GNU, raznoobraznoe chislo postavshchikov. Ona dinamichna, t.e. mozhno sobrat' svoe yadro, pod svoi konkretnye nuzhdy.

Windows NT daet Vam sploshnye ogranicheniya: tol'ko Intel ili Alpha; net CLI, tol'ko GUI (poprobujte zagruzit' NT v rezhime tol'ko CLI) i tol'ko odin GUI (net togo raznoobraziya okonnyh sistem, kotorye est' pod X); tol'ko kommercheskie MTA, tol'ko Microsoft (hot' raz slyshali o drugih kompaniyah, predlagayushchih "klon NT Server" OS?), i t.d. NT Server statichna, t.e. nikogda ne budet vozmozhnosti sobrat' yadro na zakaz. Odno yadro na vse sluchai. Hotya Microsoft ne edinstvennyj "orientirovannyj na ogranicheniya" postavshchik PO, predlagayushchij svoi sobstvennye zakrytye resheniya, hotelos' by nadeyat'sya, chto kompanii prodvigayushchie otkrytye sistemy i resheniya budut preobladat'. Kompaniya Netscape odna iz takih, ukazyvaet na poziciyu Microsoft po zapreshcheniyu i ogranicheniyu vybora v otnoshenii drugih produktov:

[Nasha] strategiya v rezkom kontraste s takimi kompaniyami kak Microsoft, biznes-model' kotoroj zavisit ot apgrejda pol'zovatelej na poslednyuyu versiyu kazhdoj OS. Rassmatrivaya etu model' komponentov Microsoft, ActiveX, i drugie osnovnye komponenty, ponimaem, chto oni razrabotany dlya raboty tol'ko pod 32-bitnymi Windows. Mnogie Microsoft API takzhe rabotayut tol'ko pod 32-bitnymi Windows. Naprimer, prilozhenie, ispol'zuyushchee ADSI (Microsoft API dlya dostupa k protokolu sluzhby katalogov LDAP), ne budet rabotat' pod sushchestvuyushchimi Win16 klientami, ne govorya uzhe o Macintosh ili Unix sistemah. Netscape LDAP API dostupen na 17 platformah na C i eshche na bol'shem chisle na Java. Vdobavok, budushchie servisy Microsoft takie kak obrabotka tranzakcij "Viper" i peredacha soobshchenij "Falcon" budut rabotat' tol'ko na NT 5.0 - naprimer, BD Oracle, rabotayushchaya na Unix, ne podderzhivaetsya. Raznica ochevidna: s Microsoft, razrabotchiki pishut tol'ko pod platformu Windows, s Netscape, oni pishut pod platformu Internet.
-- Netscape, Netscape ONE Advantages
Pohozhe, chto vopros, kakuyu operacionnuyu sistemu vybrat' budet chisto teoreticheskim, ishodya iz informacii privedennoj zdes', kogda kazhdyj den' kakomu-nibud' vysokokvalificirovannomu sistemnomu/setevomu administratoru ego menedzher soobshchaet, chto kompaniya perehodit na NT. Administrator budet oshelomlen i smushchen, esli on uzhe znakom s informaciej pomeshchennoj v etoj stat'e. Vot komu dejstvitel'no sleduet prochest' ee, tak eto rukovodstvu Vashej kompanii. Slishkom chasto rukovodstvo raskachivaet lodku i razrushaet garmoniyu stabil'nogo, ekonomicheski , i tehnicheski prevoshodyashchego resheniya, kogda oni vdrug obnaruzhivayut, chto ne odobrennaya operacionnaya sistema ispol'zovalas' v techenie nekotorogo vremeni, rukovodstvuyas' isklyuchitel'no politicheskimi prichinami:
"Korporativnye IT menedzhery zametyat kogda-nibud', mashinu v uglu, i uznayut, chto eto Web server otdela, chto on rabotaet uzhe poltora goda, i kstati rabotaet pod Linux. Normal'naya reakciya budet nemedlenno zaapgrejdit' ee do NT, no ne sluchitsya li tak, chto oni opyat' vernutsya k Linux, iz-za upavshej proizvoditel'nosti.
-- Linus Torvalds talks economics and operating systems, InfoWorld, April 9, 1998.
Ochen' tipichnyj sluchaj proizoshel s Cisco Systems Inc. tam, nesmotrya na prikaz iz glavnogo upravleniya perejti na NT, vse eshche rabotayut pod Linux (zdes' podrobnosti). Ochevidno, chast' tehnicheskogo personala otkazalas' vypolnyat' etot prikaz. Pochemu Vy dumaete eti lyudi riskuyut svoim polozheniem iz-za etoj situacii? Otvet ya ostavlyu za Vami.

