es fnl. features of fng. units of lower sublevels (electrons, ions and others) serve as one more confirmation of the presence of a close interlink of all levels of the single systemic organisation of the evolving Matter.
   So, the final result of the Evolution of Matter along the level H was the formation of the most complex systemic structure - the organic cell. The structure of every cell includes a strictly definite number of various fnl. subsystems, each of them carries out a characteristic function strictly definite only of it, providing a normal functioning of the entire cell as a whole. Each subsystem of a cell has its strictly definite structure, that includes systemic formations of a lower organisational level, having a polymolecular composition with their specific laws of functioning. Each molecular structure includes atomic systems with their specific laws of functioning. Atomic structures are based on the laws of the functioning of subatomic subsystems. And so infinitely it is into the structural depth of Matter. All the indicated piling up of fnl. systems and subsystems is organised in a most fine way in space and time with only one purpose - to provide the revealing at a strictly definite place in a strictly definite period of time of the fng. characteristics of a peculiar material formation - the organic cell.
   From this very moment Matter entered into a new phase of its qualitative evolution - the creation of self-regulating and self-governing macrosystems.

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Igor I. Kondrashin - Dialectics of Matter (Part III, continuation)

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Igor I. Kondrashin

Dialectics of Matter

Dialectical Genesis of Material Systems

Level I

Due to the fact that the evolution of systems of the level H in space was limited by the Earth's surface, the going of time required the continuation of accelerated motion of Matter along the category of quality even then, when it already exhausted itself on this organisational level. Therefore at a certain stage of the Evolution of Matter only the appearance of new structural formations, composed from groups of cells and having another spectrum of fnl. features, could meet the requirements of this law. Thus, with the appearance of the cell, that is from the moment it acquired original systemic completeness, the Evolution of Matter along the ordinate of quality started to get over into the next organisational level - I, in which already cells themselves began to serve as fng. units, filling in fnl. cells of more complex structures of the new level. It was expressed first of all in fnl. specialisation of individual subsystems of the cell, that with the passing of time brought to the appearance of numerous types of cells, every of which had strictly definite fnl. features. Therefore the functional differentiation of cells should be considered as motion of Matter along the ordinate of quality in limits of the organisational level I, that automatically led, due to the action of the first principle of formation of systems, to their structural integration.

   It is necessary also to note that according to the laws of the Evolution of Matter the quantitative augmentation of fng. units of the same type with the identical fnl. features cannot provide the filling in of those newly formed during the process of motion of Matter along the ordinate of quality fnl. cells, and then the Evolution of Matter as a whole. Only the appearance of fng. units with various fnl. features meets these requirements. However, all objects of various types require obligatory systemic organisation. That is why, as the Evolution of Matter is going, the creation of more and more new fng. units is taking place on the basis of the existing ones with features different from the already existing fnl. features, for the realisation of which structural formations of higher and higher systemic level are being formed.
   Exactly this had resulted in the end in the necessity of the arising of a new kind of structures, which include organic cells in their fnl. cells as fng. units. This moment was marked on the ordinate of time 2 - 3 billion years ago, when according to the existing data the appearance of 'Life' on Earth was fixed. Until then the Earth, as it is considered now, was sterile. However, according to canons of the modern biology, any living creature is being born only from its parents, that is from the same living creatures. Therefore the theory of the systemic Evolution of Matter helps to reply in the only correct way and to this question as well.
   The entering of Matter in its Evolution into a new phase was accompanied by the appearance of a numerous variety of organisms of the vegetable-animal world. Following principles of a systemic formation, organic cells, filling in fnl. cell of more and more new structures and functioning in them as fng. units, were creating various systemic and subsystemic formations, the fnl. load of many of them was only keeping in an organised state systems of organic cells in the process of their specialisation for the formation in future of more perfect organisms. The evolution of the vegetable and animal world lasted a relatively long period of time and its stages are well known. At the same time, during the whole length of this evolution from algae and bacteria to representatives of flora and fauna contemporary with us all processes of formation, existence and dying off submitted to single principles of the systemic organisation of Matter, the action of which extended to every organisational level, including the sublevel I. All organisms related to it constitute integral systems, the structures of which can be imagined as fnl. cells located in space in a certain way and filled with organic cells as fng. units.
