Slushaj i vnimaj! Slushaj i vnimaj! Tvoj sozdatel' - tezka tvoj, Ibo Agnec on Svyatoj; Krotok on i nezhen on, On Dityatej narechen; Ty yagnenok, ya ditya, On takov, kak ty i ya. Tvoj Tvorec - Gospod'! Tvoj Tvorec - Gospod'! Perevod V. L. Toporova 17. THE LITTLE BLACK BOY My mother bore me in the southern wild, And I am black, but O! my soul is white; White as an angel is the English child, But I am black, as if bereav'd of light. My mother taught me underneath a tree, And, sitting down before the heat of day, She took me on her lap and kissed me, And, pointing to the east, began to say: 'Look on the rising sun,-there God does live, And gives His light, and gives His heat away; And flowers and trees and beasts and men receive Comfort in morning, joy in the noonday. 'And we are put on earth a little space, That we may learn to bear the beams of love; And these black bodies and the sunburnt face Is but a cloud, and like a shady grove. 'For when our souls have learn'd the heat to bear, The cloud will vanish; we shall hear His voice, Saying: "Come out from the grove, My love and care, And round My golden tent like lambs rejoice."' Thus did my mother say, and kissed me; And thus I say to little English boy. When I from black and he from white cloud free, And round the tent of God like lambs we joy, I'll shade him from the heat, till he can bear To lean in joy upon our Father's knee; And then I'll stand and stroke his silver hair, And be like him, and he will then love me. 17. NEGRITENOK Tam, gde rozhden ya, - solnce i pesok, I cheren ya, odna dusha bela. Anglijskij mal'chik - belyj angelok, A negrityanskij - chernaya smola. Mat' pryatala menya v teni derev Ot znoya, nastupayushchego dnem, I, k nebu ruku chernuyu vozdev, S lyubov'yu govorila mne o nem: - Na nebe solnce, a na solnce Bog, On darit svet, on darit svet i ten', CHtob kazhdyj chelovek, zverek, listok Hvalil rassvet i slavil yasnyj den'. Luchi lyubvi nebesnoj goryachi, I zhar lyubvi my vyterpet' dolzhny; Sgoreli b my, Gospod' ne oblachi Nas v chernye sploshnye peleny. Dusha ne znaet etoj chernoty I belosnezhnoj vyjdet iz pelen, Kogda razdastsya Golos s vysoty I prizovet yagnyat na nebosklon. Tak mat' mne govorila v toj strane, Tak, belyj mal'chik, ya skazhu tebe: - Ty v beloj, sam ya - v chernoj pelene, No nas, yagnyat, zovet Gospod' k sebe; YA pomogu tebe snesti zharu Na solnechnoj doroge v nebesa, I vyjdem, brat'ya, k bozh'emu shatru, I ya tvoi poglazhu volosa. Perevod V. L. Toporova 18. THE BLOSSOM Merry, merry sparrow! Under leaves so green, A happy blossom Sees you, swift as arrow, Seek your cradle narrow Near my bosom. Pretty, pretty robin! Under leaves so green, A happy blossom Hears you sobbing, sobbing, Pretty, pretty robin, Near my bosom. 18. CVETOK Strizh! Cvety prozreli. Vidit nas cvetok. Tak leti zhe Ty, strela bez celi, K tesnoj kolybeli, K serdcu blizhe. Milaya kasatka! Slyshit nas cvetok. Tak leti zhe Plakat' sladko-sladko, Milaya kasatka, K serdcu blizhe. Perevod V. B. Mikushevicha 19. THE CHIMNEY SWEEPER When my mother died I was very young, And my father sold me while yet my tongue Could scarcely cry "weep! 'weep! 'weep!' So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep. There's little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head, That curl'd like a lamb's back, was shav'd: so I said 'Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your head's bare You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.' And so he was quiet, and that very night, As Tom was a-sleeping, he had such a sight!