t from bronze and sunk in gelatin, the robots lay. In coffins for the not dead and not alive, in planked boxes, the metronomes waited to be set in motion. There was a smell of lubrication and lathed brass. There was a silence of the tomb yard. Sexed but sexless, the robots. Named but unnamed, and borrowing from humans everything but humanity, the robots stared at the nailed lids of their labeled F.O.B. boxes, in a death that was not even a death, for there had never been a life. And now there was a vast screaming of yanked nails. Now there was a lifting of lids. Now there were shadows on the boxes and the pressure of a hand squirting oil from a can. Now one clock was set in motion, a faint ticking. Now another and another, until this was an immense clock shop, purring. The marble eyes rolled wide their rubber lids. The nostrils winked. The robots, clothed in hair of ape and white of rabbit, arose: Tweedledum following Tweedledee, Mock-Turtle, Dormouse, drowned bodies from the sea compounded of salt and whiteweed, swaying; hanging blue-throated men with turned-up, clam-flesh eyes, and creatures of ice and burning tinsel, loam-dwarfs and pepper-elves, Tik-tok, Ruggedo, St. Nicholas with a self-made snow flurry blowing on before him, Bluebeard with whiskers like acetylene flame, and sulphur clouds from which green fire snouts protruded, and, in scaly and gigantic serpentine, a dragon with a furnace in its belly reeled out the door with a scream, a tick, a bellow, a silence, a rush, a wind. Ten thousand lids fell back. The clock shop moved out into Usher. The night was enchanted. A warm breeze came over the land. The guest rockets, burning the sky and turning the weather from autumn to spring arrived. The men stepped out in evening clothes and the women stepped out after them, their hair coiffed up in elaborate detail. "So _that's_ Usher!" "But where's the door?" At this moment Stendahl appeared. The women laughed and chattered. Mr. Stendahl raised a hand to quiet them. Turning, he looked up to a high castle window and called: "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair." And from above, a beautiful maiden leaned out upon the night wind and let down her golden hair. And the hair twined and blew and became a ladder upon which the guests might ascend, laughing, into the House. What eminent sociologists! What clever psychologists! What tremendously important politicians, bacteriologists, and neurologists! There they stood, within the dank walls. "Welcome, all of you!" Mr. Tryon, Mr. Owen, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Lang, Mr. Steffens, Mr. Fletcher, and a double-dozen more. "Come in, come in!" Miss Gibbs, Miss Pope, Miss Churchil, Miss Blunt, Miss Drummond, and a score of other women, glittering. Eminent, eminent people, one and all, members of the Society for the Prevention of Fantasy, advocators of the banishment of Halloween and Guy Fawkes, killers of bats, burners of books, bearers of torches; good clean citizens, every one, who had waited until the rough men had come up and buried the Martians and cleansed the cities and built the towns and repaired the highways and made everything safe. And then, with everything well on its way to Safety, the Spoil-Funs, the people with mercurochrome for blood and iodine-colored eyes, came now to set up their Moral Climates and dole out goodness to everyone. And they were his friends! Yes, carefully, carefully, he had met and befriended each of them on Earth in the last year! "Welcome to the vasty halls of Death!" he cried. "Hello, Stendahl, what _is_ all this?" "You'll see. Everyone off with their clothes. You'll find booths to one side there. Change into costumes you find there. Men on this side, women on that." The people stood uneasily about. "I don't know if we should stay," said Miss Pope. "I don't like the looks of this. It verges on--blasphemy." "Nonsense, a _costume_ ball!" "Seems quite illegal." Mr. Steffens sniffed about. "Come off it." Stendahl laughed. "Enjoy yourselves. Tomorrow it'll be a ruin. Get in the booths!" The House blazed with life and color; harlequins rang by with belled caps and white mice danced miniature quadrilles to the music of dwarfs who tickled tiny fiddles with tiny bows, and flags rippled from scorched beams while bats flew in clouds about gargoyle mouths which spouted down wine, cool, wild, and foaming. A creek wandered through the seven rooms of the masked ball. Guests sipped and found it to be sherry. Guests poured from the