ferent way: some - faster and more precisely, others - less effectively. It was quite natural, owing to the fact that among the people who were permanently engaged in, for example, cultivation of the land, gradual genetic fixing of their capability in implementation of appropriate fnl. algorithms was occurring. Making use of them, they knew better than others where, how and when to work the land, what and when to plant into it, how to look after plants and when to harvest them. The people who were engaged in the manufacture of tools, knew better how to process stones, bones, wood or metal to give them this or that form required to implement this or that function, etc. The above skills of functioning were handing down from generation to generation, fixing more and more by means of genetic coding the abilities of fng. units to fulfil specific fnl. algorithms of certain series. As far as the human organism was perfecting, people's conduct was becoming more and more labile and being trained, so under the influence of conditions of bringing up and social surroundings the skills of functioning began to attain more and more various levels of development and this difference in its turn was being fixed genetically. Thus, the people's functional heterogeneity began to appear, that is various hereditary abilities to implement these or those fnl. algorithms, reflecting first of all the unidentical physiological predisposition of this or that individual structure of the cerebrum to the formation of these or those analytical-initiating fnl. centres of signal subsystems.

Primordial Communities. Simultaneously with the evolutionary development of fng. units and appearance of new fnl. cells, further structural integration of hyperorganisms of the first type was progressing by means of the perfecting of intrasystemic links between their fnl. cells. The first such a structure known after the primordial herd was a clannish community. It did not differ in complexity. All its fnl. cells were roughly equivalent, being disposed approximately at the same fnl. level and had distinctions only in the set of fnl. algorithms. However, with time among them the fnl. cells of elders were being picked out gradually more and more, which as a rule the most experienced and sufficiently influential members of a community, able in this or that way to command from others a respect for them, were occupying. Their experience was constituting the biggest stock of fnl. algorithms, fixed in their cerebra. All that assisted the transference of the fnl. cells of elders upward along the vertical of the structural organisation of hyperorganisms, putting fnl. cells of members of community remaining at the lower level under their organisational subordination. (Earlier, as we remember, the fnl. cell of the leader in a herd was being occupied by the strongest of its members physically, but not by the most wise and clever as now. This is the most principal difference between hyperorganisms of animals and men.) The fnl. cells of elders began to concentrate the first algorithms of organising and managing, that is the functions relating to the activity of a hyperorganism as it is.

   A few clans, living in the same area, were forming a tribe. The whole tribe was speaking the same language, had common customs and a common fund of fnl. algorithms. The tribe was under the leadership of the council of elders, that was the first in the history embryonic organ of a collective leadership: it was distributing among tribes places for hunting and cultivation of the land, pastures for cattle, examining disputes between relatives. As the number of tribes was grew territorial armed conflicts began to arise between them more and more often, as a result of which new structural formations appeared: fnl. cells of warriors and their leaders. Gradually a neighbouring community began to replace a clannish community, giving a new push in the increase of the genofund of its members. Serving as irritants for members of a community to fulfil algorithms of these or those fnl. cells, from one side, the instinct of self-preservation and other personal associations, based on the first signal subsystem of internal self-information of an organism: hunger, cold, thirst, etc. From the other side, external irritants began to play a bigger and bigger part: instructions of elders, olders, of other members of the community, etc., inducing people to fulfil in a certain order of priority a required list of algorithms. Meanwhile the internal mechanism of activity of each fng. unit was already rather complex and constituted an approximately following chain of alternation of rapidly changing events: an irritation an analysis an association an excitement or inhibition of this or that tissue of the organism, leading to a spatial transference of some of its organs according to a required algorithm. All that was being properly coordinated in space-time.
   The lack of possibility of genetic recording of hypersystemic fnl. algorithms as well as the necessity of a further perfecting of intrasystemic links between fnl. cells of hyperorganisms, led 5 thousand years ago to the appearance of a written language, which began to help to make use on a more larger scale the advantages of the second signal subsystem. Now it was no longer necessary for a man, who was in a fnl. cell of the exciter, to give a verbal signal to a man in a fnl. cell of being excited. It was enough to fix it and to hand over its symbolic imprint.
