than just another pop-group. From their appearance in Liverpool and their first concerts in Scotland in 1963, Germany and Britain the Beatles transformed their music into a world cultural and social phenomenon. The entire youth of the 1960's and 1970's took John Lennon, Paul Macartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star to their hearts. In 1964 and 1956 the Beatles conquered Europe, North American, Australia and New Zealand. In 1966, much to surprise of the sceptics, they took Japan and the Philippines by storm. Their concerts in Tokyo and at the national stadium in Manilla were no less successful than their concerts in Europe and America. The sensation was undisputed. It was a new global phenomenon for which there were no borders or, perhaps, which destroyed the existing cultural barriers and prejudices. Beatles' records went all around the world and their songs were sung in Africa, Asia and in Latin America. The Beatles were a phenomenon of special cultural value. For the first time a pop-group had achieved such universal global fame. This is, however, not to underestimate other such famous performers such as Elvis Presley or Edith Piaf or Caruso. Although each of them was a part of the cultural treasury of the 20th century, the Beatles phenomenon was an expression of and the beginning of something entirely new. The undoubted reason for their success was the talent of the musicians from Liverpool. However, if they had been born 30 years earlier with even greater talent they would have not achieved such colossal success. The Beatles appeared at the moment when the electronic media had just begun a global revolution. This was not only a matter of electric guitars but the new means of information transfer and the speed and methods of disseminating new cultural images. The Beatles were the first swallows of the new era and heralds of our current civilisation. The process of the globalisation of world culture began with the Beatles. New musical styles began to appear within a given country, in a particular town or bar but as a result of the electronic media they became international and lose their local and national significance. The language of music is a language equally understandable in all the corners of the world. It was logical to expect music to be the main and most natural channel for the dissemination of universal cultural symbols and images and that music would be the starting point for the process of globalisation of culture. Moreover, together with the dissemination of cultural images created within one individual state the 1960's were also a time of the intensive intermixing of cultural styles and the search for points of intersection between formerly autonomous national and cultural traditions. The Beatles looked to the cultures of India and Japan for some of their motifs. In the 1970's many African and Latin American musicians gained significant popularity. Generally speaking, in culture as in economics there were two types of phenomena which could no longer be defined as purely national either in terms of their significance nor in terms of their specific legacy of cultural traditions. Some symbols appeared in a local context and then gained global recognition. Other appeared as a result of cultural intermixing and the creation of cultural models and styles which organically combined or synthesised individual national cultures. What national and cultural style is expressed today by the music of Michael Jackson? The Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition? Hardly. The culture of black America? Yes, to a certain extent. As he grew more independent and more creative, his music became more primal separated from local concepts and traditional criteria of beauty and aesthetics. Michael Jackson's style and his songs have been influenced by a number of cultures. However, his primal attraction and personal musical energy are products of a time which does not recognise national borders and which forms global cultural and aesthetic standards of beauty and values. In previous centuries cultural influences were imposed mainly by coercion and they tended to effect only individual parts of the world. Today modern global communications and the global media do not only disseminate the best manifestations of global culture but also require the creative artists to observe the new cultural criteria and requirements of the new world art. Anyone who wishes to achieve world fame must be allowed access to the hearts and souls of people in the different parts of the world. The Beatles and Michael Jackson, Madonna and Queen as well as many other musicians have created works of music and artistic influences which owe their success to a hitherto unknown musical style and to the unique combination of dynamism and expressivity which knows no national boundaries. There have been similar phenomena in the other art forms. Television and video, and advertising have begun to penetrate the whole of world culture. First of all they penetrate a local culture and then in conjunction with other less culturally specific products form a part of global culture. I recently listened to an interview given by the world famous designer Lacroix in which he was describing his attempts to combine influences from different cultures, "Intermixing -- this is the essence of things". This is the essence of the new and it is a logical consequence of the opening-up of the world and the influence of global communications. The intermixing of cultural traditions