¾²,
ľ½°À½ËÅ Á¾»±¾², º¾»¾½¾º Á ²¾´¾¹..."

Inside a broken clock,                                          ç°Á¾² Á»¾¼°»ÁÏ ºÀó
splashing the wine with all the rain dogs                       ÒÁµ ¿ÁË ´¾¶´Ï Áµ¹Ç°Á ¿ÌΠ²¸½¾
Taxi, we'd rather walk,                                         â°ºÁ¸ ·°Á¾¿¸» ´Àó
huddle a doorway with the rain dogs                             ÒÁµ ¿ÁË ´¾¶´Ï À¸½Ã»¸ÁÌ º ½µ¼Ã
For I am a rain dog, too                                        ï Á ½¸¼¸, ²µ´Ì Ï ¿µÁ ´¾¶´Ï!

Oh, how we danced and we swallowed the night                    Þ, º°º ¿»ÏÁ°»¸ ¼Ë, ·°³»°Â˲°Ï ½¾ÇÌ
For it was all ripe for dreaming                                Þ, ; ¿Àµ´µ» ´»Ï ¼µÇ°½¸¹
Oh, how we danced away all of the lights                        Þ, º°º ¿»ÏÁ°»¸ ¼Ë, ¾Â ¾³½µ¹ ù´Ï ¿À¾ÇÌ,
We've always been out of our minds                              ÜË ±µ·Ã¼½Ë¼¸ ±Ë»¸ ²Áµ³´°

The rum pours strong and thin,                                  Ҿ ºÀµ¿º¸¹ »ÌµÂÁÏ À¾¼
beat out the dustman with the rain dogs                         Ý° ¼ÃÁ¾Àºµ ¿¾³À¾¼, ·´µÁÌ ¿ÁË ´¾¶´Ï
Aboard a shipwreck train,                                       âÀ°¼²°¹ µ¿µÀÌ ½°È ´¾¼
give my umbrella to the rain dogs                               ܾ¹ ´°¹Âµ ·¾½Â ͸¼ ¿Á°¼ ´¾¶´Ï
For I am a rain dog, too                                        ï Á ½¸¼¸, ²µ´Ì Ï ¿µÁ ´¾¶´Ï!

Oh, how we danced and we swallowed the night                    Þ, º°º ¿»ÏÁ°»¸ ¼Ë, ·°³»°Â˲°Ï ½¾ÇÌ
Her long hair black as a raven                                  Ò¾»¾Á µµ Á¼¾»Ì À°Á¿»µÁº°»°ÁÌ
Oh, how we danced and you whispered to me                       Þ, º°º ¿»ÏÁ°»¸ ¼Ë, Á¼µÏ»°ÁÌ ÂË ½°´¾ ¼½¾¹
You'll never be going back home                                 âË ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ²µÀ½µÈÌÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹
Oh, how we danced with the Rose of Tralee                       Þ, º°º ¿»ÏÁ°»¸ ¼Ë, Á ྷ¾¹ ¸· Tralee
Her long hair black as a raven                                  Ò¾»¾Á µµ Á¼¾»Ì À°Á¿»µÁº°»°ÁÌ
Oh, how we danced and you whispered to me                       Þ, º°º ¿»ÏÁ°»¸ ¼Ë, Á¼µÏ»°ÁÌ ÂË ½°´¾ ¼½¾¹
You'll never be going back home                                 âË ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ²µÀ½µÈÌÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹

Rose of Tralee -º¾½ºÃÀÁ ºÀ°Á¾ÂË ² ØÀ»°½´¸¸

Train Song                                                      ßµÁ½Ï ß¾µ·´°

Well I broke down in E. St. Louis                               ×½°Ç¸Â,¾Âº»ÎǸ»ÁÏ Ï ² Cµ½Â-ÛøÁµ
On the Kansas City line                                         Ò ÍºÁ¿ÀµÁÁµ ½° Ú°½·°Á-á¸Â¸
and I drunk up all my money                                     Ø Ï ¿À¾¿¸» ²Áµ Á²¾¸ ´µ½Ì³¸
that I borrowed every time                                      Ø º°¶´Ë¹ À°· Ï ·°½¸¼°»
and I fell down at the derby                                    Ø Ï ÃºÀË»ÁÏ Á²¾µ¹ ȻϿ¾¹
and now the night's  black as a crow                            Ð ·° ¾º½¾¼, º°º ²¾À¾½, ½¾ÇÌ
It was a train that took me away from here                      í¾ ±Ë» ¿¾µ·´, ¾½ ý¾Á¸» ¼µ½Ï ¿À¾ÇÌ
but a train can't bring me home                                 Þ½ ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ¿À¸²µ·µÂ ¼µ½Ï ´¾¼¾¹
What made my dreams so hollow                                   ç¾ Á´µ»°»¾ ¼¾¸ ¼µÇÂË ¿ÃÁÂ˼¸
was standing at the depot                                       Ú¾³´° ½° Áº»°´µ Ï Á¾ϻ
with a steeple full of swallows                                 Ø »°Á¾Ǻ¸ ½° È¿¸»µ ³½µ·´° ²¸»¸
that could never ring the bell                                  Ó´µ ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ±ÌΠº¾»¾º¾»°
and I come ten thousand miles away                              ⵿µÀÌ ·° Á¾Â½¸ ¼¸»Ì ¾ÂÁδ°
with not one thing to show                                      Ø ½µ ³À¾È° ½µÂ ·° ´ÃȾ¹
well it was a train that took me away from here                 ç¾ ¶, ; ±Ë» ¿¾µ·´, ¾½ ý¾Á¸» ¼µ½Ï ¿À¾ÇÌ
but a train can't bring me home                                 Þ½ ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ¿À¸²µ·µÂ ¼µ½Ï ´¾¼¾¹
I remember when I left                                          ï ¿¾¼½Î, º°º Ï Ãµ·¶°Ï,
without bothering to pack                                       ݵ ²·Ï» ½¸ ²µÉ¸ ½¸ ±°³°¶,
you know I up and left with                                     ÒË ·½°µÂµ º°º Ï Á¾À²°»ÁÏ
just the clothes I  had  on my back                             Ò Çµ¼ ±Ë» Ãȵ» ½° °±¾À´°¶
now I'm sorry for what I've done                                ⵿µÀÌ ¶°»µÎ Ï ¾ ¾¼
and I'm out here on my own                                      Ø Â¾»Ìº¾ ·´µÁÌ Â¾¿µÀÌ ¼¾¹ ´¾¼
well it was a train that took me away from                      ç¾ ¶, ; ±Ë» ¿¾µ·´, ¾½ ý¾Á¸» ¼µ½Ï ¿À¾ÇÌ
here but a train can't bring me home                            Þ½ ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ¿À¸²µ·µÂ ¼µ½Ï ´¾¼¾¹

16 shells from a 30.6                                           16 ¿Ã»Ì º°»¸±À° 36.