   Scattered along various natural habitats tribes had their own individual ways of development, which differed one from another, as a result of that genofunds and funds of algorithms of each of them were not forming equally. It is known, that each new quality of Matter apart from the development in time gravitates as well to the development in space. Due to this, tribes with a more wide genofund and/or a fund of algorithms were uniting with tribes that had a more scanty genofund and/or a fund of algorithms (by means of placing them under their command), meanwhile a reciprocal merging of funds was occurring which was meeting the requirements of fnl. development of Matter in space-time. The result of the above process as well as the process of the evolution of hyperorganisms of the first type was an integration of fnl. cells of the level K into the most complex systemic formation, that for a state it is necessary to consider. The states of Ancient Egypt, that arose more than 5 thousand years ago, were the first known states.

Slave-Holding States. The development of the first states happened first of all through territorial expansion with simultaneous growth of fng. material in annexed neighbouring settlements. As a result, it has led to the creation of dynamically steady hyperorganisms of the first type - the slave-holding states of Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome, the structural organisations of which were meeting the requirements of the Evolution of Matter of that time. At the same time, as a result of the influence in hypersystems of the centres with energetic and entropic factors, common for all evolving systems, with the passing of time a more and more hierarchical organisational stratification of hyperorganisms along the structural vertical was being observed, which has led to the appearance of so named fnl. pyramids. The best formed in the structural respect in slave-holding states was the pyramid of state administration (the first element of a not yet realised necessity of self-organisation), which included government, repressive and auxiliary subsystems. It was also comprehending slave-owning holdings, putting in a certain order in connections along the vertical between fnl. cells of slaves, overseers, managers and slave-owners by means of their appropriate subordination. The fnl. cells of peasants, artisans and of some other sections of the population were still very poorly associated.

   Thanks to the perfecting of manufacturing tools and technological algorithms, the individual labour of peasants and cattle-breeders of that epoch became much more productive than the labour of their predecessors from primordial communities. Therefore they could already spend less labour and time to satisfy the requirements of their own organisms. But as the motion of Matter in quality leads to the permanent differentiation of functions, it is being reflected accordingly in the systemic organisation of hyperorganisms. As a consequence of this process there appeared of slave-owning holdings, the structural composition of which allowed one to force a principal mass of fng. units to be engaged in ordinary labour for a longer time than was necessary to satisfy only their own individual requirements. As a result of their surplus labour they were manufacturing products that could be utilized to keep up in a fng. condition of a few fng. units - men, free from ordinary labour, giving them an opportunity to use the consequent free time of their productive functioning for fulfilling algorithms in other fnl. cells, being organised anew while the motion of Matter in quality. It is quite natural, that the most part of the above fng. material - slaves - were occupying the lowest row of the fnl. pyramid and were in the most subordinate position after working domestic animals. Only the constant threat of beating from the side of overseers was the main irritant of their nervous system, inducing them to fulfil these or those monotonous production algorithms at limits of the physical possibilities of their organism.
   Let us examine why the evolving Matter required so inhumane a systemic reorganisation at that stage of its Evolution. For this it is enough to remember that simultaneously with the structural integration of intrastate subsystems of hyperorganisms also morphogenetic correlations in the highest nervous activity of the human organism went on. It is known that many features of the nervous system and the state of mind of the human being, defining the type of his highest nervous activity, the characteristics of his individual conduct, the specific personal interests and inclinations as well as the norms and forms of his individual reaction to various outside stimuli and irritants, including those that are being defined by social surroundings, are hereditarily determined to this or that extent. Hence, already at birth people in their potential fnl. features and possibilities, in other words, in their native abilities are various, not equal. Due to that, the ensembleous organisation of neuronic structures of the CNS, the more and more cooperative activity of the enormous number of analysers and initiators of more and more perfect fnl. centres of the cerebral hemispheres laid down the beginning of the appearance and development in some individuals of the third signal subsystem of the human organism, the irritant of associated elements of which became 'a problem', being caused usually by the lack of possibility for implementation of some fnl. algorithms, more often because of the ignorance of them.