booths, transformed from one age into another, their faces covered with dominoes, the very act of putting on a mask revoking all their licenses to pick a quarrel with fantasy and horror. The women swept about in red gowns, laughing. The men danced them attendance. And on the walls were shadows with no people to throw them, and here or there were mirrors in which no image showed. "All of us vampires!" laughed Mr. Fletcher. "Dead!" There were seven rooms, each a different color, one blue, one purple, one green, one orange, another white, the sixth violet, and the seventh shrouded in black velvet. And in the black room was an ebony clock which struck the hour loud. And through these rooms the guests ran, drunk at last, among the robot fantasies, amid the Dormice and Mad Hatters, the Trolls and Giants, the Black Cats and White Queens, and under their dancing feet the floor gave off the massive pumping beat of a hidden and telltale heart. "Mr. Stendahl!" A whisper. "Mr. Stendahl!" A monster with the face of Death stood at his elbow. It was Pikes. "I must see you alone." "What is it?" "Here." Pikes held out a skeleton hand. In it were a few half-melted, charred wheels, nuts, cogs, bolts. Stendahl looked at them for a long moment. Then he drew Pikes into a corridor. "Garrett?" he whispered. Pikes nodded. "He sent a robot in his place. Cleaning out the incinerator a moment ago, I found these." They both stared at the fateful cogs for a time. "This means the police will be here any minute," said Pikes. "Our plan will be ruined." "I don't know." Stendahl glanced in at the whirling yellow and blue and orange people. The music swept through the misting halls. "I should have guessed Garrett wouldn't be fool enough to come in person. But wait!" "What's the matter?" "Nothing. There's nothing the matter. Garrett sent a robot to us. Well, we sent one back. Unless he checks closely, he won't notice the switch." "Of course!" "Next time he'll come _himself_. Now that he thinks it's safe. Why, he might be at the door any minute, in _person!_ More wine, Pikes!" The great bell rang. "There he is now, I'll bet you. Go let Mr. Garrett in." Rapunzel let down her golden hair. "Mr. Stendahl?" "Mr. Garrett. The _real_ Mr. Garrett?" "The same." Garrett eyed the dank walls and the whirling people. "I thought I'd better come see for myself. You can't depend on robots. Other people's robots, especially. I also took the precaution of summoning the Dismantlers. They'll be here in one hour to knock the props out from under this horrible place." Stendahl bowed. "Thanks for telling me." He waved his hand. "In the meantime, you might as well enjoy this. A little wine?" "No, thank you. What's going on? How low can a man sink?" "See for yourself, Mr. Garrett." "Murder," said Garrett. "Murder most foul," said Stendahl. A woman screamed. Miss Pope ran up, her face the color of a cheese. "The most horrid thing just happened! I saw Miss Blunt strangled by an ape and stuffed up a chimney!" They looked and saw the long yellow hair trailing down from the flue. Garrett cried out. "Horrid!" sobbed Miss Pope, and then ceased crying. She blinked and turned. "Miss Blunt!" "Yes," said Miss Blunt, standing there. "But I just saw you crammed up the flue!" "No," laughed Miss Blunt. "A robot of myself. A clever facsimile!" "But, but . . ." "Don't cry darling. I'm quite all right. Let me look at myself. Well, so there I _am!_ Up the chimney. Like you said. Isn't that funny?" Miss Blunt walked away, laughing. "Have a drink, Garrett?" "I believe I will. That unnerved me. My God, what a place. This _does_ deserve tearing down. For a moment there . . ." Garrett drank. Another scream. Mr. Steffens, borne upon the shoulders of four white rabbits, was carried down a flight of stairs which magically appeared in the floor. Into a pit went Mr. Steffens, where, bound and tied, he was left to face the advancing razor steel of a great pendulum which now whirled down, down, closer and closer to his outraged body. "Is that me down there?" said Mr. Steffens, appearing at Garrett's elbow. He bent over the pit. "How strange, how odd, to see yourself die." The pendulum made a final stroke. "How realistic," said Mr. Steffens, turning away. "Another drink, Mr. Garrett?" "Yes, please." "It won't be long. The Dismantlers will be here." "Thank God!" And for a third time, a scream. "What now?" said Garrett apprehensively. "It's my turn," said Miss Drummond. "Look." And a second Miss Druxnmond, shrieking, was nailed into a coffin