gh the correspondence of their fnl. capabilities to fnl. cells occupied by them was of much benefit to the systemic development of many states, nonetheless such combinations were rather rare exceptions than a rule. And the number of talented fng. units of low estates left anonymous in fnl. cells of the first order of hyperorganisms of the second type will remain unknown forever.
   Undoubtedly, the systemic organisation of the society of the feudal period, as of the slave-holding before, has fulfilled its historic mission in the cause of the evolution of Matter in general and of the human civilization, in particular. It is enough to compare the levels of development of productive powers, cultural potential and biogenetical possibilities of man at the beginning of these epochs and at their end to be convinced of it. However, having existed for more than one thousand years, the hyperorganisms of the second type with the feudal principle of the filling in of fnl. cells with fng. units had to give up their place to hyperorganisms of the third type with a so named capitalistic principle of filling in.

Capitalistic Period. The beginning of the new epoch was marked by a series of bourgeois revolutions, which occurred in those countries where the biosocial potential was reaching the most negative significances, and the former obsolete organisational principle of the filling in of fnl. cells with fng. units did not meet more and more a growing level of the intellectual development of nations. The fnl. meaning of revolutions consisted in the systemic shake up of all fng. units of some relatively closed hypersystem, accompanied by forcible vacating of fnl. cells of upper parts of its pyramids. The fng. units, who usually did not like to leave the above said cells, were exposed to a physical extermination. As a result of this painful, but essential for the general progress of human civilization process of the entire reorganisation of hypersystems, the estate-castes' verges, which were separating some groups of fng. units from others and were the principal obstacle of proper filling in of fnl. cells of hyperstructures, were gradually being erased. Owing to this, every individual had a much broader opportunity than before, depending on the level of his intellect's development to fill in this or that cell at any level of the vertical of fnl. pyramids.