   Within the period of its origination the third signal subsystem, having also the name 'the stereotype dynamic', was functioning in a so called inductive mode of operation, during which its activity had a casual character. Thus, for example, having noticed, that copper starts melting after getting into a primordial bonfire and after becoming hard acquires a new form, the man drew the algorithms of the smelting of articles out of metal. Owing to this the outline of the inductive mode of operation looks as follows: the problem a fnl. algorithm. With the development of the third signal subsystem the mode of its functioning began to have a more deductive hue, that is to have a more purposeful character. Therefore the outline of the deductive mode of operation looks like as follows: a problem the fnl. algorithm. As a result, the segments of functioning that were using the third signal subsystem in the deductive mode of operation, began to appear more and more often in the algorithmic sets of some fnl. cells. We shall name the periods corresponding to them as the functioning of the second order, which was taking sometimes all the time of the active functioning of some of fnl. cells. This kind of functioning it is necessary to distinguish from the functioning of the first order, which was inherent in the overwhelming majority of fnl. cells of ordinary labour, consisting in routine repetitions of already known fnl. algorithms, discovered earlier with the help of the third signal subsystem.
   The gradual corticalisation of the appearance and later also of the finding of new fnl. algorithms raised still more the significance of the cerebrum in the systemic evolution and structural organisation of hyperorganisms of the first type. However, at that distant epoch the embryos of the third signal subsystem were appearing only in an insignificant number of the existing people, while in the main mass of them the irritants of the second signal subsystem remained as the principal dominant. But even the initial period of the development of the third signal subsystem has led to the rapid flourishing of the ancient science and art, and the elaboration of new technological processes and organisational forms. The perceiving receptors of the third signal subsystem are situated in the depths of the multi-circuit neuronic ensembles, organised into numerous heterofunctional analysers, in which complex biochemical processes take place. The centres of excitement initiated by 'a problem'-irritant are dominating in appropriate fields of the structure of the cerebrum until the moment, when 'the solution' is being associated in them, leading to a response reaction of the organism's subsystems and being accompanied by the appearance (fulfilment) of a number of new fnl. algorithms. However, a problem-irritant cannot be perceived and cause an excitement as well as become the initiator of an association of the solution in each cerebrum, but only in one of them, which has a finely arranged structural chain of accordingly tuned receptors, analysers, associators and translators, forming a clearly distinguished fnl. centre. All other variants of the formation of fnl. centres of the cerebrum as well as the ones that are analogous to the one described above, but in which one of the links in the said chain is functioning indistinctly, not speaking even about the absence of some of them, do not allow people to perceive or to analyse these or those problems, or to give out appropriate solutions translated into the language of fnl. algorithms. That is why scientists and writers, composers and artists, but first of all organisers and inventors are the people, in whom the fnl. centres of the third signal subsystem of the CNS are dominating over the fnl. centres of the second one.
   At the same time, in order to function normally, an individual with the phenogenotype of an organiser should get into a fnl. cell responsible for the structural organisation of this or that part of the hyperorganism's system. This is the same as if an inventor, even occupying an appropriate fnl. cell, should have conditions and sufficient psychological potential: necessities minus possibilities a problem, in order to actualise his potential. But it does not happen always in hyperorganisms' structure that a man with certain fnl. abilities gets into a fnl. cell corresponding to his phenogenotype. A consequence of this is always a lowering to a certain extent of the efficiency of functioning of the entire system as a whole. If that was happening more rarely in the primordial herd, where the leader (later the elder) was being selected by means of Natural Selection out of the whole mass of kinsmen, then it became more frequent in slave-holding states, although at the first phases of the development their structure was meeting the requirements of the laws of Matter's motion in quality-time, as it was absorbing fnl. cells, which were appearing anew, rather easily and did not hinder their further differentiation with the isolation of the second order's cells.