Esli Vy menedzher, popytajtes' ispol'zovat' etu informaciyu mudro, chtoby povysit' vychislitel'nuyu sposobnost' po Vashim sredstvam. Pogovorite so svoimi specialistami, i uznajte, chto u nih rabotaet. Primite pravil'noe reshenie. Ne davajte prodavcam sebya odurachit', kotorye prosto zhuzhzhat slovami, no ne mogut ih ob®yasnit', uzhe ne govorya o svyazi s vychislitel'nymi zadachami vashej kompanii. Razyshchite kompanii, ispol'zuyushchie oba tipa reshenij, s primeneniem Microsoft i UNIX serverov. Popytajtes' vstretit'sya s ih tehnicheskim personalom, chtoby poluchit' ob®ektivnye, neposredstvennye otchety o prigodnosti, slozhnosti realizacii, i nachal'nyh+tekushchih izderzhkah na tehnicheskoe obsluzhivanie i tekushchij remont, svyazannye s predlozhennym resheniem.

Linux i NT Server 4.0 na pervyj vzglyad

Tak kak NT chasto vybiraetsya na osnove effektivnyh cenovyh apparatnyh reshenij, Linux budet v kachestve sistemy UNIX v etom sravnenii, iz-za ih procvetaniya na apparature Intel.

Primechanie: Zdes' perechisleny tol'ko te elementy/svojstva, kotorye fakticheski postavlyayutsya s operacionnoj sistemoj, ukazannoj zdes'. Perl 5.0, naprimer, dostupen dlya vseh platform, no Microsoft ne obespechivaet im operacionnye sistemy. Tochno takzhe, bol'shinstvo distributivov Linux postavlyayutsya tol'ko primerno s chetyr'mya GUI (okonnymi menedzherami), odnako kak sleduet iz predydushchego razdela stat'i, eto tol'ko malaya chast' togo, chto dostupno dlya Linux, ili lyuboj drugoj OS UNIX v etom otnoshenii.
Component Linux Windows NT Server 4.0
Operacionnaya sistema Besplatnaya, ili okolo $49.95 za distributiv na CD-ROM Versiya na 5 pol'zovatelej $809
versiya na 10-pol'zovatelej $1129
versiya Enterprise Edition na 25-pol'zovatelej $3,999
Besplatnaya tehnicheskaya podderzhka on-lajn Est', Linux Online ili Redhat Net
Ishodnyj kod yadra Est' Net
Web Server Apache Web Server IIS
FTP Server Est' Est'
Telnet Server Est' Net
SMTP/POP3 Server Est' Net
DNS Est' Est', hotya soobshchaetsya, chto krivo realizovan i ogranichennaya funkcional'nost'
Setevye vozmozhnosti TCP/IP, IPv6, NFS, SMB, IPX/SPX, NCP Server (NetWare Server), AppleTalk, plyus mnozhestvo drugih protokolov TCP/IP, SMB, IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, plyus mnozhestvo drugih protokolov
X Window Server
(Dlya zapuska udalennyh GUI prilozhenij)
Est' Net
Sredstva udalennogo administrirovaniya Est' vse sredstva Tol'ko "User Manager for Domains"
i "Server Manager"
News Server Est' Net
C i C++ kompilyatory Est' Net
Perl 5.0 Est' Net
Revision Control Est', RCS Net
CHislo podderzhivaemyh fajlovyh sistem 32 3
Podderzhka diskovyh kvot Est' Net
CHislo dostupnyh GUI (okonnyh menedzherov) 4 1