   The hyperstructures of the second type destroyed during bourgeois revolutions were requiring the creation of new forms of social integration. Various organisational problems that appeared in connection with this were assisting an augmentation of the number of individuals with an active highest signal subsystem of the cerebrum, which was specialising precisely on this range of specific irritants. Their active functioning was named afterwards 'the organisational activity', which constituted some kind of creative work in forming optimum structures of fnl. cells of various hyperorganisms and filling them in with appropriate fng. units (the selection and placing of personnel). Formulated as a result of the activity of bourgeois organisers the intrastructural regulation of public functioning, fixed by new legal standards, enabled the regular access of fng. units with appropriate phenogenotype into cells of upper levels of fnl. pyramids, which in its turn has led to the extension of the share of effective implementation of algorithms of a high order.
   The active attraction of highly intellectual fng. units into cells of upper levels of various pyramids raised the capability of the cerebrum to respond to a more broad range of problems, after which a further differentiation of fnl. centres of its highest signal subsystems by groups of problems-irritants followed, during which its perceiving receptors of problems, sharply responding to some certain problems-irritants and communicating an arisen excitement in a necessary direction along the structure of the cerebrum, at the same time remained indifferent to a great number of others. All that was telling in a favourable way on the augmentation of the number of inventors in industry and scientists in various branches of science, for whom it now became important to get as a fng. unit not only to a required level along the vertical, but also into an appropriate fnl. cell along the horizontal of fnl. pyramids. As a result of their fruitful functioning the rapid technical re-equipment of production pyramids was being realised at the expense of a broader and broader use of various machines and mechanisms as well as of extensive utilisation of the power of wind, falling water, and afterwards of reactions of combustion of coal, petroleum and natural gas. Underlying operations of inorganic structural formations - machines, these highly effective sources of energy allowed to free, substituting them in fnl. cells of the first order, a huge quantity of fng. units - people, whose costly energy of biochemical reactions, going in tissues of muscles of their organisms, was serving before that as a power supply source for the fulfilment of many appropriate algorithms of the lower order. Relieved of low-intellectual functioning in cells of the first order the fng. units were filling in with more willingness cells of a higher level, assisting the augmentation of their number. All that was meeting the laws of the motion of Matter in quality-time to a certain extent.
   Caused by a differentiation of cells a further integration of the society led not only to the structural growth of then existing fnl. pyramids, but to the multiplying of their number. The optimality of formation and reconstruction of each pyramid as well as the filling in of its cells with appropriate fng. units was entirely dependent on the organisational capabilities of the highest signal subsystem of the cerebra of individuals, who were filling in cells of administration of an appropriate pyramid, while the conditions of private business undertakings, inherent to the capitalistic system of relations, were influencing favourably to a certain extent on the organisational rivalry. To newly established fnl. pyramids should be attributed so important, as a bank, which exerted through control over the operation of finances a certain influence on the development of these or other branches of economy.
   Simultaneously the evolution of sections of the highest signal subsystems of the man's cerebrum was continuing, increasing the efficiency of his functioning and acquiring the capability to the irritation on the enlarged list of stimuli, including such as promotion up along the vertical of a pyramid, an improvement of his welfare, attainment of popularity and glory, and others. The stimulus of promotion constituted a developing searching instinct of the individual, facilitating him to find a fnl. cell in the structural depth of pyramids, corresponding by the set of algorithms to his fnl. abilities. The diversification of kinds of stimulation of functioning in each cell while keeping money recompense as basic, was being realised with their simultaneous uniting into diverse combinations, from the optimality of which a degree of excitability of appropriate subsystems of the cerebrum of every fng. unit was depending. The broadening at the same time of a variety of sections of perception of the highest signal subsystems with the specialisation of them by groups of problems-irritants had as its basis also a self-defending function, as the excitement of the CNS from the whole range of ever-increasing problems would have led otherwise to the destruction of the delicate mechanism of creative functioning.