   The hierarchical rise of fnl. cells of slave-owners over fnl. cells of slaves and other fng. units of hyperorganisms gave them an opportunity with the help of fnl. centres of their own third signal subsystem (if they had it) or of fnl. centres of the third signal subsystem of a capable bailiff to look for new organisational forms within the bounds of their properties. The surplus of products, obtained at the expense of the additional exploitation of slaves' labour, was partly utilised also for supporting of other people - fng. units in fnl. cells of the second order, as, apart from other peculiarities, the distinguishing feature of fnl. cells of the second order is that the fng. units occupying them, functioning in one of the modes of operation of the third signal subsystem, have to spend on it practically all the time of their active functioning with sometimes a minimum result. They practically do not have time at all for functioning of the first order, that is for direct production of provisions, which forces hypersystems always to have such a structural organisation, in which fng. units of fnl. cells of the second order are being supported as if at the expense of the results of the functioning of fng. units in fnl. cells of the first order. And indeed, the ancient sculptors, artists and jewellers, philosophers and poets, senators and military chiefs, but first of all organisers, inventors and managers, could not function efficiently in their fnl. cells, if instead of that they had every day from the morning till the evening to cultivate the land or to look after domestic animals. At the same time, the land-workers and cattle-breeders did not have enough free time of active functioning as well to extend its segments considerably for fnl. algorithms of the second order.
   As it is known, each human being with a various grade of the genetic determination of his fnl. features at adequate life conditions inherits a genomical DNA with the molecular mass of 1.8 1012 daltons, that is corresponding to about 3 million genes. Nevertheless, the phenogenotype of people that was forming during the ancient epoch, in view of a further deepening of the differentiation of individual aggregate spectrums of fnl. centres of the CNS' signal subsystems, was specialising more and more, making different in various people the abilities to fulfil these or those fnl. algorithms. Owing to this, some people could play better musical instruments, but knew worse how to look after domestic animals; others were manufacturing pottery well enough, but did not have eurhythmics for dancing; the third ones were painting pictures in a good manner or writing verse, but were badly adapted to fulfil fnl. algorithms of a peasant, etc. Thus, the differentiation of fnl. cells and the widening of the summarised spectrum of their fnl. algorithms was leading, despite all the biological universality of the human organism, to the genotypical specialisation of individual aggregate spectrums of fnl. centres of the cerebrum's signal subsystems, that in its turn reflected on the professional orientation of fng. units - people. By the same reason, peasants and cattle-breeders, besides supporting life in their own organisms, had to produce with their work-life sources for keeping up in the mode of active functioning the fng. units that were filling in fnl. cells of the second order.
   With the motion of Matter along the coordinates of quality-time finally the moment came when the systemic organisation of the slave-holding state stopped meeting the required rate of growth of quantity of new fnl. cells, filled in with appropriate fng. units, and first of all, the ratio of growth of the quantity of fnl. cells of the second order to the quantity of fnl. cells of the first order. The reason for this was that in the states of this type the belonging to some estate, that is an appropriate cell of a social stay (functioning), was handed down practically only in a a hereditary way, owing to which a man, who had a genotype with some dominating fnl. centre of the third signal subsystem, but was born in a slave's family, had to remain in the fnl. cell of a slave, not having the possibility to use in full his fnl. abilities. Instead of that he had to fulfil fnl. algorithms of the first order not corresponding to his genotype, to what he was resisting organically. At the same time a fnl. cell of a slave-owner, who was nominally the organiser of all works in his ownership, could be often occupied by a man with the fnl. centre for organising (of the third signal subsystem), which was weakly developed or not formed with him at all. As a result of that he was incapable of implementing properly the algorithms of an organiser, consisting, as it is known, in the systematical determination of an optimal structure of fnl. cells of a given hyperorganism and an interlink between them, establishing an optimal list of fnl. algorithms for each fnl. cell as well as the filling in of every cell with an appropriate fng. unit able to fulfil fixed algorithms. The said disparities were leading more and more often to a re-polarization of the biosocial potential in hyperorganisms, when from one side a fnl. cell of a slave-owner - the organiser was being occupied by a fng. unit - a man with undeveloped fnl. centres of the third signal subsystem, thus becoming a parasitizing fng. unit of the hypersystem, while fng. units - people with the genotype of a higher order were occupying one or several fnl. cells of his slaves. The structural deviations that were arising owing to this, were bringing in some situations to insurrections of slaves. However, even in the case of a success, the insurrectionists did not know any other structural self-organisation of fnl. cells except the division to slave-owners and slaves. Therefore a slave who won a victory, was seeking only to occupy the fnl. cell of a slave-owner and to make former slave-owners his slaves. Unassociated peasants and artisans were not practically involved in these structural shake ups at all.