CHto ispol'zuyut krupnye kompanii? Books, krupnejshij v mire virtual'nyj knizhnyj magazin, ispol'zuet DIGITAL UNIX AlphaServer 2000 sistemy dlya podderzhaniya svoego Internet-biznesa rabotosposobnym kruglosutochno. Tehnologiya DIGITAL VLM64 pozvolyaet klientam vsegda imet' dostup k dannym. "Rasshirennye vozmozhnosti Web servera serii DIGITAL AlphaServer, vmeste s gibkim mehanizmom apgrejda, obespechivayut prekrasnoe reshenie dlya nashego bystrorastushchego biznesa."


Operacionnye sistemy: HP-UX, IRIX, Solaris, i bol'shee, chem hotelos' by tehnicheskomu personalu, kolichestvo NT.
Read what Linus Torvalds has to say about Boeing!
Web server: Netscape-Enterprise 2.01

The Dallas Cowboys

Operacionnye sistemy: IRIX (Silicon Graphics UNIX Operating System) i UNIX System V Release 4.0
MTA: Netscape Messaging Server 3.01
Web: Netscape-Enterprise 3.0

Dow Corning

"My osushchestvlyaem mirovye operacii i vsegda ispol'zovali mejnfrejmy. Vybiraya Sun, my riskovali bol'she, chem v drugih sluchayah, no oni prosto porazili nas svoej tehnologiej i garantiej. Teper', kogda my rabotaem s Sun, esli by dazhe prishlos' nachat' vse s nachala, my ne prinyali by drugoe reshenie. Sun delaet, chto obeshchaet."
-- Mark Smith, Manager of Information Technology Systems, Dow Corning

Hotmail, teper' prinadlezhit The Microsoft Corporation

|tot besplatnyj web-orientirovannyj e-mail servis rabotaet pod smes'yu Sun Solaris i FreeBSD. Apache 1.2.1 eto PO Web servera. Posle priobreteniya Microsoft kompanii v dekabre 1997, oni pytalis' perejti na NT, no ". . . potrebnost' podderzhivat' 10 millionov pol'zovatelej slishkom kruto dlya NT, i Solaris vernuli obratno." Polnost'yu istoriya zdes': Solaris calls Hotmail shots for Microsoft.

United States Postal Service

"Pochtovaya sluzhba Soedinennyh shtatov ustanovila bolee 900 sistem pod Linux po vsem Soedinennym SHtatam v 1997 godu dlya avtomaticheskogo raspoznavaniya adresatov na obrazcah pochty. Kazhdaya sistema sostoit iz 5 dvuh Pentium Pro 200MHz (PP200) komp'yuterov i odinochnoj PP200, vse pod upravleniem Linux."
-- John Taves, Linux is reading your mail, April 8, 1998


". . . Neskol'ko dnej nazad my dobavili mashinu s FreeBSD v nash klaster Web serverov. Ona ne tol'ko prevoshodit po bystrodejstviyu ostal'nye mashiny, no i bolee ustojchiva. Neskol'ko nedel' eksperimenta i my ubedilis'. Hotya cena byla konechno privlekatel'na, no stabil'nost', proizvoditel'nost', i dostup k ishodnomu tekstu, vot chto nas podkupilo. S teh por kak my poprobovali FreeBSD, to pochti polnost'yu ispol'zovali ee dlya proizvodstva, takzhe kak i nashi razrabotki v etoj oblasti."
-- David Filo, Co-founder of Yahoo! (FreeBSD News, Issue 1)

|tot spisok businesses using Linux in their day-to-day operations pytaetsya dovesti do obshchestvennosti dejstvitel'nost' o Linux, kak zhiznesposobnoj al'ternativy kommercheskim OS UNIX. Upominayutsya takie kompanii, kak Cisco Systems Inc., Sony WorldWide Networks, Mercedes-Benz, i Yellow Cab Service Corporation. Naryadu s nazvaniyami kompanij, privoditsya opisanie oblastej, v kotoryh oni ispol'zuyut Linux.