   Meanwhile, the fine nuancing of the above said specialisation of subsystems of the cerebrum to a certain kind of irritants and stimulators did not have any outward distinguishing features and therefore could be defined only during the process of functioning by its results. Owing to this, at first the revealing and selection of the most individuals fitted for a given kind of functioning were carried out by means of the competition, later - with the help of various psychological tests.
   As a result of the hypersystemic reorganisation reached by humanity, it has achieved for a hundred and fifty years' duration of functioning of hyperorganisms of the third type such progress, which exceeded all the attainments obtained before during a thousand years of the feudal epoch. The evolution of these self-regulating hypersystems went on up to nowadays and its rate met to a certain extent the laws of the motion of Matter in quality-time, but the capitalistic (in the initial phase of its development) principle of the filling in of pyramids' fnl. cells with fng. units naturally could not become the summit of the systemic organisation of human society. The reason for that was lying in its foundation, that is in the private property for capital, which was handed down as inheritance without the taking into account of phenogenotypical peculiarities of the posterity, directly influencing on fnl. abilities of every new generation of fng. units. Because of this the more and more capital capacious means of production of the developing industry were creating now and then an insuperable barrier between fnl. cells of their proprietors-managers and fng. units - individuals with a highest signal subsystem of the cerebrum specialised on organisation and management, but who did not own the capital. This barrier was not less insuperable also during the filling in with fng. units of the fnl. cells of governments' pyramids of capitalist countries, where very expensive election campaigns as well as the lack of the scientifically founded selection of candidates by their fnl. abilities and preparations were leading at times to the election of accidental people from propertied ones or from those, who had their patronage, to important public posts. But even a most prominent lawyer, a representative of military or business circles, or even a party functioner cannot always be a good minister or a vice-president. However, if during the period of feudal separation and patriarchality the cases of the filling in of upper cells of governments' pyramids with low-effective fng. units had little influence on the development of a hypersystem as a whole, then now at a higher level of integration of social organisms even low-efficient functioning though of one of the fng. units on the top of pyramids could affect the process of social development ruinously, and the higher cell this unproductive fng. unit was occupying, the bigger the negative effect he began to make.
   Thus, the availability of excessive freedom in capitalistic comprehension, from one side, making difficult a further systemic integration of the society as well as the private possession and inheritance of capital, from the other side, began to stand in the way of a further hypersystemic development of the human civilization and to hamper the motion of Matter in quality-time. Owing to this, the capitalist social structures of the initial period were in a fever from time to time because of social-economic shocks, being determinated by the action of the laws of phenogenodynamics and accompanied by such unhealthy phenomena as various crises and slumps in economy, bankruptcy, growth of inflation, lock-outs, chronic unemployment. To keep a social-dynamic balance in capitalist hypersystems of the early period such extreme measures of self-regulation of this formation started to be used more and more often as a nationalisation of some sectors of economy, which signalled of the incapability of previous leaders of administration of appropriate governing pyramids to organise their normal functioning and development. Both the competing tendencies of capitalist integration of the initial period - monopolisation and nationalisation - along with the private initiative of decentralised sectors of economy, however, were not in a position to provide a full hypersystemic homeostasis in appropriate countries while there existed in them the possession and inheritance together with capital of fnl. cells of organisers as well and a lack of sufficient understanding of the necessity as well as a scientifically founded methodology of filling in these cells with the maximum appropriate fng. units, that is with those having a necessary spectrum of fnl. centres of the cerebrum's highest signal subsystems, directed on solving problems of the organisation of a given hyperorganism. At the same time the said problems ought to be its permanent irritants.

