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Igor I. Kondrashin - Dialectics of Matter (Part III, continuation)

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Igor I. Kondrashin

Dialectics of Matter

Dialectical Genesis of Material Systems

Level H

By differentiating conceptually the cascade stages of the Evolution of Matter, it is necessary to imagine clearly that the commencement of the phase of the functional development of Matter along each following organisational level and the stopping of its development along a preceding level are going on a parallel way, simultaneously one with the other, for a considerable period of time. The formation and accumulation of the humus layer of the soil on the Earth was taking place over many hundreds of millions of years. At the same time this process was taking place simultaneously with the beginning of the development of the biosphere and appearance of Life on our planet. The formation of the biosphere took place mainly in the way of the synthesis of fng. units of the humus horizon of the soil, which accumulates and stores the fnl. systems - complexes of the organisational level G, that have become at a certain stage as functioning units of the organisational level H, from which later in its turn the creation of systems of the present sublevel - aminoacids, proteins and other intracellular structures started.

   All this happened in the period when, as it is known, hydrocarbons and their simplest oxygen and nitrous derivatives appeared on the surface of the Earth, being in water solution - in the primary earth's hydrosphere - under the influence of the laws of motion of Matter in quality (), gradually being involved into reactions of polymerisation and condensation and in this way being more and more integrated into different complex organic compounds, having different functional features. Aminoacids, in particular, appeared in this mixture of organic substances. Further structural integration of these fnl. systems according to the outline:

resulted in the creation of coacervatical drops - individual protein complexes, separated from surroundings by a definitely marked surface.

   In coacervatical drops, as in any fnl. system of Matter of the present organisational level, chemical processes of synthesis and decomposition permanently are going on. But the duration of each individual reaction under the influence of catalysts included into a system is so little and the frequency of reactions is so great, that all processes are lasting practically continuously. This forms the impression of the 'liveliness' of an examined object. Thus, velocities of synthesis and decomposition of high-molecular organic compounds are the basis of the functioning of all existing vital systems, while each of the going reactions has its strictly definite algorithm. The correlation of frequency and velocities of the said processes depends on an individual composition and organisation of every given system and also on its coordination with the conditions of the surroundings. If in this correlation a balance is kept, then a coacervatical drop, as any other system, acquires a dynamically steady character. If the velocity and frequency of synthetic reactions predominate in it, then it grows. Otherwise it decomposes to component fng. units. Thus there is a close link between an individual systemic organisation of a given coacervatical drop, those chemical transformations, that are happening in it in accordance with certain for its fnl. cells algorithms, and its further destiny in given conditions of existence.
   In the primary earth's hydrosphere coacervatical drops, which have been created by the means of the synthesis of protein molecules, were floating not just in water, but in a solution of various organic and inorganic substances, that is prepared fng. units (of levels F - G). In accordance with the laws of motion of Matter in quality () further integration of their structures was running parallel with differentiation and growth of the number of fnl. cells entering their system. But this was realised during long natural selection and only with respect to those drops, the individual systemic organisation of which caused their dynamic steadiness in given conditions of the surroundings and alteration of fnl. qualities on the way of creation by them of new fng. units of a higher organisational level. Only such coacervatical drops could exist for a long period of time, grow and divide into 'branch' formations. Those drops, in which under the given conditions of surroundings chemical changes did not lead to further complication of the systemic structure, carried out the function of temporary accumulator of fng. units F, that is were formed under the influence of the accumulative factor of the systemic development and after a certain period of time of functioning they disintegrated into component fnl. complexes of lower sublevels, stopping its existence as a systemic formation of the present organisational level. Thus, as in any process of systemic organisation, coacervatical drops depending on the factor organising them divided into functionally active and functionally passive. The latter, though they could not play a vital part in the further development of protein bodies, still were essential for that period of time, as they carried out functions appropriate to them. So, already in the process itself of the coming into being of Vitality a new regularity arose, which reminds a kind of 'natural selection' of individual protein complexes. Under strict monitoring of this selection all further evolution of protein coacervats was going on the way of permanent improvement of their fnl. cells' structures. Exactly therefore that mutual coordination of phenomena was being created in them (that is the collection of fnl. algorithms was being more and more renewed and complicated), that fitness of internal composition to carrying out of vital functions in the given conditions of the surroundings and that is typical for organisation of all living creatures. The comparative study of metabolism in modern primitive organisms reveals, how on the stated basis the high-organised order of phenomena was being created, which is related to all living creatures and which was going in full conformity with the general theory of evolving systems. Thus at a certain stage of the Evolution of Matter the Vitality arose on the Earth, represented on our planet by a huge number of separate individual systems - organisms. "Our definition of life", F. Engels wrote in Anti-Duhring, "obviously is quite inadequate, as it is far away from the point to comprehend all the phenomena of life, but on the contrary, is limited to the most common and simplest among them... In order to give a really exhaustive explanation about life, we would have to trace through all the forms of its revealing itself from the lowest to the highest one."