is an expression of the same synthesis which is now apparent in global economics. It was his death from AIDS which elevated Freddy Mercury to a status perhaps greater than he was in life. However, Queen's music was not purely English or European but a more universal music of the future world as an integrated community. Who does the music of Jean Michel Jarre belong to? It has nothing in common with the powerful tradition of the chanson. The music of Jean Michel Jarre is a product of the electronic society not only in terms of technology but in terms of its historical significance and the beginning of the new age. The main result of this process is the formation of a universal spiritual and cultural content of the world. This is above all manifested in the appearance of a growing number of cultural products which have no national borders and limits. Music was the first of these but now similar processes are taking place in the cinema, fashion and art resulting in the appearance of millions of new bonds between the people of the whole world. I live in a country with rich and ancient cultural traditions. I am saddened by the destruction of traditional culture which has been taking place since 1992. However, I am encouraged by certain new and important phenomena -- the combination of the global culture with national traditions on the one hand and the adaptation of national traditions to global trends. Few people would recognise the Bulgarian folk instrument, the Caval. There are similar looking wind instruments in other countries of the world, but the Bulgarian Caval in terms of its construction and sound is unique. Theodosi Spasov has used it to win many significant international awards and has conquered the hearts of many people. His performances have little in common with the traditions of the Bulgarian Caval. His improvisations are filled with the spirit of the new and his compositions are a symbol of modern musical philosophy. For this reason he is understandable anywhere. There is no chronological distinction between his art and that of the greatest modern composers. This is only one example. Many others could be drawn from the various areas of art. Most significantly even the smallest of world cultures can produce global culture. All they need to do is to find the link between their own identity and the universal global cultural processes. Between 1984--1995 the famous Bulgarian folk-singer Stefka Subotinova recorded a number of Bulgarian folk songs with a modern arrangement which achieved enormous popularity. Other famous Bulgarian pop singers such as Lili Ivanova and Georgi Hristov also combine Bulgarian and global cultural elements. There are similar processes at work all over the world. The most important conclusion which I draw here is that after the 1960's together with the appearance and the spread of new global communications and the media there also began a new process of the globalisation of world culture or in other words, the creation of a culture with a supra-national character. This culture created global criteria and values, overcame national, cultural and religious prejudices and is undoubtedly an element of the coming Fourth Civilisation which the 21st century will bring us. This culture is creating the future. It is a bridge to it and a bridge to the unification of new generations from all over the world. This new culture became possible as a result of the mass influence and cultural mixing born by the world media. Satellite television made possible the removal of borders without tanks and violence without the dissemination of militant ideology and doctrines. The world is united with new communication networks -- a process which will clearly continue with growing intensity into the coming century. This is the greatest guarantee for the continued globalisation of world culture. A shining example of this is the creation of television networks which cover the entire globe. It can be easily predicted that such global television networks will continue to penetrate all the corners of the earth. Part of them will carry information, some of them will broadcast art, while other will show sports. However, they will all be the most powerful integrational factor in the world. While the collapse of the Eastern European totalitarian systems was a political revolution, the first part of the collapse of the Third Civilisation, the new communications will be the material manifestation of the new age. Microchips, computers and satellite televisions spell death for bureaucracy, partocracy and the restrictions of human rights. The Beatles, Freddy Mercury, Jean Michel Jarre and Theodosi Spasov are all directly linked. They are but different manifestations of one and the same global phenomenon, the globalisation of art and new cultural dimensions which will combine the strongest national traditions with a new, hitherto unknown global culture which will belong to no one single nation. Will national traditions and cultures disappear? Will cultural differences not become a reason for the new division of the world? Is not global culture a covert form of media dictatorship? These questions will be answered later. 