and thrust into the raw earth under the floor. "Why, I remember _that_," gasped the Investigator of Moral Climates. "From the old forbidden books. The Premature Burial. And the others. The Pit, the Pendulum, and the ape, the chimney, the Murders in the Rue Morgue. In a book I burned, yes!" "Another drink, Garrett. Here, hold your glass steady." "My lord, you _have_ an imagination, haven't you?" They stood and watched five others die, one in the mouth of a dragon, the others thrown off into the black tarn, sinking and vanishing. "Would you like to see what we have planned for you?" asked Stendahl. "Certainly," said Garrett. "What's the difference? We'll blow the whole damn thing up, anyway. You're nasty." "Come along then. This way." And he led Garrett down into the floor, through numerous passages and down again upon spiral stairs into the earth, into the catacombs. "What do you want to show me down here?" said Garrett. "Yourself killed." "A duplicate?" "Yes. And also something else." "What?" "The Amontillado," said Stendahl, going ahead with a blazing lantern which he held high. Skeletons froze half out of coffin lids. Garrett held his hand to his nose, his face disgusted. "The what?" "Haven't you ever heard of the Amontillado?" "No!" "Don't you recognize this?" Stendahl pointed to a cell. "Should I?" "Or this?" Stendahl produced a trowel from under his cape smiling. "What's that thing?" "Come," said Stendahl. They stepped into the cell. In the dark, Stendahl affixed the chains to the half-drunken man. "For God's sake, what are you doing?" shouted Garrett, rattling about. "I'm being ironic. Don't interrupt a man in the midst of being ironic, it's not polite. There!" "You've locked me in chains!" "So I have." "What are you going to do?" "Leave you here." "You're joking." "A very good joke." "Where's my duplicate? Don't we see him killed?" "There's no duplicate." "But the _others!_" "The others are dead. The ones you saw killed were the real people. The duplicates, the robots, stood by and watched." Garrett said nothing. "Now you're supposed to say, 'For the love of God, Montresor!'" said Stendahl. "And I will reply, 'Yes, for the love of God.' Won't you say it? Come on. Say it." "You fool." "Must I coax you? Say it. Say 'For the love of God, Montresor!'" "I won't, you idiot. Get me out of here." He was sober now. "Here. Put this on." Stendahl tossed in something that belled and rang. "What is it?" "A cap and bells. Put it on and I might let you out." "Stendahl!" "Put it on, I said!" Garrett obeyed. The bells tinkled. "Don't you have a feeling that this has all happened before?" inquired Stendahl, setting to work with trowel and mortar and brick now. "What're you doing?" "Walling you in. Here's one row. Here's another." "You're insane!" "I won't argue that point." "You'll be prosecuted for this!" He tapped a brick and placed it on the wet mortar, humming. Now there was a thrashing and pounding and a crying out from within the darkening place. The bricks rose higher. "More thrashing, please," said Stendahl. "Let's make it a good show." "Let me out, let me out!" There was one last brick to shove into place. The screaming was continuous. "Garrett?" called Stendahl softly. Garrett silenced himself. "Garrett," said Stendahl, "do you know why I've done this to you? Because you burned Mr. Poe's books without really reading them. You took other people's advice that they needed burning. Otherwise you'd have realized what I was going to do to you when we came down here a moment ago. Ignorance is fatal, Mr. Garrett." Garrett was silent. "I want this to be perfect," said Stendahl, holding his lantern up so its light penetrated in upon the slumped figure. "Jingle your bells softly." The bells rustled. "Now, if you'll please say, 'For the love of God, Monstresor,' I might let you free." The man's face came up in the light. There was a hesitation. Then grotesquely the man said, "For the love of God, Montresor." "Ah," said Stendahl, eyes closed. He shoved the last brick into place and mortared it tight. "_Requiescat in pace_, dear friend." He hastened from the catacomb. In the seven rooms the sound of a midnight clock brought everything to a halt. The Red Death appeared. Stendahl turned for a moment at the door to watch. And then he ran out of the great House, across the moat, to where a helicopter waited. "Ready, Pikes?" "Ready." "There it goes!" They looked at the great House, smiling. It began to crack down the middle, as with an earthquake, and as Stendahl