   As it is known, the beginning of the appearance of the simplest vital systems occurred about two billion years ago in the proterozoic era. Primary living creatures were generated in water during the process of a long evolution of dynamically steady coacervatical drops, fnl. complexes of which were being included as components into systems of the following organisational levels. Owing to that already at this stage of the Evolution of Matter the mechanism of the construction of high-organised systems revealed itself most fully and continued to perfect itself, one of the basic principles of which is to fill in fnl. cells of a system not with single fng. units, but with whole blocks or complexes of them. Under the influence of that principle fnl. systems of the organisational level H were steadily absorbing protein complexes surrounding them, 'splitting' them and filling in with the formed blocks free fnl. cells of their structures, in the end synthesising from them fng. units of a higher organisational level. Meanwhile the energy, emitted during the desintegration of complexes, was used mostly to carry out reactions of synthesis. All that finally ensured the most ancient forms of the organisation of Life, to which bacteria, various types of algae and fungi should be attributed. Vegetable and animal organisms contemporary with us, including Man, at the present moment in time are the results of all the historical Evolution of Matter along the organisational level H during a period of many millions of years. We will not scrutinise in detail all the phases of phylogenesis of vegetable and animal world, which are well known. We shall dwell only on the main peculiarities of the motion of Matter in quality at these organisational levels in order to make certain that they are also linked indissolubly with the regularities of the Evolution of Matter along all the previous sublevels, that their direct extension is inseparable from them and together with them forms a unified developing systemic organisation of material substance.
   So Life arose as a result of a complex systemic integration of fng. units of all the sublevels, attributed to the number of so called 'inorganic' elements. This process was going directionally during a long period of time and consisted, equally with the perfecting of spatial structures of fnl. cells of any level, in the selection and consolidation of an optimal set of algorithms for each of these cells and also of an optimal period of functioning for fng. units filling them in. The division of substances into inorganic and organic has a rather conceptual character, but it is used to consider that most of compounds, the composition of which includes carbon, are attributed to the category of organic, as in the nature they are met almost solely in organisms of animals and vegetables, take part in vital processes or are the products of the vital activity or desintegration of organisms.
   Despite the variety of natural organic substances they usually consist of a great number of elements of the same type - fng. units of previous sublevels; their composition besides carbon almost always includes hydrogen, often oxygen and nitrogen, sometimes sulphur and phosphorus. These elements are named organogenes, that is generating organic molecules. The phenomena of isomeria spread widely among organic compounds, that is structural variety of systemic formation of fnl. cells. As a result, systems have quite different fnl. features with the same quantitative collection of fng. units. Therefore the phenomena of isomeria in particular causes an enormous variety of organic substances, concurrently raising more and more the coefficient of polyfunctionality of fng. units that meets the requirement of the accelerated motion of Matter in quality, characteristic for the present organisational level. One of the important peculiarities of organic compounds, which tells on all their chemical features, is the character of links between atoms in their molecules. In the overwhelming majority these links have clearly expressed a covalent character. Therefore organic substances in majority are not electrolytes, do not dissociate in solutions to ions and comparatively slowly interact, one with the other. Time, which is necessary to complete reactions between organic substances, is usually measured in hours and sometimes in days. That is why in organic chemistry the participation of different catalysts has especially great importance.
