nner life observation in selfstudying.

1. Tvorcheskie (evristicheskie) processy.

1. Creative (heuristic) processes.

2. Refleksivnaya deyatel'nost'.

2. Reflexive activities.

3. Rassudochnaya deyatel'nost'.

3. Rational activities.

4. Vzaimodejstvie rassudochnogo i refleksivnogo pri polnocen-nyh zanyatiyah avtodidakta.

4. Correlation of rational and reflexive in full-fledged selfstudying.

5. Lichnost' avtodidakta kak ob®ekt samonablyudeniya:

5. The autodidact's personality as an object of introspection;

a) tehnika "podglyadyvaniya za samim soboj", "vzglyad so storony";

a) the technique of "catching sight of oneself", "a gimpse from aside";

b) metod "sovmeshcheniya s idealom";

b) the method of "correlation to the ideal";

v) metod "myslennogo vypolneniya uslozhnennogo zadaniya";

c) the method of "mental fulfilment of a complicated task";

g) metod "sravneniya prezhnego i aktual'nogo";

d) the method of "comparing the former and the actual";

d) metod "rekognoscirovki duhovnogo prostranstva - opredelenie vozvyshennostej i nizmennostej";

e) the method of "reconnoitring the spiritual space - looking for heights and lowlands";

e) metod "sopostavleniya sostoyaniya" (dlya opredeleniya preimu-shchestva toj ili inoj tehniki samoobucheniya i t.d.);

f) the method of "comparing feelings and experiences" (for identifying the advantages of this or that techniques of selfstudying, etc.);

zh) metod "ozhidaniya kleva" (rybolov ozhidaet kleva);

g) the method of "waiting for a fish to take the bait" like a fisherman does;

z) metod "krika v kolodec" (reverberirovanie konkretnyh (kontrol'nyh) sobytij i vyyasnenie po pravilu: Raz otzyvaetsya - znachit, na eto nastroeno;

h) the method of "crying into the well" (the recall of concrete (controlled) events and the identification according to the rule: "If it recalls then it is tuned.";

i) tehnika "sozercaniya sebya, idushchego vdali";

i) the technique of "observing oneself, walking at a distance";

k) metod "probnogo eksperimenta" (vyyasnenie istinnoj mysli cherez neobdumannoe govorenie);

j) the method of "a test experiment" (the identification of the true thought through spontaneous speaking);

l) metod "vostochnyh pryannostej" (opredelenie svezhesti vospriya-tiya, vyzyvanie bodrosti i opredelenie prioritetnosti sensornogo);

k) the method of "oriental spices" (demarcating perception freshness, evoking good spirits and identifying sensory priorities);

m) metod "bega po tenistoj allee" (oshchushcheniya raskreposhchennosti i molodosti);

l) the method of "jogging along a shady ally " (the sensation of being young and relaxed);

n) metod "ekzistencial'noj proverki" (sravnenie s Avtodi-daktom iz "Otvrashcheniya" ZH.-P. Sartra);

m) the method of "existence test" (the comparison with the autodidact from "La Nausee" by J. P. Sartre);

o) metod "vyslushivaniya vnutrennego napevaniya" (vyyasnenie aktual'nogo - segodnyashnego - ritma (pishushchim stihi));

n) the method of "listening to the inner tune" (identifying the actual - present - rhythm for those who compose verses);

p) metod "personifikacii myslej, sostoyanij" (odno "YA" otnositsya k mysli - person, kotoraya druzhit s drugim "YA");

o) the method of "personification of thoughts, feelings, states" (one "I" refers to the thought - person, who is the friend of the other "I");

r) metod "advokatury d'yavola" (voploshchenie dialekticheskogo podhoda).

p) the method of "the devil's bar" (realization of dialectical approach).

