ne wrong, or where you'd gone right. They were open. The Mexican girl who gave him his coffee looked at him as if he were a human being. The poor knew life. A good girl. Well, a good enough girl. They all meant trouble. Everything meant trouble. He remembered a statement he'd heard somewhere: the Definition of Life is Trouble. Harry sat down at one of the old tables. The coffee was good. Thirty- eight years old and he was finished. He sipped at the coffee and remembered where he had gone wrong -- or right. He'd simply gotten tired -- of the insurance game, of the small offices and high glass partitions, the clients; he'd simply gotten tired of cheating on his wife, of squeezing secretaries in the elevator and in the halls; he'd gotten tired of Christmas parties and New Year's parties and birthdays, and payments on new cars and furniture payments -- light, gas, water -- the whole bleeding complex of necessities. He'd gotten tired and quit, that's all. The divorce came soon enough and the drinking came soon enough, and suddenly he was out of it. He had nothing, and he found out that having nothing was difficult too. It was another type of burden. If only there were some gentler road in between. It seemed a man only had two choices -- get in on the hustle or be a bum. As Harry looked up a man sat down across from him, also with a nickel cup of coffee. He appeared to be in his early forties. And was dressed as poorly as Harry. The man rolled a cigarette, then looked at Harry as he lit it. "How's it going?" "That's some question," said Harry. "Yeah, I guess it is." They sat drinking their coffee. "A man wonders how he gets down here." "Yeah," said Harry. "By the way, if it matters, my name's William." "I'm called Harry." "You can call me Bill." "Thanks." "You got the look on your face like you've reached the end of something." "I'm just tired of the bum, bone-tired." "You want to get back into society, Harry?" "No, not that. But I'd like to get out of this." "There's suicide." "I know." "Listen," said Bill, "what we need is a little cash the easy way so we can get a breather." "Sure, but how?" "Well, there's some risk involved." "Like what?" "I used to do some house burglaring. It's not bad. I could use a good partner." "O.k., I'm just about ready to try anything. I'm sick of watery beans, week-old doughnuts, the mission, the God-lectures, the snoring..." "Our problem is how to get where we can operate," said Bill. "I got a couple of bucks." "All right, meet me about midnight. Got a pencil?" "No." "Wait. I'll borrow one." Bill came back with a stub of pencil. He took a napkin and wrote on it. "You take the Beverly Hills bus and ask the driver to let you off here. Then walk two blocks north. I'll be there waiting. You gonna make it?" "I'll be there." "You got a wife, kids?" asked Bill. "Used to have," Harry answered. It was cold that night. Harry got off the bus and walked the two blocks north. It was dark, very dark. Bill was standing smoking a rolled cigarette. He wasn't standing in the open but was back against a large bush. "Hello, Bill." "Hello; Harry. You ready to start your new lucrative career?" "I am." "All right. I've been casing these places. I think I've got us a good one. Isolated. It stinks of money. You scared?" "No. I'm not scared." "Fine. Be cool and follow me." Harry followed Bill along the sidewalk for a block and a half, then Bill cut between two shrubs and onto a large lawn. They walked to .the back of the house, a large two storey affair. Bill stopped at the rear window. He sliced the screen with a knife, then stood still and listened. It was like a graveyard. Bill unhooked the screen and lifted it off. He stood there working at the window. Bill worked at it for some time and Harry began to think: Jesus. I'm with an amateur. I'm with some kind of nut. Then the window opened and Bill climbed in. Harry could see his ass wiggling in. This is ridiculous, he thought. Do men do this? "Come on," Bill said softly from inside. Harry climbed in. It did stink of money and furniture polish. "Jesus. Bill. I'm scared now. This doesn't make any sense." "Don't talk so loud. You want to get away from those watery beans, don't you?" "Yes." "Well, then be a man." Harry stood while Bill slowly opened drawers and put things in his pockets. They appeared to be in a dining room. Bill was stuffing spoons and knives and forks into his pockets. How can we get anything for that? thought Harry. Bill kept putting the silverware into his coat pockets. Then he dropped a knife. The floor was hard, without a rug, and the sound was definite and loud. "Who's there?" Bill and Harry didn't answer. "I said, who's there?" "What is it, Seymour?" said a girl's voice. "I thought I heard