   Systems of organisms have, as a rule, fnl. subsystems - organs, having this or that fnl. load. The structure of organs is constituted by fnl. cells with fnl. algorithms of approximately the same type and therefore fng. units filling them in - organic cells have approximately the same type of texture and, correspondingly, fnl. features. Groups of such cells have the name 'tissue'. As in the previous organisational sublevels the time of existence of fnl. cells does not coincide with the period of functioning of fng. units. Therefore all organisms have subsystems that provide the delivery of elements for completion - various atoms and molecules for the formation of new fng. units identical to those being replaced in fnl. cells, which have ceased to function. At the same time the fnl. characteristics of newly formed organic cells should coincide fully with the fnl. characteristics of the replaced ones and in the end correspond to the algorithms of fnl. cells being filled in. Mitosis of organic cells are the mechanism that provides the keeping up of appropriate fng. units in permanent fnl. readiness in fnl. cells of organisms' subsystems.
   It is known that in any organism, as in any fnl. system, each fnl. cell is occupied by a strictly corresponding to it by its fnl. characteristics fng. unit. And on the contrary, every fng. unit should occupy a place in a fnl. cell strictly corresponding to it. Therefore any deviation from this rule always leads to a situation, when a not corresponding to a given fnl. cell fng. unit is not in a position to carry out injunctions of the available algorithms of functioning, which entails a breach of functioning of this or that subsystem of an organism or of its entire system as a whole which in the end can result in its destruction.
   The origination of the so named 'alive nature' took place in waters of the world ocean or, rather, at the junction of seas and land. The availability of all components, including water, as well as atoms of most of chemical elements in the aggregate with the daily permanent source of energy - the radiant energy of the Sun - had created ideal pre-conditions for the systemic constructing of various structures of fnl. cells, which there and then could be filled in with required fng. units. And therefore not episodic discharges of thunderstorms (that were as a necessary condition, but not a cause) served as a push to the origination of complex biostructures (as some hypotheses claim), but the consecutive sorting out of various systemic variants in combination with appropriate favourable conditions of the outside systemic milieu had resulted in the creation of dynamically stable biosystems. Molecules of sea water in combination with various chemical elements in the form of solutions were penetrating through coats of new systemic formations and were filling as fng. units appropriate fnl. cells of their structures, while the radiant energy of the Sun, transforming and freezing in the form of energy of intermolecular links, was assisting in keeping fng. units in their fnl. cells during the period of their functioning.
   As a result of the lengthy organisational process, which took place over many millions of years, at first the simplest unicellular organisms appeared - blue-green algae and bacteria, then green algae, fungi and other multicellular plants, which had the most primitive texture, but were the consummation of Matter's creation at that moment of its Evolution. The subsequent going of time and the appropriate moving of Matter along the ordinate of quality required a further increase of functions (). Because of this, algae getting to land, began to adapt themselves more and more to a dehydrated milieu. In their organism a stratification of subsystems started, each of them carrying out a particular function. In certain cases some tissues began being provided with two and more functions, that is they were becoming polyfunctional, meeting in that way the requirements of the laws of the general Evolution of Matter.
   We shall not be describing in detail the entire lengthy process of the evolution of organisms and their fnl. subsystems in that long period. For us it is important to note that as a result of this process a large quantity of various plants appeared, which we shall refer to as one group of so named 'organisms of the first generation'. In spite of there seeming to have outward differences as well as dissimilar fnl. subsystems, all of them are united, and this is particularly important, by a single principle of formation of fng. structures. To be exact: representatives of the whole collection of sublevels C and D - atoms, molecules, ions, radicals, etc., come in the form of solutions as fng. units in their fnl. cells, that is elements of inorganic compounds, present in the soil, or more precisely, in the surroundings and combined in fnl. cells of a given species of organisms with the help of the Sun's energy into systems of very complex organisation. Glucose, aminoacids synthesised in this way from CO2, H2O and other systemic formations of lower sublevels, and then carbohydrates, proteins, nucleotides, etc., that is fng. formations of higher sublevels filled in as fng. units fnl. cells of subsystems of organic cells, which were already themselves fng. units in the structure of plants' organisms. The organic cells, a systemic organisation of which permitted the carrying out of the synthesis of structures in the said way, later came to be named autotrofical. The cells of green plants contemporaneous with us are their characteristic representatives.