6. "YA" nablyudayushchee i "YA" nablyudaemoe:

6. Observing "I" and "I" observed:

a) osobennosti "YA" nablyudayushchego:

a) specifics of observing "I":

- otozhdestvlenie sebya s sut'yu lichnosti;

- identification with Self;

- polnaya latentnost';

- complete latency;

- beskompromisnost';

- resistance to compromises;

- chuvstvo integrirovannosti i dazhe otozhdestvlennosti s mirovym duzom, bogom - religioznost';

- sense of integrity or even identity with the world spirit, with God - religiousness;

- vezdesushchnost' - nadmyshlenie;

- omnipresence - superthinking;

- chuvstvo prichastnosti k vechnomu i obescenivanie telonositelya (nad-zhizn');

- sense of being involved into eternity and depreciation of the body wearer (super-life);

b) osobennosti "YA" nablyudaemogo:

b) specifics of the "I" observed:

- voploshchennost' "YA" nablyudaemogo v dvizheniyah naruzhnyh i vnutrennih;

- realization of the "I" observed in inner and outer motions;

- plotskost' "YA" nablyudaemogo, ego sensornost' i chuvst-vomyshlenie;

- fleshliness of the "I" observed; his sensority and feeling-thinking;

- podgotovitel'naya deyatel'nost' "YA" nablyudaemogo - kon-sul'tativnyj kanal s "YA" nablyudayushchim;

- preparatory activities of the "I" observed - consultative channels with the observing "I";

- uskol'zanie i proteistichnost' "YA" nablyudaemogo - ("|to eshche ne ya vot podozhdite!");

- evasiveness and protheism of the "I" observed ("It is not me yet, just wait!");

- netozhdestvennost' "YA" nablyudaemogo s lichnost'yu (dlya samoj lichnosti);

- nonidentity of the "I" observed with the personality (for the individual);

- otozhdestvlennost' "YA" nablyudaemogo s lichnost'yu (dlya postoronnih);

- identity of the "I" observed with the personality (for the onlookers);

- problemy vzaimoponimaniya i problemy vnutrennego mira;

- the problem of mutual understanding and problems of the inner world;

- sposobnost' "YA" nablyudaemogo samoraschlenyat'sya (dispersiya "YA");

- ability of the "I" observed to divide (dispersion of "I");

- mnozhestvennost' dispersionnyh "YA", tezaurus sostoyanij, otozhdestvlenie s nositelyami sostoyanij, instrumental'nost' - dlya priobreteniya kul'tury i t.d.;

- multiplicity of the dispersed "I", thesaurus of feelings and experiences, equation with transmitters of emotional states; instrumentality - for assimilating culture, etc.;

- "YA" nablyudaemoe kak dinamicheskij process ("chelovek techet" - L. Tolstoj) i bezgranichnost' intelektual'no-duhovnogo.

- the "I" observed as a dynamic process ("man flows" - L. Tolstoy) and eternity of the intellectual and spiritual.

II. Duet vnutrennih (sol'nyh) golosov i dialektika edinstva protivopolozhnostej.

II. Duet of inner (solo) voices and dialectic unity of opposites.

1. Vnutrennyaya kakofoniya.

1. Inner disaccord.

2. Vnutrennee blagozvuchie.

2. Inner harmony (euphony).


* * *

Ne zhalobno i vinovato,

a radostno krichat', zvenya,

ne "Bozhe, daj!", a "Bozhe, nate,

primite, Bozhe, ot menya!

Primite eto likovan'e

i slezy gor'kie moi,

chtob dlya inyh napominan'em

pobyli chutochku oni.

Primite etot opyt, Bozhe,

i, snizojdya, voz'mite tot,

chto byl kogda-to i pohozhe,

byl kak by ves' naoborot:

YA zhit' vse bol'she razuchalsya,

vse bol'she ladit' ne umel,

no, Bozhe, kak byval ya schastliv,

byt' volej Vashej ne u del!"

* * *

The poetry has not limits. But a poem

is constantly abridged by boundaries of sheet

it would go somewhere far beyond the sweet

white paper area. There it is pawing

with Pegasus' light hoofs, like Cupid bowing

for images that are the hearts of it,

and so the buds of love each other meet

for being soon a twigs, the future sowing'

for a new truth to bear afterwards

and to express in sounds or in words

or in uneven lines and coloured mud.

The human space is to create created

and so Great Lord mysteriously made it

that we must always over the border putt.

Tema 15.