something. Something woke me up." "Oh go to sleep." "No. I heard something." Harry heard the sound of a bed and then the sound of a man walking. The man came through the door and was in the dining room with them. He was in his pajamas, a young man of about 26 or 27 with a goatee and long hair. "All right, you pricks, what are you doing in my house?" Bill turned toward Harry. "Get into that bedroom. There might be a phone there. See that she doesn't use it. I'll take care of this one." Harry walked toward the bedroom, found the entrance, walked in, saw a young blonde about 23, long hair, in a fancy nightgown, her breasts loose. There was a telephone by the night stand and she wasn't using it. She flung the back of her hand to her mouth. She was sitting up in bed. "Don't scream," said Harry, "or I'll kill you." He stood there looking down at her, thinking of his own wife, but never a wife like that. Harry began to sweat, he felt dizzy and they stared at each other. Harry sat down on the bed. "Leave my wife alone or I'll kill you!" said the young man. Bill had just walked him in. He had an arm lock on him and his knife was poking into the middle of the young man's back. "Nobody's going to hurt your wife, man. Just tell us where your stinking money is and we'll leave." "I told you all I've got is what's in my wallet." Bill tightened the arm lock and drove the knife in a bit. The young man winced. "The jewelry," said Bill, "take me to the jewelry." "It's upstairs ..." "All right. Take me there!" Harry watched Bill walk him out. Harry kept staring at the girl and she stared back. Blue eyes, and the irises were large with fear. "Don't scream," he told her, "or I'll kill you, so help me I'll kill you!" Her lips began to tremble. They were the palest pink and then his mouth was upon hers. He was bewhiskered and foul, rancid, and she was white, soft white, delicate, trembling. He held her head in his hands. He pulled his head away and looked into her eyes. "You whore," he said, "you god damned whore!" He kissed her again, harder. They fell back on the bed together. He was kicking his shoes off, holding her down. Then he was working his pants, getting them off, and all the time holding and kissing her. "You whore, you god damned whore . . ." "Oh No! Jesus Christ, No! Not my wife, you bastards!" Harry had not heard them enter. The young man let out a scream. Then Harry heard a gurgle. He pulled out and looked around. The young man was on the floor with his throat cut; the blood spurted rhythmically out on the floor. "You've killed him!" said Harry. "He was screaming." "You didn't have to kill him." "You didn't have to rape his wife." "I haven't raped her and you've killed him." Then she began to scream. Harry put his hand over her mouth. "What are we going to do?" he asked. "We're going to kill her too. She's a witness." "I can't kill her," said Harry. "I'll kill her," said Bill. "But we shouldn't waste her." "Go ahead then, get her." "Stick something in her mouth." "I'll take care of it," said Bill. He got a scarf out of the drawer, stuck it in her mouth. Then he ripped the pillow slip into shreds and bound the scarf in. "Go ahead," said Bill. The girl didn't resist. She seemed to be in a state of shock. When Harry got off. Bill got on. Harry watched. This was it. This was the way it worked all over the world. When a conquering army came in, they took the women. They were the conquering army. Bill climbed off. "Shit, that sure was good." "Listen, Bill, let's not kill her." "She'll tell. She's a witness." "If we spare her life, she won't tell. It'll be worth it to her." "She'll tell. I know human nature. She'll tell later." "Why shouldn't she tell on people who do what we do?" "That's what I mean," said Bill, "why let her?" "Let's ask her. Let's talk to her. Let's ask her what she thinks." "I know what she thinks. I'm going to kill her." "Please don't, Bill. Let's show some decency." "Show some decency? Now? It's too late. If you'd only been man enough to keep your stupid pecker out of there ..." "Don't kill her. Bill, I can't. .. stand it.. ." "Turn your back." "Bill, please . . ." "I said, turn your god damned back!" Harry turned away. There didn't seem to be a sound. Minutes passed. "Bill, did you do it?" "I did it. Turn around and look." "I don't want to. Let's go. Let's get out of here." They went out the same window they had entered. The night was colder than ever. They went down the dark side of the house and out through the hedge. "Bill?" "Yeah?" "I feel o.k. now, like it never happened." "It happened." They walked back toward the bus stop. The night stops were far between, they'd probably have to wait an hour. They stood at the bus stop and checked each other for blood