2. THE TRAVELLING PEOPLES Until only fifty years the majority of people travelled only to the neighbouring town or village and foreign travel was a privilege of only a select few. Each subsequent generation bears within itself the spirit of the global world. Today millions and billions of people travel around the world. Travel has become a bridge over which the peoples of the world can get to know one another and exchange their cultures. T he globalisation of world culture has lead to a particular form of cosmopolitanism which has flourished as a result of new technologies and communication. Cosmopolitanism, however, is not characteristic of all countries and peoples nor is there any direct link between cosmopolitanism and the level of technological and economic progress which a given country has achieved. Switzerland is one of the most advanced countries in the world. However, they are more conservative than cosmopolitan. They acknowledge and service the cosmopolitanism of others without accepting it for themselves. Everything depends from an historical point of view on the development of a given nation, its openness to the world and at the same time its ability to preserve its integrity. Many peoples exiled from their native lands over the centuries have dissolved into foreign ethnic groups or have been simple either enslaved or annihilated. Therefore the decisive factors are not only national openness and mobility but also loyalty to one roots. Those nations in history which were the first to master new forms of communication were able to spread their culture to other states. I like to refer to these nations as the "travelling nations". In this process they achieved significant historical advantages and became leaders in the processes of integration. The modern world is now dependent on those "travelling nations". Joel Kotkin calls them the "global tribes". For Kotkin these global tribes combine a strong feeling of loyalty to their family roots, observe the principles of national fidelity and despite being spread all over the world identify with one specific geographical area. According to my analyses these global nations are not only a continuation of an historical tradition but are, above all, a powerful integrating element of the modern world. In the same way that the ancient Greeks spread their culture to Scythia and Rome, today the global nations are amongst the most effective bridges for the dissemination of capital, technology and culture. Each of these peoples left their native land and later established positions of strength in dozens of other countries and created an invisible network of families, relatives or national ties or channels for the dissemination of economic and cultural values. A typical feature of these "travelling nations" is their facility to become naturalised successfully in different countries amongst varying ethnic groups at the same time preserving their national roots and traditions. There are several reasons for this: the absence of a homeland state; colonisation of cultivable lands; migration as a result of wars and natural catastrophes; political, ideological and religious conflicts. These are the most common reasons which instill the spirit of the pioneer and traveller. The Jewish people are a typical example of this. The modern world economy and world corporations were founded by Jews. Expelled as a result of persecution and the lack of their own homeland, as early as the 18th century the Jewish people began their own processes of economic integration. At the time when everything functioned within narrow national borders, the Jews exploited the differences between national manufacturing conditions and today it is no accident that their representatives are amongst the richest people in the world. The religious prohibition against Christians lending money with interest allowed them to master the secrets of banking. The lack of their own state institutions and land made them into the best traders in the world. Perhaps their greatest strength was the close network of connections and their efforts to preserve the traditions of the old Jewish families. Today the Jews, the oldest travellers, are not alone. One might go so far as to say that their trans-national monopoly has been taken from them. There is another group of peoples who are keenly following the achievements of world communications and are gradually catching up with, and in certain cases overtaking, the achievements of the Jews. The British, the Armenians, the Chinese, the Indians and more recently the Americans and Japanese are gradually becoming global nations or in other words, people who are links in a complex chain spanning the world with millions and millions of other links. Many of these global peoples have specialised themselves in significant parts of world manufacturing and trade. For example the Jews from generation to generation have expanded their influence in the entertainment industry, the world of finance and the diamond trade. The Japanese are the world leaders in precise engineering, in the production of high powered computers and computer technology. The Indians are amongst the world leaders in software, the British in banking and communications, the Americans in telecommunications, aerospace engineering and the Chinese in textile manufacture etc.. Perhaps, the most important factor is while preserving their relative specialisation and making their own contributions to the global cultural treasury, these travelling nations have helped greatly in the removal of borders between the nations of the world. Thanks to them the world today is closely integrated and the intermixing of their cultures has reached tremendous levels. The global world would be impossible without these "travelling peoples". The preservation of national cultural traditions and tolerance to other cultures has