   The main reaction, that goes on in organisms of the first generation, is the reaction of photosynthesis:

Quantums of light, bombarding the molecular structure of chlorophyll, transmit a certain quantity of its kinetic energy to a part of its electrons, transferring them in this way into an 'excited' state. As a result of this, electrons leave their orbitals and jump over to higher ones. Part of them, joining with ions of hydrogen, turns them into hydrogen, etc. Simultaneously during this process ADP is turning into ATPHA and CO2 into glucose.

   The photosynthesis serves as a foundation for nature's permanent great creative process of biosynthesis, as a result of which an innumerable multitude of fng. units is created, filling in fnl. cells corresponding to them in structures of various bioorganisms. More than 170 billion tons of carbon, billions of tons of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other elements nowadays are being linked on the Earth yearly into more complex structures with the help of photosynthesis. As a result of this about 400 billion tons of various organic substances are being formed. All of them in the form of fng. units fill in fnl. cells of organic cells of all organisms of the vegetable-animal world, providing their normal functioning as systemic formations of a higher order.
   During the process of the evolution of organisms of the first generation more and more isolation of the structures of some subsystems was taking place. It became necessary especially after the gradual assimilation of the land by plants and their adaptation to the new conditions of existence. As a result of this lengthy process of fnl. differentiation the next organs (or subsystems) appeared in the structure of plants' organisms: roots, stems, leaves, etc., each of them with its fnl. nomination. So, the main function of the subsystem of roots is to provide the supply for the entire systemic structure of a plant's organism with fng. units of previous sublevels. Molecules of water jointly with atoms and ions of various inorganic substances, which are necessary during the synthesis of complex organic formations (cells, tissues, etc.), come into plants in the form of solutions through the system of roots. Therefore fnl. algorithms of the subsystem of roots should provide a permanent stable source of required chemical elements, at the same time carrying out their identification, dosing, sorting out and transportation to the fnl. cells of the organisms' structure assigned for them.
   As the roots' subsystem was perfecting, in some organisms its structure began to include also fnl. cells of the accumulative centre, in which a stock of chemical elements and compounds essential for a plant's organism was being temporarily stowed. Therefore, at periods when any of the essential elements cannot enter from outside due to some reason, the plant could replenish them from the accumulative cells of root plants. The fnl. subsystem of roots is an integral part of a single structure of a plant's organism and submits to its internal algorithmic regulations, directed at providing fnl. characteristics of the plant as an entire system - fng. unit of a higher level. If one makes an artificial separation of the subsystem of roots from the other subsystems of a plants' organism, then the internal algorithmic order would be broken and both parts of the system would end their fnl. existence desintegrating into the fng. units composing them.
   Leaves are another important subsystem of plants' organisms. Their main function consists in carrying out the most important organic process - the reaction of photosynthesis during the periods of functioning of the plants' organisms. The structure of each leaf (that is a spatial location of its fnl. cells) constitutes quite a perfect mechanism, allowing to provide an optimal process of photosynthesis reactions in given conditions. At the same time all other subsystems of an organism assist the normal mechanism of this process. Organic compounds received as a result of photosynthesis are transported to appropriate fnl. cells assigned for them, emptying the place for the formation of new units of organic compounds. The reaction of photosynthesis is accompanied by an intensive exchange of gases, for which purpose there are specialised fnl. cells with appropriate algorithms in the structure of the leaves, in which the intake of molecules of carbonic acid gas and the flowing away of molecules of oxygen take place. Besides, the subsystem of leaves carries out also the function of a thermocontrol of the reaction of photosynthesis, which is being achieved in the way of a collection of all the excessive energy of photons from the Sun and eliminating it with the help of a special mechanism of the subsystem, the action of which is based on the principle of emitting (evaporation) molecules of water.