watched the magnificent sight he heard Pikes reading behind him in a low, cadenced voice: "'. . . my brain reeled as I saw the mighty walls rushing asunder--there was a long tumultuous shouting sound like the voice of a thousand waters--and the deep and dank tarn at my feet closed sullenly and silently over the fragments of the House of Usher.'" The helicopter rose over the steaming lake and flew into the west. August 2005: THE OLD ONES And what more natural than that, at last, the old people come to Mars, following in the trail left by the loud frontiersmen, the aromatic sophisticates, and the professional travelers and romantic lecturers in search of new grist. And so the dry and crackling people, the people who spent their time listening to their hearts and feeling their pulses and spooning syrups into their wry mouths, these people who once had taken chair cars to California in November and third-class steamers to Italy in April, the dried-apricot people, the mummy people, came at last to Mars. . . . September 2005: THE MARTIAN The blue mountains lifted into the rain and the rain fell down into the long canals and old LaFarge and his wife came out of their house to watch. "First rain this season," LaFarge pointed out. "It's good," said his wife. "Very welcome." They shut the door. Inside, they warmed their hands at a fire. They shivered. In the distance, through the window, they saw rain gleaming on the sides of the rocket which had brought them from Earth. "There's only one thing," said LaFarge, looking at his hands. "What's that?" asked his wife. "I wish we could have brought Tom with us." "Oh, now, Lafe!" "I won't start again; I'm sorry." "We came here to enjoy our old age in peace, not to think of Tom. He's been dead so long now, we should try to forget him and everything on Earth." "You're right," he said, and turned his hands again to the heat. He gazed into the fire. "I won't speak of it any more. It's just I miss driving out to Green Lawn Park every Sunday to put flowers on his marker. It used to be our only excursion." The blue rain fell gently upon the house. At nine o'clock they went to bed and lay quietly, hand in hand, he fifty-five, she sixty, in the raining darkness. "Anna?" he called softly. "Yes?" she replied. "Did you hear something?" They both listened to the rain and the wind. "Nothing," she said. "Someone whistling," he said. "No, I didn't hear it." "I'm going to get up to see anyhow." He put on his robe and walked through the house to the front door. Hesitating, he pulled the door wide, and rain fell cold upon his face. The wind blew. In the dooryard stood a small figure. Lightning cracked the sky, and a wash of white color illumined the face looking in at old LaFarge there in the doorway. "Who's there?" called LaFarge, trembling. No answer. "Who is it? What do you want!" Still not a word. He felt very weak and tired and numb. "Who are you?" he cried. His wife entered behind him and took his arm. "Why are you shouting?" "A small boy's standing in the yard and won't answer me," said the old man, trembling. "He looks like Tom!" "Come to bed, you're dreaming." "But he's there; see for yourself." He pulled the door wider to let her see. The cold wind blew and the thin rain fell upon the soil and the figure stood looking at them with distant eyes. The old woman held to the doorway. "Go away!" she said, waving one hand. "Go away!" "Doesn't it look like Tom?" asked the old man. The figure did not move. "I'm afraid," said the old woman. "Lock the door and come to bed. I won't have anything to do with it." She vanished, moaning to herself, into the bedroom. The old man stood with the wind raining coldness on his hands. "Tom," he called softly. "Tom, if that's you, if by some chance it is you, Tom, I'll leave the door unlatched. And if you're cold and want to come in to warm yourself, just come in later and lie by the hearth; there's some fur rugs there." He shut but did not lock the door. His wife felt him return to bed, and shuddered. "It's a terrible night. I feel so old," she said, sobbing. "Hush, hush," he gentled her, and held her in his arms. "Go to sleep." After a long while she slept. And then, very quietly, as he listened, he heard the front door open, the rain and wind come in, the door shut. He heard soft footsteps on the hearth and a gentle breathing. "Tom," he said to himself, Lightning struck in the sky and broke the blackness apart. In the morning the sun was very hot. Mr. LaFarge opened the door into the