- That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack, Were all of them lock'd up in coffitfs of black. And by came an Angel who had a bright key, And he open'd the coffins and set them all free; Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run, And wash in a river, and shine in the sun. Then naked and white, all their bags left behind, They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind; And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy, He'd have God for his father, and never want joy. And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark, And got with our bags and our brushes to work. Tho' the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm; So if all do their duty they need not fear harm. 19. MALENXKIJ TRUBOCHIST Mat' ostavila rano menya sirotoj, A otec, udruchennyj svoej nishchetoj, Kroshku-syna, kotoryj edva lepetal, K trubochistam chumazym v uchen'e poslal. Ne vylazhu iz sazhi - uzh tak povelos'. Toma nagolo brili. Oral on. "Da bros', - YA skazal, - ty kudryavej yagnenka, a tot Nikogda ne prolez by, kak my, v dymohod". Perestal on, bednyaga, krichat', da potom Son dikovinno-strannyj uvidel nash Tom: Budto tyshchi chumazyh - Dik, Dzho, Ned i Dzhek - V chernyj grob zakolocheny kem-to navek. No prihodit k nim angel s volshebnym klyuchom, I vyhodyat na volyu Dik, Dzho, Ned i Tom, Nu a tam uzh - i radost', i pesni, i smeh, I vesennee solnce, i rechka dlya vseh. Iskupalis', otmyli ot sazhi boka I vbezhali stremglav nagishom v oblaka. Angel Tomu skazal: "Nuzhno byt' molodcom, I poslushnomu synu Bog budet otcom". Tut - opyat' podnimat'sya i kopot' skresti, I tyazheluyu sazhu v vederkah nesti. Tom - userdnej drugih, hot' nakazchik umolk. Plakat' nechego, kol' vypolnyaesh' svoj dolg. Perevod V. L. Toporova 20. THE LITTLE BOY LOST 'Father! father! where are you going? O do not walk so fast. Speak, father, speak to your little boy, Or else I shall be lost.' The night was dark, no father was there; The child was wet with dew; The mire was deep, and, the child did weep, And away the vapour flew. 20. ZABLUDIVSHIJSYA MALXCHIK "Otec, otec! kuda speshish'? Pomedlennej idi. Takaya tish', a ty molchish', I temen' vperedi!" I tochno: t'ma so vseh storon, Bolotnaya rosa. Naprasno on vzyval, smushchen, Lish' par vokrug vilsya. Perevod V. L. Toporova 21. THE LITTLE BOY FOUND The little boy lost in the lonely fen, Led by the wand'ring light, Began to cry; but God, ever nigh, Appear'd like his father, in white. He kissed the child, and by the hand led, And to his mother brought, Who in sorrow pale, thro' the lonely dale, Her little boy weeping sought. 21. MALXCHIK NAJDENNYJ V tryasinu mal'chik ugodil, Kruzha za svetlyakom; On zakrichal - no tut predstal Gospod': rodnym otcom. Najdenysha on prilaskal I k materi otnes, Bluzhdavshej s krikom v lesu velikom, Ohripshej ot dolgih slez. Perevod V. L. Toporova 22. LAUGHING SONG When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it; When the meadows laugh with lively green, And the grasshopper laughs in the merry scene, When Mary and Susan and Emily With their sweet round mouths sing 'Ha, Ha, He!' When the painted birds laugh in the shade, Where our table with cherries and nuts is spread, Come live, and