and, strangely, they didn't find any. So they rolled and lit two cigarettes. Then Bill suddenly spit his out. "God damn it. Oh, god damn it all!" "What's the matter, Bill?" "We forgot to get his wallet!" "Oh fuck," said Harry. A MAN George was lying in his trailer, flat on his back, watching a small portable T.V. His dinner dishes were undone, his breakfast dishes were undone, he needed a shave, and ash from his rolled cigarettes dropped onto his undershirt. Some of the ash was still burning. Sometimes the burning ash missed the undershirt and hit his skin, then he cursed, brushing it away. There was a knock on the trailer door. He got slowly to his feet and answered the door. It was Constance. She had a fifth of unopened whiskey in a bag. "George, I left that son of a bitch, I couldn't stand that son of a bitch anymore." "Sit down." George opened the fifth, got two glasses, filled each a third with whiskey, two thirds with water. He sat down on the bed with Constance. She took a cigarette out of her purse and lit it. She was drunk and her hands trembled. "I took his damn money too. I took his damn money and split while he was at work. You don't know how I've suffered with that son of a bitch." " Lemme have a smoke," said George. She handed it to him and as she leaned near, George put his arm around her, pulled her over and kissed her. "You son of a bitch," she said, "I missed you." "I miss those good legs of yours , Connie. I've really missed those good legs." "You still like 'em?" "I get hot just looking." "I could never make it with a college guy," said Connie. "They're too soft, they're milktoast. And he kept his house clean. George , it was like having a maid. He did it all. The place was spotless. You could eat beef stew right off the crapper. He was antisceptic, that's what he was." "Drink up, you'll feel better." "And he couldn't make love." "You mean he couldn't get it up?" "Oh he got it up, he got it up all the time. But he didn't know how to make a woman happy, you know. He didn't know what to do. All that money, all that education, he was useless." "I wish I had a college education." "You don't need one. You have everything you need, George." "I'm just a flunkey. All the shit jobs." "I said you have everything you need, George. You know how to make a woman happy." "Yeh?" "Yes. And you know what else? His mother came around! His mother! Two or three times a week. And she'd sit there looking at me, pretending to like me but all the time she was treating me like I was a whore. Like I was a big bad whore stealing her son away from her! Her precious Wallace! Christ! What a mess!" "He claimed he loved me. And I'd say, 'Look at my pussy, Walter!' And he wouldn't look at my pussy. He said, 'I don't want to look at that thing.' That thing! That's what he called it! You're not afraid of my pussy, are you, George?" "It's never bit me yet." "But you've bit it, you've nibbled it, haven't you George?" "I suppose I have." "And you've licked it , sucked it?" "I suppose so." "You know damn well, George, what you've done." "How much money did you get?" "Six hundred dollars." "I don't like people who rob other people, Connie." "That's why you're a fucking dishwasher. You're honest. But he's such an ass, George. And he can afford the money, and I've earned it... him and his mother and his love, his mother-love, his clean l;ittle wash bowls and toilets and disposal bags and breath chasers and after shave lotions and his little hard-ons and his precious love-making. All for himself, you understand, all for himself! You know what a woman wants, George." "Thanks for the whiskey, Connie. Lemme have another cigarette." George filled them up again. "I missed your legs, Connie. I've really missed those legs. I like the way you wear those high heels. They drive me crazy. These modern women don't know what they're missing. The high heel shapes the calf, the thigh, the ass; it puts rythm into the walk. It really turns me on!" "You talk like a poet, George. Sometimes you talk like that. You are one hell of a dishwasher." "You know what I'd really like to do?" "What?" "I'd like to whip you with my belt on the legs, the ass, the thighs. I'd like to make you quiver and cry and then when you're quivering and crying I'd slam it into you pure love." "I don't want that, George. You've never talked like that to me before. You've always done right with me." "Pull your dress up higher." "What?" "Pull your dress up higher, I want to see more of your legs." "You like my legs, don't you, George?" "Let the light shine on them!" Constance hiked her dress. "God christ shit," said George. "You like my legs?" "I love your legs!" Then george reached across the bed and slapped Constance hard across the