   The ontogenetic evolution of the human being and his morpho-physiological differentiation are submitting to the principle of recapitulation and were accomplished under the control of a genetic program coded in 46 chromosomes, located in the core of each somatic organic cell of any normal man irrespective of his racial, national or class identity. The principles and mechanisms of controlling the processes of biosynthesis in the human being do not differ from such in organisms of the third generation, and the handing down of hereditary information from parents to posterity is being comprehended by the general theory of heredity. Coming from the fact that a chromosomal genofund of a genotype is formed out of the genomical code of reduced information of gametes of both parents, then it is not always that a formed specialised fnl. ability of one of the parents after being handed down is prevailing in the genotype of their posterity. Owing to this in a family of a musician a son may be born, unable to study music; a brave warrior can have a puny son-coward; stingy parents - extravagant children; a good organiser - a mediocre performer; a hard-working and energetic father - a passive and lazy son, etc.
   Likewise, parents with nothing notable in features can give birth to a child, endowed with a not ordinary spectrum of fnl. centres of the cerebrum's signal subsystems, capable of implementing exceptionally well one of the sets of narrow-specialised fnl. algorithms. Due to this, equally with the growth of the number of fnl. cells of the second order, that were becoming blocked up with parasitizing fng. units, there was taking place a simultaneous loss more and more of the stimulus of functioning in fnl. cells of the first order, as the irritant, that was laid in the foundation of operation of slave-holding states - the threat to use physical violence, because of the phenogenotypical evolution of the man in progress, was ceasing more and more to yield efficiently required results, amounted in the increase of manufacture of surplus product by every fng. unit of the first order. Moreover, the irritation of the CNS, being caused by it, instead of generating the required excitement of subsystems of the organism of fng. units - slaves to fulfil some algorithms of the first order led more and more often to their state of stress, hampering normal functioning, that was having the opposite effect. Therefore a slave, who had the genotype with activated third signal subsystem, opposed with all vigour to fulfil the fnl. algorithms of the first order required from him and, having the abilities to make new kind of tools, did not want to work on someone else's plantations, using obsolete implements.
   Thus, the slave-holding inheritance of a limited number of fnl. cells of the second order, and first of all of cells of management, from the one side, and the growth of a number of individuals with activated third signal subsystem, from the other side, have led to the situation, where the structure of a slave-holding state gradually was becoming a bigger and bigger drag on the motion of Matter in quality-time, and it became the main cause of the necessity of its reorganisation.
   The period of existence of ancient slave-holding states, that were in their time a significant step forward in the evolution of the human society by comparison with primordial communities, lasted more than 5 thousand years and ended in the middle of the first thousand years AD. By that time Humanity already had over 230 mln. simultaneously living people. From this moment the epoch of hyperorganisms of the second type came, which had the systemic organisation of so named feudal states.

Feudal States. Their appearance was characterised by processes of systemic reorganisation of the human society, affecting, as a rule, the entire structure of hypersystems. By that time the productive power of fng. units' functioning in cells of the first order of weakly associated peasants and artisans had increased considerably. It became possible thanks to the results of episodic in the depth of thousands of years of the ancient period efforts of those yet not many then fng. units with active third signal subsystem, who were assisting in the improvement of working tools and instruments, technological algorithms, extensive use of fnl. abilities of domestic animals, etc. As a result of the above named processes the formation of new fnl. pyramids of the society took place integrated on the basis of fnl. cells of peasants and artisans becoming associated more and more. The structure of these pyramids began to be comprised of a much bigger quantity of fnl. cells of the second order, owing to which the probability of getting into them of people with active third signal subsystem increased. The enlarging of distinctions, that defined the sets of fnl. algorithms of industrial cells from the agricultural ones was imposing its imprint on peculiarities of the formation of appropriate fnl. pyramids. So, if in farming in their foundation there was a property of land, then in industry the main role began to play the ownership for means of production, which were becoming more and more complex. The augmentation of the number of fnl. cells of the second order, being filled in with appropriate fng. units with a more developed phenogenotype, allowed the activation still more of the process of growth of the productive power of functioning in all fnl. cells of hyperorganisms, including the cells of the first order, that in its turn was automatically assisting a further augmentation of the number of filled in fnl. cells of the second order, hereby meeting the requirements of the motion of Matter in quality-time.