be merry, and join with me, To sing the sweet chorus of 'Ha, Ha, He!' 22. SMEYUSHCHAYASYA PESNYA V chas, kogda listva shelestit, smeyas', I smeetsya klyuch, mezh kamnej zmeyas', I smeemsya, dal' vzbudorazhiv, my, I so smehom shlyut nam otvet holmy, I smeetsya rozh' i hmel'noj yachmen', I kuznechik rad hohotat' ves' den', I vdali zvenit, slovno gomon ptic, "Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha!" - zvonkij smeh devic, A v teni vetvej stol nakryt dlya vseh, I, smeyas', treshchit mezh zubov oreh, - V etot chas pridi, ne boyas' greha, Posmeyat'sya vslast': "Ho-ho-ho! Ha-ha!" Perevod S. YA. Marshaka 23. A CRADLE SONG Sweet dreams, form a shade O'er my lovely infant's head; Sweet dreams of pleasant streams By happy, silent, moony beams. Sweet sleep, with soft down Weave thy brows an infant crown. Sweet sleep, Angel mild, Hover o'er my happy child. Sweet smiles, in the night Hover over my delight; Sweet smiles, mother's smiles, All the livelong night beguiles. Sweet moans, dovelike sighs, Chase not slumber from thy eyes. Sweet moans, sweeter smiles, All the dovelike moans beguiles. Sleep, sleep, happy child, All creation slept and smil'd; Sleep, sleep, happy sleep, While o'er thee thy mother weep. Sweet babe, in thy face Holy image I can trace. Sweet babe, once like thee, Thy Maker lay and wept for me, Wept for me, for thee, for all, When He was an infant small. Thou His image ever see, Heavenly face that smiles on thee, Smiles on thee, on me, on all; Who became an infant small. Infant smiles are His own smiles; Heaven and earth to peace beguiles. 23. KOLYBELXNAYA PESNYA Sladost' snov, sojdi, kak ten', Son, ditya moe oden'. Sny, sojdite, kak ruchej Lunnyh laskovyh luchej. Sladkij son, kak nezhnyj puh, Ubayukaj detskij sluh. Angel krotkij, sladkij son, Obstupi so vseh storon. Smeh, sverkaj vo t'me nochej Nad otradoyu moej. Bud' s nim luchshej iz uteh, Materinskij nezhnyj smeh. Kazhdoj zhalobe shepni: "Zadremli i otdohni". Kazhdoj zhalobe skazhi: "Kryl'ya legkie slozhi". Spi, ditya, schastlivym snom, Celyj mir usnul krugom. Spi zhe, spi, rodimyj moj, YA poplachu nad toboj. Predo mnoj svyashchennyj lik Na tvoem lice voznik, Tvoj Sozdatel' zdes', vo sne, Gor'ko plakal obo mne. Kak nevinnoe ditya, Plakal, glazkami blestya, O tebe i obo vseh, I slezami smyl nash greh. I teper' glyadit, lyubya, On s ulybkoj na tebya, V snah rebenka spit on sam. Mir zemle i nebesam. Perevod K. D. Bal'monta 24. THE DIVINE IMAGE To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love All pray in their distress; And to these virtues of delight Return their thankfulness. For Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love Is God, our Father dear, And Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love Is man, His child and care. For Mercy has a human heart, Pity a human face, And Love, the human form divine, And Peace, the human dress. Then every man, of every clime, That prays in his distress, Prays to the human form divine, Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace. And all must love the human form, In heathen, Turk, or Jew; Where Mercy, Love, and Pity dwell There God is dwelling too. 24. PO OBRAZU I PODOBIYU Dobro, Smiren'e, Mir, Lyubov' - Vot perechen' shchedrot, Kotoryh kazhdyj chelovek, Molya i placha, zhdet. Dobro, Smiren'e, Mir, Lyubov' Poznal v sebe Tvorec, Dobro, Smiren'e, Mir, Lyubov' Vlozhil v detej Otec. I