   Many of the known organic compounds carry out the functions of vehicles, participants or the products of processes, going on in animal organisms, or - such as ferments, hormones, vitamins and others - are biological catalysts, initiators and regulators of these processes. According to the theory of the chemical composition of organic substances, the functional characteristics of compounds depend on:
   1) the collection of fng. units, which determines their qualitative and quantitative composition;
   2) the structural location in space of fnl. cells of a system, affecting chemical features of substances;
   3) the aggregate of algorithms of fnl. cells of a given system, which determine the order of
   a) consecutive filling in of fnl. cells with appropriate fng. units,
   b) their functioning and
   c) subsequent desintegration of subsystems.
   The variety of organic compounds is caused first of all by fnl. characteristics of atoms of carbon to combine one with another by covalent links, originating carbonic chains practically of unlimited length.

During the process of the Evolution of Matter along the organisational level H organic compounds were gradually being formed, which represented more and more dynamically stable fnl. systems, which in their turn later became fng. units in systems of a higher order. To such dynamically stable organic compounds aminoacids, in particular, can be attributed. The general formula of their creation is the following:

where R - fnl. cell of hydrocarbonic radical, which can be occupied as well by other different fng. units.

From hundreds and thousands of molecules of aminoacids (as fng. units) more complex molecules of proteinous substances or proteins (fnl. systems) are being synthesised, which dissociate on the expiry of the period of their functioning under the influence of mineral acids, alkalis or ferments to fng. units composing them - aminoacids in order to give them an opportunity later again to form part of a composition of new compounds in the process of being created, that is to fill in new fnl. cells appropriate to them. And this process repeats itself continually an infinite number of times.

   The importance of proteins is also well known. They take a significant part in all vital processes, and are carriers of Life. Proteins themselves as fng. units form part of more complex systems and subsystems of organisms, and are contained in all cells, tissues, in blood, bones, etc. Ferments (enzymes), many hormones constitute complex proteins.
   All varieties of protein are formed by different combinations of 20 aminoacids; while for each protein the structural construction of a system of fnl. cells is strictly specific, being filled in by appropriate aminoacids and other fng. units, and also the aggregate of its algorithms, that is the temporal sequence of the unfolding of the system of a protein (filling in its fnl. cells by fng. units), of the functioning and desintegration of its subsystems. In the structure of proteinous systems one can distinguish subsystemic block-formations of peptides, the composition of which includes two or more aminoacids connected by peptidase links ( -- CO -- NH -- ). These formations represent one of intermediate stages of the organisational development of Matter.
   Further perfecting of proteinous systems' structures was going by means of the association of aminoacids' polymers into peptidase chains and cyclical formations in combinations having different quantitative ratios and sequence of fnl. cells. As a result of this process an inexhaustible diversity of chemical structures of aminoacids' macro-polymers were created, each of them being a complex systemic combination of fng. units included into it of all organisational sublevels, represented at the same time a new group of fng. units of higher order, prepared to fill in appropriate fnl. cells of new hypersystems destined for it. Meanwhile each functioning unit - protein possessed its own strictly individual peculiarities of formation, an invariable number of fnl. cells of its structure, a strictly definite combination of them and algorithms of formation, functioning and desintegration, that gave to every fng. unit inherent only in it fnl. features corresponding to a certain point on the coordinate of motion of Matter in quality.