   Thus, the above said reciprocal dependence became a determining criterion of the level of development of the civilization of this or that society, since the more
   1) the quantity of fnl. cells of the second order with regard to the cells of the first order is,
   2) the aggregate phenogenofund of fng. units filling them in is,
   3) the coefficient of congruity of fng. units to fnl. cells (or fnl. cells to fng. units) is,
   the higher the level of civilization of a given society is, the more optimal its structure and the more efficient its systemic organisation. And indeed, in slave-holding states the number of fnl. cells of the first order (slaves and so forth) was considerably bigger in comparison with a relatively small quantity of fnl. cells of slave-owners and other cells of the second order. In the structure of hyperorganisms of the second type, the number of fnl. cells of the second order increased sharply, the coefficient of congruity of progressing in fnl. abilities fng. units to permanently differentiating fnl. cells, and especially to the cells of the second order, became higher. At the same time, the differentiating of cells which was occurring, constituted their specialisation by the availability of rarefied sets of fnl. algorithms being comprised by them. This process was accompanied by a further integration of hypersystems and required the strengthening of the interlink between multiplying diverse cells. In this connection the exchange between fng. units of the results of their functioning in cells became more and more important.
   With time the mediatory function during interchange fell on money, which as a universal means of payment, and afterwards of accumulation, was becoming as well a universal irritant of the third signal subsystem, having developed already to a certain extent in most members of the human society of that time. An excitement of the CNS initiated by it through the most complex reflex chain was generating such a state of the organism of fng. units, which was assisting to a maximum exploitation, including also a self-exploitation, of his abilities to implement these or those fnl. algorithms. The insertion by that reason into the sets of algorithms, practically of all cells of any order, of the segments of functioning, that were loading the third signal subsystem of a man, however, was leading to an intensification of the genotypical and social stratification of the society, nonetheless it was serving a sufficient psychological stimulus for the normal functioning of units in the structures of hypersystems of the second type, including feudal peasants and artisans. A bigger and bigger surplus product created by them ensured an increase in the quantity of fnl. cells of the second order, that in its turn led to their further differentiation and integration, which has led to the genesis of new superstructural pyramids, to which it is necessary to attribute the church, military, judiciary and others. The government pyramid also continued perfecting.
   Meanwhile, the further evolution of the systemic organisation of the cerebrum and CNS of the human organism has led to the moment, when at a certain stage of the individual development the most complex microstructures of some of them became capable of responding to a new kind of irritation - 'a problem in the future'. The excitement of fields of the cerebrum in some cases, generated at the same time as a result of the most complex chain of a biochemical process that was occurring in it, was assisting the appearance of appropriate 'solutions'. The structures of the cerebrum, participating in this highest reflex activity of the alive substance of Matter, underlay the formation of the fourth signal subsystem of the human organism, which, as the third one as well, it would be more correct to name a 'solving-organising' subsystem.
   It was quite natural, that at that time only an initial formation of the said subsystem was taking place, which comprised the development of all its component microparts, responsible for the implementation of functions in the following sequence: the perception of an irritation its appreciating analysis the association of possible solutions their appreciation the issuing of a final solution of 'a problem at present or in the future'. An unsatisfactory functioning through any reason of though one of the microstructures of the cerebrum, responsible for any link in the chain of this material process, having the biochemical basis, led to a decrease in the efficiency of the work of the entire given signal subsystem as a whole. At the same time at the hypersystemic level of organisation the segments of so named 'functioning of the third order' began to appear in the sets of algorithms of individual fnl. cells more and more often, becoming the embryo of the contemporary management and planning, meanwhile, the higher along the structural vertical of a pyramid a given fnl. cell was located, the bigger this segment was in it. The biggest part it was reaching in the cells of tops of pyramids. As a material providing of the functioning of the third order could serve only the nervous-psychical activity, that was carried out with the help of the third and fourth signal subsystems of the human organism's cerebrum, and therefore only fng. units with the most developed third and fourth signal subsystems were capable of implementing well the algorithms of this functioning.