nashe serdce u Dobra, I nash - Smiren'ya vzglyad, I v nashem obraze - Lyubov', Mir - nash natel'nyj plat. Lyuboj iz nas, v lyuboj strane, Zovet, yavyas' na svet, Dobro, Smiren'e, Mir, Lyubov' - Inoj molitvy net. I nehrist' - tozhe chelovek, I v tom lyubvi zalog: Gde Mir, Smiren'e i Lyubov', - Tam, vedomo, sam Bog. Perevod V. L. Toporova 25. HOLY THURSDAY 'Twas on a Holy Thursday, their innocent faces clean, The children walking two and two, in red and blue and green, Grey-headed beadles walk'd before, with wands as white as snow, Till into the high dome of Paul's they like Thames' waters flow. O what a multitude they seem'd, these flowers of London town! Seated in companies they sit with radiance all their own. The hum of multitudes was there, but multitudes of lambs, Thousands of little boys and girls raising their innocent hands. Now like a mighty wind they raise to Heaven the voice of song, Or like harmonious thunderings the seats of Heaven among. Beneath them sit the aged men, wise guardians of the poor; Then cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door. 25. SVYATOJ CHETVERG Oni prohodyat po dva v ryad - sama Nevinnost' s nimi! Oni idut, laskaya vzglyad odezhkami cvetnymi. Sedye starcy vperedi, ch'ya kozha - zhestche pemzy. Tolpa vlivaetsya v sobor, kak budto vody Temzy. Kakie rossypi cvetov - zelenyj, sinij, krasnyj! Otkuda v Anglii oni - v tumannoj i nenastnoj? Uslyshish': galkami galdyat, prismotrish'sya: yagnyata; Obryad svershaetsya svyatoj, i sami deti svyaty. Vot vihrem pen'e podnyalos' i v nebo poletelo. Grom chistoglasnyj oglasil cerkovnye pridely. I starcy, mudry i shchedry, dushoj vzmyvayut k bogu. Dayan'e - blago; ne goni prositelya s poroga. Perevod V. L. Toporova 26. NIGHT The sun descending in the west, The evening star does shine; The birds are silent in their nest, And I must seek for mine. The moon, like a flower, In heaven's high bower, With silent delight Sits and smiles on the night. Farewell, green fields and happy groves, Where flocks have took delight. Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves The feet of angels bright; Unseen they pour blessing, And joy without ceasing, On each bud and blossom, And each sleeping bosom. They look in every thoughtless nest, Where birds are cover'd warm; They visit caves of every beast, To keep them all from harm. If they see any weeping That should have been sleeping, They pour sleep on their head, And sit down by their bed. When wolves and tigers howl for prey, They pitying stand and weep; Seeking to drive their thirst away, And keep them from the sheep. But if they rush dreadful, The angels, most heedful, Receive each mild spirit, New worlds to inherit. And there the lion's ruddy eyes Shall flow with tears of gold, And pitying the tender cries, And walking round the fold, Saying 'Wrath, by His meekness, And, by His health, sickness Is driven away From our immortal day. 