   The subsystem of leaves, following climatic fluctuations, functions only at favourable periods for that. When the temperature conditions of the surroundings hinder normal photosynthesis and act in a destructive way to fine mechanisms of leaves, the internal algorithmic regulations of a plant's organism provide their tearing away. This self-defending phenomena in no way violates the integral unity of the structure of a plant's organism and serves for the purposes of providing safety for the rest of its subsystems. Therefore a fall of leaves is the same natural event in the cycle of algorithms of plants' development as their appearance in a process of regeneration.
   Stems are the next functionally important subsystem of plants' organisms. The list of functions carried out by combinations of their fnl. cells is also very wide. Here first of all intrasystemic spatial transferences of various fng. units from one part of the system to other: from leaves to roots, from roots to leaves, etc., should be attributed. The structure of stems provides for these purposes the presence of special transport arteries, or vessels, piercing subsystems of the entire organism and through which fng. units are moving from some fnl. cells to others. So water and mineral salts are moving up through roots to an upper part of plants through internal vessels, and organic substances formed in leaves are being transported through external arteries of stems. The structure of the stems (trunks) of many plants includes accumulative fnl. cells, where a stock of elements necessary for subsequent utilisation is being stored. The stems (trunks) of plants serve also for purposes of optimal location of fnl. cells of the structure of a plant's organism in geometry of space. Therefore even a spatial location of leaves' covering of a plant in order to provide the maximum area of its irradiation by the Sun is a function of stems.
   One more very important peculiarity of stems' texture is the inclusion into their structure of a signal subsystem of a plant's organism, having its offshoots practically in all its organs. However, the main channels of communication pass exactly through stems. Through these channels the internal information of organisms is moving from one subsystem to another one, coordinating in this way in time the beginning and ending of these or those reactions, having been programmed by algorithms of appropriate fnl. cells. The same signals serve for making corrections in the said algorithms. It is necessary to note here, that the notion 'organism' itself includes the availability of a relatively complete biological system with the obligatory presence of the signal subsystem. Exactly owing to the signal subsystem a certain conglomeration of organic cells is united into the system of a single organism. In the simplest organisms of plants the signal subsystem appeared at first in embryo form, evolving with time into the primitive first signal subsystem, simultaneously commencing the appearance of the spirituality in the organism. As it was already noted, the signal subsystem of the organisms of vegetable-animal world has a bioelectrical nature. With its help the tight coordination of subsystems of a single structure of organism takes place, the regulating in time of algorithmic activity of these or those fng. units.
   Here it is necessary also to note, that in such complex systemic formations, as organisms of the first generation are, the common feature for the entire organisation of alive Matter received its further development - the getting irritated. By getting irritated one means the ability of a system to respond to outside action with such a reaction, which by its strength, place and character does not correspond to the strength, place and character of the outside action itself, at the same time the said reaction has a reversible character, that assists to its multiple repetition. In organisms, even the most primitive, getting irritated reveals itself in a much more complicated way than in an isolated proteinous complex, differentiated form, having its definite functional meaning, however, here it is also based on regulations, characteristic for all systemic formations, namely: the transference at a certain period of time of individual fng. units from some fnl. cells to other ones. An elementary form of getting irritated is the capability of myosin situated in organic cells to respond by a contraction to influences on it with a minimum quantity of ATPHA as a natural chemical irritant. The reaction of a contractile protein to ATPHA disappears, if to blockade one of the most important reactive groups of proteins - the sulphohydrilic group. The restoration of these groups in the structure of a contractile protein renews the reaction of the protein to the said irritant.
   Plants do not have special tissues or some coordinational centre, perceiving and conducting irritations. However, in spite of a relative primitivity of plants' reactions to irritations, the most complicated subsystem of plasmatic, vascular and hormone-containing connections, united into the primitive signal subsystem, in its turn unites all their parts and organs into a single entire organism and is regulating all physiological and biological processes. An excited part of a plant's tissue or organ acquires the negative charge towards unexcited parts, owing to which between the excited and unexcited parts an electrical current arises (a bioelectrical potential). Besides, substances of high physiological activity (aucsynes and other phytohormones) are being formed (or become free) in an excited part, which move to other parts of tissue and equally with biocurrents cause in them a state of excitement. The speed of the spread of an excitement in plants amounts to several and tens microns/sec.