   Simultaneously the coefficient of polyfunctioning of individual fng. units continued to grow. The principle of the action of the mechanism of polyfunctioning comes to the following. If to take some fng. unit with definite fnl. features and to put it subsequently now into one, now into another fnl. cell, and it meanwhile can normally carry out algorithms essential for the given fnl. cells, then that would mean that the attribute of polyfunctioning is inherent in it. The bigger number of fnl. cells of different structures a given fng. unit can occupy in turn during a certain period of time, the higher is its coefficient of polyfunctioning. As a rule, each unit can occupy simultaneously only one fnl. cell of some structure. As an example it is possible to mention any chemical element, the type of hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, that can form part of many chemical compounds, but at this very moment are only in one of them. Another kind of polyfunctioning is the removal of a fng. unit x from some fnl. cell of a system and placing there a fng. unit y or z, owing to which fnl. features of a given systemic formation would change accordingly. After the return displacement of fng. units the system again finds its primary fnl. features; and therefore the more frequent substitution of fng. units in its fnl. cells during a certain period of time a given system admits, the higher its coefficient of polyfunctioning is. In this case as examples can serve all reversible chemical reactions of substitution of the type H2O + Cl2 = 2HCl + O2, cells of hydrocarbonaceous radical R in the structure of aminoacids, etc.
   Aminoacids forming part of a proteinous molecule keep free and reaction able their specific polyfunctional cells, the chemical functions of which consist in the ability to connect different systemic groupings. This causes the interaction of proteins with the most different substances, creating exceptional chemical opportunities, which no other substances of the present sublevel have. Due to this the proteins, forming, for example, part of alive protoplasm, combine into complexes with other compounds - from water and mineral substances to all kinds of organic compounds, including other proteins. These complexes, depending on the factor forming them, can be rather stable and be formed in quantities essential for the creation of hypersystems. As examples of such complexes serve various composite proteins - nucleoproteids, chromoproteids, lipoproteids, metalloproteids, etc. - they participate in the creation of hypersystemic structures and at the same time take an important part in their functioning because of their catalytic characteristics. Besides stable compounds, proteins are also able to form extremely ephemeral complexes, the period of functioning of which is comparatively short. Obeying appropriate algorithms these compounds quickly arise and, after having functioned, also quickly decompose. Thus through the mechanism of polyfunctioning the most various elements from accumulative subsystems are being involved into metabolism of organisation of life of Matter for temporary use of their fnl. features in that or this systemic formation.
   After filling in fnl. cells of multi-molecular compounds with separate individual proteins - fng. units, new systemic units are being formed, physical and chemical features of which essentially differ from the features of separate proteins included into their composition. Associating between themselves proteins create whole molecular swarms, representing different structural formations of an alive substance. It is rather essential that fnl. features of proteins, their ability to react to different substances and to associate into multimolecular complexes, is defined not only by the composition and location of aminoacidous residues, but also by the spatial configuration of proteinous molecules, that is by the relative location in space of certain parts of its structure. The chemical interaction of side radicals and polar groups of aminoacidous residues, acting intramolecularly, initiates a natural rolling of peptidase chains of proteinous molecules and the unification of them into balls, into so named proteinous globules, having a regulated spatial configuration. In the inner structure of proteinous globules certain sections of peptidase chains and locked up rings turn out to be located in a particular way with regard to each other and mutually consolidated by means of the sewing together of these sections by hydrogen or other durable links. The structure of that kind causes defined dimensions and the contour of proteinous molecules. It can approximate to spherical or be very stretched out. These or those alterations of a globule's outer milieu have a great influence on its contour, much compressing or, vice versa, stretching it out. Alternating fnl. features of protein, even while keeping constant its aminoacidous composition, depend on that which active groupings of fng. units of aminoacidous residues at a given configuration of a globular ball prove to be located on the surface and therefore accessible to chemical interaction, and which would be concealed inside, protected, 'shielded' by neighbouring groupings. That is why even very insignificant changes of spatial architectonics of a globule strongly influence the chemical reactivity of protein and on those finely nuance its characteristics that determine the biological specificity of each individual proteinous compound. This originated during the process of the Evolution of Matter, one more and more complex and fine mechanism of polyfunctioning assisted by being dictated by the laws of the Evolution accelerated motion of Matter along the category of quality (). Its role for the organisation of alive substance increased especially after the principal function of this mechanism was determined - by means of the modification of the configuration of proteinous globules to regulate their fermentous activity.