living room and glanced all about, quickly. The hearthrugs were empty. LaFarge sighed. "I'm getting old," he said. He went out to walk to the canal to fetch a bucket of clear water to wash in. At the front door he almost knocked young Tom down carrying in a bucket already filled to the brim. "Good morning, Father!" "Morning Tom." The old man fell aside. The young boy, barefooted, hurried across the room, set the bucket down, and turned, smiling. "It's a fine day!" "Yes, it is," said the old man incredulously. The boy acted as if nothing was unusual. He began to wash his face with the water. The old man moved forward. "Tom, how did you get here? You're alive?" "Shouldn't I be?" The boy glanced up. "But, Tom, Green Lawn Park, every Sunday, the flowers and . . ." LaFarge had to sit down. The boy came and stood before him and took his hand. The old man felt of the fingers, warm and firm. "You're really here, it's not a dream?" "You _do_ want me to be here, don't you?" The boy seemed worried. "Yes, yes, Tom!" "Then why ask questions? Accept me!" "But your mother; the shock . . ." "Don't worry about her. During the night I sang to both of you, and you'll accept me more because of it, especially her. I know what the shock is. Wait till she comes, you'll see." He laughed, shaking his head of coppery, curled hair. His eyes were very blue and clear. "Good morning, Lafe, Tom." Mother came from the bedroom, putting her hair up into a bun. "Isn't it a fine day?" Tom turned to laugh in his father's face. "You see?" They ate a very good lunch, all three of them, in the shade behind the house. Mrs. LaFarge had found an old bottle of sunflower wine she had put away, and they all had a drink of that. Mr. LaFarge had never seen his wife's face so bright. If there was any doubt in her mind about Tom, she didn't voice it. It was completely natural thing to her. And it was also becoming natural to LaFarge himself. While Mother cleared the dishes LaFarge leaned toward his son and said confidentially, "How old are you now, Son?" "Don't you know, Father? Fourteen, of course." "Who are you, _really?_ You can't be Tom, but you are _someone_. Who?" "Don't." Startled, the boy put his hands to his face. "You can tell me," said the old man. "I'll understand. You're a Martian, aren't you? I've heard tales of the Martians; nothing definite. Stories about how rare Martians are and when they come among us they come as Earth Men. There's something about you--you're Tom and yet you're not." "Why can't you accept me and stop talking?" cried the boy. His hands completely shielded his face. "Don't doubt, please don't doubt me!" He turned and ran from the table. "Tom, come back!" But the boy ran off along the canal toward the distant town. "Where's Tom going?" asked Anna, returning for more dishes. She looked at her husband's face. "Did you say something to bother him?" "Anna," he said, taking her hand. "Anna, do you remember anything about Green Lawn Park, a market, and Tom having pneumonia?" "What _are_ you talking about?" She laughed. "Never mind," he said quietly. In the distance the dust drifted down after Tom had run along the canal rim. At five in the afternoon, with the sunset, Tom returned. He looked doubtfully at his father. "Are you going to ask me anything?" he wanted to know. "No questions," said LaFarge. The boy smiled his white smile. "Swell." "Where've you been?" "Near the town. I almost didn't come back. I was almost"-- the boy sought for a word--"trapped." "How do you mean, 'trapped'?" "I passed a small tin house by the canal and I was almost made so I couldn't come back here ever again to see you. I don't know how to explain it to you, there's no way, I can't tell you, even _I_ don't know; it's strange, I don't want to talk about it." "We won't then. Better wash up, boy. Suppertime." The boy ran. Perhaps ten minutes later a boat floated down the serene surface of the canal, a tall lank man with black hair poling it along with leisurely drives of his arms. "Evening, Brother LaFarge," he said, pausing at his task. "Evening Saul, what's the word?" "All kinds of words tonight. You know that fellow named Nomland who lives down the canal in the tin hut?" LaFarge stiffened. "Yes?" "You know what sort of rascal he was?" "Rumor had it he left Earth because he killed a man." Saul leaned on his wet pole, gazing at LaFarge. "Remember the name of the man he killed?" "Gillings, wasn't it?" "Right. Gillings. Well, about two hours ago Mr. Nomland came running to town crying about