face. Her cigarette flipped out of her mouth. "what'd you do that for?" "You fucked Walter! You fucked Walter!" "So what the hell?" "So pull your dress up higher!" "No!" "Do what I say!" George slapped again, harder. Constance hiked her skirt. "Just up to the panties!" shouted George. "I don't quite want to see the panties!" "Christ, george, what's gone wrong with you?" "You fucked Walter!" "George, I swear, you've gone crazy. I want to leave. Let me out of here, George!" "Don't move or I'll kill you!" "You'd kill me?" "I swear it!" George got up and poured himself a shot of straight whiskey, drank it, and sat down next to Constance. He took the cigarette and held it against her wrist. She screamed. HE held it there, firmly, then pulled it away. "I'm a man , baby, understand that?" "I know you're a man , George." "Here, look at my muscles!" george sat up and flexed both of his arms. "Beautiful, eh ,baby? Look at that muscle! Feel it! Feel it!" Constance felt one of the arms, then the other. "Yes, you have a beautiful body, George." "I'm a man. I'm a dishwasher but I'm a man, a real man." "I know it, George." "I'm not the milkshit you left." "I know it." "And I can sing, too. You ought to hear my voice." Constance sat there. George began to sing. He sang "Old man River." Then he sang "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen." He sang "The St. Louis Blues." He sasng "God Bless America," stopping several times and laughing. Then he sat down next to Constance. He said, "Connie, you have beautiful legs." He asked for another cigarette. He smoked it, drank two more drinks, then put his head down on Connie's legs, against the stockings, in her lap, and he said, "Connie, I guess I'm no good, I guess I'm crazy, I'm sorry I hit you, I'm sorry I burned you with that cigarette." Constance sat there. She ran her fingers through George's hair, stroking him, soothing him. Soon he was asleep. She waited a while longer. Then she lifted his head and placed it on the pillow, lifted his legs and straightened them out on the bed. She stood up, walked to the fifth, poured a jolt of good whiskey in to her glass, added a touch of water and drank it sown. She walked to the trailer door, pulled it open, stepped out, closed it. She walked through the backyard, opened the fence gate, walked up the alley under the one o'clock moon. The sky was clear of clouds. The same skyful of clouds was up there. She got out on the boulevard and walked east and reached the entrance of The Blue Mirror. She walked in, and there was Walter sitting alone and drunk at the end of the bar. She walked up and sat down next to him. "Missed me, baby?" she asked. Walter looked up. He recognized her. He didn't answer. He looked at the bartender and the bartender walked toward them They all knew eachother. CLASS I am not sure where the place was. Somewhere north-east of California. Hemingway had just finished a novel, come in from Europe or somewhere, and he was in the ring fighting somebody. There were newspapermen, critics, writers -- that tribe -- and also some young ladies sitting in the ringside seats. I sat down in the last row. Most of the people weren't watching Hem. They were talking to each other and laughing. The sun was up. It was some time in the early afternoon. I was watching Ernie. He had his man, was playing with him. He jabbed and crossed at will. Then he put the other fellow down. The people looked then. Hem's opponent was up at 8. Hem moved towards him, then stopped. Ernie pulled out his mouthpiece, laughed, waved his opponent off. It was too easy a kill. Ernie walked to his corner. He put his head back and somebody squeezed some water in his mouth. I got up from my seat and walked slowly down the aisle between the seats. I reached up and rapped Hemingway on the side. "Mr. Hemingway?" "Yes, what is it?" "I'd like to put on the gloves with you." "Do you have any boxing experience?" "No." "Go get some." "I'm here to kick your ass." Ernie laughed. He said to the guy in the comer, "Get the kid into some trunks and gloves." The guy jumped out of the ring and I followed him back up the aisle to the locker room. "You crazy, kid?" he asked me. "I don't know. I don't think so." "Here. Try on these trunks." "O.k." "Oh, oh ... they're too large." "Fuck it. They're all right." "O.k., let me tape your hands." "No tape." "No tape?" "No tape." "How about a mouthpiece?" "No mouthpiece." "You gonna fight in them shoes?" "I'm gonna fight in them shoes." I lit a cigar and followed him out. I walked down the aisle smoking a cigar. Hemingway climbed back into the ring and they put on his gloves. There was nobody in my corner. Finally somebody came over and put some gloves on me. We were called into the