InfoWorld nedavno pisal o vozmozhnosti perehoda Cisco Systems Inc. s Linux na Windows NT:

"Govorya o smene platformy, Cisco Systems mozhet smenit' ee v ih vnutrennej seti print-serverov. Vidimo, sushchestvuyushchaya infrastruktura kompanii, osnovannaya na Linux i prekrasno rabotayushchaya, ne ostanovila rebyat naverhu ot zhelaniya vse peremeshat'. Mne soobshchayut, chto v svete bolee tesnyh vzaimootnoshenij mezhdu Cisco i Microsoft, glavnoe upravlenie vydalo rasporyazhenie, chto sushchestvuyushchaya sistema budet ubrana v pol'zu Windows NT-orientirovannoj ustanovki. Na slovah -- da, no iz-za inercii, i nesmotrya na prikaz sverhu, sistema pechati vse eshche -- kak Vy dogadalis' -- osnovana na Linux.
-- Robert X. Cringley, "No Sunday in the Park: Rain Pushes platforms closer to the precipice," in: InfoWorld, February 23, 1998, vol. 20, issue 8, p. 115.
Linus Torvalds, osnovatel' Linux, upominaet v svoem interv'yu InfoWorld, chto Linux, ochen' chasto mozhet byt' v nekotoryh kompaniyah v "spiske neoficial'no odobrennyh":
"No ne mnogie hotyat vyjti iz kabineta, chtoby oficial'no skazat', chto oni ispol'zuyut Linux. NASA ochen' otkryta v podderzhke Linux, kak i universitety. YA znayu, chto Linux ispol'zuetsya v takih mestah kak Boeing, no ya ne mogu pokazat' lyudyam Web stranicu, gde by ob etom govorilos'.
-- Linus Torvalds talks economics and operating systems, InfoWorld, April 9, 1998.

Shodnye ssylki

The Cathedral and the Bazaar
by Eric S. Raymond, 29 January 1998.

Microsoft: The Joker of Enterprise IS Computing
by The AberdeenGroup, Executive Viewpoint, Volume 10 / Number 20, September 29, 1997.

Interoperability: Possibility or Elusive Dream? -- An Executive White Paper
by The AberdeenGroup, March 1998.

OnSite - Case Study: Migration Migraines
by The AberdeenGroup, 1997.

Windows NT no match for Unix, IDC says
by Rob Guth, Computerworld, 7-24-97.

1997 Product of the Year Award: Operating Systems - Network Operating System
by Eric Hammond, InfoWorld Test Center.

1997 Product of the Year Award: Best Technical Support Award
by Ed Foster, InfoWorld Test Center.

Linux Reviews and Articles by Christopher Blizzard.
Stranica soderzhit 65 statej i obzorov o Linux.

Linux Grows Up: Red Hat's commercial Linux beats NT at its own game, by Maggie Briggs.
Avtor -- starshij analitik v test-centre InfoWorld. Ona specializiruetsya na tehnologiyah BD i dizajne prilozhenij, razrabotke, i raspredelenii cherez intranet i drugie seti.

Linux lines up for the enterprise: Is there a place in your shop for this inexpensive Unix?
by Rick Cook, in: SunWorld - January 1998.

Lookin' into Linux
by Mark Gibbs, Network World, March 30, 1998.

Doing the math to resolve the NT vs. Unix debate
by Wayne Spivak, Network World, August 18, 1997

The advantages of using BSDI BSD/OS over Windows NT Server
iServer - Verio Web Hosting Inc. - Virutal Servers

Linux: Not Just For Geeks And College Kids Anymore, by Jason Perlow, ZDNet, February 11, 1998.