how he had seen Gillings, alive, here on Mars, today, this afternoon! He tried to get the jail to lock him up safe. The jail wouldn't. So Nomland went home, and twenty minutes ago, as I get the story, blew his brains out with a gun. I just came from there." "Well, well," said LaFarge. "The darnedest things happen," said Saul. "Well, good night, LaFarge." "Good night." The boat drifted on down the serene canal waters. "Supper's hot," called the old woman. Mr. LaFarge sat down to his supper and, knife in hand, looked over at Tom. "Tom," he said, "what did you do this afternoon?" "Nothing," said Tom, his mouth full. "Why?" "Just wanted to know." The old man tucked his napkin in. At seven that night the old woman wanted to go to town. "Haven't been there in months," she said. But Tom desisted. "I'm afraid of the town," he said. "The people. I don't want to go there." "Such talk for a grown boy," said Anna. "I won't listen to it. You'll come along. _I_ say so." "Anna, if the boy doesn't want to . . ." started the old man. But there was no arguing. She hustled them into the canalboat and they floated up the canal under the evening stars, Tom lying on his back, his eyes closed; asleep or not, there was no telling. The old man looked at him steadily, wondering. Who is this, he thought, in need of love as much as we? Who is he and what is he that, out of loneliness, he comes into the alien camp and assumes the voice and face of memory and stands among us, accepted and happy at last? From what mountain, what cave, what small last race of people remaining on this world when the rockets came from Earth? The old man shook his head. There was no way to know. This, to all purposes, was Tom. The old man looked at the town ahead and did not like it, but then he returned to thoughts of Tom and Anna again and he thought to himself: Perhaps this is wrong to keep Tom but a little while, when nothing can come of it but trouble and sorrow, but how are we to give up the very thing we've wanted, no matter if it stays only a day and is gone, making the emptiness emptier, the dark nights darker, the rainy nights wetter? You might as well force the food from our mouths as take this one from us. And he looked at the boy slumbering so peacefully at the bottom of the boat. The boy whimpered with some dream. "The people," he murmured in his sleep. "Changing and changing. The trap." "There, there, boy." LaFarge stroked the boy's soft curls and Tom ceased. LaFarge helped wife and son from the boat. "Here we are!" Anna smiled at all the lights, listening to the music from the drinking houses, the pianos, the phonographs, watching people, arm in arm, striding by in the crowded streets. "I wish I was home," said Tom. "You never talked that way before," said the mother. "You always liked Saturday nights in town." "Stay close to me," whispered Tom. "I don't want to get trapped." Anna overheard. "Stop talking that way; come along!" LaFarge noticed that the boy held his hand. LaFarge squeezed it. "I'll stick with you, Tommy-boy." He looked at the throngs coming and going and it worried him also. "We won't stay long." "Nonsense, we'll spend the evening," said Anna. They crossed a street, and three drunken men careened into them. There was much confusion, a separation, a wheeling about, and then LaFarge stood stunned. Tom was gone. "Where is he?" asked Anna irritably. "Him always running off alone any chance he gets. Tom!" she called. Mr. LaFarge hurried through the crowd, but Tom was gone. "He'll come back; he'll be at the boat when we leave," said Anna certainly, steering her husband back toward the motion-picture theater. There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and a man and woman rushed by LaFarge. He recognized them. Joe Spaulding and his wife. They were gone before he could speak to them. Looking back anxiously, he purchased the tickets for the theater and allowed his wife to draw him into the unwelcome darkness. Tom was not at the landing at eleven o'clock. Mrs. LaFarge turned very pale. "Now, Mother," said LaFarge, "don't worry. I'll find him. Wait here." "Hurry back." Her voice faded into the ripple of the water. He walked through the night streets, hands in pockets. All about, lights were going out one by one. A few people were still leaning out their windows, for the night was warm, even though the sky still held storm clouds from time to time among the stars. As he walked he recalled the boy's constant references to being trapped, his fear of crowds