   Having undergone appropriate molecular-physical changes in response to an action of irritating agents, proteinous structures, because of the influence of an available gene record of their initial formation, newly revert to their original state and can react again to these or those actions. The energy of a responding reaction to an irritation is usually proportional, but not equal to the energy of irritation, as a reaction to an irritation is being carried out at the expense of internal energy of the plant's organism, accumulated before - during assimilation. If this internal energy has been used up in preceding reactions to irritations, then new irritations will not cause a responding reaction until the initial energetical level and other characteristics of an excited part of tissue would be restored. Very strong irritations do not stimulate, but on the contrary, oppress vital activity of an organism, and with enough duration of action such irritants break a normal rhythm of its functioning. Owing to this the strength of irritation should be strictly measured.
   Organisms of the first generation in spite of their relative primitivity already had a rather reliable subsystem of algorithms' recording based on the biochemical recording of genetic coding of DNA. The information practically from all organic cells, included in an organism, is being collected in it. As the systemic organisation of plants was becoming more complex, the reliability of the subsystems of algorithms' recording, which were providing the coding of the deployment of the structure of fnl. cells of all subsystems of an organism, correlated with spatial-temporal intervals, was also increasing. At first, practically every organ of plants had a subsystem of algorithms' recording. So until nowadays there are plants, in which during cultivation of only one organ the deployment of all others is taking place. The lily of the valley (the rhizome), the poplar (any part of stem), etc. can be attributed to them. However, a system of algorithms' recording, made in a specific, especially for this destined organ of a plant - its seeds, proved to be the most reliable one in the end. One of the principal advantages of such a recording is the possibility of its realisation (the reading of algorithms) after a big interval both in space and in time.
   And really, it is quite possible to carry the seeds over to a place situated in many kilometres from the mother plant and to plant them there, that is to start the development of a new organism of plants, in several years after the separation of a seed from the mother plant. All that met the requirements of the Evolution of Matter along the ordinates of quality-time-space. We shall not dwell on the mechanism itself of algorithms' recording of deployments of subsystems' structures of a plant's entire organism in the embryo of seeds, but we should note that this recording is so complete that it includes even quantitative and qualitative differences of all fnl. cells in the structure of a given organism, the time of their deployment and periods of functioning as well as algorithmic differences of each group of functionally isolated fnl. cells. Therefore as soon as a seed gets into an appropriate fnl. cell of the biogeocoenosis, its bioclock is turned on at once and the decoding of a precisely composed gene recording of the embryo starts, being the first phase of the deployment of the organism's structure of the next plant.
   Seeds, as it is known, apart from a gene recording of the embryo, have also a small reserve (a dry ration) of thoroughly selected elements, essential for their use as fng. units in the beginning of the deployment of a plant's structure. Later, as the evolution of their various subsystems was progressing, organisms of plants became more 'provident' and apart from the accumulation of a strictly compulsory stock of essential elements in the seed, they began also to accumulate a considerable quantity of elements in its other, more spacious accumulative subsystem - fruits. During the ripening of fruits the main mass of their fnl. cells, having principally the accumulative function, is being filled in with all the elements, necessary for a normal deployment from seeds of the first subsystems of a plant. This filling in, as with all transformations in plants, happens not chaotically, but by obeying a strict regulation of appropriate algorithms, according to which strictly definite molecular compounds in the form of fng. units are filling in fnl. cells assigned for them, where they are being polymerised with the help of the Sun's energy into more complex compounds, which provide them with a more prolonged period of functioning.
   Subsequently, after the completion of the ripening of fruits and seeds, that is when all fnl. cells of their structures are filled with appropriate fng. units, a fruit together with seeds falls on the upper layer of soil, where the depolymerisation of its fng. units takes place, as a result of which a milieu of nourishing elements for seeds which are also situated here is created. Therefore as soon as the deployment of a new plant's structure begins from a seed, the reserved elements of the depolymerised fruit serve as the principal source, providing the filling in of its fnl. cells with appropriate fng. units.