Theme 15

Stroitel'stvo lichnosti v avtodidaktike

Construction of the personality in selfstudying

I. Lichnost' kak summa unasledovannogo i priobretennogo.

I. The personality as the integrity of the inherited and acquired.

1. Psihicheskie parametry (temperament, akcuntuirovannost' psihiki).

1. Psychic parameters (temperament, accentuation of psyche).

2. Modifikaciya prirodnyh dannyh i nevoploshchennost' lichnosti.

2. Modification of natural abilities and non-realization of the personality.

3. Duhovnaya urodlivost' i duhovnaya krasota:

3. Spiritual deformity and spiritual beauty:

a) dobrota: zavisimost' ot ocenochnogo mehanizma;

a) kindness: dependence on evaluation mechanism;

b) chuvstvo spravedlivosti: analitizm, tradiciya i krugozor;

b) sense of justice: analytism, tradition and outlook;

v) lyubov' k blizhnemu: konkretnoe videnie (nevozmozhnost' lyubit' chelovechestvo voobshche);

c) love for one's neighbour: concrete vision (impossibility to love the human race at large);

g) smysl zhizni: individual'nost' mozhet imet' duhovnuyu (ili neduhovnuyu) cel', zhizn' (voobshche) kak takovaya - ne mozhet, (esli ne imet' vvidu teleologiyu); duhovnye parametry smysla zhizni (stremlenie k znaniyu; put' k samostoyatel'nomu myshleniyu - "put' k soplanetyaninu"; vnesenie lepty - pri voploshchennosti lichnosti v kul'turu, noosferu; vozmozhnoe udovletvorenie sobstvennoj zhizn'yu v svyazi s voploshcheniem lichnosti i osushchestvleniem celi: predsmertnyj pokoj zasluzhit' mozhno lish' pozhiznennym bespokojstvom);

d) meaning of life: an individual may have a spiritual (or non-spiritual) goal, life in general and as such cannot (theology is not considered here); spiritual parameters of the meaning of life (aspiration for knowledge; a path to independent thinking - "a path to the co-planeterian"; contribution to the noosphere through personal involvent into culture; possible satisfaction with own life in connection with realization of a personality and fulfilment of the goal: one can earn before-death peace only by lifetime unrest;

d) shirota interesov, mnogogrannost' lichnosti kak uslovie ee duhovnoj krasoty (ogranichennyj urodliv);

e) broad interests; malti-sided development of a personality as a circumstance of his/her spiritual beauty (a shallow-minded person is ugly);

e) koefficient prityagatel'nosti (attraktivnosti) i stremlenie lichnosti k sovershenstvu (vnutrennyaya kar'era);

f) coefficient of attractiveness and a personality's striving for perfection (the inner carrier);

zh) nasledstvo lichnosti: duhovnost', transformirovannaya potom-kami.

g) heritage of a personality: spirituality transmitted by descendants.

4. Priobretennye duhovnye sredstva i avtodidaktika:

4. Acquired spiritual qualities and selfstudying:

a) nastojchivost' (transformaciya ih upryamstva);

a) persistence (transformed from stubbornness);

b) tonkost' analiza (transformaciya sklonnosti k umstvennym spekulyaciyam, tak nazyvaemaya mechtatel'nost');

b) keenness of analysis (transformed from inclination to intellectual speculations, so called reverie);

v) bezuprechnaya akkuratnost' v rabote (transformaciya svojstva anankasta);

c) perfect accuracy in work (transformed from the qualities of anancast);

g) organizaciya razvetvlyayushchejsya sociogruppy intellektual'no-duhovnogo tolka (transformaciya vlastolyubivosti, unasledovannogo stremleniya k liderstvu);

d) arrangement of a tree-like social group of intellectual and spiritual orientation (transformed love for power, inherited inclination for leadership);

d) povyshennaya sklonnost' k nakopleniyu sostoyanij, (trans-formaciya vrozhdennoj sentimental'nosti);

e) developed ability to accumulate feelings and states (transformed from inborn sentimentality);

e) legkost' v vyrabotke dvigatel'nyh stereotipov i kak sledstvie shirota instrumental'nyh znanij (transformaciya - "suhost' raschetlivogo uma");

f) easy mastering of motoric stereotypes and as a consequence - broad instrumental knowledge (transformed from "coolness of prudent mind");

zh) umenie mgnovenno pereklyuchat'sya na drugoj vid deyatel'nosti (povyshennaya mnogokonal'nost' zanyatij);

g) ability of immediate shifting to another activity (developed multi-channel studying);

z) uglublennaya issledovatel'skaya deyatel'nost' (transformaciya nasledstvennoj mnitel'nosti (i ipohondrii)).

h) deep research activity (transformed from inherited suspiciousness (and hypochondria).