and cities. There was no sense in it, thought the old man tiredly. Perhaps the boy was gone forever, perhaps he had never been. LaFarge turned in at a particular alley, watching the numbers. "Hello there, LaFarge." A man sat in his doorway, smoking a pipe. "Hello, Mike." "You and your woman quarrel? You out walking it off?" "No. Just walking." "You look like you lost something. Speaking of lost things," said Mike, "somebody got found this evening. You know Joe Spaulding? You remember his daughter Lavinia?" "Yes." LaFarge was cold. It all seemed a repeated dream, He knew which words would come next. "Lavinia came home tonight," said Mike, smoking. "You recall, she was lost on the dead sea bottoms about a month ago? They found what they thought was her body, badly deteriorated, and ever since the Spaulding family's been no good. Joe went around saying she wasn't dead, that wasn't really her body. Guess he was right Tonight Lavinia showed up." "Where?" LaFarge felt his breath come swiftly, his heart pounding. "On Main Street. The Spauldings were buying tickets for a show. And there, all of a sudden, in the crowd, was Lavinia. Must have been quite a scene. She didn't know them first off. They followed her half down a street and spoke to her. Then she remembered." "Did you see her?" "No, but I heard her singing. Remember how she used to sing 'The Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond'? I heard her trilling out for her father a while ago over there in their house. It was good to hear; her such a beautiful girl. A shame, I thought, her dead; and now with her back again it's fine. Here now, you look weak yourself. Better come in for a spot of whisky. . . ." "Thanks, no, Mike." The old man moved away. He heard Mike say good night and did not answer, but fixed his eyes upon the two-story building where rambling clusters of crimson Martian flowers lay upon the high crystal roof. Around back, above the garden, was a twisted iron balcony, and the windows above were lighted. It was very late, and still he thought to himself: What will happen to Anna if I don't bring Tom home with me? This second shock, this second death, what will it do to her? Will she remember the first death, too, and this dream, and the sudden vanishing? Oh God, I've got to find Tom, or what will come of Anna? Poor Anna, waiting there at the landing. He paused and lifted his head. Somewhere above, voices bade other soft voices good night, doors turned and shut, lights dimmed, and a gentle singing continued. A moment later a girl no more than eighteen, very lovely, came out upon the balcony. LaFarge called up through the wind that was blowing. The girl turned and looked down. "Who's there?" she cried. "It's me," said the old man, and, realizing this reply to be silly and strange, fell silent, his lips working. Should he call out, "Tom, my son, this is your father"? How to speak to her? She would think him quite insane and summon her parents. The girl bent forward in the blowing light. "I know you," she replied softly. "Please go; there's nothing you can do." "You've got to come back!" It escaped LaFarge before he could prevent it. The moonlit figure above drew into shadow, so there was no identity, only a voice. "I'm not your son any more," it said. "We should never have come to town." "Anna's waiting at the landing!" "I'm sorry," said the quiet voice. "But what can I do? I'm happy here, I'm loved, even as you loved me. I am what I am, and I take what can be taken; too late now, they've caught me." "But Anna, the shock to her. Think of that." "The thoughts are too strong in this house; it's like being imprisoned. I can't change myself back." "You are Tom, you _were_ Tom, weren't you? You aren't joking with an old man; you're not really Lavinia Spaulding?" "I'm not anyone, I'm just myself; wherever I am, I am something, and now I'm something you can't help." "You're not safe in the town. It's better out on the canal where no one can hurt you," pleaded the old man. "That's true." The voice hesitated. "But I must consider these people now. How would they feel if, in the morning, I was gone again, this time for good? Anyway, the mother knows what I am; she guessed, even as you did. I think they all guessed but didn't question. You don't question Providence. If you can't have the reality, a dream is just as good. Perhaps I'm not their dead one back, but I'm something almost better to them; an ideal shaped by their minds. I have a choice of hurting them or your wife." "They're