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     ,      ,  
    .     ,      
     .   .

      *Oil Can* ,*Matches*, *Maracas*, *Wood Alcohol*, *Bottle* 
    *Flask*.  *Key*  .      *Gas Can*
       ,        ,
    .     *Ace of Diamonds*  *Gold Bullet*.
       *Bottle*   *Token*   
   *Oil Lamp*. ,   .


    *Oil Can*  *Oil Lamp*     *Matches*.
    *Cane*  ,       
   .           ,
      ,      *Maracas* 
    ,         .


    *Stone*   .   *Amulet*.
    *Cane* - *Cell Key*.  .    
   ,  ,    ,     
    .    ,    *Wood Alcohol*
      *Flask*.     ,  
    ,     .    
   *Shotgun*   ,    *Cell Key* 
   *Winchester* -     *Sheriff's Budge*  *Bullets for
   Winchester*.     ,    .

  - :

     *Wipe*, *Cast Iron Plate*, *Cartrige Belt*    
   ,   ,  *Bag Full of Gold Coins*.  
       *Gold Bullet*     *Sack
   Full of Scorpion*  *Cast Iron Plate*  .  
      *Voodoo Hangman's Rope*.   
   *Winchester*.   ,       
   .    *Voodoo Hangman's Rope* -   
    .        *Sack Full of
   Scorpion*  ,    .   
    ,    *A Stick of Dynamite*  *A Piece of Dried
   Meat*.   ,   *Gatling Gun*, *Short Fuse*, 
   ,      .  *Matches* 
   ,  .    ,    
     ,       .
      .  *Machine*.   
   *Sheriff's Badge*,   *Wipe*     .   
    .  *Flask*   .  *Bullet
   for Winchester*    .       ,


    *Matches*        .
    ,    . 
 *Sheet from Newspaper*.  *Dried Meat*    . 
 *Token*,   *Night Valet*  *Flask*  .   .
      *Arrow*.    . 
 .   *30/30 Bullet*, *Bulb*, *Pearl*.  
  *Key*.     .  *Costume
 Jewelry Ring*.  *Key*  , .  *Diamond Ring*
  *Diamond*,     .  *Bullets for
 Winchester*, *Instruction Sheet*, *Diary*.   ,  
  ,   *Night Valet*  .   
  ,   ,  .     
 .     *Key*.    *Shutter 
 Release*, *Instruction Sheet*.        
 .  *Bulb*, *Shutter Release*.  *Key*  
 .     ,    . 
 *Flash*    (   ).  *Token* 
 .   ,    .  , 
 *Flask*  *War Stick*.  *Oil Lamp* (   ).
  .  *Oil Lamp*.     
 .     ,    ( ,
 .    .  ,  .)


    *War Stick*  .  *Box
 of Cartridge's*.  *Small Key*,   . 
 ,       *Indian Amulet* 
 ,      .
     .  *Flask*,   
 ,  *Top Hat*  *Key*.  *Key*   
 .   ,   *White Book*, *Watch
Maker's Manual*, *Locked Book*.   *Small Key*   *Locked
Book*.  *Book on Navajio Nraditions*.     .
 *Pocket Whatch*.     *Printing Plate*. 
  ,    ,  *Whait Book*. 
*Printing Plate*    .    . 
*Pocket Watch*    .   ,   
    ,    .   *Story Board*.
 *Top Heat*  .   *Boxes of Cartridges*. 
 *Winchester*.    .  *War Stick*  
  ,  *Ace of Spades*     < O.E.J. >. 
*Message*.   .


    *Oil Can*.  *Roll of Film*  . 
*Bag of Pemmican*.  *Oil Can*  ,    


 ,  *Hammer*  ,  *Box of Cartridges*.
  ,   .     ,
 *Guitar String*, *Musical Score*, *Key to a Safe*.   
  ,      .   .


    ,     .  *30/30 Bullet*
  .  *Hammer*  ,  .


 *Blasting Cap*, *Map*, *Light Bulb*.  *Guitar String* 
 .  *Light Bulb*, *Musical Score*,  3
.   .  *Roll of film*  
  .    ,  ,  *Astronomy
Book*.  .           ,
   .     ,  *Pearl* 
.  *Key to a Safe*  .   .   
  *Indian Amulet*.  *Box of Cartridges*, *Hill Century's
Money*.  ,     ?


 *McCarthy's Message*.     *Flask*,  ,
*Detonator Box*  *Box of Cartriges*    .


  .   "Station",    
.  *Key*,       *Eye-Bolt*.
    3   .  .
  *Blasting Cap*  .  *Detonator Box*
  .    ,    , 
  .    *Hill Centery's Money*  *Key*. , ,
    alis (%$#&)...... ,    
-    ,      .

  .... :

    .     , 
 .    ,       .
    .  *Golden Eagle*.   
 Mc Carthy's  .      
   .      ,  ,
  ,    "Cask of Silven Salts".   .
  ,     .     
    *Golden Eagle*.     .

   -    "  ",  .
  ,      ?   ,    ,
    ,    , ,  .


 *Soap*,  *Colt Gun*.    .  *Colt Gun*
 ,        ,  
.   *Colt Gun*.    , 
 .  *Soap*  .  *Metallic Brush*  *Flask*.
 *Metallic Brush*     .    .


 *Engineer Notebook*, *Dead Leaf*.  *Dead Leaf*
  .  .      
 ,    .     *Flask*,
*Sheet of Paper*.    ,     "
   "    ,     
  .       *Colt Gun*.  
*Pick-Axe*.  *Candlestick*  , *Water Pitcher*, *Jet Stone's 
Scratch book*, *Scorched Book*  , *Needle*.  *Water
Pitcher*     ,    . 
 ,   *China Piggy Bank*,  .  *Microscope
Glass Plate*.   .  *Microscope Glass Plate* 
.     ,   . 


 .  *Vial of Poison*.    , 
*Vial of Poison*  *Needle*,   *Vial Poison*  
.        . 
*Poisoned Needle*  .     *Piece of Straw*,
 *Key to the Goal*,  *Bottle of Ammonia*.  *Key to the Goal*
 .   *Vial of Poison*   . 
        .  *Piece of
Straw*,   ,    ,  
   .  - .  *Vial with a Potion*.

 "   ":

  *Vial with a Potion*   .  *Bucket of
Glue*,     .   . 
*Bucket of Glue*    ,     
.    ,  *Hammer Head*    
        .  *Lead Ingot*,
    *Winchester*  *Flask*.    ,
  -.  *Cobra's Wig*, *Silver Dollar*,  *Flask*.
 *Silver Dollar*  .      .
 *Box of Matches*       .
 *Lead Ingot*  .  *Scorched paper*, *Evil Wand with
a Mineral Tip*, *Aztec Legend Parchment*, *Ammunition*.   ,
    *Knife*.   *Bottle of Ammonia*  ,
     (  ).  *Cobra's Wig* 
  .  .


      .     *Evil Wand
with a Mineral Tip*,     .    .
 *Rubber Glove*,  .  *Knife*  
.     ,   .
  ,  --!!!    .  *Sack of
Coal*,   ,   .  *Sack of Coal*  *Box
of Matches*,   ,  .  .

       ,    .......

 Writen by Igor Zhirnov, 2:5048/7.13

P.S.:       ,   
       .       .  ,
         .  !!!!

Last-modified: Sat, 03 May 1997 08:56:01 GMT