   During the process of its formation each seed passes through the stage of fertilization, that is the moment of the joining of the two systems' forming structures - pollen and an ovule. This conjunction serves for purposes of improvement of plants' genotype in the way of the spreading around of more perfect structures of fnl. cells of subsystems, formed during the mutation of genes. The perfecting of this process was progressing from plants of both sexes, through one-home ones, that is with both stamen's and pistil's flowers, to two-home ones, when both stamen's and pistil's flowers are located on different plants. Thus, individuals of different sexes were formed already among organisms of the first generation. The appearance of seeds from plants of different sexes provides the availability of gene recording from two parents' systemic formations as a minimum, which assists a permanent perfecting of the structure of fnl. cells of a given species of a plant and the corresponding optimisation of an aggregate of their algorithms. With the creation of gene recording of algorithms of formation and functioning of fng. units of all subsystems of a plant, carried out in DNA of organic cells of seeds' embryo, as well as providing of a minimum reserve of essential elements during the deployment of the organism's structure, the fnl. activity of most plants - organisms of the first generation - practically ends. After the termination of functioning, the structures of their subsystems desintegrate, and fng. units that were filling in their fnl. cells before, depolymerising cover the upper layer of soil, forming and keeping up in this way its humus layer. In future odd elements of the humus layer can be included into a composition of fng. units of the structure of a new plant, in order, after functioning over there, to return to the humus layer again. This process is endless and constitutes the foundation of the biogeocoenosis.
   Though the number of varieties of organisms of the first generation is great, their functional load as a whole is identical and the difference consists only in the structural organisation of their subsystems, adjusted to these or those peculiarities of the biogeocoenosis, in which they are territorially placed and fng. units of which they are themselves. Therefore, having exhausted all possible functional increases () in structures of organisms of the first generation, the Evolution of Matter got over into a new sphere - to constructing of structures with new functions in organisms with a higher systemic organisation, which are united in the next group - organisms of the second generation. Their appearance was the consequence of the existence of organisms of the first generation already sufficiently developed, though the subsequent simultaneous functioning and evolution of organisms of both generations somewhat conceal the secondarity of the genesis of organisms of the second generation. But that which already tells the difference between them, is namely: in the latter ones, during the formation of fng. units for fnl. cells of their subsystems, complex blocks of fng. units of organisms of the first generation are being used as a foundation, revealing the periodicity of the appearances of these two generations.
   To the second generation of organisms all herbivorous representatives of the animal world are attributed. The development in them of the subsystem of accelerated artificial splitting of organic compounds of plants' tissue structures allowed them to obtain in large quantities complex material compounds, with the help of which they could permanently fill in fnl. cells of their more and more complex subsystems, which assisted in the appearance of fnl. cells with new characteristics and corresponded to the motion of Matter along the ordinates of quality-time. We shall not analyse in detail the evolution of organisms of the second generation from the protozoa unicellular to contemporary chordate from the class of mammals' herbivorous animals. We shall note only that the main reason for the divergence of their systemic organisation was the necessity to conform to the laws of the Evolution of Matter. The basis of this very long process was a complication of the morphophysiological structure of organisms, which has led to the appearance in the proterozoic era (2 billion years ago) of animals with the double-sided symmetry of body and with its differentiation to the front and rear ends. The front end became the place for the development of organs of sense, nerve-centres and in the future - the brain. In the process of the subsequent evolution, the divergence of types in the animal world was mainly taking place and the substitution of primary low organisational primitive forms by more highly organised ones in the way of more and more differentiation of the structure and functions of tissues and organs of organisms. At the same time fnl. cells of tissues of organisms of the second generation were already being filled in by only heterotrophic organic cells as fng. units, that is incapable of a synthesis of organic compounds from inorganic ones. In organic cells themselves the system of gene recording in chains of DNA was perfecting more and more. A characteristic peculiarity of organic cells of any organ remained, that in each of them all genes of a given kind of organisms was available, however in cells of various tissues only few groups of genes were used, that is only those of them in which algorithms of structural deployment and the functioning of structures of fnl. cells, which given cells are occupying as fng. units, are recorded.
