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 From: Alexander Colesnicov 

Reks Staut - Rex Stout (1896-1975)

Spisok proizvedenij o Niro Vul'fe (vsego 72, 33 povesti i 39 rasskazov):

1934  1 Fer-de-Lance        * Ostrie kop'ya
1935  2 The League of Frightened Men  * Liga perepugannyh muzhchin
1936  3 The Rubber Band (To kill again) * Snova ubivat'
1937  4 The Red Box         * Krasnaya korobka
1938  5 Too Many Cooks      * Slishkom mnogo povarov
1939  6 Some Buried Caesar  * Usopshij Cezar' * Gde Cezar' krov'yu istekal *
1940  7 Over My Dead Body   * CHerez moj trup
1940  8 Where There's a Will * Zaveshchanie
1940  9 Bitter End
1942 Black Orchids (sbornik):
     10 Black Orchids       * Delo o chernyh orhideyah
     11 Cordially Invited to Meet Death * S priskorbiem izveshchaem
1944 Not Quite Dead Enough (sbornik):
     12 Not Quite Dead Enough  * Nedostatochno mertv
     13 Booby Trap          * Smertel'naya lovushka
1946 14 The Silent Speaker  * Umolknuvshij orator
1947 15 Too Many Women      * Slishkom mnogo zhenshchin
1948 16 And Be a Villain    * I byt' podlecom
1949 Trouble in Triplicate (sbornik):
     17 Before I Die         * Prezhde chem ya umru
     18 Help Wanted, Male    * Trebuetsya muzhchina
     19 Instead of Evidence  * Vmesto uliki
1949 20 The Second Confession* Vtoroe priznanie
1950 Three Doors to Death (sbornik):
     21 Man Alive            *  Ozhivshij pokojnik
     22 Omit Flowers         * Povod k ubijstvu
     23 Door to Death        * Dver' k smerti
1950 24 In The Best Families * V luchshih semejstvah
1950 Curtains for Three (sbornik):
     25 The Gun with Wings   * Pistolet s kryl'yami
     26 Bullet for One       * Odna pulya - dlya odnogo
     27 Disguise for Murder  * Maska dlya ubijstva
1951 28 Murder by The Book   * Ubijstvo iz-za knigi
1952 29 Prisoner's Base
1952 Triple Jeopardy (sbornik):
     30 Home to Roost        * Ne roj drugomu yamu
     31 The Cop Killer       * Ubijstvo policejskogo
     32 The Squirt and The Monkey
1953 33 The Golden Spiders   * Zolotye pauki
1954 Three Men Out (sbornik):
     34 Invitation to Murder * Priglashenie k ubijstvu
     35 The Zero Clue        * Bez ulik
     36 This Won't Kill You  * |to vas ne ub'et
1954 37 The Black Mountain   * CHernaya gora
1955 38 Before Midnight      * Ne pozdnee polunochi
1956 Three Witnesses (sbornik):
     39 The Next Witness     * Poslednij svidetel'
     40 When a Man Murders   * Kogda chelovek ubivaet
     41 Die like a Dog       * Umri kak sobaka * "Vseh, krome psa, v policiyu..."
1956 42 Might as Well Be Dead*  Luchshe mne umeret' * Vse nachalos' s Omahi
1957 Three for The Chair (sbornik):
     43 A Window for Death   * Okno k smerti
     44 Immune to Murder     * Immunitet k ubijstvu
     45 Too Many Detectives  * Slishkom mnogo syshchikov
1957 46 If Death Ever Slept  * Esli by smert' spala
1958 And Four to Go (sbornik):
     47 Christmas Party      * Rozhdestvenskaya vecherinka
     48 Easter Parade        * Pashal'nyj parad
     49 Fourth of July Picnic* Prazdnichnyj piknik
     50 Murder is No Joke    * Ubijstvo - ne shutka
1958 51 Champagne for One    * Bokal shampanskogo
1959 52 Plot It Yourself     * Sochinyajte sami
1960 53 Too Many Clients     * Slishkom mnogo klientov
1960 Three at Wolfe's Door (sbornik):
     54 Poison a La Carte    * Otravlenie
     55 Method Three for Murder * Izbavlenie metodom nomer tri
     56 The Rodeo Murder     * Ubijstvo na rodeo
1961 57 The Final Deduction  * Okonchatel'noe reshenie
1961 58 Gambit               * Gambit
1962 Homicide Trinity (sbornik):
     59 Eeny Meeny Murder Mo * Vyshel mesyac iz tumana
     60 Death of a Demon     * Smert' demona
     61 Counterfeit for Murder [vposledstvii Assault on a Brownstone] * Poddelka dlya
1963 62 The Mother Hunt      * Ohota za mater'yu
1964 Trio for Blunt Instruments (sbornik):
     63 Kill Now-Pay Later   * Ubej sejchas - zaplatish' potom
     64 Murder Is Corny      * Banal'noe ubijstvo
     65 Blood Will Tell      * Krov' skazhet
1964 66 A Right to Die       * Pravo umeret' *
1965 67 The Doorbell Rang    * Zvonok v dver'
1966 68 Death of a Doxy      * Smert' soderzhanki
1968 69 The Father Hunt      * Pogonya za otcom *
1969 70 Death of a Dude      * Smert' hlyshcha *
1973 71 Please Pass The Guilt
1975 72 A Family Affair

Posmertnyj sbornik:
1985 Death Times Three (sbornik):
      9 Bitter End
      ? Frame-Up for Murder (1958) [ranee ?]
     61 Assault on a Brownstone [ranee Counterfeit for Murder] * Poddelka dlya

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Last-modified: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 09:46:32 GMT
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