I plugged 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six                     ï ²Á°´¸» 16 ¿Ã»Ì º°»¸±À° 36
and a Black Crow snuck through a hole in the sky                Ø "çµÀ½Ë¹ Ò¾À¾½" ½ËÀ½Ã» ² ´ËÀà ² ¾±»°º°Å
so I spent all my buttons on an old pack mule                   â°º Ï ¿¾ÂÀ°Â¸» ²Áµ ±¾µ¿À¸¿°ÁË ½° Á°À¾¼ ¾Á»µ
and I made me a ladder from a pawn shop marimba                 Ø Ï Á´µ»°» Áµ±µ  »µÁ½¸Æà ¸· Á°Àµ½Ìº¾¹ ¼°À¸¼±Ë
and I leaned it up against a dandelion tree                     Ø Ï ¿À¸Á»¾½¸» µµ º Á²¾»Ã ´µÀµ²° ¾´Ã²°½Ç¸º¾²
and I leaned it up against a dandelion tree                     Ø Ï ¿À¸Á»¾½¸» µµ º Á²¾»Ã ´µÀµ²° ¾´Ã²°½Ç¸º¾²

And I filled me a sachel full of old pig corn                   Ø Ï ½°±¸» ¿¾»½Ë¹ À°½µÆ ¿¾À¾ÁÏÇ̸Š¾ÂÀñµ¹
and I beat me a billy from an old French horn                   Ò¾·´ÃÅ Á¾ÂÀÏÁ°Ï ·²Ãº°¼¸ ²°»Â¾À½Ë
and I kicked that mule to the top of the tree                   ×°³½°» ¾Á»° ¿¸½º°¼¸ ¿Àϼ¾ ½° ¼°ºÃȺà ´µÀµ²°
and I blew me a hole 'bout the size of a kickdrum               Ø Ï Ã´À°» ² ´ËÀà À°·¼µÀ¾¼ Á ±¾ÇºÃ-±°À°±°½
and I cut me a switch from a long branch elbow                  Ø ÁÀµ·°» Áµ±µ ¿¾Á¾Å ¸· ºÀÎǺ¾²°Â¾¹ ²µÂº¸
Chorus                                                          å¾À
I'm gonna whittle you into kindlin'                             ØÁºÀ¾¼Á°Î µ±Ï ² ɵ¿º¸,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six                    çµÀ½Ë¹ Ò¾À¾½, 16 ¿Ã»Ì ¸· 36
whittle you into kindlin'                                       ØÁºÀ¾¼Á°Î µ±Ï ² ɵ¿º¸,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six                    çµÀ½Ë¹ Ò¾À¾½, 16 ¿Ã»Ì ¸· 36

Well I slept in the holler                                      ×½°Ç¸Â, Á¿°» Ï ² ³»Ã±¸½µ
of a dry creek bed                                              ¿¾Áµ»¸ ¿µÀµÁ¾Åȵ³¾ ÀÃÇÌÏ
and I tore out the buckets                                      ÒËÀ˲°Ï ¿¾ÀȽ¸ ¸· ½µ´À ºÀ°Á½¾³¾ Ú¾À²µÂ°
from a red Corvette, tore out the buckets from a red Corvette   ÒËÀ˲°Ï ¿¾ÀȽ¸ ¸· ½µ´À ºÀ°Á½¾³¾ Ú¾À²µÂ°
Lionel and Dave and the Butcher made three                      Û°¹¾½µ» ¸ Ôµ¹² ¸ ÜÏÁ½¸º Á¾¾±À°·¸»¸ ½° ÂÀ¾¸Å
you got to meet me by the knuckles of the skinnybone tree       á²¾¸¼¸ ±°»°»°¹º°¼¸ ½°´´°»¸ ¼½µ ¿¾´ ´ËÅ
with the strings of a Washburn                                  Ø ÁÂÀÃ½Ë ãÍȱ¾À½°
stretched like a clothes line                                   ¿À¾²¸Á»¸ º°º ²µÀµ²º¸ ´»Ï ±µ»ÌÏ
you know me and that mule scrambled right through the hole      ݾ ¼Ë Á ¾Á»¾¼ ¿À¾»µ·»¸ ² Âà ´ËÀÃ, ²Ë ·½°µÂµ ¼µ½Ï
you know me and that mule scrambled right through the hole      ݾ ¼Ë Á ¾Á»¾¼ ¿À¾»µ·»¸ ² Âà ´ËÀÃ, ²Ë ·½°µÂµ ¼µ½Ï
Chorus                                                          å¾À
I'm gonna whittle you into kindlin'                             ØÁºÀ¾¼Á°Î µ±Ï ² ɵ¿º¸,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six                    çµÀ½Ë¹ Ò¾À¾½, 16 ¿Ã»Ì ¸· 36
whittle you into kindlin'                                       ØÁºÀ¾¼Á°Î µ±Ï ² ɵ¿º¸,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six                    çµÀ½Ë¹ Ò¾À¾½, 16 ¿Ã»Ì ¸· 36

Now I hold him prisoner in a Washburn jail                      ⵿µÀÌ ¾½ ÂϽµÂ ÁÀ¾º ² ãÍȱ¾À½° ÂÎÀ̼µ
that stapped on the back of my old kick mule                    Ý° ·°´½¸Æµ ¾Á»° ¾½° ±¾»Â°µÂÁÏ Âµ¿µÀÌ
strapped it on the back of my old kick mule                     Ý° ·°´½¸Æµ ¾Á»° ¾½° ±¾»Â°µÂÁÏ Âµ¿µÀÌ
I bang on the strings just to drive him crazy                   ï ±Àµ½Çà ½° ÁÂÀý°Å ¾»Ìº¾, Ǿ±Ë ¾½ Á²¸Å½Ã»ÁÏ
I strum it loud just to rattle his cage                         ï ±ÌÎ ¿¾ ½¸¼ Á¸»Ì½µµ, Ǿ± ¾½ Á¾´À¾³°»ÁÏ
strum it loud just to rattle his cage                           ï ±ÌÎ ¿¾ ½¸¼ Á¸»Ì½µµ, Ǿ± ¾½ Á¾´À¾³°»ÁÏ
Chorus                                                          å¾À
I'm gonna whittle you into kindlin'                             ØÁºÀ¾¼Á°Î µ±Ï ² ɵ¿º¸,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six                    çµÀ½Ë¹ Ò¾À¾½, 16 ¿Ã»Ì ¸· 36
whittle you into kindlin'                                       ØÁºÀ¾¼Á°Î µ±Ï ² ɵ¿º¸,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six                    çµÀ½Ë¹ Ò¾À¾½, 16 ¿Ã»Ì ¸· 36