5. Priobretennoe svojstvo kak pobochnyj uspeh v avtodidaktike:

5. Acquired quality as a marginal success in selfstudying:

a) oshchushchenie nezavisimosti ot durnoj privychki;

a) sense of independence from a bad habit;

b) psihicheskaya ustojchivost' samoobuchayushchegosya, tak nazyvaemaya sila haraktera;

b) psychic stability of a learner, the so called power of character;

v) intimnoe mogushchestvo kak odno iz vozmozhnyh dostizhenij (likvidaciya, izzhivanie estestvennogo egoizma i sobstvennicheskogo chuvstva v intimnoj zhizni, prioritety udovol'stvij i ocenok attraktivnosti, povyshennaya gibkost' psihiki, oshchushchenie "filosofichnogo individa, imeyushchego svyazi s vechnym, neprehodyashchim").

c) intimate power is one of possible gains (liquidation of natural selfishness and sense of property in intimate life, priorities of delights and evaluations of attractiveness; greater flexibility of psyche, sensation of a "philosophic individual being connected with the eternal and immortal."

II. Arhitektonika lichnosti, korrekciya idealov i avtodidaktika.

II. Architectonics of a personality, correction of ideals and selfstudying.

1. Dialektika lichnosti (granicy, obslovlennye geneticheski, i stremlenie rasshirit'sya. "CHelovek - eto rasshiryayushchayasya vselennaya").

1. Dialectics of a personality (boundaries shaped genetically shaped and striving for extension. "Man is an extending universe").

2. Baza znanij i fundament lichnosti (uverennost' znayushchego, vozmozhnost' vybora napravleniya razvitiya (videnie dorozhnyh ukazatelej), sobstvenno zhelanie stroit' lichnost').

2. Base of knowledge and foundation of a personality (assertiveness of a knowledgeable person, possibility to make a choice of trends in one's development (vision of road signs), desire to construct one's own personality).

3. |tazhi lichnosti i vozrast cheloveka (svyaz' zhiznennogo opyta, priobretennogo umeniya abstragirovat'sya ot sobstvennoj persony i duhovno-intellektul'nye postupki); kolichestvo duhovnyh postupkov ravno kolichestvu etazhej.

3. Floors of a personality and a person's age (the connection between one's life experience,
the acquired ability to abstract from one's own person and spiritual - intellectual acts); the number of spiritual acts is equal to the number of floors.

4. Duhovno-intellektual'nyj postupok kak osnovnoj instrument stroitel'stva lichnosti (fenomen G. Toro "Uhod dlya podgotovki k vyhodu").

4. The spiritual and intellectual act as the main instrument of constructing a personality ( the phenomenon of A. Thoreau's "withdrawal to get ready for entrance").

5. Rost trebovatel'nosti k sebe v svyazi s korrekciej ideala - istochnik energii intellektual'no-duhovnogo postupka.

5. Greater exactness to oneself connected with the ideal's correction of the ideal is the source of power for an intellectual and spiritual act.

III. Lichnost' v ekstremal'nyh sostoyaniyah.

III. A personality in extreme states.

1. Proigryvanie situacij.

1. Outplaying of situations.

2. Modelirovanie povedeniya.

2. Patterning of behaviour.

3. Nagruzka avtodidakta.

3. The autodidact's workload.

4. ZHizn' kak kontinuum nervno-psihicheskih nagruzok i avto-didakta (V. Annenskij "Uzhas zhizni").

4. Life as a continuum of nervous and psychic loads and selfstudying (I. Annensky's "horror of life").

IV. Otkrytost' sub®ektivnogo mira kak cel' avtodidakta.

IV. Openness of subjective world as an autodidact's aim.

1. "Esli ty ne hochesh', chtoby ob etom kto-to uznal, - ne delaj etogo" (kitajskaya pogovorka).

1. "If you don't want anybody to learn about it then don't do it" (a Chinese proverb).

2. "Geniyu nechego skryvat'" (A. Pushkin).

2. "A genius has nothing to conceal" (A. Pushkin).

3. Antinomiya "meshchanin" (zakrytaya sistema) - tvorcheskaya lich-nost' (otkrytaya sistema).

3. Antinomy: "the philistine" (a closed system) - the creative personality (an open system).


* * *

Prodlis', o filosofiya, prodlis'

do pesni, duh slivayushchij i telo,

do melosa, chto - podlinnaya mysl'

chto - istina, kotoroj zhizn' hotela.