a family of five. They can stand your loss better!" "Please," said the voice. "I'm tired." The old man's voice hardened. "You've got to come. I can't let Anna be hurt again. You're our son. You're my son, and you belong to us." "No, please!" The shadow trembled. "You don't belong to this house or these people!" "No, don't do this to me!" "Tom, Tom, Son, listen to me. Come back, slip down the vines, boy. Come along, Anna's waiting; we'll give you a good home, everything you want." He stared and stared upward, willing it to be. The shadows drifted, the vines rustled. At last the quiet voice said, "All right, Father." "Tom!" In the moonlight the quick figure of a boy slid down through the vines. LaFarge put up his arms to catch him. The room lights above flashed on. A voice issued from one of the grilled windows. "Who's down there?" "Hurry, boy!" More lights, more voices. "Stop, I have a gun! Vinny, are you all right?" A running of feet. Together the old man and the boy ran across the garden. A shot sounded. The bullet struck the wall as they slammed the gate. "Tom, you that way; I'll go here and lead them off! Run to the canal; I'll meet you there in ten minutes, boy!" They parted. The moon hid behind a cloud. The old man ran in darkness. "Anna, I'm here!" The old woman helped him, trembling, into the boat. "Where's Tom?" "He'll be here in a minute," panted LaFarge. They turned to watch the alleys and the sleeping town. Late strollers were still out: a policeman, a night watchman, a rocket pilot, several lonely men coming home from some nocturnal rendezvous, four men and women issuing from a bar, laughing. Music played dimly somewhere. "Why doesn't he come?" asked the old woman. "He'll come, he'll come." But LaFarge was not certain. Suppose the boy had been caught again, somehow, someway, in his travel down to the landing, running through the midnight streets between the dark houses. It was a long run, even for a young boy. But he should have reached here first. And now, far away, along the moonlit avenue, a figure ran. LaFarge cried out and then silenced himself, for also far away was another sound of voices and running feet. Lights blazed on in window after window. Across the open plaza leading to the landing, the one figure ran. It was not Tom; it was only a running shape with a face like silver shining in the light of the globes dustered about the plaza. And as it rushed nearer, nearer, it became more familiar, until when it reached the landing it was Tom! Anna flung up her hands. LaFarge hurried to cast off. But already it was too late. For out of the avenue and across the silent plaza now came one man, another, a woman, two other men, Mr. Spaulding, all running. They stopped, bewildered. They stared about, wanting to go back because this could be only a nightmare, it was quite insane. But they came on again, hesitantly, stopping, starting. It was too late. The night, the event, was over. LaFarge twisted the mooring rope in his fingers. He was very cold and lonely. The people raised and put down their feet in the moonlight, drifting with great speed, wide-eyed, until the crowd, all ten of them, halted at the landing. They peered wildly down into the boat. They cried out. "Don't move, LaFarge!" Spaulding had a gun. And now it was evident what had happened. Tom flashing through the moonlit streets, alone, passing people. A policeman seeing the figure dart past. The policeman pivoting, staring at the face, calling a name, giving pursuit "_You_, stop!" Seeing a criminal face. All along the way, the same thing, men here, women there, night watchmen, rocket pilots. The swift figure meaning everything to them, all identities, all persons, all names. How many different names had been uttered in the last five minutes? How many different faces shaped over Tom's face, all wrong? All down the way the pursued and the pursuing, the dream and the dreamers, the quarry and the hounds. All down the way the sudden revealment, the flash of familiar eyes, the cry of an old, old name, the remembrances of other times, the crowd multiplying. Everyone leaping forward as, like an image reflected from ten thousand mirrors, ten thousand eyes, the running dream came and went, a different face to those ahead, those behind, those yet to be met, those unseen. And here they all are now, at the boat, wanting the dream for their own, just as we want him to be Tom, not Lavinia or William or Roger or any other, thought LaFarge. But it's all done now. The thing has gone t