   It is known that chemical reactions are being accomplished between organic compounds in living organisms with very big velocities, though quite measurable, but absolutely incomparable with those which are being observed during the interaction of these compounds in an isolated and refined shape outside living bodies. The reason for this is that in the composition of alive protoplasm there are always present special biological accelerators - ferments, named proteins (if they are plain) or proteids (if composite), in which the protein is combined into a complex with a nonproteinous ('prosthetic') group - in most cases with a metalloorganic compound or with some vitamin. Due to this, in every live cell a whole collection of various ferments is present as most proteins and proteids possess fermentous activity. Thus ferments constitute the bulk of protoplasmic proteins. The circumstance, that the basis of fermentous complexes always is some fermentous globules possessing certain architectonics, causes several peculiarities, which distinguish ferments from other catalysts. That is first of all the exceptional catalytic power of ferments. A large number of inorganic and organic compounds of lower organisational levels are known to be able to accelerate the same reactions as ferments do. The mechanism of action of any catalyst is rather simple and reminiscent of the action of a key being put into some system. During the reactions of decomposition the free links of a catalyst neutralise forces of connections, combining fng. units together into one system, and it desintegrates to components. In reactions of synthesis the catalyst, by giving its free links, accelerates the process of combining fng. units. However, the complexity and perfection of the systemic structure of ferments increased much more the power of their catalytic influence by comparison with less organised catalysts, which reflected on the shortening of the time of the duration of reactions, that is of reconstructing of the structure-principal. So, for example, ions of ferrum decompose peroxide hydrogen to oxygen and water. An appropriate ferment (cattalos), constituting a combination of a ferro-porphyric complex with a specific protein, possesses the same effect. But it accomplishes this reaction ten billion times faster, than inorganic ferrum. In other words, 1 mg of ferrum, included in a fermentous complex, by its catalytic activity can substitute 10 tons of inorganic ferrum. Thus, ferments are relatively composite systemic formations of the level H, the main function of which is to provide adjustments in a certain diapason of time of structural reconstructing of hypersystems, into which they are included, in accordance with the injunctions of becoming more complicated algorithms of hyperpolyfunctioning, that is correlations of systemic structures depending on modifications of their fnl. characteristics. Therefore even minor alterations in the structural construction of a fermentous complex, a transposition of some radicals in the prosthetic group or a breach of the architectonics of the proteinous component, initiate the abrupt lowering of catalytic activity of a given ferment. Hence, in the systemic organisation of ferments accordance between the structural construction of fnl. cells and the function of an entire given system is also being confirmed, which is natural for all stages and levels of the cascadous Evolution of Matter in general.
   The spatial configuration of proteinous globules also determines by itself the second peculiarity of ferments - the high specificity of their action, that is monofunctioning. In other words, each ferment is capable of catalysing only its own, strictly definite reaction. Therefore, if there is some organic substance capable of several chemical combinations, then in the presence of this or that ferment it would react quickly only in one strictly definite direction, carrying out by that an appropriate algorithm of a given system.
   Finally, the specific structure of proteins also determines by itself the third characteristic for ferments feature - their exclusive sensitivity to different kinds of influences. So, under certain physical or chemical influences of the most different kind (even then, when these influences do not affect peptidase and other covalent links of a proteinous molecule), the specific spatial architectonics of a globule may be changed and even broken, and its being in an ordered structural configuration can be irreversibly disrupted. In this case peptidase chains take a disorderly spatial disposition and protein from globular turns into a feebler state - the so named denaturalisation of proteins occurs, during which they lose several of those of their specific biologically important characteristics, caused by the definite architectonics of each type of proteinous molecule. At the same time fermentous characteristics of proteins vanish completely. However, during more gentle influences the catalytic activity of a fermentous complex may be kept till a certain extent, undergoing only some quantitative changes. Therefore any, even rather insignificant alterations of physical or chemical conditions in the surroundings, where a given fermentous reaction is taking place, are always reflected in the modification of its character and velocity. All these features of proteins constituted the foundation of the qualitative Evolution of Matter along the organisational level H, in the systems of which more and more extending fnl. differentiation of fng. units and structural integration of fnl. cells were taking place.