center of the ring for instructions. "Now when you clinch," said the referee, "I'll. .. "I don't clinch," I told the referee. Other instructions followed. "O.k., go back to your corners. And at the bell, come out fighting. May the better man win. And," he said to me, "you better take that cigar out of your mouth." When the bell rang I came out with the cigar still in my mouth. Sucking in a mouthful of smoke, I blew it into Ernest Hemingway's face. The crowd laughed. Hem moved in, jabbed and hooked, and missed both punches. I was fast on my feet. I danced a little jig, moved in, tap tap tap tap tap, five swift left jabs to Papa's nose. I glanced down at a girl in the front row, a very pretty thing, and just then Hem landed a right, smashing that cigar in my mouth. I felt it burn my mouth and cheek, and I brushed the hot ash off. I spit out the cigar stub and hooked one to Ernie's belly. He uppercut with a right and caught me on the ear with a left. He ducked under my right and caught me with a volley up against the ropes. Just at the bell he dropped me with a solid right to the chin. I got up and walked back to my corner. A guy came over with a bucket. "Mr. Hemingway wants to know if you'd care for another round?" the guy asked me. "You tell Mr. Hemingway that he was lucky. Smoke got in my eyes. One more round is all I need to do the job." The guy with the bucket went over and I could see Hemingway laughing. The bell rang and I came right out. I began landing, not too hard but with good combinations. Ernie retreated, missing his punches. For the first time I saw doubt in his eyes. Who is this kid?, he was thinking. I shortened my punches, hit him harder. I landed with every blow. Head and body. A mixed variety. I boxed like Sugar Ray and hit like Dempsey. I had Hemingway up against the ropes. He couldn't fall. Each time he started to fall forward I straightened him with another punch. It was murder. Death in the Afternoon. I stepped back and Mr. Ernest Hemingway fell forward, out cold. I unlaced my gloves with my teeth, pulled them off, and leaped from the ring. I walked to my dressing room, I mean Hemingway's dressing room, and took a shower. I drank a bottle of beer, lit a cigar, and sat on the edge of the rubbing table. They carried Ernie in and put him on another table. He was still out. I sat there naked, watching them worry over Ernie. There were women in the room but I didn't pay any attention. Then a guy came over. "Who are you?" he asked. "What's your name?" "Henry Chinaski." "Haven't heard of you," he said. "You will," I said. All the people came over. Ernie was left alone. Poor Ernie. Everybody crowded around me. The women too. I was pretty starved-down, except for one place. A real class broad was really looking me up and down. She looked like a society broad, rich, educated, and everything -- nice body, nice face, nice clothes, all that. "What do you do?" somebody asked me. "Fuck and drink." "No, no, I mean what's your occupation?" "Dishwasher." "Dishwasher?" "Yeah." "Do you have a hobby?" "Well, I don't know if you could call it a hobby. I write." "You write?" "Yeh." "What?" "Short stories. They're pretty good." "Have you been published?" "No." "Why?" "I haven't submitted." "Where are your stories?" "Over there," I pointed to a torn paper suitcase. "Listen, I'm a critic for The New York Times. Do you mind if I take your stories home and read them? I'll return them." "It's o.k. with me, punk, only I don't know where I'll be." The class society broad stepped forward. "He'll be with me." Then she said, "Come on, Henry, get into your togs. It's a long drive in and we have things to -- talk about." I got dressed and then Ernie regained consciousness. "What the hell happened?" he asked. "You met a pretty good man, Mr. Hemingway," somebody told him. I finished dressing and went over to his table. "You're a good man. Papa. Nobody wins them all." I shook his hand. "Don't blow your brains out." I left with the society broad and we got into an open-topped yellow car half a block long. She drove with the throttle to the floor and took the curves sliding and screeching and without expression. That was class. If she loved like she drove it was going to be a hell of a night. The place was up in the hills, off by itself. A butler opened the door. "George," she told him, "take the night oft. On second thought, take the week off." We walked in and there was a big guy sitting in a chair with a drink in his hand. Tommy," she said, "get lost." We moved on through the house. "Who was the big guy?" I asked her. "Thomas Wolfe," she said, "a bore." She stopped in the kitchen for a fifth of bourbon and two glasses. Then she said, "Come on." I followed her into the bedroom. The next morning the phone awakened us. It was for me. She handed me the phone and I sat up in bed next to her. "Mr. Chinaski?" "Yeh?" "I read your stories. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night. You're surely the greatest genius of the decade!" "Only of the decade?" "Well, perhaps of the century." That's better." The editors of Harper's and Atlantic are here with me now. You may not believe this but each of them has accepted five stories for future publication." "I believe it," I said. The critic hung up. I lay down. The society broad and I made love one more time. STOP STARING AT MY TITS, MISTER Big Bart was the meanest man in the West. He had the fastest gun in the West and he'd fucked a larger variety of women in the West than anybody else. He wasn't fond of bathing or bullshit or coming out second best. He was also boss of a wagon train going West, and there wasn't a man his age who had killed more Indians or fucked more women or killed more white men. Big Bart was great and he knew it and everybody knew it. Even his farts were exceptional, louder than the dinner gong, and he was well-hung. Big Bart's gig was to get the wagons through safely, score on the ladies, kill a few men and then head back for another wagon load. He had a black beard, a dirty bunghole, and radiant yellow teeth. He had just hammered hell out of Billy Joe's young wife while he made Billy Joe watch. He made Billy Joe's wife talk to Billy Joe while he was at it. He made her say, "Ah, Billy Joe, all this turkeyneck stuck into me from snatch to throat, I can hardly breathe! Billy Joe, save me! No, Billy Joe, don't save me!" After Big Bart climaxed he made Billy Joe wash his parts and then they all went out to a big dinner of hamhocks and limas with biscuits. The next day they came across this lone wagon running all by itself through the prairie. Some skinny kid of about sixteen with a bad case of acne was at the reins. Big Bart rode over. "Say, kid," he said. The kid didn't answer. "I'm talkin' to ya, kid . . ." "Kiss my ass," said the kid. "I'm Big Bart," said Big Bart. "Kiss my ass, Big Bart," said the kid. "What's your name, son?" "They call me 'The Kid.' " "Look, Kid, there's no way a man can make it through this here Indian territory with a lone wagon." "I intend to," said the Kid. "O.k., it's your balls. Kid," said Big Bart, and he made to ride off when the flaps of the wagon opened and out came this little filly with 40- inch breasts and a fine big ass and eyes like the sky after a good rain. She put her eyes upon Big Bart and his turkeyneck quivered against the saddle horn. "For your own good. Kid, you're a comin' with us." "Fuck on", old man," said The Kid, "I don't take no mother-fuckin' advice from an old man in dirty underwear." "I've killed men for blinkin their eyes," said Big Bart. The Kid just spit on the ground. Then reached up and scratched his crotch. "Old man, you bore me. Now lose yourself from my sight or I'll assist you in resembling a hunk of swiss cheese." "Kid," said the girl, leaning over him, one of her breasts flopping out and giving the sunlight a hard-on, "Kid, I think the man's right. We got no chance against those motherfucking Indians alone. Now don't be an asshole. Tell the man we'll join up." "We'll join up," said The Kid. "What's your girl's name?" asked Big Bart. "Honeydew," said The Kid. "And stop staring at my tits, mister," said Honeydew, "or I'll belt the shit out of you." Things went well for a while. There was a skirmish with the Indians at Blueball Canyon. 37 Indians killed, one captured. No American casualties. Big Bart bungholed the captured Indian and then hired him on as cook. There was another skirmish at Clap Canyon, 37 Indians killed, one captured. No American casualties. Big Bart bungholed . . . It was obvious that Big Bart had hotrocks for Honeydew. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. That ass, mostly it was that ass. He fell off his horse watching one time and one of the two Indian cooks laughed. That left only one Indian cook. One day Big Bart sent The Kid out with a hunting party to score on some buffalo. Big Bart waited until they rode off and then he made for The Kid's wagon. He leaped up onto the seat and pushed the flaps back and walked in. Honeydew was crouched in the center of the wagon masturbating. "Jesus, baby," said Big Bart, "don't waste it!" "Get the hell out of here," said Honeydew, withdrawing her finger and pointing it at Big Bart, "get the hell out of here and let me do my thing!" "Your man ain't takin' care of you, Honeydew!" "He's takin' care of me, asshole, it's just that I don't get enough. It's just that after my period I get hot." "Listen, baby . . ." "Fuck off!" "Listen, baby, lookee . . ." And he pulled out the jackhammer. It was purple and flipped back and forth like the weight in a grandfather's clock. Driblets of spittle fell to the floor. Honeydew couldn't keep her eyes off that instrument. At last she said, "You're not going to stick that god damned thing into me!" "Say it like you mean it, Honydew." "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STICK THAT GOD DAMNED THING INTO ME!" "But why? Why? Look at it!" "I am looking at it!" "But why don't you want it?" "Because I'm in love with The Kid." "Love?" said Big Bart laughing. "Love? That's a fairytale for idiots! Look at this god damned scythe! That can beat love anytime!" "I love The Kid, Big Bart." "And there's my tongue," said Big Bart, "the best tongue in the West!" He stuck it out and made it do gymnastics. "I love The Kid," said Honeydew. "Well, fuck you," said Big Bart, and he ran forward and threw himself upon Honeydew. It was dog's work getting that thing in and when he did, Honeydew screamed. He gave it about seven slices and then he felt himself being roughly pulled off. IT WAS THE KID. BACK FROM THE HUNTING PARTY. "We got your buffalo, motherfucker. Now if you'll pull up your pants and step outside we'll settle the rest." "I've got the fastest gun in the West," said Big Bart. "I'll blow a hole in you so big your asshole will look like a pore in your skin," said The Kid. "Come on, let's get it done. I'm hungry for dinner. This hunting buffalo works up the appetite . . ." The men sat around the campfire watching. There was a definite vibration in the air. The women stayed in the wagons, praying, masturbating, and drinking gin. Big Bart had 34 notches in his gun, and a bad memory. The Kid didn't have any notches in his gun. But he had confidence such as the others had seldom seen before. Big Bart seemed the more nervous of the two. He took a sip of whiskey, draining half the flask, then walked up to The Kid. "Look, Kid . . ." "Yeah, motherfucka . . .?" "I mean, why you lost your cool?" "I'm gonna blow your balls off, old man!" "What for?" "You were messin' with my woman, old man!" "Listen Kid, don't you see? The female plays one man against the other. We're just falling for her game." "I don't want to hear your shit, dad! Now back off and draw! You've had it!" "Kid . . ." "Back off and draw!" The men at the campfire stiffened. A slight wind blew from the West smelling of horseshit. Somebody coughed. The women crouched in the wagons, drinking gin, praying, and masturbating. Twilight was moving in. Big Bart and The Kid were 30 paces apart. "Draw, you chickenshit," said The Kid, "draw, you chickenshit woman molester!" Quietly through the flaps of a wagon a woman appeared with a rifle. It was Honeydew. She put the rifle to her shoulder and squinted down the barrel. "Come on, you tinhorn rapist," said The Kid, "DRAW!" Big Bart's hand flicked toward his holster. A shot rang through the twilight. Honeydew lowered her smoking rifle and went back into the covered wagon. The Kid was dead on the ground, a hole in his forehead. Big Bart put his unused gun back in his holster and strode toward the wagon. The moon was up. SOMETHING ABOUT A VIET CONG FLAG The desert baked under the summer sun. Red jumped off the freight as it slowed just outside the railroad yard. He took a shit behind some tall rocks to the north, wiped his ass with some leaves. Then he walked fifty yards, sat behind another rock out of the sun and rolled a cigarette. He saw the hippies walking toward him. Two guys and a girl. They had jumped off the train in the yard and were walking back. One of the guys carried a Viet Cong flag. The guys looked soft and harmless. The girl had a nice wide ass -- it almost split her bluejeans. She was blond and had a bad case of acne. Red waited until they almost reached him. "Heil Hitler!" he said. The hippies laughed. "Where you going?" Red asked. "We're trying to get to Denver. I guess we'll make it." "Well," said Red, "you're going to have to wait a while. I'm going to have to use your girl." "What do you mean?" "You heard me." Red grabbed the girl. With one hand grabbing her hair and the other her ass, he kissed her. The taller of the guys reached for Red's shoulder. "Now wait a minute . . ." Red turned and put the guy on the ground with a short left. A stomach punch. They guy stayed down, breathing heavily. Red looked at the guy with the Viet Cong flag. "If you don't want to get hurt, leave me alone." "Come on," he said to the girl, "get over behind those rocks." "No, I won't do it," said the girl, "I won't do it." Red pulled his switchblade and hit the button. The blade was flat across her nose, pressed it down. "How do you think you'd look without a nose?" She didn't