Leaning Toward Linux: Powerful, robust, and free, Linux is worth investigating, especially if you plan to set up an Internet domain by Neil Randall, ZDNet - PC Magazine Online, July 1997, Vol 16, No. 13.

Replacing Windows NT Server with Linux by Quinn P. Coldiron, Information Systems Department manager for the University of Nebraska Press.

An In-Depth Analysis of Five Commercial UNIX Operating Systems and Windows NT Server 4.0 (Enterprise Edition) by D.H. Brown Associates, Inc.

Comparing BSDI and NT: Building Intranet and Internet Servers with BSDI and Windows NT

The Standish Group - SUN Also Rises: Solaris Vs. NT

BitWizard B.V. "UNIX vs. NT"

THE H-REPORT: Which Operating System For Your 'Intranet'?

Linux Helps Bring Titanic to Life
Daryll Strauss, LINUX Journal, Issue #46, February 1998.


My very special thanks to Martin Vermeer, who through his expert advice, has been, and continues to be, an invaluable contributor to the positive development of this dynamic project. My deepest appreciation goes to the translators who have been generous enough to donate their time to this worthy cause: Hanus Adler for the Czech translation, Kobayashi Osamu for the Japanese translation, Bruno H. Collovini for the Portuguese translation, Miguel Angel Sepulveda who arranged for the article to be translated into Spanish, and JosI M. Laveda, who translated it. My thanks also to Nat Makarevitch and Cyril Bouthors, who are currently working on a French translation, and to Michele Dalla Silvestra, who is working on the Italian translation.

I would also like to thank the many readers who have contributed links to important new articles on this topic, for instance, Peter Chen, Ariel Faigon, Paul Fischer, Jim Mohr, John Oram, Raj Warty, and countless others.

Equally appreciated is the constructive criticism from Keith H.J. Bevins, Joris Braakman, Phillip Chu, Baruch Cochavy, Nicholas Donovan, Julian Elischer, Steve Fuller, Alex Gogan, Jake Hamby, Peter Jeremy, Adam Johnson, Geoffrey King, Hannu Krosing, Greg Lehey, Kimberly McBride, Richard Smith, and David Waine, to name just a few.

No less important was the assistance provided by Leif Erlingsson and Damon Conway back around the end of March when I had to upgrade my connection and needed their mirroring services, both of whom continue to provide mirrors to this site. Last but not least, my thanks to Ryan Sumner for his everlasting moral support on this project.Martin Vermeer, who through his expert advice, has been, and continues to be, an invaluable contributor to the positive development of this dynamic project. My deepest appreciation goes to the translators who have been generous enough to donate their time to this worthy cause: Hanus Adler for the Czech translation, Kobayashi Osamu for the Japanese translation, Bruno H. Collovini for the Portuguese translation, Miguel Angel Sepulveda who arranged for the article to be translated into Spanish, and JosI M. Laveda, who translated it. My thanks also to Nat Makarevitch and Cyril Bouthors, who are currently working on a French translation, and to Michele Dalla Silvestra, who is working on the Italian translation.

I would also like to thank the many readers who have contributed links to important new articles on this topic, for instance, Peter Chen, Ariel Faigon, Paul Fischer, Jim Mohr, John Oram, Raj Warty, and countless others.

Equally appreciated is the constructive criticism from Keith H.J. Bevins, Joris Braakman, Phillip Chu, Baruch Cochavy, Nicholas Donovan, Julian Elischer, Steve Fuller, Alex Gogan, Jake Hamby, Peter Jeremy, Adam Johnson, Geoffrey King, Hannu Krosing, Greg Lehey, Kimberly McBride, Richard Smith, and David Waine, to name just a few.

No less important was the assistance provided by Leif Erlingsson and Damon Conway back around the end of March when I had to upgrade my connection and needed their mirroring services, both of whom continue to provide mirrors to this site. Last but not least, my thanks to Ryan Sumner for his everlasting moral support on this project.