I'll Take New York                                              ï ²¾·Ì¼Ã ÝÌÎ-Ù¾Àº

I'll tip the newsboy                                            ï ´°¼ ³°·µÂǸºÃ ½° Ç°¹
I'll get a shine                                                Ø ±Ã´Ã Ï Á¸ÏÂÌ
I'll ride this dream                                            Ø ¾Áµ´»°² ¼µÇÂÃ
to the end of the line                                          ßÀ¾µ´Ã ´¾ º¾½Æ°
I'm going places                                                ܵ½ÏÏ À°·½Ëµ ¼µÁ°
I'll take  a ride                                               Úÿ»Î ±¸»µÂ¸º
Up to the Riverside                                             Ô¾ าµÀá°¹´
I'll take NY                                                    ï ²¾·Ì¼Ã ÝÌÎ-Ù¾Àº
I'll let it happen                                              ßÃÁÂÌ ²Áµ Á»ÃǸÂÁÏ
I'll pop the cork                                               ï Å»¾¿½Ã ¿À¾±º¾¹
tear off the wrapping                                           á¾À²°² ¾±µÀºÃ
I'll make a splash on the Hudson                                ÒÁ¿»µÁº ½° Óô·¾½µ
that's how I will arrive                                        í¾ - ¾, º°º Ï ¿À¸¹´Ã
Hey, do you have two tens for a five?                           í¹, ´°¹ ´²° ´µÁϺ° ´»Ï ¿Ï¸?
Roll out the carpet                                             à°Áº°Â°¹Âµ º¾²µÀ
Strike up the band                                              ÞÀºµÁÂÀ ³Àµ¼¸Â
break into the best                                             ÒÀ˲°ÏÁÌ ² »ÃÇȵµ
champagne when I land                                           è°¼¿°½Áº¾µ ½° ÂÀ°¿
Beat the parade drum                                            ѵ¹Âµ ±°À°±°½ ¿°À°´°
hit all the bars                                                å¸Â ²¾ ²ÁµÅ ±°À°Å
I want the moon and stars                                       ï žÇà »Ã½Ã ¸ ·²µ·´Ë
But I'll take NY                                                ݾ Ï ²¾·Ì¼Ã ÝÌÎ-Ù¾Àº
I'll make it happen                                             ßÃÁÂÌ ²Áµ Á»ÃǸÂÁÏ
Blow out the candlels                                           Ó°Á¸Âµ Á²µÇ¸
tear off the wrappin'                                           á¾À²°² ¾±µÀºÃ
And I know someday                                              Ø Ï ·½°Î º¾³´°-½¸±Ã´Ì
they'll have to name a street after me                          ܽ¾¹ ½°·¾²Ã Âà û¸ÆÃ
right next door to old Franklin                                 ç¾ ÀÏ´¾¼ Á¾ Á°À˼ äÀͽº»¸½¾¼

More Than Rain                                                  Ѿ»Ìȵ çµ¼ Ô¾¶´Ì (º¾½ÆµÀ½˹ ²°À¸°½Â)

This is about all the bad days in the world...                                    í¾ - ¾±¾ ²ÁµÅ ¿»¾Å¸Å ´½ÏÅ ² ¼¸Àµ.
I used I have so little bad days and I kept to mini little bucks                Ô°, ¸ à ¼µ½Ï ±Ë²°»¸ °º¸µ ¼°»µ½Ìº¸µ ¿»¾Å¸µ ´µ½µÇº¸, ¸ Ï Á¾ÅÀ°½¸» Á¾²Áµ¼ ½µ¼½¾³¾ ±°ºÁ¾²
and one day I trough the ??? the yard.                                          Ø ¾´½°¶´Ë Ï Â¾Ç½¾ ¿¾¿°´Ã ½° º»°´±¸Éµ.
Oh, just a couple little innocent bad days.                                     Þ, ¾»Ìº¾ º°º°Ï-¾ ¿°À° ¼°»µ½Ìº¸Å ½µ²¸½½ËÅ ¿»¾Å¸Å ´½µ¹.
Well we have a big grain.                                                       Ø ¼Ë öµ ¸¼µµ¼ ¾´½¾  ±¾»ÌȾµ ·µÀ½¾..
I don't now why ever growing in.                                                ï °º ¸ ½µ ·½°Î ¿¾Çµ¼Ã ¾½¸ º¾³´°-»¸±¾ ¿À¾À°Á°ÎÂ.
But I think we used put act shows after ring, coffee grounds too.               ݾ Ï ´Ã¼°Î, Ǿ ¼Ë ²Áµ³´° ¿¾¿°´°µ¼ ½° Ⱦà ¿¾Á»µ ·²¾½º°, ·µÀ½ËȺ¸ º¾Äµ - ¾ ¶µ..
Why don't plant your bad days the growing to weeks, weeks growing to months     ߾ǵ¼Ã ½µ ´µ»°Î ¿À¸²¸²º¸? Ұȸ ¿»¾Å¸µ ´½¸ ²ËÀ¾Á°Î ² ½µ´µ»¸, ½µ´µ»¸, ²ËÀ°Á°Î ² ¼µÁÏÆ°
Before you know you got yourself bad you.                                       ßÀµ¶´µ, ǵ¼ ²Ë ÷½°µÂµ, ²Ë ¿¾»ÃǸµ °º¾³¾ ¿»¾Å¾³¾ Áµ±Ï...
Take it from me.                                                                Ô°²°¹Âµ º°º Ï.
Choke those little bad days                                                     ßÀ¸´Ãȸµ ͸ ¼°»µ½Ìº¸µ ¿»¾Å¸µ ´µ½Ìº¸!
Choke'em damn'em nothing                                                        ßÀ¸´Ãȸµ ¸Å ²Áµ º ǵÀÂÃ!
Where're your days - choke'em!                                                  ÒÁµ ²°È¸ ´½¸ -¿À¸´Ãȸ!
You choke my days - I'll choke yours.                                           ÒË ´Ãȸµ ¼¾¸ ´½¸ - Ï ´ÃÈà ²°È¸!..