   The bigger and bigger increase of the time of aggregate functioning of the second and third order in fnl. cells assisted to a further systemic organisation of the human society, to the growth of its productive power, flourishing of science and art. A further differentiation of more complicated artisans' technological processes into separate operations became an important factor of the growth of potential possibilities of the productive functioning. Established on this basis manufactories and workshops became embryos of modern factories and plants, a cradle of machinery production. All this was leading to a sharp augmentation of the number of fnl. cells of the second and third order, their bigger integration. As a result, in the evolution of the human society both forming systems processes, going simultaneously, activated some more. One of them, as it is known, is determinated by the influence of social structuralism and is characterised by the stratification of fnl. cells over pyramids' levels in accordance with sets of algorithms of functioning. The second process is conditioned by the action of laws of the phenogenodynamics of fng. units, according to which, depending on the degree of the development of their third and fourth signal subsystems, they are fit to a certain extent to implement algorithms in the cells of the first to the third orders. At the same time, the higher the degree of an individual development of the highest signal subsystems of a given organism is, the higher the order of functioning it is capable of carrying out effectively.
   Schematically, this process is reminiscent of the order of movement of molecules of water, when the molecules, having a higher temperature, are rising to a certain level, while the molecules with a lower temperature are going down to a certain level. Like this, for an effective functioning of fng. units - people with the presence of developed signal subsystems, it is also necessary to have the conditions of fnl. cells of the appropriate level. Equally, for a resulting presence in structures of hypersystems of fnl. cells of the second and third order, their undoubted filling in with fng. units having the maximum developed highest signal subsystems of the organism is required. History proves that only after the fulfilment of the above said conditions of the combination of fng. units and fnl. cells a state of a 'social-dynamic balance in hypersystems of the human society' can be reached, and it can be named with confidence as a relative 'limit of its systemic evolution'.
   The feudal relations, being the basis of the organisation of hyperorganisms of the second type, which were determining the mode of the filling in of functional cells of public structures of that time with fng. units, at a certain stage of the evolution of the society began to restrain its progress, as well as the motion of Matter in quality-time itself. The reason for this was that only fng. units out of the nobility were entitled to occupy fnl. cells of the second and third order of pyramids, while the lower stratum of fnl. cells of the first order were being occupied only by people out of a lower estate. Despite a better fnl. preparation in the nobility, even those out of its fng. units, who were having a sufficiently developed highest signal subsystem of the organism, could not always hand down in a genetic way to its posterity a capability of properly implementing algorithms of the second and third order, due to which among them a share of units with a weakly developed highest signal subsystem was growing, as no one of them wished to move (to go down) voluntarily into the cells of the first order corresponding to the level of their fnl. abilities. Simultaneously, owing to the evolution of the cerebrum being in progress as well as to appropriate mutational deviations, individuals with well-developed highest signal subsystems were being born periodically among fng. units of the low estate. But they could not get into fnl. cells of a high order of the upper part of pyramids, as these cells were being handed down by fng. units of the nobility from generation to generation by inheritance. All that was leading to the violation of the laws of phenogenodynamics, and as a consequence, to the loss of the social-dynamic balance of society. Therefore such cases were occurring more and more often, when a fng. unit - nobleman, having inherited a fnl. cell of a high order and not having sufficiently developed highest subsystems of the cerebrum, was not in a position to implement effectively appropriate algorithms of functioning, assisting by that to flourishing of the fnl. mimicry. At the same time individuals of a low estate born with an actively expressed highest signal subsystem, not having an opportunity to display their capabilities, had to fulfil simplified algorithms of the first order, which was affecting in a depressing way their psyche as well as their desire to function in general. Exactly in this way standard situations were arising, when upper crust could not and lower classes under the influence of stress did not want to function in their fnl. cells of hyperstructures.
   The situations, at which the biosocial potential reached big negative significances, were repeatedly leading people to insurrections. However, having got though a temporary success, the leaders of insurrectionists immediately declared themselves to be kings, that is were copying the hypersystemic structure existing then.
   It happened also that fnl. cells of a high order were being occupied by fng. units out of the nobility with a greatly activated highest signal subsystem. Thou