   Each fng. unit, having got into a fnl. cell corresponding to it, is functioning within it for a certain period of time determined by the algorithms, afterwards it leaves it, giving up the place to a new fng. unit with the same fnl. characteristics. Having left one fnl. cell, the fng. unit is moving into another, dictated to it by algorithms, cell, etc. This process is going on continuously, periodically resuming and reiterating, which is why the impression of moving fng. units - substances through the systemic structure of each given formation is given, during which the system absorbs fng. units (or their complexes), certain time utilises them inside itself and then puts out beyond its limits. This perpetual motion is being regulated and tuned by an aggregate of appropriate algorithms of every system, while reactions constantly going in the system attach to it peculiar 'liveliness'. Due to this, during so called metabolism very plain and sometimes monotonous chemical reactions of oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, phosphorolysis, the breaking of carbonic links, etc., (which can be reproduced also outside the system of the organism) are organised in a certain way and matched in time by appropriate algorithms as well as subordinated to the functional interests of their system as the integrated unified whole. These reactions are taking place in systems of the level H not occasionally, not chaotically, but according to a strictly definite mutual sequence, fixed by algorithms. That colossal variety of organic compounds, which by nowadays is represented in the world of living creatures, is caused not by the diversity and complexity of separate individual reactions, but by the diversity of their combinations, and the modification of that sequence, in which they are going on in any cell of a living organism in this or that phase of its development. In other words, the evolution of systems of the present level of the organisation of Matter turned out to be even more dependent on the appearance of new algorithms, the perfection of structures of fnl. cells and the timely filling of them in with appropriate fng. units. The sequence of chemical reactions, caused by appropriate algorithms, is at the basis of both the synthesis and desintegration of alive substance, at the basis of such vital phenomena as fermentation, breathing, photosynthesis, etc. Molecules of sugar and oxygen, carbonic acid and water are in this case only initial and final links in the long chain of chemical transformations, while being originated as a result of one reaction an intermediate substance (fng. complex) immediately enters into the next strictly definite, for a given life process, reaction. If one changes this sequence, eliminates or substitutes though any one link in the chain of transformations, pre-determined by a given algorithm, the entire process as a whole changes absolutely or is even completely broken.
   At the basis of the mechanism of these phenomena there is a tight synchronisation of the velocities of separate chemical reactions, constituting displacements of fng. units of lower sublevels from some fnl. cells to other ones. Any organic substance can react in very many directions, that is it has rather big and various possibilities, however their realisation can go with quite different velocities depending on the totality of those conditions, in which a given reaction is taking place. It is clear, that if in given conditions some reaction is going rather fast, but all the other potentially possible reactions are going relatively slowly, then the practical importance of these latter reactions in the whole process of metabolism proves to be quite insignificant. In other words, various ways of chemical transformations are opened before every organic substance of protoplasm, but practically each getting there from the milieu compound or every originating intermediate product would change during metabolism only in that direction in which they are reacting with the highest velocity. All the other slowly going reactions just have no time during the same period to be realised in any significant quantity.
   Entering the process of the metabolism as reagents, fng. units - substratum are filling in with themselves fnl. cells destined strictly for them in the structure of a given system, in which at a certain moment of time according to the injunction of the algorithms they are entering into a complex compound with appropriate protein-ferment. Each such complex is an unstable formation, but reliable enough to accomplish some essential function. After having functioned, it is undergoing very quickly a further transformation, while the substratum is changing in an appropriate direction, that is fng. units composing it go over into other fnl. cells, and the ferment regenerates and can enter again into a complex with a new portion of the substratum for keeping up the possibility of the fulfilment of an essential function by a given systemic formation. Therefore, in order that any fng. unit could really participate in metabolism in systems of the level H, it should come into an interaction with protein, form with it a certain complex compound and only in this way realise its fnl. features. Owing to this, the direction in which any organic compound is changing during metabolism, depends not only on the individual molecular structure of composing fng. units and determining its fnl. features, but also on the fnl. cell, to which each fng. unit of the compound gets in and where it should form together with other fng. units - proteins a fnl. complex with new fnl. features, capable of fulfilling this or that new function, obeying the algorithms prevailing in a given system.