It's more than rain that falls on our parade tonight            í¾ - ±¾»Ìȵ ǵ¼ ´¾¶´Ì, Ǿ ¿°´°» ½¾ÇÌÎ ½° ¿°À°´,
it's more than thunder it's more than thunder                   Ø ³À¾¼Çµ ³À¾¼°, ¸ ³À¾¼Çµ ³À¾¼°
it's more  than a bad dream now well I'm soaped                 áÂÀ°È½µ¹ º¾È¼°À½ËÅ Á½¾², ¸Å ½µ ¾Â¼ËÂÌ ¼½µ ½¸º¾³´°
it's more than sad times  it's more than sad times              Ø Â϶µ»µ¹ ¿µÇ°»¸, ¸ Â϶µ»µ¹ ¿µÇ°»¸.
none of our pockets are filled with gold                        ÔËÀ° ² º°À¼°½µ, ´°, ·¾»¾Â° °¼ ½µÂ,
nobody's caught the boquet                                      ÑúµÂ ½¸ºÂ¾ ½µ ¿¾¹¼°»
We run the darkness streets of the world                        ß¾ µ¼½Ë¼ û¸Æ°¼ ±µ¶¸¼ ±Ã´Â¾ ½° Á²µÂ
I'm driving crazy of your                                       Ó´µ Ï Á²¾¶Ã µ±Ï Á ü°...
It's more than trouble but I've gun myselfing too               Ỿ¶½µ¹ ¿À¾±»µ¼Ë, žÂÌ ¿¸Á¾»µÂ à ¼µ½Ï µÁÂÌ
it's more than woe-be-gotten grey skies now                     ÓÀÃÁ½µ¹ ǵ¼ ² ÁµÀËÅ ½µ±µÁ°Å ¿µÇ°»Ì
none of our pockets are filled with gold                        ÔËÀ° ² º°À¼°½µ, ´°, ·¾»¾Â° °¼ ½µÂ,
nobody's caught the boquet                                      ÑúµÂ ½¸ºÂ¾ ½µ ¿¾¹¼°»
We run the darkness streets of the world                        ß¾ µ¼½Ë¼ û¸Æ°¼ ±µ¶¸¼ ±Ã´Â¾ ½° Á²µÂ
I'm driving crazy of your                                       Ó´µ Ï Á²¾¶Ã µ±Ï Á ü°...
and it's more than goodbye I have to say to you                 Ø ±¾»Ìȵ, ǵ¼ ¿À¾É°¹, Ǿ ´¾»¶µ½ Ï Áº°·°ÂÌ Âµ±µ
it's more than woe-be-gotten grey skies now                     ÓÀÃÁ½µ¹ ǵ¼ ² ÁµÀËÅ ½µ±µÁ°Å ¿µÇ°»Ì
and it's more than goodbye I have to say to you                 Ø ±¾»Ìȵ, ǵ¼ ¿À¾É°¹, Ǿ ´¾»¶µ½ Ï Áº°·°ÂÌ Âµ±µ
it's more than woe-be-gotten grey skies now                     ÓÀÃÁ½µ¹ ǵ¼ ² ÁµÀËÅ ½µ±µÁ°Å ¿µÇ°»Ì

Johnsburg, Illinois                                             Ô¶¾½Á±ÃÀ³, È° ػ»¸½¾¹Á.
                                                                ܵÁ¾ À¾¶´µ½¸Ï ÚÍ»¸½ ÑÀµ½½°½, ¶µ½Ë â¾¼°.

She's my only true love                                         Þ½° -¼¾µ ÁÇ°ÁÂ̵
she's all that I think of                                       Þ ½µ¹ ¼¾¸ ¼ËÁ»¸
look here in my wallet                                          Ø Ä¾Â¾ ² ±Ã¼°¶½¸ºµ
that's her                                                      í¾ - ¾½°
She grew up on a farm there                                     ÜË ²ËÀ¾Á»¸ ²¼µÁµ
there's a place on my arm                                       Ø Ï ½° ¿Àµ´¿»µÇ̵
where I've written her name                                     â²¾µ ¸ ¼¾µ ½°¿¸Á°»
next to mine                                                    ¸¼µ½°
you see I just can't                                            ݵ ¼½µ ±µ· µ±Ï
live without her                                                ¿¾º¾Ï
and I'm her only boy                                            Ý°²µº¸ Ï »¸ÈÌ Â²¾¹
and she grew up outside McHenry                                 âË À¾Á»° ²´°»¸ ¾Â Ü°ºÓµ½À¸
in Johnsburg, Illinois                                          Ò Ô¶¾½Á±ÃÀ³µ, È° ػ»¸½¾¹Á.

Innocent When You Dream                                         ݵ²¸½½°, º¾³´° ÂË Á¿¸ÈÌ

The bats are in the belfry                                      Ý° º¾»¾º¾»Ì½µ ¼Ëȸ
the dew is on the moor                                          Ð ½° ¿¾»ÏÅ - À¾Á°
where are the arms that held me                                 â°¼, ³´µ ÂË ¾Â´°²°»°
and pledged her love before                                     Ûα¾²Ì Á²¾Î ²¿À¾Á°º
and pledged her love before                                     ᲾΠ»Î±¾²Ì ²¿À¾Á°º
Chorus:                                                         å¾À:
It's such a sad old feeling                                     ؾ³ ¼¾¸Å Áº¸Â°½¸¹
the fields are soft and green                                   Ò ¿¾»ÏÅ ·µ»µ½ËŠ¸ÈÌ
it's memories that I'm stealing                                 ãºÀ°´µ½½ËÅ ²¾Á¿¾¼¸½°½¸¹
but you're innocent when you dream                              ݾ ½µ²¸½½° ÂË, º¾³´° ÂË Á¿¸ÈÌ
when you dream                                                  Ú¾³´° ÂË Á¿¸ÈÌ
you're innocent when you dream                                  â°º ½µ²¸½½° ÂË, º¾³´° ÂË Á¿¸ÈÌ

