, , *; , . (baptism, Shakespeare's). - " (Shakspere)" -- 26 1654 . , 1600 ., * " ". , () (Craig, (Edward) Gordon, 1872-1968) - , *, . , (Craig, Hardin, 1875-1968) - , " " (The Enchanted Glass, 1936), , , (1951). , (Quitter, Roger, 1877-1953) - , , " " (", ", " ", ", , ", 1906). , (Quin, James, 1693-1766) - , 1734 1751 ., *"-". *"-" *. , , , . . " " (Tobias Smollett. Humphrey Clinker, 1771). , (Quiney, Richard, . 1602) - *. () -- ( ), . , , . 24 1598 . (Abraham Sturley), , , , " ", " ". , - 30 : " , 30 . , . , . , . . , . , , , . . , . , . ! . . "" - 25 1598 . . ". : " - . ", . , -, , . 30 , - , , : " .. , , ..." , . ( 4 ) , , , " .. , , , ...". : " , ", . , (Quiney, Thomas, 1589-1655?) - *. , (Cooke, George Frederick, 1756-1811) - , III, , , VIII . , (Kurosawa, Akira, 1910-1998) - , *"" (*" "; The Throne of Blood, 1957) *" " (""; Ran, 1985). *"" (" "; The Bad Sleep Well, 1963). (italic hand) - , * . , (Cushman, Charlotte, 1816-1876) - , , , , . , , , . , (Quayle, Sir Anthony, 1913-1989) - . * -- 1948 1952 ., 1952 1956 . *. * (1951), (1954), (1955) . , (Capell, Edward, 1713-1781) - , 1768 . . . , *"" . , (Casson, Sir Lewis, 1875-1969) - , *. . " " (Catherine and Petrnchio) - *" " *. 1754 ., .  , (Lanier, Emilia, . 1569-1645) - , (Baptista Bassano), . * 1597 ., (. " -"). . (A. L. Rowse) , * . " ", (The Poems ofAemilia Lanyer, , 1993). "", (Swan Theatre). - 1595 .; * . , 1596 . *" -". 1632 . . "", -- (Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon). - 1986 . * . . "" , , . . " ", (The Golden Round, 1989). , (Leveridge, Richard, . 1670-1758) - , *"", *. *" ", " " (The Comick Masque of Pyramus and Thisbe). *"--" 1716 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (. 1928) . "" (1983). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- : " ", . , , , - . , . , , - , , . , , , - , , , , , , , , ( ), , , , , - , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , ( ) , , , ( ), , , . , : " !", , , , , , , , , - ! ! ! ! ! ""! - , . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " " (Leopold Shakespeare) - , 1877 . .. (F. J. Furnivall) , (Nikolaus Delius). , . , (Lepage, Robert, p. 1957) - , *" " (1992) , " " (Shakespeare Rapid Eye Movement, 1993) "" (1996) - *"". , (*" ", 1992). - *"" *"" "" (Theatre Repere, , 1993). , (Lyly, John, . 1554-1606) - ; ", " (Euphues, or the Anatomy of Wit, 1579) " " (Euphues and his England, 1580), , . , -, 1584 1590 ., . "--", , (Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, London). - (Lisle's Tennis Court), 1656 ., 1661 . * . , . 8 1661 . * *"". , " , - ". 1668 ., * 1671 ., *"-". "--" , 1672 -1674 . *. 1695 . "--" . 1732 ., 1848 . -, (Linley, Thomas, the Younger, 1756-1778) - , , 22 . - " , " (Ode on the Fairies, Aeriel Beings, and Witches of Shakespeare), *"-" 1776 ., *"" "-" 1777 . , (Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 1742-1799) - , - 1770 1774-1775 . . . "", (Lyceum, Theatre) - , * (1878-1902). , *. , (Lodge, Thomas, . 1557-1625) - , *"". " " (Wit's Misery, 1596) *"-": " ", !" , ". , (Locke, Matthew, . 1630-1677) - , *"" XVII . , , , *. *"" (1674) " " *" VIII" (. 1673). "" (Locrine) - , * 1594 . 1595 . , ", . .". XVII . , "" (. ). (Longleat manuscript) - (Henry Peacham, . 1576-1643) - . 1594 1595 ., *" " . , . , , . , , . , . * (. " ", 1, 1948) .. (.. Waith, . , 1984). " " (London Prodigal, The) - , 1605 . *. , . , (Lopez, Roderigo) - - *-, 1594 . ", , !.. , // , " (*" ", IV.i.) . - (Lord-Chamberlain) - , * , . . " -". (Lucian, . 120-180) - , , *" ". , (Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834) - " " (Tales from Shakespeare, 1807). " " (On the Tragedies of Shakespeare Considered with Reference to their Fitness for Stage Representation, 1811). , . , , , . , (Lampe, lohn Frederick, . 