answer. "I'll slice it off." He grinned. "Listen," said the guy with the flag, "you can't get away with this." "Come on, girly," said Red, pushing her toward the rocks. Red and the girl disappeared behind the rocks. The guy with the flag helped his friend up. They stood there. They stood there some minutes. "He's fucking Sally. What can we do? He's fucking her right now." "What can we do? He's a madman." "We should do something." "Sally must think we're real shits." "We are. There are two of us. We could have handled him." "He has a knife." "It doesn't matter. We could have taken him." "I feel god damned miserable." "How do you think Sally feels? He's fucking her." They stood and waited. The tall one who had taken the punch was called Leo. The other was Dale. It was hot in the sun as they waited. "We've got two cigarettes left," said Dale, "should we smoke?" "How the hell can we smoke when that's going on behind the rocks?" "You're right. My god, what's taking so long." "God, I don't know. You think he's killed her?" "I'm getting worried." "Maybe I'd better have a look." "O.k. but be careful." Leo walked toward the rocks. There was a small hill with some brush. He crawled up the hill behind the brush and looked down. Red was fucking Sally. Leo watched. It seemed endless. Red went on and on. Leo crawled down the hill and walked over and stood next to Dale. "I guess she's all right," he said. They waited. Finally Red and Sally came out from behind the rocks. They walked toward them. "Thank you brothers," said Red, "she was a very fine piece." "May you rot in hell!" said Leo. Red laughed. "Peace! Peace! ... He flashed the sign with his fingers. "Well, I think I'll be going . . ." Red rolled a quick cigarette, smiling as he wet it. Then he lit up, inhaled, and walked off toward the north, keeping in the shade. "Let's hitchhike the rest of the way," said Dale. "Freights aren't any good." "The highway's to the west," said Leo, "let's go." They began moving toward the west. "Christ,' said Sally, "I can hardly walk! He's an animal!" Leo and Dale didn't say anything. "I hope I don't get pregnant," said Sally. "Sally," said Leo, "I'm sorry . . ." "Oh, shut up!" They walked. It was getting along toward evening and the desert heat was dropping off. "I hate men!" said Sally. A jackrabbit leaped out from behind a bush and Leo and Dale jumped as it ran off. "A rabbit," said Leo, "a rabbit." "That rabbit scared you guys, didn't it?" "Well, after what happened, we're jumpy." "You're jumpy? What about me? Listen let's sit down a minute. I'm tired." There was a patch of shade and Sally sat between them. "You know, though ..." she said. "What?" "It wasn't so bad. On a strictly sexual basis, I mean. He really put it to me. On a strictly sexual basis it was quite something." "What?" said Dale. "I mean, morally, I hate him. The son of a bitch should be shot. He's a dog. A pig. But on a strictly sexual basis it was something . . ." They sat there a while not saying anything. Then they got out the two cigarettes and smoked them, passing them around. "I wish we had some dope," said Leo. "God, I knew it was coming, said Sally. "You guys almost don't exist." "Maybe you'd feel better if we raped you?" asked Leo. "Don't be stupid." "You think I can't rape you?" "I should have gone with him. You guys are nothing." "So now you like him?" asked Dale. "Forget it!" said Sally. "Let's get down to the highway and stick our thumbs out." "I can slam it to you," said Leo, "I can make you cry." "Can I watch?" asked Dale, laughing. "There won't be anything to watch," said Sally. "Come on. Let's go." They stood up and walked toward the highway. It was a ten minute walk. When they got there Sally stood in the highway with her thumb out. Leo and Dale stood back out of view. They had forgotten the Viet Cong flag. They had left it back at the freight yard. It was in the dirt near the railroad tracks. The war went on. Seven red ants, the big kind, crawled across the flag. YOU CAN'T WRITE A LOVE STORY Margie was going to go out with this guy but on the way over this guy met another guy in a leather coat and the guy in the leather coat opened the leather coat and showed the other guy his tits and the other guy went over to Margie's and said he couldn't keep his date because this guy in the leather coat had showed him his tits and he was going to fuck this guy. So Margie went to see Carl. Carl was in, and she sat down and said to Carl, "This guy was going to take me to a cafe with tables outside and we were going to drink wine and talk, just drink wine and talk, that's all, nothing else, but on the way over this guy met another guy in a leather coat and the guy in the leather coat showed the other guy his tits and now