Period of Modern Hyperorganisation. All the foregoing has created pre-requisites for the appearance of hyperorganisms of the fourth type, the birth of which coincided with the socialist revolution in Russia. The ideas of a social reconstruction of the society arose long before that in the advanced minds of individuals--theorists, living in the most developed countries of western Europe, however, they arose not quite by chance, but were dictated by the course of the Evolution of Matter itself, by the action of its laws. And the reason why the first hypersystemic shake up of such kind happened in Russia in 1917 can be explained by the fact that due to patriarchal-monarchic foundations turned out in this country a significant delay took place in the appearance and multiplying of hyperorganisms of the third type. The belated February bourgeois revolution could not reduce the biosocial potential of a big negative value accumulated by that time, since the new and weak bourgeois stratum had not yet promoted (or had not acquired) capable organisers. However, among fng. units of the lower estate there were a significant number of them. Therefore exactly they, united in a single party with rigid discipline and led by individuals with new organisational approaches, became creators of hypersystemic organisms of a new type, in the organisation of which a socialist principle of the filling in of fnl. cells with fng. units was laid: from everyone - by (his fnl.) abilities.

   The abolition of private property for capital eliminated the legal basis of handing down as an inheritance as well as the possibility of occupying fnl. cells of the upper part of pyramids for any arbitrarily long period of time. Only in a socialist state, as it was intended by the theorists of socialism, should each citizen have the right fixed in the constitution to occupy any fnl. cell of any level of any fnl. pyramid without the right to inherit it to his posterity. Thus, the last legal obstacle to filling in fnl. cells with any fng. units maximally corresponding to them by fnl. capabilities was removed in hyperorganisms of the fourth type. The possibility itself of the free placing of each fng. unit depending on its fnl. spectrum into an appropriate fnl. cell at any level along both the vertical and the horizontal of pyramids met fully the laws of phenogenodynamics and assisted in keeping up the social-dynamic balance of a hypersystem.
   The ideas of socialism and social reorganisation of the society became popular not only in Russia. Under the influence of laws of the Evolution of Matter they thrilled and excited the minds of a significant part of the population in many countries of the world, including those with a developed infrastructure of systems of hyperorganisms. Therefore, revolutionary transformations also affected many western countries. However, taking into consideration that the basis of their state hypersystems was constituted of already quite developed hyperorganisms of the third type, that for that time were still meeting the then requirements of the motion of Matter in quality-time, more or less serious political changes did not take place in those countries. At the same time, the evolutionary need in these transformations has influenced greatly the process of accelerated development of hyperorganisms of the third type of their hypersystems into hyperorganisms of the fourth type. It can be illustrated by many facts. To them we can attribute a consecutive growth of the stratum of hired professional managers, and a growth of the number of joint-stock companies and companies, managed jointly by a few joint proprietors, and restrictions while inheriting capital, and strengthening of bank and state regulation of industrial and agricultural production, and many other indications, which assisted to a more qualitative filling in of fnl. cells of social pyramids with appropriate fng. units. All this led to a reduction of the negative values of the social biopotential and assisted in keeping up a social-dynamic balance in hypersystems of those countries.
   Thus, starting from the first third of the twentieth century, humanity, the numbers of which by that time already exceeded 1.6 billion people, became a witness and a direct participant of the global, never before seen systemic integration of hyperorganisms of the fourth type, which was requiring a further and more precise combination of functional abilities of fng. units with algorithms being fulfilled of fnl. cells occupied by them, simultaneously raising the degree of the negative effect from their improper functioning. In this connection, as never before, the role of the organising process increased and became not a solitary episodic act, but the permanent creative activity of hundreds of thousand of fng. units - people, provided with the specialised phenogenotype.
   The specific kind of functioning, which the organising process is, in the present-day understanding should accomplish the following tasks, which it is possible to express as the ability:
   1. To define as precisely as possible:
   a) the whole range of 'problems for solution', that a hypersystem has at a given moment in any field of its functioning - from abstract-scientific to utilitarian-social;
   b) approaching (being expected) with time 'problems of the future' and being planned in prospect 'targets of development';
   2. To divide up a given range of problems and targets by spatial-qualitative-temporal indications and to attach them to appropriate hyperorganisms. No one problem should be left without attention or appropriate attachment;
   3. To form optimal structures of fnl. cells of all hyperorganisms of a given system in accordance with the list of problems and targets, raised before each hyperorganism for their solution. To re-form permanently the hyperstructures as the spectrum of problems and targets renews;
   4. To determinate a set of algorithms for each fnl. cell, conditioning it by the differentiating of functions within the framework of a given hyperorganism. To revise regularly the sets of algorithms as the re-forming of hyperorganisms' structures is going in accordance with the dynamics of the forming of problems and targets;
   5. To fill in fnl. cells with fng. units appropriate by their fnl. abilities, having specific spectrums of fnl. centres of the cerebrum's highest signal subsystems, specialised on irritation from a part of problems, being put before a given fnl. cell, and on their effective solution (selection and placing of personnel);
   6. To establish favourable conditions for the normal functioning of all fng. units in their fnl. cells as well as to provide control on their proper functioning;
   7. As far as individual fnl. abilities of every fng. unit are changing in ontogenesis, to provide in due time their transferences to other, more corresponding to them fnl. cells with the simultaneous filling in of the cells, that became free, with new, not less specialised fng. units.
   Thus, in the organising process it is possible to pick out the two mutually coordinated trends:
   1. To form an optimal social hyperstructure of fnl. cells, maximally responding to the dynamics of problems and targets requiring solution.
   2. To allocate and assign the whole existing mass of heterogeneous by their fnl. abilities fng. units in hyperorganisms' fnl. cells, corresponding to a specialised phenogenotype of each of them.
   It is quite natural that only the people who have fnl. centres of the cerebrum's highest signal subsystems tuned up accordingly to 'the problems of organising', became able to carry out the colossal, still increasing organisational work, and that only such people could function effectively in fnl. cells of organisers-managers, which every hyperorganism should have in a sufficiently reasonable quantity. Moreover, the organisers themselves should be well organised into a single fnl. pyramid which was reflected in the history by the establishment of various political parties. At the same time, taking into consideration that individuals who have specific spectrums of the highest signal subsystems' fnl. centres, directed to the solving of organisational problems, constitute only a part of the self-employed active population of each generation of humanity, it is necessary to seek them out constantly and, depending on the level of the development and an individual specific character of their fnl. centres' spectrums, to fill in with them appropriate fnl. cells of a pyramid of the organisational functioning, to load at a maximum their fnl. abilities, meanwhile assisting in every possible way their normal activity. The process of the filling in of organisers' fnl. cells with fng. units in no way should have a stochastic (incidental) character, because a casual entering them by inappropriate fng. units always leads to their unauthoritativity and passiveness, caused by the lack of irritability to problems and targets, that a fnl. cell has for solution, or to their false activity, that gives rise to wrong, burdensome for corresponding hyperorganism, decisions. All this reduces the efficiency of functioning of a hypersystem as a whole, leads to the weakening of its fnl. potential and the growing, because of the violation of laws of the phenogenodynamics, of the negative value of the social biopotential. Finally, the result of this is an augmentation of the number of unsolved problems and targets being ignored, causing a destabilisation of the social-dynamic balance of any hypersystem.
   On applying all that to the theory of the socialist society, it is necessary to emphasize that objective laws attributed to it were and are the laws of not only functioning, but of a further social evolution as well. Therefore it is necessary to regard every really socialist enterprise or establishment not as an economic mechanism, which emasculates out of it the dialectical content and deprives it beforehand of an opportunity to develop, but as a hyperorganism, which is a permanently developing relatively isolated for fulfilment of some common function system of fnl. cells, filled with appropriate fng. units, closely connected between themselves by intrasystemic intercells fnl. relations. Such an approach to socialist organisation in countries, which would have entered the way of construction of the socialism, could eliminate all that which was hampering their development. However, no full understanding and/or underestimation of this circumstance at a certain stage of the socialist development, that lasted only several decades in a few countries, has led first of all to the distortion of the processes of formation and functioning of the most perfect hyperorganisms of the fourth type and as a consequence to infringements of the phenogenodynamics' laws as a whole. Moreover, even the filling in of the uppermost fnl. cells (of state and party leadership) of these social hypersystems ceased to meet the present-day requirements of the hypersystemic formation and development, as a result of which this development at a certain moment has halted, but the socialist society itself began rolling down gradually to passiveness and stagnation more and more. All that arose on the thickening background of the social-scientific illiteracy, dogmatism, scholasticism, incompetence and militant bureaucracy of the most part of ruling leaders. Finally, the socialist experiment in its pure form, not meeting any more the requirements of the motion of Matter in quality-time, under the influence of the laws of social evolution gradually ended in the last third of the twentieth century in most countries where it was started. So, the foretold long ago convergence of the two social systems has entered into the final phase, dividing the human civilisation practically only into two main categories - hypersystemically developed countries (North America, most of Europe, Japan, Australia, etc.) and undeveloped ones (Africa, most of Asia, most of Latin America, etc.). The Laws of the Evolution of Matter, of its Dialectics proved to be victorious again. They were and remain the criterion of correctness of the direction of motion and evolution of the human formation. Only they dictated and continue to dictate the character of actions for getting over all available problems and for achieving all planned aims. Therefore each existing nation or a contemporary state in order to meet the requirements of the 'actual' time should undoubtedly conform to the laws of hypersystemic organisation and phenogenodynamics, following from the Laws of the Evolution of Matter, by means of permanent perfection of the composition of intrastructural inter-cells' links of their every hyperorganism, enrichment of the aggregate phenogenofund and ensuring the maximum correspondence of fng. units to the fnl. cells occupied by them. Only such an approach can allow these nations and states to create a perfect system of up-to-date hyperorganisms of the fourth type and with their help to increase sharply their scientific-technical and social-economic potential.
   In present-day geopolitics, reflecting opposing organisational tendencies in human society, in this connection the scientific-systemic prevision acquires more and more significance. A correct prognostication of the political situation in any separately taken country and various regions of the world will depend more and more on the knowledge of those, who need it, of how to estimate precisely, to model a hypersystemic situation turned out in these regions as well as to predict its transformation in accordance with the requirements of the organisational development in the nearest future.
   Analysing the tendencies prevailing during thousands of years and particularly during the latest decades in the organisational development of hyperorganisms and the factors influencing the keeping up of the state of social homeostasis in them in the presence of a well-known row of variable quantities, it is possible to deduce a certain sense of mutual dependence between them, characterized by the so named 'coefficient of fnl. efficiency of systemic organisation' of a given hypersystem (Kf.e.s.o.).

