ow why. I bet we are going to have tea. K.D. 3-12-87  * CONSPIRACY(1989) *  The album "CONSPIRACY" is a continuation of the story told on the album "THEM". Once back inside the old house "AMON", King watched his Grandmother vanish by the words: "I bet You're dying for a cup of tea." Not a trace did she leave behind. Nobody was to be found upstairs either. The cellar was empty. The entire house was empty. Only memories of long gone friends were buried on the thick dust that now covered the house. It had been 18 years since King was last in this house, waiting in his Mother's bedroom, to be taken away by Dr. Landau and the police. He spent 9 years in an asylum trying to get his mind back to normal, under the supervision of Dr. Landau. Then, finally released, he spent another 9 years in absolute solitude at a place unknown to us (lie). During this time, he never saw his Mother. Now, 2 weeks have passed since King returned to the old house, wich is actually his according to his Grandmother's will, and we think it is time for him to contact us again. AT THE GRAVES  (Music by King Diamond) Missy I miss You so. Oh little Sister I wish You'd come back to Me and sit by My side We'd laugh and we'd play again, if only You'll try You know "THEY" would show the way >From the other side Rise from Your grave little Sister Rise...Rise...Rise My friends...Rise Spirits rising from their grave Burning shadows in the dead of night Icy fingers all over My hand Try to make Me understand "Finally we have returned...All of us" Missy is that You, come closer Spirits rising from their grave Everywhere that ghostly stare Icy fingers all over My hand Lead me back to where she stands "THEY" are back to share My life..."THEY" are back Missy come, come with Me, there are things I must know How did you get here, where's the door to the other side Missy: "Beyond the graves lies the gate the gate that leads to the dead We have to leave before the dawn if not by the sun we will burn" Spirits rising from their grave soon the dawn will chase the dark away Icy fingers all over My hand Lead Me back to where "THEY" stand Am I glad You have returned...All of you # Do You remember when Grandmother said she heard "THEM" sing I've heard "THEM" too and I really wish I could hear "THEM" again Missy: "In Your mind You'll hear "THEM" sing every night at the graves we have to leave before the dawn if not by the sun we will burn now sing" Show Your powers onto Me... SLEEPLESS NIGHTS  (Music by Andy LaRocque) I cannot sleep at night That's what the day is for anyway And as the clock strikes midnight I hear "THEM" dancing at the graves singing to My mind killing the pain...sleepless nights...sleepless nights I cannot sleep at night That's what the day is for anyway And as the clock strikes midnight only "THEY" can let us meet even though she's dead now I gotta see her again...sleepless nights...sleepless nights I cannot sleep at night I will do anything to see Missy again "Then let us make You an eternal deal You will attend to the graves You'll give us the house back and keep in mind that we only come here at night". So we made the deal under the starry night and "AMON" belongs to "THEM" now... I feel the dawn coming My way And as the sun breaks up the dark I can't hear "THEM" dance no more There's no voices killing the pain...pain...pain LIES  (Music by Kind Diamond) Yesterday I spent an hour A full hour in therapy My favourite Doctor Landau My God I hate his breath He asked me questions That kind of fool deserves a lie I gave him answers The kind of answers Doctor like Yes, I gave him a bunch of lies I told him all My nightmares Were dead and gone "These days I sleep like a baby and there never ever was a "THEM" He asked me questions That kind of fool deserves a lie I gave him answers The kind of answers Doctors like The Doctor looked at My eyes Landau: "No trace of insanity maybe the time is right now to have a visit from the family I'm thinking of Your Mother what does My little patient say?" I should have taken his stethoscope and then forced it down his throat My Mother was at stake So I behaved That night I cleaned the entire house For everything but the memories No dust, no tea, ah stupid me I even took the axe away The sun is up and it's time for bed I'm so tired I can't wait no more A VISIT FROM THE DEAD (Music by Andy LaRocque) It must be summer the sky is clear The garden is so beautiful All the flowers and all the trees Make Me feel like they're inside of Me I'm holding My sister's hand While we're playing in the sand It's all but a dream My bed is moving, I cannot see a thing I am in total darkness, someone is calling I can feel the chill, it's all around Me I know it's not a dream, No no no Someone is in My room Standing at the end of My bed Must be a visit from the dead Must be a visit from the dead Now I see her figure, it's just a little child And there's no reflection, she's in the mirror Could it really be, has she returned? My little sister "King beware...something bad is coming Your way... King beware" Must be a visit from the dead Must be a visit from the dead Missy will You tell Me You know we don't have no secrets "Just beware" Must be a visit from the dead Must be a visit from the dead You've to to tell Me Missy Come on now, spit out little girl "I will send You a dream..." THE WEDDING DREAM  (Music by King Diamond) My Mother is entering My dream now She's wearing a wedding dress Something's wrong with the way she walks the aisle I think it's her legs Suddenly there is someone else beside her That man I recognize The Doctor intends to marry Mother It's got to b