allowed them to become some of the leading architects of the new world. At the opposite extreme those who are isolated and intolerant to other cultures have no chance. They will either remain at the tail-end of world progress or they will incite conflicts which will have serious consequences for themselves. The totalitarian regimes were typical examples of this. Totalitarianism can flourish only in isolation. The Russians, Czechs, Bulgarians and Poles were isolated from progress and the new technological revolution which embraced the world in the 1960's. Today they are having to redouble their efforts to make up for lost time. On the other hand, there is the example of the eternal Jews. They have occupied key positions in the economic, cultural and political life of France, Russia, the United States and the Republic of South Africa. Members of the same families can be found in London, Paris, New York, Capetown and even Hong Kong. It is these families and clans which have been the major channels for the explosion in world trade over the past 30--40 years. Another similar example is that of the Indians who apart from operating within their own country exert strong influences in London, Los Angeles, Chicago or Lagos. If you visit Nairobi the capital of Kenya, you will be amazed to see how many Indians there are in the financial and commercial sectors. As a result of their powerful navy and great colonial empire in the 19th century, the British have very strong global positions. The influence of the British financial networks is particulary strong in Sidney, Singapore, Toronto or San Francisco. The majority of the travelling nations became established in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. They opened the way for the globalisation of the world. They not only gave birth to this process they were also its children. Today the "old travellers" are accompanied by new "travelling nations" who are more dynamic and will perhaps make up for what they missed out on. One of the newest travelling nations are the Japanese. They have the biggest banks in the world, the most progressive world technologies and their own "settlements" within all the world economic and cultural centres. I would say that from the 1960's onwards the Japanese have spread all over the world. Some people consider that this is a planned invasion with a view to conquering new economic influence and living space. Others say the opposite, that the Japanese economy is like a balloon which if it is to avoid bursting needs first to be deflated. I do not believe that from an historical point of view any one given nation can dominate the rest and by the same token I do not believe that international Japanese invasion has reached its apogee. The Chinese and the Indians will have a hard job to try and take their place. At least until the beginning of the next century the Japanese global diaspora will continue to exert a strong influence on the formation and development of the whole world. The strong Japanese influence on the American economy, their penetration into European economic structures and their strong overtures to Latin America and some African countries demonstrate that the Japanese will continue to be one of the leading travelling nations. Only one example is sufficient. Each year the Japanese economy invests huge amounts of free capital into real estate in the USA and Europe. According to some analysts almost 40% of the property in the centre of Los Angeles in Japanese. The same can be said of the huge skyscrapers in New York. There are thousands of Japanese enterprises in the USA some of which occupy leading positions in technology. One of the most prestigious world resorts, the Hawaiian islands are owned to a large extent by the Japanese. If you walk along the coastal boulevard at Waikiki beach you are more likely to hear Japanese than any other language and you will see that the majority of the marvellous hotels by the beach are Japanese. What the Japanese were unable to achieve with their attacks and their bombs against Pearl Harbour they have achieved by hard work, money and consistency. Today only a few kilometres from the place where in December 1941 Japanese bombers inflicted their most serious blow against the American Pacific Fleet there is a chain of luxury Japanese hotels. The Japanese have two amazing features. They have a tremendous ability to adapt and to achieve progress quietly and consistently. Take a look at the streets of any of the world's large cultural, financial or tourist centre. Practically everywhere you will see Japanese tourists taking photographs, taking notes and they are always in little groups. They are soaking everything up. They will later analyze the information they have taken away with them and then they will come back, this time with investments and specific ideas for entering the market, quietly, slowly and unnoticed. The other new global travellers who can be seen everywhere are the Chinese. According to some statistics, the Chinese who live outside the border of China control the larger part of the hard currency reserves of the world. There are "Chinatowns" in Los Angeles and San Francisco, Toronto and New York. They are becoming more and more influential and add their own colour and new cultural phenomena to the countries in which they live. There is a growing Chinese influence in Japan and Australia. Clearly the reform government of China is trying to emulate the experience of Japan to create conditions for new world domination on