Running through the graveyard                                   ß¾ º»°´±¸Éà ³¾½Ï»¸
we laughed my friends and I                                     ܾ¸ ´À÷ÌÏ ¸ Ï
we swore we'd be together                                       ἵϻ¸ÁÌ, ¾±µÉ°»¸
until the day we died                                           ÑËÂÌ ²¼µÁµ ½°²Áµ³´°
until the day we died                                           ÑËÂÌ ²¼µÁµ ½°²Áµ³´°
Repeat chorus                                                   å¾À

I made a golden promise                                         ç¾ ¼Ë ½°²µº¸ ²¼µÁµ
that we would never part                                        ï º»Ï²à Á¾Â²¾À¸»
I gave my love a locket                                         Ô°» ¼µ´°»Ì¾½ ² ¿¾´°À¾º
and then I broke her heart                                      Ø ÁµÀ´Æµ µ¹ À°·±¸»
and then I broke her heart                                      Ø ÁµÀ´Æµ µ¹ À°·±¸»
Repeat chorus                                                   å¾À

Big Black Mariah                                                Ѿ»ÌÈ°Ï çµÀ½°Ï Ü°À¸Ï

Well cutting through the canebrake, rattling the sill           ×½°Ç¸Â, À°ÁÁµº°Ï ·°À¾Á»¸ ÂÀ¾Á½¸º°, Á ¿¾´¾º¾½½¸º° - ²¾´°
Thunder that the rain makes when the shadow tops the hill       Ô¾¶´Ì ¿À¾¸·²¾´¸Â ³À¾¼, ¸ µ½¸ ¿»ÏÈ཰ ²µÀȸ½µ ž»¼°
Big light on the back street, hill to ever more                 Ѿ»ÌȾ¹ Á²µÂ ½° ·°´²¾Àº°Å, °¼ Á²°»º° - ½°²Áµ³´°
Packing down the ladder with the hammer to the floor            ß¾ »µÁ½¸Æµ Á¿ÃÁº°ÏÁÌ Á ¼¾»¾Â¾Çº¾¼ ´»Ï ¾À³¾²
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah  ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, ·´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï
Here come the Big Black Mariah, I seen the big black Ford       ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, Ï ²¸¶Ã ±¾»ÌȾ¹ ǵÀ½Ë¹ ä¾À´

Well he's all boxed up on a red belle dame                      ×½°Ç¸Â, ¾½ ²Áµ Á¾±À°» ² º¾À¾±ºÃ, ²Áµ Ǿ ±Ë»¾ à ½µ³¾
Hunted Black Johnny with a blind man's cane                     çµÀ½Ë¹ Ô¶¾½½¸ ² ±µ³°Å Á ÂÀ¾Á¾Ǻ¾¹ Á»µ¿¾³¾
A yellow bullet with a rag out in the wind                      Öµ»Â°Ï ¿Ã»Ï ²·±°»°¼Ã¸»° ²µÂÀ°
An old blind tiger, got an old bell Jim                         ÞÁ»µ¿È¸¹ Á°À˹ ¸³À, Á°À˹ º¾»¾º¾»ÌǸº Ô¶¸¼
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah  ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, ·´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the big black Ford    ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, Ï ²¸¶Ã ±¾»ÌȾ¹ ǵÀ½Ë¹ ä¾À´

Sent to the skies on a Benny Jag Blue                           ß¾Á»°½½Ë¹ ½µ±¾¼ ½° ѵ½½¸ Ô¶°³ Ñ»Î
Off to bed without his supper like a Linda brides do            ѵ· ö¸½° ¸ ±µ· ¿¾Áµ»¸ Á»¾²½¾ ½µ²µÁÂË Û¸½´Ë ÂÃÂ
He got to do the story with the old widow Jones                 Þ½ ½°Ç°» Ä»¸À¾²°ÂÌ Á¾ Á°À¾¹ ²´¾²¾¹ Ô¶¾
Got a wooden coat, this boy is never coming home                Ô¾¼¾¹ ¾½ ½µ ²µÀ½µÂÁÏ ² ´µÀµ²Ï½½¾¼ ¿°»Ì¾
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah  ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, ·´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï
Here come the Big Black Mariah, I seen that big black Ford      ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, Ï ²¸¶Ã ±¾»ÌȾ¹ ǵÀ½Ë¹ ä¾À´
Cut through the canebrake, oh yeah                              ßÀ¾Áµº° ² ·°À¾Á»ÏÅ ÂÀ¾Á½¸º°, ¾ ´°.

Well he's all boxed up on a red belle dame                      ×½°Ç¸Â, ¾½ ²Áµ Á¾±À°» ² º¾À¾±ºÃ, ²Áµ Ǿ ±Ë»¾ à ½µ³¾
Flat Blue Johnny with a blind man's cane                        ß»¾Áº¸¹ ḽ¸¹ Ô¶¾½½¸ Á ÂÀ¾Á¾Ǻ¾¹ Á»µ¿¾³¾
A hundred yellow bullets shook a rag out in the wind            á¾Â½Ï ¶µ»ÂËÅ ¿Ã»Ì ²·±°»°¼Ã¸»° ²µÂÀ°
An old blind tiger, on a bell you win                           á°À˹ Á»µ¿¾¹ ¸³À, ·²¾½¾º - µ±µ ¿¾À°.
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah  ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, ·´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the big black Ford    ×´µÁÌ ±Ã´µÂ Ѹ³ ѻͺ Ü°À¸Ï, Ï ²¸¶Ã ±¾»ÌȾ¹ ǵÀ½Ë¹ ä¾À´

                        CD ²µÀÁ¸Ï (Á¾´µÀ¶¸Â ¿µÁ½¸ ½µ ²¾Èµ´È¸µ ² Video)

Undeground                                                      ß¾´ ·µ¼»µ¹.