1703-1751) - , " " (The Comtek Masque of Pyramus and Thisbe) *, *"-" 1745 . , (Langham, Michael, p. 1919) - *, (1956 -1967), (Guthrie Theater) (1971 -1977). , , . : *" V", *"" ( 1956, * ), *" " (1961), *" " (1963), *" " (1963,1992), *" " (1988), - *, ). " " (Love in the Forest). - . " ". , (Lucy, Sir Thomas, 1532 -1600) - , --. XVII ., *, . , . *" " (I.i.).  "", (Maddermarket Theatre) - (Norwich) XVI ., * * 1921 . . . "" (Macbeth). - * (1623) 1606 . "" *. , , , , , . (III.v, II.i) . * "". , , . *"" ( - *) *" " * (. 1607). * "" 1611 . . *. - , . ( , ). , , - . * . XIX . ; . * 1717 1751 . , , , , . X. * . * (1773). .. * 1788 1817 ., * - . * ( 1814 .) . . . * 1820 ., , * 1847 . , . , , * (1857). * (*"", 1888) . , 1875 1895 . " * 1928 . 1930, * - 1937 . ( *"-"). 1942 ., 1955 . --. 1976 . * , " * * . * 1986 . (--) (Jonathan Pryce) (Sinead Cusack). 1987 . *, (* ). , , , "" . "" , * (1949) (1971). * (1847, 1865) * (1910). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1835-1910): " " (" ", 1884). . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? ! , , ? , , ! , . ! , : , , , , , - , ... , , , , , . ... . - . ! ! , , , !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- , (McKellen, Sir Ian, p. 1939) - , . : II ( *"", 1968-1970), ( , 1971), ( , 1973), , (--, 1976), (* , 1984), " " (Acting Shakespeare, 1980-1983), (--, 1989), III, ( 1990, * ). *" III" (1996) 1990 . . . " ". , (Macklin, Charles, 1699-1797) - , , , . , " , ". 90 - 1741 1789 . 1754 . , . , (Macready, William Charles, 1793-1873) - ; 1837 1839 . *"-", 1841 1843 . *"-". . *" " 1838 . , *. 1851 . . . " : " (Alan S. Downer. The Eminent Tragedian: William Charles Macready, 1966). - (boy actors). - 1660 ., , . , . - , , . , -. (. "", II.ii.). "" (Marina). - . "". , (Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593) - , *" -". , , -, . - "" ( 2 ), " " " II". , , , , . , "" (. 1587), , . " " , *" " . , ( , ). *" ", : , , : " , ". , (Marlowe Society) - , 1908 . * ( ) . - . , (Marowitz, Charles, p. 1934) - . * 1960-, . : *"" (1965), " " (A Macbeth, 1969), *"" (1972), "" (The Shrew, 1973), " " *" (Variations on Measure for Measure, 1975), " " *" (Variations on The Merchant of Venice, 1977). , (Martin, Frank, 1890-1974) - , "" (Der Sturm, 1956) . (Masque) - , , ( XIV .) " ": , , , , . . , , . * I. (Inigo Jones), , *, . , . , , , *" ", *" " *" " (" VIII"). , *"". , (Mountjoy, Christopher) - -, , , , - -. 19 1604 . 1612 . , . , . 11 1612 . " --". , 10 , " ", . "" , . , , " ...". . , , 1602 1604 ., 1612 . --. * . (bear). - *" " (III.iii.). , " , , ". (International Shakespeare Association) - , * 1971 . . : (1976), -- (1981), (1986), (1991) - (1996). , . * (--). "" (International Shakespeare Globe Centre). - "" . , , , , , , . , . "" 1996 . *. (1997) , . *" V", *" ", " " (Chaste Girl in Cheapside) *" " (The Maid's Trdgedy). "" , , - . , (Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847) - . 1826 ., 17 , *" ". , - , , - , - 1843 . *- 1914 . , (Mendes, Sam, p. 1965) - " " (The Donmar Warehouse, 1992 .). : *" " (1990), *" III" (1992), *"" (1993; - * ) *"" (1997, * ). "" (Menaechmi). - . . " " (Measure for Measure) - , * (1623). 26 1604 .; . " " (1578) *. . * " ", *" ", *"--" 1662 . " , - " (Measure for Measure, or Beauty the Best Advocate) 1699-1700 . * . , * " ". " " *"-" 1738 . * ( 1742 .), *"-". (Susannah Gibber) - , * 1779 . * . * *"-" 1846 . XIX ., XX . . *, , 1893 ., - -- 1908 . , 1933 . *"-" (Charles Laughton) , (Flora Robson) - (James Mason) - . *, , 1954 . * (1950) . * -- 1962 . * 1970 . * * (, 1983). *-- 1994 . . " " , *" - " *" " *"" . , . , (Meres, Francis, 1565-1647) - , " " (Palladis Tamia: Wit's Treasury), 1598 . - : () . : " , . "", "", " ", " ", " " " ". - " ", " III", " IV", " ", " " " *". " " . . : " , , , , , , " ", "", , ..." " , , , , , , ". (music room) - , . , . (Lord's Room) - , - . , , , , . (location of scenes). - , . , . , , . "-" (Middle Temple) - * . 2