the basis of traditional Chinese domination. If the current rate of Chinese economic growth persists to the end of the century and the hard currency reserves of the Chinese living outside China continue to increase then within 10--15 years they will become the most dynamic "travelling nation" in the global world. With new simplified procedures, an ethnic economy, strong national links, extreme hard work and consistency -- these are the characteristics which guarantee great chances of success for the Chinese. The Indians and the South Koreans whose economic elite are becoming more and more self-confident will also direct their attention to a similar global approach. It can be expected that the Asian economies will not only experience an ardent renaissance but that their development will have a colossal global effect. The example of South Korea and a number of smaller Asian states is indicative that it is not necessarily only the larger peoples which become "travellers" and take on a global significance. Perhaps their example will be infectious. The collapse of the bi-polar model and the destruction of the Berlin Wall gave the Eastern Europeans a chance to discover the advantages of the open world. Very soon after 1990--1991 the Slavs and in particular the Russians began to re-settle all over the world. Although it is too early to make any sort of conclusion, the Russians seem to be turning into one of the new "travelling nations". The large export of capital (according to the Russian official figures -- over 40 billion dollars between 1991--1994) and the creation of a Russian suburb in New York, the purchase of real estate in London, Paris and Madrid, these are all features of the new, long-term Russian presence in the global world. When I speak of the "travelling nations" I am not emphasising the leaders of this group. I mean the general trend towards the re-settlement of people, people travelling for the purposes of business or leisure. People are no longer restricted to their own states as they once were. They do not only travel to neighbouring countries. Younger generations are losing their feelings of loyalty to the country in which they were born and are more capable of living anywhere where there is a chance of good work and decent living conditions. For the past 20 years the number of people travelling by air has constantly been on the increase. The forecasts for the year 2010 are particularly significant. Table 12 The number of people travelling on international airlines (millions) Year Passengers 1986 318 2000 485 2005 624 2010 789 Source: The World in 1995. L.,1995. As can be seen from table 12, for the next 15 years the number of those travelling on international airlines will double. If we also add the number of people travelling by other means of transport we will see that more than one third of the world's population travels to different parts of the world. Most of the travellers are from the industrialised countries and there is a logical trend arising, the greater the material progress of a given nation the more they are inclined to travel. The "travelling nations" are uniting the world in an inimitable manner. Their families and ethnic and cultural connections, their national affiliations unite countries and continents, frequently in spite of official government policies. They are the bearers of globalisation and it is no accident that they produce the vast majority of the representatives of global culture. Only those nations which can adapt to the conditions of new world communications will be able to survive and to dominate the world intellectually and economically. The Jews, the British, the Americans, the Japanese and Chinese are the leading nations in the processes of globalisation. They are immediately followed by the Indians and Armenians who in their own way and in different scales have attempted to establish their own networks. The Armenians are fewer in number but very closely knit while the Indians are motivated by their desire to catch up with the rest of the world. It should, however, be noted that very soon the benefits which can be gained by "travelling" will be discovered by others. There is a great likelihood that the Russians, Brazilians, Mexicans, Nigerians and South Koreans will follow in the footsteps of the other "travelling nations". Some people say that the time of ethnic groups has arrived, I personally believe that now is the turn of the "travellers". 3. MAN WITHOUT ETHNIC ORIGIN OR THE REBELLION OF ETHNICITY No-one can say how many people of mixed blood live on the earth. No-one can say how many mixed marriages there are, but one fact is certain -- that they are on the increase. There are hundreds of millions of people who by blood or by spirit do not belong to one nation or group of people. They are simply citizens of the world or a part of the New Civilisation. T he demographic statistics of the UN show that about one third of the modern world population is of mixed ethnic origin. This may include the majority of the population of multinational countries, the children of mixed international marriages and so on. I am convinced that all the figures which have been collated in relation to this question are relative simply because of the different types of methodology used and the lack of precise statistics. There is one significant element: the more globalised the world becomes the more people will become the bearers of multicultural traditions. This is another demographic aspect of globalisation and global