Rattle Big Black Bones                                          ÓÀ¾¼ µ»µ¶µº Á ó»µ¼
in the Danger zone                                              áµÂÌ ¾¿°Á½ËÅ ·¾½
there's a rumblin' groan                                        Ø ÃÂÀ¾±½Ë¹ Á¾½
down below                                                      â°¼ - ²½¸·Ã
there's a big dark town                                         Ó¾À¾´ µ¼½ËÅ Á¸»
it's a place I've found                                         ï µ³¾ ¾ÂºÀË»
there's a world going on                                        Þ½ ²µ´µÂ Á²¾Î ¶¸·½Ì
Underground                                                     ß¾´ ·µ¼»µ¹

they're alive, they're awake                                    Þ½¸ µÁÂÌ, ¾½¸ ·´µÁÌ
while the rest of the world is asleep                           Ò Ç°Á, º¾³´° ²µÁÌ ½°È ¼¸À ²¸´¸Â Á½Ë
below the mine shaft roads                                      Ò »°±¸À¸½Â°Å È°ÅÂ
it will all unfold                                              Ø´µÂ Á¼µ½° ²°ÅÂ
there's a world going on                                        í¾ ¼¸À ²µ´µÂ ¶¸·½Ì
Underground                                                     ß¾´ ·µ¼»µ¹

all the roots hang down                                         Ú¾À½¸ °¼ ²¸ÁÏÂ
swing from town to town                                         Ó¾À¾´° Á¾ÏÂ
they are marching around                                        â°¼ ²½¸·Ã
down under your boots                                           ß¾´ ²¾¸¼ ±°È¼°º¾¼
all the trucks unload                                           ݸ¶µ ½¾À ºÀ¾Â¾²
beyond the gopher holes                                         Ò°³¾½µÂ¾º À¾²
there's a world going on                                        í¾ ¼¸À ²µ´µÂ ¶¸·½Ì
Underground                                                     ß¾´ ·µ¼»µ¹

Yesterday Is Here                                               Ú¾³´° ¿À¸´µÂ ²ÇµÀ°

If you want money in your pocket                                âË Å¾ÇµÈÌ ´µ½µ³ ² º¾Èµ»µÇµº
and a top hat on your head                                      Ø Á¸»Ì½Ë¹ ºµ¿¸ ½°±µºÀµ½Ì
a hot meal on your table                                        Ó¾ÀÏÇÃÎ µ´Ã ½° Á¾»
and a blanket on your bed                                       Ø Âµ¿»Ë¹ ¿»µ´ ² ¿¾Áµ»Ì.
well today is grey skies                                        áµ³¾´½Ï ½µ±¾ ² ÁµÀ¾¼
tomorrow is tears                                               Ð ·°²ÂÀ° Á»µ· ²¾´°
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here                       âË ¶´µÈÌ ¿¾º° ²ÇµÀ° ¿À¸´µÂ Áδ°
Well I'm going to New York City                                 ç¾ ¶, ° Ï µ´Ã ² ÝÌÎ-Ù¾Àº-á¸Â¸
and I'm leaving on a train                                      ï õ·¶°Î, ½Ã ¸ ¿ÃÁÂÌ
and if you want to stay behind and                              Ø µÁ»¸ žǵÈÌ - ¾Á°²°¹ÁÏ
wait til I come back again                                      âË ¶´¸ ¼µ½Ï -  ¸ Ï ²µÀ½ÃÁÌ
well today is grey skies                                        áµ³¾´½Ï ½µ±¾ ² ÁµÀ¾¼
tomorrow is tears                                               Ð ·°²ÂÀ° Á»µ· ²¾´°
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here                       âË ¶´µÈÌ ¿¾º° ²ÇµÀ° ¿À¸´µÂ Áδ°
If you want to go                                               Ø º¾»Ì ·°Å¾ÇµÈÌ Ã¹Â¸
where  the rainbows end                                         âô°, ³´µ À°´Ã³¸ º¾½µÆ
you'll have to say goodbye                                      âË ´¾»¶µ½ ²Áµ¼ Áº°·°ÂÌ ¿À¾É°¹
all our dreams come true                                        ÒÁµ ½°È¸ Á½Ë ½°Á ¶´ÃÂ
baby up ahead                                                   â°¼, ´µÂº°,  ²¿µÀµ´¸
and it's out where  your memories lie                           â°¼, ³´µ ²¾¸Å ²¾Á¿¾¼¸½°½¸¹ À°¹
well the road's out before me                                   ç¾ ¶, ²¾Â ´¾À¾³° ¿Àµ´¾ ¼½¾Î
and the moon is shining bright                                  Ý°´ ½µÎ ÏÀº°Ï »Ã½°
what I want you to remember                                     ç¾ Ï Å¾ÇÃ, Ǿ± ÂË ·°¿¾¼½¸»°
as I disappear tonight                                          â¾, º°º ¸Áǵ·½Ã Ï
today is grey skies                                             áµ³¾´½Ï ½µ±¾ ² ÁµÀ¾¼
tomorrow's tears                                                Ð ·°²ÂÀ° Á»µ· ²¾´°
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here                       âË ¶´µÈÌ ¿¾º° ²ÇµÀ° ¿À¸´µÂ Áδ°
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here                       âË ¶´µÈÌ ¿¾º° ²ÇµÀ° ¿À¸´µÂ Áδ°

Ruby's Arms                                                     àú¸ àñ¸

i will leave behind all of my clothes,                          Þ´µ¶´Ã ²ÁÎ Á²¾Î ¾Á°²»Î
i wore when i was with you,                                     µµ ½¾Á¸» º¾³´° Ï ±Ë» Á ¾±¾Î
all I need's my railroad boots,                                 Û¸ÈÌ ¿Ãµ²Ëµ ±°È¼°º¸,
and my leather jacket,                                          Ô° ºÃÀÂºÃ Ï ²¾·Ì¼Ã Á Á¾±¾¹
as i say goodbye to ruby's arms,                                Òµ´Ì Ï Áº°¶Ã ¿À¾É°¹ ²¾¸¼ Àú°¼
although my heart is breaking,                                  å¾ÂÌ ÁµÀ´Æ° »µ´ À°Áº¾»¾Â
i will steal away out through your blinds,                      ï ¿À¾Áº¾»Ì·½Ã Áº¾Àµ¹ ¼¸¼¾ ·°ºÀËÂËÅ ³»°·
for soon you will be waking.                                    ßÀ¾Á½µÈÌÁÏ ÂË Ã¶ Áº¾À¾

the morning light has washed your face,                         Ҿ Á²µÂ ·°À¸ ¾¼Ë» »¸Æ¾
and everything is turning blue now,                             ᵹǰÁ ÂË Â°º ¿ÀµºÀ°Á½°
hold on to your pillow case                                     âË ¾±½Ï»° Á²¾Î ¿¾´ÃȺÃ
there's nothing i can do now,                                   áÂ¾Î Ï ·´µÁÌ ½°¿À°Á½¾
as i say goodbye to ruby's arms,                                ï ³¾²¾ÀÎ ¿À¾É°¹ ²¾¸¼ Àú°¼
you'll find another soldier,                                    Òµ´Ì ÂË ½°¹´µÈÌ ´Àó¾³¾
and i swear to god by christmastime                             Ø Ï º»Ï½ÃÁÌ ¿¾´ ྶ´µÁ²¾
there will be someone else to hold you.                         Ò Çö¸Å ¾±ÌÏÂÌÏÅ ±Ã´µÈÌ Á½¾²°