'And now beside thee, bleating lamb, I can lie down and sleep; Or think on Him who bore thy name, Graze after thee and weep. For, wash'd in life's river My bright mane for ever Shall shine like the gold As I guard o'er the fold.' 26. NOCHX Zahodit solnce, i zvezda Siyaet v vyshine. Ne slyshno pesen iz gnezda. Pora usnut' i mne. Luna cvetkom chudesnym V svoem sadu nebesnom Glyadit na mir, odetyj v t'mu, I ulybaetsya emu. Proshchajte, roshchi i polya, Nevinnyh stad priyut. Sejchas, travy ne shevelya, Tam angely idut I l'yut blagosloven'e Na kazhdoe rasten'e, Na pochku, spyashchuyu poka, I chashu kazhdogo cvetka. Oni hranyat pokoj gnezda, Gde spyat ptency vesnoj, I ohranyayut ot vreda Zverej v glushi lesnoj. I esli po doroge Uslyshat shum trevogi, Pechal'nyj vzdoh il' tyazhkij ston, Oni nesut stradal'cam son. A esli volk il' moshchnyj lev Vstrechaetsya v puti, Oni speshat unyat' ih gnev Il' zhertvu ih spasti. No esli zver' k mol'bam ih gluh, Nevinnoj zhertvy krotkij duh Unosyat angely s soboj V drugoe vremya, v mir drugoj. I tam iz krasnyh l'vinyh glaz Prol'yutsya kapli slez, I budet ohranyat' on vas, Stada ovec i koz, I skazhet: "Gnev - lyubov'yu, A nemoshchi - zdorov'em Rasseyany, kak ten', V bessmertnyj etot den'. Teper', yagnenok, ya mogu S toboyu ryadom lech', Pastis' s toboyu na lugu I tvoj pokoj berech'. ZHivoj vodoj omylsya ya, I griva pyshnaya moya, CHto vsem zhivym vnushala strah, Siyaet zolotom v luchah". Perevod S. YA. Marshaka 27. SPRING Sound the flute! Now it's mute. Birds delight Day and night; Nightingale In the dale, Lark in sky, Merrily, Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year. Little boy, Full of joy; Little girl, Sweet and small; Cock does crow, So do you; Merry voice, Infant noise, Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year. Little lamb, Here I am; Come and lick My white neck; Let me pull Your soft wool; Let me kiss Your soft face: Merrily, merrily, we welcome in the year. 27. VESNA CHu, svirel'! Smolkla trel'... Solovej - Mezh vetvej. ZHavoronok v nebe. Vsyudu ptichij shchebet. Veselo, veselo Vstrechaem my vesnu! Rady vse na svete. Raduyutsya deti. Petuh - na naseste. S nim poem my vmeste. Veselo, veselo Vstrechaem my vesnu! Milyj moj yagnenok, Golosok tvoj tonok. Ty ko mne, druzhok, pril'ni, YAzychkom menya lizni. Daj pogladit', potrepat' SHerstki shelkovuyu pryad'. Daj-ka poceluyu Mordochku smeshnuyu. Veselo, veselo Vstrechaem my vesnu! Perevod S. YA. Marshaka 28. NURSE'S SONG When the voices of children are heard on the green, And laughing is heard on the hill, My heart is at rest within my breast, And everything else is still. 'Then come home, my children, the sun is gone down, And the dews of night arise; Come, come, leave off play, and let us away Till the morning appears in the skies.' 'No, no, let us play, for it is yet day, And we cannot go to sleep; Besides, in the sky the little birds fly, And the hills are all cover'd with sheep.' 'Well, well, go and play till the light fades away, And then go home to bed.' The little ones leaped and shouted and laugh'ed And all the hills echoed. 28. NYANYUSHKINA PESNYA Kogda detvora rezvitsya s utra, Na holmy podnimayas' begom, Spokojno mne v moej tishine, I vse spokojno krugom. "Domoj, detvora, teper' nam pora. Na zakate rosa holodna. Pora, detvora! Domoj do utra! Gulyat' nam nel'zya dotemna". "Net, eshche ne pora! I v razgare igra, I solnce eshche ne zashlo. V nebe mnozhestvo ptah, i stada na holmah. I po-prezhnemu v mire svetlo!" "Horosho, detvora, pravda, spat' vam pora, Ne pomerk eshche radostnyj svet!" Ot holma do holma kriki, smeh, kuter'ma, Tak chto eho smeetsya v otvet. Perevod V. B. Mikushevicha 29. INFANT JOY 'I have no name: I am but two days old.' What shall I call thee? 