   Because of the extremely fine specificity of fermentous proteins, each of them having strictly individual fnl. features, they can only get in strictly definite fnl. cells and, due to this, are capable of forming fnl. complexes only with definite fng. units of the previous sublevels as well as catalysing only certain individual reactions. Therefore, during the implementation of some life process, and moreover of the entire metabolism as a whole, thousands of individual proteins-ferments are participating, at the same time each of them is able to catalyse specifically only one individual reaction, and only in the aggregate, in a certain combination of their activity they create that natural order of phenomena, which is at the basis of the process of metabolism. So, the metabolism, going constantly in systems of any living organism, is the most complex ball of chemical transformations of interchange, where thousands of individual reactions, regulated by a given aggregate of algorithms, are being united into a commonly acting mechanism, and the essence of each reaction is to move this or that fng. unit from one fnl. cell of the structure of a system to another one, while the moments of transferences of fng. units along the cells are strictly coordinated all over the system, alternated in a strictly definite order and with strictly signified fng. units and fnl. cells participating in every transference. At the same time, the outer systemic and around subsystemic milieu or, in other words, the systemic surroundings by units of foregoing sublevels of Matter, are playing an important part in every reaction of the metabolism. So, any rise or drop of the temperature, any alteration of the acid milieu, of the oxidising potential or of the osmotic pressure, changes the ratio between the velocities of individual fermentous reactions which are taking place in the system of a given living organism, and therefore is changing their interconnection in time, that in its turn is reflecting in the alterations of periods of functioning of these or those fng. units. Thus, the systemic organisation of an alive substance is indissolubly linked with the around systemic organisation of the milieu and constitutes with it the united whole. Besides, the spatial organisation of fnl. cells in the structure of the alive substance has as well a very big influence on the order and direction of fermentous reactions basic for interchange. Hence, many tens and hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions, continually going in every living organism, are not only strictly coordinated between themselves in time by an innumerable number of times worked through algorithms, are not only combined in a unified order of the entire structural organisation of its system and of the around systemic milieu surrounding it, but the whole of this order itself is directed at keeping up within a certain period of time hyperfunctional features of the whole given system as a fng. unit of a higher level. Acquired anew meanwhile, fnl. features of proteinous substances can become clear only after the studying of the peculiarities of their functioning in an organism as fng. units of systems of a higher organisational level of Matter.
   In connection with the fact that from the moment the qualitative forms of Matter enter into the so called 'live' phase of Evolution, the character of the organisation of systems became more complicated, besides the organising principles, characteristic for systems of the foregoing levels, such as:
   1) the availability of strictly regulated quantity of fnl. cells, unified into a single structure of links,
   2) of fng. units filling them in and appropriate to them,
   3) of an aggregate of algorithms of formation, functioning and desintegration,
   4) of power supply source for the process of the functioning of a system
   for the organisational level H additional systems' forming factors became required. Due to a bigger complicity of its fnl. systems the extension of their apparently autonomous nature was going on, which practically constitutes only a bigger gap in levels of the organisation of a system itself and of the around systemic milieu and which gave ground to designate some of their features by the attaching of the half-word 'self': self-renewal, self-adjustment, self-power-supplying and almost self-destruction. The beginning of the development of appropriate subsystems in the general structure of an organism, responsible for providing this or that specific function, became the foundation of this autonomy. A bigger and bigger stratification of systems to subsystems, going because of a further differentiation of functions, made the structure of systems more complicated and required yet more precise intercoordination of its integrated components. Therefore an aggregate of algorithms of every system was increasing gradually in quantity, its qualitative composition was becoming better and better.
   Everybody knows what an algorithm is. It is the order, strictly regulated in time and space, of the consecutive transferences of fng. units from one fnl. cell of the structure of a given level into another one. This order is