the only thing i'm taking is                                    ï Á ±µ»Ìµ²ËÅ ²µÀµ²¾º Á½Ï»
the scarf off of your clothesline,                              ¿»°Â¾Çµº ²¾¹ ½° ¿°¼ÏÂÌ
i'll hurry past your chest of drawers,                          Ø ¾±Å¾¶Ã º¾¼¾´ Áº¾Àµ¹
and your broken window chimes,                                  á Á¾±¾¹ ½µ ² Á¸»°Å Á»°´¸ÂÌ
as i say goodbye i'll say goodbye,                              ï ³¾²¾ÀÎ ¿À¾É°¹, ¸ Ï Áº°¶Ã ¿À¾É°¹
say goodbye to ruby's arms.                                     Ằ¶Ã ¿À¾É°¹ ²¾¸¼ Àú°¼.

i'll feel my way down the darken hall,                          ܵ½Ï ò¾´¸Â µ¼½Ë¹ ž»»,
and out into the morning,                                       ò¾´¸Â ¿Àϼ¾ ² ÃÂÀ¾
the hobos at the freight yards,                                 ÑÀ¾´Ï³¸ ² ³À÷¾²ËÅ Áº»°´°Å
have kept their fires burning,                                  Þ³¾½Ì ÅÀ°½¸»¸ ¼Ã´À¾
so jesus christ this goddamn rain,                              Þ, ±¾¶µ ¼¾¹, ; ǵÀ¾² ´¾¶´Ì,
will someone put me on a train,                                 ßÃÁ¸ ¼µ½Ï ½° ¿¾µ·´ Þ´Ïɸ¹ ¿À¾ÇÌ
i'll never kiss your lips again,                                ݵ ¿¾Æµ»ÃΠ²¾¸ ³Ã±Ë ²½¾²Ì
or break your heart,                                            Ø ÁµÀ´Æµ ½µ ²·¾À²µÂ »Î±¾²Ì
as i say goodbye i'll say goodbye,                              ï »¸ÈÌ Áº°¶Ã ¿À¾É°¹, ´°, Ï Áº°¶Ã ¿À¾É°¹,
say goodbye to ruby's arms.                                     Ằ¶Ã ¿À¾É°¹ ²¾¸¼ Àú°¼.

Red Shoes by the Drugstore                                      ÚÀ°Á½Ëµ ÂÃÄ»¸ à °¿Âµº¸

She wore red shoes by the drugstore                             Ò ºÀ°Á½ËÅ ÂÃĵ»Ìº°Å ¾½° Á¾ϻ° à °¿Âµº¸
as the rain splashed the nickel                                 ß¾Áº¾»ÌºÃ ´¾¶´Ì ·°»¸» ²µÁÌ Ý¸ºµ»Ì
spilled like chablis along the midway                           ßÀ¾»¸»ÁÏ º°º ²¸½¾ ½° ¿¾»¿Ã¸.
theres a little bluejay                                         Ú°º-±Ã´Â¾ ½µ±¾»ÌÈ°Ï ¿Â°Èº°
in a red dress, on a sad night                                  Ò ºÀ°Á½¾¼ ¿»°Â̵, ² ¿µÇ°»Ì½¾¹ ½¾Ç¸,
one straw in a rootbeer                                         á¾»¾¼º° ² ȸ¿Ãǵ¼ ½°¿¸Âºµ,
a compact with a cracked mirror                                 ßôÀµ½¸Æ° Á ÂÀµÁ½ÃÂ˼ ·µÀº°»¾¼,
and a bottle of evening in paris perfume                        Ø Ä»°º¾½Ç¸º ¿°À¸¶Áº¸Å ´Ãž².

he told her to wait in by the magazines                         Þ½ ¶´°ÂÌ µ³¾ ²µ»µ» µ¹ à º¸¾Áº°
he had to take care of some buisness it seems                   Þ½ Ǿ-¾ ´¾»¶µ½ ±Ë» ´¾´µ»°ÂÌ, µ¹ º°·°»¾ÁÌ,
bring a raincoat and a suitcase                                 Ò¾·Ì¼¸ Á²¾¹ ¿»°É ¸ Áü¾ÇºÃ
and your dark eyes                                              Ø Âµ¼½Ëµ ³»°·°
and wear those red shoes                                        Ø ÂÃĵ»Ìº¸ ºÀ°Á½Ëµ ½°´µ½Ì

theres a dark huddle at the bus stop                            âµ¼½°Ï ¾»¿° ½° ¾Á°½¾²ºµ
umbrellas arranged in a sad bouquet                             Ò ±ÃºµÂµ ³ÀÃÁ¸ À°ÁƲµ»¸ ·¾½ÂË
li'l cesaer got caught                                          Û¸ æµ·°ÀÏ ¿¾¹¼°»¸,
he was going down to second                                     Ý°ºÀË»ÁÏ ·° ÁµºÃ½´Ã
he was cooled                                                   Ø ±Ë» ¾½ ¾Å»°¶´µ½.
changing stations on the chamber                                ßÀ¾¸·¾È»° ·°¼µ½° ² À°Á¿¸Á°½Ì¸
to steal a diamond                                              ãºÀ°ÁÂÌ °»¼°·
from a jewelry store for his baby                               Ø· βµ»¸À½¾¹ »°²º¸ ´»Ï ½µµ.
he loved the way she looked in those red shoes                  Þ, º°º »Î±¸» ¾½ µµ ² ͸ŠºÀ°Á½ËÅ ÂÃĵ»Ìº°Å.