culture. While the "travelling nations" stimulate the processes of opening-up, the children of international marriages are the truest expression of the new civilisation. It is not important where a person is born and what passport he possesses. Even if a person is defined as an American, although he is of Italian-Irish or Russian descent or even if he is Tatar-Ukrainian, this is not the most important. What is most important is that there is an increasing number of people in the world who on the basis of their behaviour, their lifestyle and their value systems demonstrate the characteristics of the multicultural society and the intermixing of different traditions and customs. There is a growing number of people all over the world who are becoming aware of their global belonging and regard their specific citizenship as a relative and distant concept. The daily life of these people bears little resemblance to that of their mothers and their fathers. They may have come from India, Egypt, Zimbabwe or Thailand but they dress like Europeans, live in apartments with simple modern furniture and eat international cuisine. Their ethnic origins might be expressed only through certain national dishes, items used to furnish their homes or the celebration of certain national feast days. With the intermixing of trade and communications and national cultures, man himself is changing. Little by little day by day he is becoming a citizen of the world. Born of a European mother and a Latin American father he might wake up in an apartment in New York, watch the world news on the BBC and go to work in a Japanese company. He might lunch in a Chinese restaurant and then go to Russia on business. This Mr.X might have a house which is furnished with items "made in the world", he might have a Polish wife and his children might be learning Italian. There are innumerable examples of this. They are the signs of an emerging, unclassified phenomenon -- the appearance of a universal human culture and common global awareness. The main centres of this intermixing used to be in university cities, tourist areas or companies with employees from many countries of the world. Today these processes of drastic change are taking place all over the world. There are certain exceptions, where the women of a certain country are not allowed to marry foreigners or to have children by them. The Palestinians, for example, do this for reasons of national survival. When the Jordanians require the children of mixed marriages to take Jordanian citizenship this is mainly for religious reasons. The ethnic and the cultural intermixing of the world is a slow and evolutionary process. It can be seen in cultural adaptation, the use of one and the same language and the intermixing of lifestyles and cuisine etc.. Let us take for example language learning. As can be seen from table 13, at the moment there are 12 major languages in the world. In total there are between 4000 and 10,000 spoken languages and between 20--50,000 dialects. There is an undisputed trend towards the gradual disappearance of a large number of dialects and languages. The process of cultural intermixing also is taking place in languages. On the one hand this is a sign of the trend towards the use of a single or small number of languages as a global lingua-franca. To a great extent this is the role of English. On the other hand there are a large group of local languages which thanks to the electronic media will survive and will play a significant role in the survival of the culture of certain nations. At the moment more than 1 billion people in the world use English as an international language. This is due to the fact that the English speaking group is the second largest group of people in the world (table 13) as well as the fact that it has been the English-speaking countries which have provided the main stimuli for progress and that the world media broadcast in English. English is undoubtedly the major language in North America, one of the major languages in Europe and is used widely in Japan, India and Latin America as an international language. Globalisation will require sooner or later one of the world languages to become a global language. It is very likely that this English will fulfil this role. This is because the most active processes of globalisation during the last 50 years have come about as a result of the domination of the USA in the world economy. It is possible, however, that in the processes of economic polycentralisation English will lose part of its domination to French or German or one of the eastern languages such as Chinese or Japanese. Whatever the outcome I believe that the future of culture and language lies in a combination of global language and culture, national cultures and languages and the unsustainable cultures and languages of the smaller nations. There are notably over 2 billion people in the world, mainly in the poorer countries who do not speak any of the 12 major languages of the world. Table 13 The major languages of the world. Chinese More than 1 billion China, Taiwan, Singapore English 300-400 million people United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Ireland, India, Nigeria, Australis, South Africa (official language of 87 nations and territories) Hindi 250-300 million North Africa, Trinidad, South Africa, Mauritius Arabic 165 million North Africa, Near East Russian 250-300 million Republics of the Former Soviet Union Malay 180 million Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Bengali 