Kf.e.s.o. = Kc.p.t. + Ks.c. + Kph.g.f. + Ku./c.

where Kc.p.t. - the coefficient of comprehension of 'problems' and 'targets', characterising the comprehending by solutions of available problems and planned targets as well as the attachment of each newly appearing problem or target to this or that hyperorganism.

   Ks.c. - the coefficient of systemic composition, characterising the optimality of formation of fnl. pyramids and the dynamics of their re-forming as the spectrum of problems being solved is changing.
   Kph.g.f. - the coefficient of aggregate phenogenofund.
   The process of 'brains drain' from some countries to others leads to an appropriate alteration in these hypersystems of precisely this coefficient. But the main factor having an influence on its magnitude remains as previously the level of development of science and public education in a given state itself. There, where the rate of growth of this coefficient is behind the average magnitude or comes down, a phenogenetic degeneration of a nation or a state is taking place.
   Ku./c. - the coefficient of corresponding fng. units to fnl. cells and of fnl. cells to fng. units, characterising the level of organisational-personnel work.
   All four components of Kf.e.s.o. of hypersystems are striving to increase. In historical retrospection this coefficient is much lower at every earlier formation, than at subsequent ones, but higher than at preceding ones. Thus, Kf.e.s.o. is the index of the level of civilization and systemic integration, attained by this or that hypersystem. (Nowadays it is possible to judge indirectly about its relative magnitude even by the structure of foreign trade of this or that state.) Therefore the bigger its magnitude, the higher the level of the systemic organisation of a given hypersystem and the longer the period of the state of homeostasis will be in it. Those hypersystems would have the future, that will have the highest rate of growth of this summary coefficient, giving a proper attention to the increase of each of its components. And it is possible to achieve this only by correctly using the deductions of modern scientific theories remembering at the same time the words of the famous Russian mathematician N.I. Lobachevskij who said that: "... Everything in the nature is subject to a measurement, everything can be counted".
   These are all reasons to suppose that the hypersystemic organisation of Matter is striving in the end for such a dynamically stable state, at which all fng. units - people being born will occupy only those fnl. cells of hyperstructures that correspond the most to their phenogenotypical characteristics. Exactly in this the Laws of Dialectics of Matter, how strange it can be, are harmonious with the communist principle of the filling in of fnl. cells with fng. units: "From everyone - by fnl. abilities, to everyone - by fnl. requirements", that is the combining of fnl. abilities with fnl. requirements for each fng. unit can happen only while filling in with it of an appropriate fnl. cell. Therefore, having ruled out the pseudo-communist regimes, it is still too early to reject completely the communist ideas or reveries themselves as such, as their appearance was not casual at all.
   One way or another, but seriously speaking, it is necessary to bear in mind that in the end the entire humanity, as a single whole, under the influence of the Laws of materialistic Dialectics is striving for such a state, at which the biosocial homeostasis will have a neutral background. To such a state of society it is possible to give any theoretical name. We shall call it by a code name 'a society with an ideal systemic self-organisation'. The most distinguishing feature of the above society will be that all its members - fng. units, receiving a periodic comparative testimonial to their functional phenogenoabilities and requirements will have all rights and opportunities to occupy for a strictly definite period of time any, even the uppermost fnl. cell along both the structural vertical and the horizontal of any of the fnl. pyramids existing in the hypersystem.
   At the same time, the filling in for a strictly definite period of time of any, even the uppermost fnl. cell along both the structural vertical and the horizontal of any of the existing in the hypersystem fnl. pyramids will be realised only with the most corresponding to it, proceeding from an available at a given moment of time presence, fng. unit - individual, able in the process of its functioning to fulfil in the best way the whole list of fnl. algorithms assigned to a given fnl. cell. The present-day right of private property will be transformed gradually in future society into the right of personal responsibility (both individual and collective), depending on a fnl. cell in the structure of an appropriate pyramid a given fng. unit occupies, for the normal functioning and further development of this or that hyperorganism. Only at such order the most useful and responsible, but not the most avid and power-seeking individuals will strive to occupy fnl. cells on the top of pyramids' structural vertical.
   There is no doubt that such a society will surely be formed (and the sooner, the better), and all the following generations of humanity will have to take it obligatorily into consideration more and more. Exactly the reason therefore why for the present-day generation the knowledge of the Laws of Dialectics is so important, as only by taking them into consideration and only with their help will it be able as an actual (that is for the present moment of time) representative of all generations of humanity of both the preceding and the following ones (and bearing an appropriate part of responsibility before all of them) to form correctly its (as well as their) FUTURE, dosed with problems within a norm.
   But what will be this FUTURE? With an understanding of the Laws of the Dialectics of Matter, now it is already not so difficult for us to imagine it. It is quite natural that the further Evolution of Matter will go on the way of superhypersystemic self-organisation, during which human society in the end, having formed ideally on a planet the Earth as a single whole with a neutral background, will become itself a fng. unit in a fnl. cell of some extrasuperhyperorganism within the limits of the evolving Universe. By other analogous fng. units there can be either some other civilizations, or future branches of our own civilization, if the colonization of the Universe will begin (and it is not excluded at all) only from our planet. But this is already a relatively DISTANT FUTURE...