Za slovom budet propast' - chudnyj znak,

chto oboznachit pauzy v dvizhen'e

i zamiran'e teh, kto vnov' napryag

uprugoj mysli gornoe techen'e.

YA tak lyublyu predstavlennyj landshaft

na fone teh, chej promel'k glazu yavlen.

I ya zhivu, k grudi ego prizhav,

real'no chuya sneg ego protalin.

* * *

Inflated with pride and vain littleness

the youth was sick, additionally sick -

first illness is the shortening, a trick

of making nothing of the inner stillness,

a too great waste of time, of stream of days,

nights where same melodies so sweety sound

and freedom of intention is a ground

for feelings with the voice of Barbara Streisand.

We always are abridged compared with plans

with that young force that strings so lucky strain,

with one born in ourselves, but really upper.

And we again surprise and wish to fly

but body stays below full of why

and only like inflated bird of rubber.

Tema 16.

Theme 16

"Vnutrennyaya kar'ra" avtodidakta

"Internal progress" in selfstudying

I. Osobennost' social'noj ierarhii:

I. Specifics of social hierarchy:

1. Ierarhiya dolzhnostej, professij, special'nostej, polozhenij v obshchestve.

1. The hierarchy of posts, professions, specialities, social statuses.

2. Ierarhiya umeniya i masterstva.

2. The hierarchy of skills and mastering.

3. Ierarhiya avtoritetov (avtoritet oficial'nyj i avtoritet is-tinnyj).

3. The hierarchy of authorities (the official authority and true authority).

4. Obrazovanie i obshchestvo; kriterij obshchestvennogo zdorov'ya.

4. Education and society; the criterion of social health.

5. Obrazovanie i tradiciya; obrazovanie vostochnoe i obrazovanie zapadnoe; smeshannyj tip obrazovaniya:

5. Education and tradition; Oriental education and Western education; mixed type of education:

a) obrazovanie i material'noe blagopoluchie (Fales Miletskij);

a) education and material wealth (Phales of Mileth);

b) obrazovanie i polozhenie v obshchestve: zhelaemoe i fakticheskoe.

b) education and social status: desired and actual.

II. Pragmatizm i romanticheskie idealy.

II. Pragmatism and romantic ideals.

1. Stoiki, otnoshenie k predmetnomu miru.

1) Stoics, attitude to the world of objects.

2. Syuj YUj i YAo.

2) Su Yu and Yao.

3. Pragmatizm i fizicheskaya (ruchnaya) rabota - ocenka raboty kak takovoj na urovne obydennogo soznaniya.

3) Pragmatism and physical (manual) work - estimation of work as such by daily routine consciousness.

4. Produktivnoe myshlenie kak prakticheski poleznaya deyatel'-nost':

4) Productive thinking as practically useful activity:

a) fundamental'nye issledovaniya;

a) fundamental research;

b) operativnoe dejstvie intellekta;

b) operative action of the intellect;

v) myshlenie - igra kak relaksaciya;

c) thinking-playing as relaxation;

g) myshlenie kakdostoyanie i kak instrument dostizheniya celej;

d) thinking as common property and the instrument of aim gaining;

d) myshlenie kak ataraksiya - prakticheskoe znachenie.

e) thinking as ataraxia - practical essence.

5. Ideal prakticheskogo cheloveka, opasnost' ottorzheniya ot svoego "YA", uprezhdayushchaya rassudochnost', svedenie na net (diminuaciya) teoreticheskogo nachala (refleksii), paradoksal'nyj rezul'tat: umen'shenie praktichnosti pri absolyutizacii ustanovki na dostizhenie ideala prakticheskogo cheloveka.

5. The ideal of a practical person, the danger of alienation from one's self, rationality "in advance", diminution of theoretical initiation (reflection), with a paradoxical result: the decreasing practicality alongside the absolution of orientations on achieving the ideal of a practical person.

6. Ideal romantika: otchuzhdenie ot zdravogo smysla, predpoch-tenie proizvol'nyh spontannyh reshenij, abberaciya vospriyatiya real'nyh sobytij i vzaimootnoshenij mezhdu lyud'mi: absurdizaciya vnutrennej zhizni misticizm, psevdo-utonchennost', spekulyativnost'; paradoksal'nyj rezul'tat: deromantizaciya, razocharovanie v idealah, krushenie nadezhd i dazhe gibel'.

6. The ideal of a romant