   The morphophysiological progress, or aromorphosis, that was going for many hundred of millions of years, has led to considerable evolutionary modifications of subsystems of the structure of organisms of the second generation (that was expressed in the general rise of their organisation), biological progress as well as to other not less important consequences. Here it is necessary first of all to attribute the alienation of their systems from the humus layer of soil and the ability to move easily and autonomously along a substratum. Owing to this, the organisms got a possibility to assimilate gradually deserted areas of the Earth's surface in three spheres: on land, in water and in air, that led to an augmentation of fnl. diversity of their structures and fully met the requirements of motion of Matter in quality-time-space. The acquired capability for movements in the space close to the Earth's surface allowed organisms of the second generation to move from one source of nutrition (systems of organisms of the first generation) to another one, extending to a maximum their natural habitat. Moreover, at unfavourable moments an organism had after that a possibility to cover itself up in a place more secure for it. The consumption of various herbaceous plants increased the set of elements, out of which fng. units, which were filling in fnl. cells of subsystems of animals' organisms, were formed. At the same time each element was filling in a fnl. cell assigned precisely for it, where it could reveal its own fnl. features characteristic only to it. Also, as in all systemic formations of previous sublevels, any newly originated fnl. cell of a structure of this or that organism undoubtedly required for its filling only a fng. unit, capable of carrying out its set of fnl. algorithms. The slightest disparity of a fng. unit to the fnl. cell it was filling in, led to a breach of the functioning of a given subsystem of an organism and to a possible failure of its entire system as a whole.
   Let us examine briefly the structure of organisms of the second generation. As an example we shall take the structure of an organism of any contemporary mammal. Its integral semi-autonomous system includes a great number of subsystems. One of the principal of them is the bearing-motor subsystem. It includes the bone skeleton with groups of muscles attached to it. The bone skeleton, fixing a geometrical position in space of other subsystems of an organism, carries out in certain cases a protective function as well. The organic cells of the muscular tissue with the help of biochemical reactions with the assistance of ATPHA, as a universal source of bioenergy, contracting at a set moment in time, bring to a spatial transference with a given speed of individual parts of the organism. The bearing-motor subsystem well coordinated and precisely operated allows some present-day animals to move with a velocity of several tens of km per hour.
   Another important subsystem of the organism is the subsystem of digestion. It includes a number of organs, where the processes of dividing organic compounds of subsystemic formations of organisms of the first generation into particles happen regularly until such a state when they can be utilized as composite elements in synthesised heterotrophic organic cells of various organs of subsystems of the organism, examined by us. The regularity of the said processes is defined by the requirements of individual subsystems in the replacement in their fnl. cells of fng. units, which have ended functioning, to new ones. Equally with the subsystem of digestion the subsystem of excretion is also functioning. Through its organs unrequired elements present in organic compounds of food, as well as elements of decomposition of ended functioning fng. units of most of subsystems of the organism are moved away from the organism.
   The permanently functioning subsystem of breathing serves to provide biochemical reactions in various organs and tissues with the exchange of gases. In the process of exchange of gases a continual supply of oxygen, required for oxidizing-restoring reactions, takes place as well as the taking aside of one of the products of decomposition of all organic compounds - carbonic acid gas.
   The accumulative subsystem of the organism includes the organs, fnl. cells of which are being filled with a certain reserve of the most of elements, which are necessary for the formation of fnl. cells of other subsystems, in this way making the period of autonomous functioning of the organism as a whole longer. In organs of the said subsystem a number of organic compounds are also being accumulated, the subsequent breaking up of which can serve as an additional source of energy. The accumulative subsystem has a very important significance in the vital activity of organisms of the animal world. With its help the organism has a possibility of increasing intervals between feedings, and functioning normally during the said interruptions. This is especially important for animals, the natural habitat of which can be an area of desert as well as in the cold season of the year.
   The subsystem of the circulation of blood and lymph provides a permanent safe transportation of all necessary components for biochemical reactions going in organic cells and taking aside the elements, formed in the process of decomposition of units, that ended functioning. Blood constitutes the structure of fnl. cells, having the feat