150 million Bangladesh, India Spanish 180-520 million Official language of 20 nations and territories in Europe and America French 100-150 million Official language in 37 countries and territories in Europe, Africa, America and Oceania Japanese 125 million Japan, minorities in USA and Brasil German 150 million Germany, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Lichtenstein, Austria and Belgium Urdu 50-90 million Pakistan. Source: the Universal Almanac 1996 ed. J.Wright, Kansas City, 1995. It is still unclear which of them will preserve their languages and which of them will fall under the influence of the stronger cultures. Neither one extreme, the disappearance of ethnicities within a global culture, nor the other, their isolation and conservation is capable of answering the needs of humanity. It has already been mentioned that the explosion of ethnic groups is more or less an attempt at self-defence and a consequence of aggression against smaller cultures and nations. If migration, mixed marriages and the world media stimulate the intermixing of culture, then education and concern for the smaller cultures is a compulsory precondition for the preservation of local traditions and universal harmony. The Fourth Civilisation will be an era of global cultural phenomena but also the preservation of all the smaller cultures which express the diversity of the human species. This process cannot be stopped and there is little doubt that there will be an increase in the number of people who will lose their "pure" ethnicity but this will not lead inevitably to the destruction of national traditions and features. There have been periods throughout the history of humanity when the mixing of blood for many nations was considered shameful. Many nations aspired to preserve the purity of their roots and people through the purity of their blood. The formation of nations and nation states coincided logically with this process. The New Civilisation places the emphasis on the moral aspect of the common human spirit, the search for the common elements between autonomous cultures and peoples. Only in this way can the new dimensions of technical and spiritual progress be combined with tolerance, mutual influence and unification of difference cultures. The other alternative is isolationism and conflicts between civilisations and religions. Whether the 21st century will be a century of wars between cultures and civilisations as S.Huntington seems to believe or a century which places the priority on the universal and humanitarian elements of development -- this is a question of choice between the past and the future. 4. GLOBAL AWARENESS The 19th and the 20th centuries were a time of mass ideology. Global awareness rejects the closed ideologies of confrontation. It is a reflection of the common elements which unite the inhabitants of the earth but also of the differences between us and our neighbours. Global awareness is the main driving force of the Fourth Civilisation. It is the sense of the compatibility and legitimisation of these differences. H umanity is constantly adapting itself to the common spiritual values of integration. The integration of manufacturing and communications has lead to a growing awareness of the common problems of people and the ways in which they can be resolved. Religions are a typical expression of this unified awareness. Sometimes they are imposed through methods of conviction more frequently by violence and coercion. Religious conflicts over the past 2 millennia have been struggles between spiritual values and the different systems and structures of human awareness. Homo Sapiens in his evolution from the apes inherited and developed this common awareness. Over the centuries group ideologies became more and more massive. General or mass awareness is reflected in the common features and standards of life, in common gods and religions and in common spiritual values. The industrial age from the end of the 18th century saw a new period of structuring of mass values. The unifying nature of existing dogmatic religions was gradually replaced by unifying ideologies. Liberalism, Marxism, Leninism, nationalism, fascism and Maoism are just some examples. Certain ideologies reject religious awareness, others try to adapt it to their value systems. Until the 19th century violence was the basic, albeit limited, means for the solution of all conflicts between peoples, cultures and ideologies. Mass ideologies gave rise to mass violence. The most radical religious ideologies of the 20th century were undoubtedly communism and fascism. Although they were essential different and had different economic bases they both used violence as a key political method. Zbignew Brzezinski was correct when he referred to such ideologies as "coercive utopias". Such ideological religions allow for only one truth and exalt one system as the true system. They share the same eternal ideas and the same laws of human society. This is not only an expression of the primitivism of Utopia or subjective illusions imposed through coercion but a definite stage in the development of humanity. Ideological religions are an expression of the mass awareness which is caused by violent and radical integration, by the coercive persecution of the rural population and their transformation into industrial workers, the exploitation of hired labour, the violent colonisation of hundreds of nations and billions of people. Mass ideologies are the result of violence but also carry its seeds. H