[ To Contents ] [ Part IV ]

Igor I. Kondrashin - Dialectics of Matter (Part IV)

[ To Contents ]

Igor I. Kondrashin

Dialectics of Matter

IV. Systemic Architectonics of
Organisational Levels of Matter

"Since the creative thought is an important attribute, that distinguishes a human being from a monkey, it should be esteemed as higher than gold and kept with more thrift."

A.D. Hall

So then, all the material reality surrounding us is woven from elements of the three categories - quality, space and time. The motion along these categories provides the Evolution of Matter, without which it cannot practically exist, and comes to the creation of the cascade hierarchy, theoretically designated by us ... a ... B ... F ... K ... and so on. The organisation of the elements of all known levels into complex systems is not casual, but determinated by the motion of Matter in quality, that is along the category, in order to comprehend which (in contradistinction to the two other ones - space and time) it is possible for the human intellect only through developing more and more in itself the highest spheres of scientific abstraction.

   As we have ascertained, the fnl. differentiation and structural integration of material formations are caused mainly by the motion of the actual point of the Evolution of Matter in quality-time by the means of permanent augmentation of new functions (). Each newly acquired function becomes a positive moment in the systemic evolution of Matter. But what provokes the appearance of functions themselves? As the causality of this even forward motion of Matter, accompanied by the whole gamut of events and phenomena of the surrounding world, the constant increase of some negative potential inherent in the material reality, neutralised by the systemic evolution of Matter with the help of new functions, serves. We shall not delve deeply in this research also into this mystery of Matter, getting mixed up with really detected by man anti-particles and anti-substance, however, it is unwise nowadays to reject the facts, that this peculiarity of Matter is incarnated concretely in its motion also along one more specific category - 'problems-time'. The nature of this motion is still to be studied in prospect in more detail, but nevertheless it is possible to say safely already now, that together with the even going of periods of time the accumulation of the said negative systemic potential occurs and is outwardly invisible, but being felt in reality fnl. cells become accounting units of it. The necessity of their well-timed filling in with appropriate fng. units creates in the end the whole list of the consecutively growing number of problems. Each newly appearing specific function during the motion of Matter in quality-time, endowing with its characteristics a certain fng. unit, is summoned 'to cover' by itself an appropriate fnl. cell, providing by that a due 'solution' of a next in turn problem of filling in, marked on the coordinate of problems-time. Systemic formations of fng. units, being created at every organisational level, serve for the solution of complex problems of the structural filling in of fnl. cells, at the same time their own organisational laws of neutralisation of a negative systemic potential (physics, chemical, biological, social and so on) are inherent in each of them, while the apogee of the systemic evolution of Matter as a whole is always located within the limits of the latest qualitative level.
   Examining the Evolution of Matter from the point of counting off of today, it is not difficult to make certain, that the most actively it occurs at the hypersystemic level and reduces first of all to the optimisation of the hypersystemic organisation. This process is conditioned by the social laws of neutralisation of the negative systemic potential and depends more and more on the organisational abilities of the highest signal subsystems of the cerebrum of the Man. The velocity of the causal motion in problems-time as well as of the neutralising it motion in quality-space-time is described by the known energy formula; therefore for a closed space of the Earth, in which the evolution of the all-human superhypersystem is going meanwhile, the accumulation of the negative systemic potential, and together with it of the number of problems of filling in, is occurring still in the same quadratic dependence on the going of time, that is . The fnl. cells not filled today or filled in by not those fng. units tomorrow, due to the growing of the negative systemic potential, all the same will require their appropriate filling in.
   The ignoring of the factor of growth of the number of