sciences, clarification of essence and further lifetime keeping in touch);

zh) evropocentrizm i ego izzhivanie kak neobhodimost' dlya avtodidakta.

f) europocentrism and its elimination as an obligation for the autodidact.

2. Izmenenie lichnosti i predely psihologicheskogo poznavaniya. "Gordost' nakoplennoj kul'tury" i "etnos v starosti":

2. Changing of a personality and limits of psychological knowledge. "Pride of the culture accumulated" and "ethnos in old age."

a) dvizhenie lichnosti k psihicheskoj ustojchivosti; ustojchivost' kak kriterij vysokogo urovnya samopoznaniya;

a) a personality's moving towards psychic steadiness; steadiness as the criterion of high level of self-knowledge;

b) obyvatel' i organizmennyj uroven' samovospriyatiya (zamk-nutost' na na sobstvennom organizme, usilivayushchayasya s godami);

b) a philistine and organizm-restricted level of self-perception (withdrawal into one's own organism, progressive with ageing);

v) moment perestrojki elementov lichnosti i predely poznaniya (dialektika: "Byt' samim soboj - eto dobivat'sya bytijstvo-vaniya v kachestve drugogo, luchshego sebya"); poznanie drugih granej izvestnogo, obnovleniya zhizni; smena faz, rozhdenie novyh nas (biosfera lichnogo kosmosa, izmenenie kombinacij elementov);

c) moment of restructuring a personality's elements and limits of knowledge (dialectics: "To be oneself means to obtain being in one's better self"); knowledge of other sides of the known, of the life's renewal; changing of phases, birth of one's new Self
(biosphere of personal cosmos, change of the combinations of elements);

g) fakty i usovershenstvovanie sposobov ih proverki;

d) facts and perfection of means for verifying them;

d) bor'ba s vymyshlennymi koncepciyami i dvizhenie k istine;

e) resistance to fictitious conceptions and focusing towards truth;

e) oshchushchenie izmenenij i rezul'tatov lichnogo razvitiya; fun-dament samostoyatel'nyh postroenij, ospecialivanie interesov i ustojchivoe ravnovesie v garmonicheski razvitom znanii individa; srezy lichnoj istorii;

f) sensation of changes and results of personal development; foundation for self-reliant constructions; specialisation of interest and steady equilibrium in harmoniously developed knowledge of an individual; section of personal history;

zh) vysokij diletantizm (kriterij): vozmozhnost' pri zhelanii , v lyuboj moment perejti k uglubleniyu i perehodu k professiona-lizmu; "Mozhet byt', diletantizm tozhe polezen ili, skoree, plodotvoren" (L. Gumilev); nevoinstvuyushchij diletantizm;

g) high dilettantism (criterion): possibility (if there is a will) at any moment to deepen one's knowledge and go over to professionalism; "Maybe, dilettantism is also useful or rather fruitful" (L. Gumilyov); non-militant dilettantism;

z) psihologicheskaya periferizaciya instrumental'nogo znaniya;

h) psychological peripherisation of instrumental knowledge;

i) professionalizm kak detalizaciya v soedinenii s global'noj sistematizaciej prichin i sledstvij.

i) professionalism as detailing combined with global systematization of causes and effects.

Avtodidaktika: tezisy i sonety. V.A. Kurinskij.

* * *

YA nepremenno soobshchit' hochu

takomu zhe rodivshemusya v proze,

komu sebya po vysochajshej pros'be

perepisat' stihami po plechu, -

izvestie, podobnoe luchu,

nemoe utverzhdenie voprosom,

chto slozhnost'yu nepostizhimoj - prosto,

chto darom dali mne, a ya plachu...

Mne nuzhno nepremenno soobshchit'

i vsem drugim - ne to porvetsya nit':

est' chelovecheskoe sostoyan'e

takogo obozhaniya drugih,

chto vse na svete prevrashchaet v stih

voistinu Svyashchennogo Pisan'ya.

* * *

Please, give me dear sense in every

translated into spaces of the spring.

And that my old believes, a future mastering,

in losing partly altogether win it,

please, give me, time, that is of mine and

of all in area of this narrow ring,

where love is centre like a point-king,

and where its beams unceasingly all clean out.

Content of life is dimple in the kinn,

the usual kiss - the most important win,

and our whispers - origin of music.

But always there is a tiny need,

like hidden poison soul swallows it

and slowly dies so painfully amusing.

Tema 19.

Theme 19

Densaciya vremeni

Densation of time

I. Myshlenie i prostranstvo-vremya.

I. Thinking and space-time.

1. Vseobshchee dvizhenie evolyucionnoj mysli, "dlenie" (A. Bergson) i razvertyvanie prostranstva; imitaciya prostranstva- vre-meni rasshiryayushchejsya vselennoj razvitoj lichnost'yu.

1. General motion of evolutionary thought, "duration" (H. Bergson) and unfolding of space; imitation of space-time in the extending universe by a developed personality.

2. Oshchushchenie vremeni i ego podlinnost'; podlinnoe vremya kak kontinuum sostoyanij, ego annigiliruyushchih; "Esli ya zabyl o vremeni - znachit ya prozhil podlinno vremennoj fragment" (pustoty, "kaverny" obychnogo, obyvatel'skogo vremennogo kontinuuma; interes - annigilyator antivremeni filistera).

2. Sensation of time and its genuity; genuine time as a continuum of feelings, annihilating it; "If I have forgotten about time - it means that I have lived through its genuine fragment" (blanks, "caverns" in the usual, routine time continuum; interest is an annihilator of a philistine's anti-time).

Mysl' kak obitalishche vremeni - DUREE.