she waited by the drugstore                                     Þ½° µ³¾ ¶´°»° °¼, à °¿Âµº¸
cesaer had never been this late before                          Ô¾ ;³¾ ¾½ ½¸ À°·Ã ½µ ¾¿¾·´°»
and the dogs bayed the moon                                     á¾±°º¸ ²Ë»¸ ½° »Ã½Ã
and rattled their chains                                        ØÅ ³À¾Å¾Â°»¸ Ƶ¿¸
and the cold jingle of taps in a puddle                         Ú°º »Ì´Ëȵº ² »Ã¶µ ÂÀµÁº
was the burglar alarm                                           ÑË»° Á¸³½°»¸·°Æ¸Ï
snitching on ceasar                                             ß¾´Á°²¸²È°Ï æµ·°ÀÏ

now the rain washes memories from the sidewalks                 ᵹǰÁ ´¾¶´Ì Á¼Ë²°µÂ ¿°¼ÏÂÌ Á ÂÀ¾ÂðÀ°
and the hounds splash down the nickel                           Ø Á¾±°º¸ ¿»µÉÃÂÁÏ ²½¸· ݸºµ»Ï,
full of soldiers                                                Áµ³¾´½Ï ·´µÁÌ ¿¾»½¾ Á¾»´°Â¾²,
and santa claus is drunk in the ski room                        Ø ² »Ë¶½¾¹ º¾¼½°Âµ ½°¶À°»ÁÏ Ôµ´ ܾÀ¾·,
and it's christmas eve in a sad cafe                            á¾Çµ»Ì½¸º ² ¿¾»Ã¿ÃÁ¾¼ º°Äµ
when the moon gets this way                                     ÞÂÂô° ²¸´½¾, º¾³´° »Ã½° ¾Á²µÂ¸Â ³¾À¾´
there's a little blue jay                                       Ú°º-±Ã´Â¾ ½µ±¾»ÌÈ°Ï ¿Â°Èº°
by the newstand                                                 à º¸¾Áº°
wearing red shoes                                               Á ºÀ°Á½Ë¼¸ ÂÃĵ»Ìº°¼¸ ½° ½¾³°Å

so meet me tonight by the drugstore                             â°º ²ÁÂÀµÂÌ ¼µ½Ï Áµ³¾´½Ï à °¿Âµº¸
we're goin out tonight                                          Ø ¼Ë ¿¾¹´µ¼ Áµ³¾´½Ï ²µÇµÀ¾¼ ³Ã»ÏÂÌ
wear your red shoes                                             Ø ÂÃĵ»Ìº¸ ºÀ°Á½Ëµ ½°´µ½Ì

Falling Down                                                    ß°´°Ï

I have come 500 miles just to see a halo                        ï ¿À¾Èµ» 500 ¼¸»Ì, Ǿ±Ë ²¸´µÂÌ ½¸¼± ²¾¹
Come from St. Petersburg, Scarlett and me                       Ø· á°½ºÂ-ߵµÀ±ÃÀ³° ¿À¸±Ë»¸ ẰÀ»µÂ ¸ Ï
Well I open my eyes, I was blind as can be                      ç¾ ¶, Ï ¾ÂºÀ¾Î ³»°·°, ¼¾¶µÂ ±Ë» Ï Á»µ¿¾¹,
When you give a man luck, he must fall in the sea               ÕÁ»¸ ¼½µ ¿¾²µ·»¾, ¿¾Çµ¼Ã Ï Â¾½Ã ² µŠ¼¾ÀÏÅ
And she wants you to steal and get caught                       Ø ¾½° žǵÂ, Ǿ± ÂË ÃºÀ°» ¸ µ±Ï ·°¼µ»¸
For she loves you for all that you are not                      â°º º°º »Î±¸Â »¸ÈÌ Â¾, Ǿ ÂË - ½µÂ
When you're falling down, falling down                          Ú¾³´° ÂË ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·
When you're falling down, falling down, falling down            Ú¾³´° ÂË ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·

You forget all the roses, don't come around on Sunday           âË ·°±Ã´µÈÌ ²Áµ À¾·Ë, ½µ ¿À¸¹´µÈÌ ² ²Ëž´½¾¹
She's not gonna choose you for standing so tall                 Ô»Ï ½µµ ÂË ½µ ¿À¸½Æ ¸ ½µ ±¾³
Go on and take a swig of that poison and like it                ßÀ¾´¾»¶°¹, ²Ë¿¸²°ÂÌ ²µÁÌ Â¾Â Ï´ ¸ ¿¾´¾±½¾ ;¼Ã
And don't ask for silverware, don't ask for nothing             Ø ½µ ¿À¾Á¸Âµ ¾ ÁµÀµ±Àµ, ½µ ¿À¾Á¸ ¾ ½¸Çµ¼
Go on and put your ear to the ground                            ßÀ¾´¾»¶°¹, ¿À¸»¾¶¸ Á²¾µ Þ º ·µ¼»µ
You know you will be hearing that sound......falling down.      Ø ·½°µÈÌ, ÂË ÃÁ»ËȸÈÌ Â¾Â ·²Ãº - ¿°´µ½¸Ï ²½¸·
You're falling down, falling down                               âË ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·
Falling down, Falling down, falling down                        ß°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·
When you're falling down, falling down, falling down            Ú¾³´° ÂË ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·

Go on down and see that wrecking ball come swinging on along    ßÀ¾´¾»¶°¹ ¸ Á¼¾ÂÀ¸, º°Ç°ÏÁÌ ±»¸·¸ÂÁÏ È°À
Everyone knew that hotel was a goner                            Ø ²Áµ ·½°»¸, Á½µÁྠ¾Âµ»Ì
They broke all the windows, they took all the door knobs        Þ½¸ À°·±¸»¸ ²Áµ ¾º½°, Á½Ï»¸ ²Áµ º½¾¿º¸ ¸ ´²µÀÌ
And they hauled it away in a couple of days                     Ø Ã²µ·»¸ ; ²Áµ ´²° ´½Ï ½°·°´
Now someone yell timber and take off your hat                   ⵿µÀÌ ºÂ¾-¾ ´¾Áº¸ ÁÂÀ¾³°µÂ, Á½¸¼°µÂ ȻϿà ²¾Î
It's a lot smaller down here on the ground                      í¾ Á°¼°Ï ¼°»¾ÁÂÌ »¸ÈÌ ·´µÁÌ ½° ·µ¼»µ
You're falling down, falling down, falling down                 âË ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·
Falling down, falling down, falling down                        ß°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µÈÌ ²½¸·

Someone's falling down, falling down, falling down              ç̵-¾ ¿°´µ½¸µ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µ½¸µ ²½¸·, ¿°´°µ½¸µ ²½¸·
Falling down, falling down, falling down                        ß°´µ½¸µ ²½¸·, ¿°´µ½¸µ ²½¸·, ¿°´µ½¸µ ²½¸·.

Last-modified: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 19:51:40 GMT
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