'I happy am, Joy is my name.' Sweet joy befall thee! Pretty Joy! Sweet Joy, but two days old. Sweet Joy I call thee Thou dost smile, I sing the while, Sweet joy befall thee! 29. DITYA-RADOSTX - Mne tol'ko dva dnya. Net u menya Poka eshche imeni. - Kak zhe tebya nazovu? - Raduyus' ya, chto zhivu. Radost'yu - tak i zovi menya! Radost' moya - Dvuh tol'ko dnej, - Radost' dana mne sud'boyu. Glyadya na radost' moyu, YA poyu: Radost' da budet s toboyu! Perevod S. YA. Marshaka 30. A DREAM Once a dream did weave a shade O'er my Angel-guarded bed, That an emmet lost its way Where on grass methought I lay. Troubled, 'wilder'd, and forlorn, Dark, benighted, travel-worn, Over many a tangled spray, AH heart-broke I heard her say: 'O, my children! do they cry? Do they hear their father sigh? Now they look abroad to see: Now return and weep for me.' Pitying, I dropp'd a tear; But I saw a glow-worm near, Who replied: 'What wailing wight Calls the watchman of the night? 'I am set to light the ground, While the beetle goes his round: Follow now the beetle's hum; Little wanderer, hie thee home.' 30. SON V izgolov'e Angel vstal, A vo sne ya uvidal, CHto lezhu na travke ya I glyazhu na murav'ya. A neschastnyj muravej, Kak v lesu, bredet v trave, ZHalok, mal i odinok. Vot chto, placha, on izrek: "Deti! ishchete l' otca, Oklikaya bez konca? Ah! ostav'te poisk svoj. Siroty, pora domoj!.." YA zaplakal: vot bednyak. Vdrug, smotryu, speshit svetlyak, Molvya: "Hvatit! eto my! Kto trevozhit Strazha t'my? YA Svetlyak, so mnoyu ZHuk, YA esm' svet, a on est' zvuk, Pospeshi na zvuk i svet - Ohranim tebya ot bed!" Perevod V. L. Toporova 31. ON ANOTHER'S SORROW Can I see another's woe, And not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief, And not seek for kind relief? Can I see a falling tear, And not feel my sorrow's share? Can a father see his child Weep, nor be with sorrow fill'd? Can a mother sit and hear An infant groan, an infant fear? No, no! never can it be! Never, never can it be! And can He who smiles on all Hear the wren with sorrows small, Hear the small bird's grief and care, Hear the woes that infants bear, And not sit beside the nest, Pouring pity in their breast; And not sit the cradle near, Weeping tear on infant's tear; And not sit both night and day, Wiping all our tears away? O, no! never can it be! Never, never can it be! He doth give His joy to all; He becomes an infant small; He becomes a man of woe; He doth feel the sorrow too. Think not thou canst sigh a sigh, And thy Maker is not by; Think not thou canst weep a tear, Arid thy Maker is not near. O! He gives to us His joy That our grief He may destroy; Till our grief is fled and gone He doth sit by us and moan. 31. O SKORBI BLIZHNEGO Razve blizhnih vam ne zhal', Esli ih gnetet pechal'? Znaya blizhnego muchen'ya, Kto ne ishchet oblegchen'ya? Mozhno l', vidya slez ruch'i, Ne pribavit' k nim svoi? I kogo iz vas ne tronet, Esli syn vash tyazhko stonet? I kakaya mozhet mat' Vmeste s kroshkoj ne stradat'? Net, net, nikogda, Ni za chto i nikogda! Kak zhe tot, kto vsem otec, Vidit skorb' tvoyu, ptenec? Kak vsevidyashchij i chutkij Mozhet slyshat' ston malyutki I ne byt' vblizi gnezda, Gde trevoga i nuzhda, I ne byt' u toj krovatki, Gde rebenok v lihoradke? Ne sidet' s nim den' i noch'. Ne davaya iznemoch'? Net, net, nikogda, Ni za chto i nikogda! On daet otradu nam, On mladencem byl i sam, Sam izvedal on pechal', I emu stradal'cev zhal'. Razve slabyj detskij ston S vysoty ne slyshit on? Razve kazhdyj vzdoh lyudskoj Ne vstrechaet on s toskoj? On stremitsya nam pomoch'. Nashi skorbi gonit proch', A poka ih ne progonit, On i sam ot skorbi stonet. Perevod S. YA. Marshaka SONGS OF EXPERIENCE 32. INTRODUCTION Hear the voice of the Bard! Who present, past, and future, sees; Whose ears have heard The Holy Word That walk'd among the ancient trees, Calling the lapsed soul, And weeping in the evening dew; That might control The starry pole, And fallen, fallen light renew! 'O Earth, O Earth, return! Arise from out the dewy grass; Night is worn, And the morn Rises from the slumberous mass. 'Turn away no more; Why wilt thou turn away. Die starry floor, The wat'ry shore, Is giv'n thee till the break of day.' PESNI POZNANIYA 32. VSTUPLENIE Slushajte golos Pevca! Pesnya ego razbudit Vashi serdca Slovom Tvorca - Slovo bylo, i est', i budet. Zabludshie dushi Ono zovet, Vopiya nad rosoj vechernej, A chern nebosvod - Vnov' zvezdy zazhzhet, Mir vyrvet iz t'my dochernej! "Vernis', o Zemlya Svetla, Mrak otryahaya rosnyj! Noch' dryahla, Rassvetnaya mgla Brezzhit v tryasine kosnoj. Ne ischezaj nikogda! CHto tebe zdes' nejmetsya? V nebe zvezda, V more voda - Malo l' chego najdetsya". Perevod V. L. Toporova 33. EARTH'S ANSWER Earth rais'd up her head From the darkness dread and drear. Her light fled, Stony dread! And her locks cover'd with grey despair. 'Prison'd on wat'ry shore, Starry Jealousy does keep my den: Cold and hoar, Weeping o'er, I hear the Father of the Ancient Men. 'Selfish Father of Men! Cruel, jealous, selfish Fear! Can delight, Chain'd in night, The virgins of youth and morning bear? 'Does spring hide its joy When buds and blossoms grow? Does the sower Sow by night, Or the ploughman in darkness plough? 'Break this heavy chain That does freeze my bones around. Selfish! vain! Eternal bane! That free Love with bondage bound.' 33. OTVET ZEMLI No tyazhelo vo mrak Smotrit Zemlya slepaya Svet issyak! Kamen' i prah! V gore sklonilas' glava sedaya. "More menya sdavilo. Zavist' zvezd izvela, Kak mogila, Mne telo izryla YArost' Otca Mirovogo Zla. Nizkij sebyalyubec Tvorec! Zlobnyj zavistnik Strah! Utru obeshchannaya, Obescheshchena, Stonet na dybe Nevinnost' v cepyah! Veshnemu vetru nel'zya ne veyat', Pochkam - ne nabuhat'. Mozhet li seyatel' Noch'yu seyat', Pahar' - vo t'me pahat'? Holod zvezdnyh okov ledyanoj Kosti moi pronzil. Strashnyj! zloj! Lyubuyas' soboj, Radost' i rabstvo ty slil". Perevod V. L. Toporova 34. THE CLOD AND THE PEBBLE 'Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease, And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.' So sung a little Clod of Clay, Trodden with the cattle's feet, But a Pebble of the brook Warbled out these metres meet: 'Love seeketh only Self to please, To bind another to its delight, Joys in another's loss of ease, And builds a Hell in Heaven's despite.' 34. KOM ZEMLI I KAMENX - Ne sebyalyubica Lyubov': Gotova preterpet' bedu, Prolit' slezu, poroyu krov'... S lyubov'yu schast'e - i v adu! - Tak pel bespechnyj Kom Zemli. Vdrug - Loshad'. I kopytom - trah! I Kamen', pritayas' v pyli, Peredraznil v takih stihah: - Net, sebyalyubica Lyubov': Gotovit vsem bedu svoyu - Te slezy l'yut, poroyu - krov': S lyubov'yu - gore i v rayu! Perevod V. L. Toporova 35. HOLY THURSDAY Is this a holy thing to see In a rich and fruitful land, Babes reduc'd to misery, Fed with cold and usurious hand? Is that trembling cry a song