Thought as a house of time - DUREE.

3. Tvorcheskoe sostoyanie i vremya (oshchushchenie nesootvetstviya DU-REE izmerennosti chasami i fakticheski perezhitomu vremeni - fakt densacii vremeni); emkost' mgnoveniya, edinica emkosti mgnoveniya. Kvant SPA (samoyavlyayushchegosya potoka associacij).

3. Creative state and time (sensation of non-correlation of DUREE to measuring in hours and actually lived through time - the fact of time densation); capacity of a moment; a unit of a moment's capacity. Quant of self-appearing stream of associations.

4. Plotnost' vremeni i plotnost' myshleniya, vozmozhnaya tozh-destvennost'. |volyuciya napolnyaet vremya i ravna mirovoj mysli: (myslechuvstvovanie-myshlenie).

4. Density of time and density of thinking, possible identity. Evolution fills in time and is equal to world thought: (thought-feeling - thinking).

5. Informacionnyj shum (ISH) i densaciya myslechuvstvovaniya; ponyatie koncentracii vnimaniya (KV); KV i soprotivlenie ISH; plotnost' myshleniya.

5. Informational noise (IN) and densation of thought-feeling; concept of concentration of attention (CA); CA and resistance to IN; density of thinking.

6. Ponyatie o lishnem kak o neobhodimom; fonovyj shum i tishina; (otsutstvie tishiny v vakuume), "grohot" v cheloveke; chtoby izbavitsya ot "grohota" intelektual'no-nravstvennogo solipsizma, nuzhno pol'zovat'sya social'no-psihologicheskimi shumami (stolknoveniya, pobochnye (nenuzhnye) zanyatiya i t.d.); didakticheskoe ispol'zovanie shumov.

6. Definition of excessive as necessary; background noise and silence; (there is no silence in vacuum), "crash" in a human being; in order to get rid of the "crash" of intellectual and moral solipsism, it is necessary to use socio-psychological noises (clashes, marginal (not obligatory) studying, etc.); didactic usage of noises.

II. Vospriyatie novogo i densaciya vremeni.

II. Perception of new and densation of time.

1. Novoe pervichnoe i novoe vtorichnoe; informacionnaya zalezh', otdyh materiala, otlezhivanie materiala kak sredstvo obnovleniya.

1. Primarily new and secondarily new; informational deposit, giving rest to the material, putting the material aside for refreshment.

2. Svezhest' vospriyatiya i densaciya; (pervichnaya svezhest' i glubina vospriyatiya).

2. Freshness of perception and densation; (primary freshness and the depth of perception).

3. Pervoe prohozhdenie materiala i densantnost'. Vozmozhno uvelichenie densantnosti pri povtornom (v kotoryj raz!) prohozhdenii - v zavisimosti ot optimal'nosti pereryva.

3. Initial covering of the material and densation. Possible increase of densation with repeated (for the umpteenth time!) covering - the increase depends on the optimum length of a break made.

4. Povyshenie analitizma i densaciya.

4. Increase of analytism and densation.

5. Novoe i tvorcheskoe sostoyanie; generirovanie idej: polya mozga.

5. A new and creative state; generation of ideas: brain fields.

6. Likvidaciya prepyatstviya v organizacii tvorcheskogo sostoyaniya (vneshnij put' - izolyaciya; vnutrennij - soznatel'noe sozdanie ISH; povyshenie soprotivleniya uslovnogo psihicheskogo materiala).

6. Liquidation of obstacles in organizing creative states (exterior way is isolation; inner way is aware creation of IN; the growing resistance of conditional psychic material.

7. Uvlechennost' kak kontroliruyushchij faktor.

7. Enthusiasm as a controlling factor.

8. Stil' zhizni (SIC!) kak vneshnee ustrojstvo proyavleniya tvor-cheskih sostoyanij.

8. Life style (sic!) as the exterior arrangement of the manifestation of creative states.

9. Vzaimootnosheniya s okruzhayushchim i dopuski ("oni dobrye; ya tak dumayu potomu, chto ya ih ne znayu"); organizaciya tvorcheskogo sostoyaniya i dopusk na dobrotu bytiya lyudej i t.d.

9. Interrelations with people and assumptions ("they are kind; I think so because I don't know them"); organization of creative states and assumption of people's kindness, etc.

10. ZHivotnyj pragmatizm i tvorcheskij prakticizm.

10. Beastial pragmatism and creative practicality.

11. Perenesenie ustanovochnogo akcenta s vneshnego rezul'tata (znanie, informaciya) na sostoyanie sotvorchestva s prirodoj; periferizaciya integriruyushchih znanij.

11. Shifting the directive accent from the outer result (knowledge, information) to the experience of collaboration with the nature; peripherization of integrative knowledge.

12. Predchuvstvuemost' otkrytij i densaciya ("otkrytie ne slu-chajno nikogda, ibo trebuetsya optimal'nyj uroven' osobogo postizheniya, sledovatel'no, ono predchuvstvuemo, t.e. myslimo v obraze ili v predobraznoj stadii"; popytka perejti k osoznavaemomu aktu myshleniya v svyazi s nastupayushchim otkrytiem) otkrytie ravno priobreteniyu dopolnitel'nogo vremeni.

12. Premonition of discoveries and densation ("a discovery can never be made by chance, since it is necessary to gain an optimum level of special comprehension which means that one has a premonition about a possible discovery though not having been formulated yet, i.e. it is conceivable as an image or pre-image"; an attempt to pass over to an aware act of thinking connected with the coming discovery); discovery is equivalent to getting additional time.

13. CHastota mikrootkrytij i densaciya vremeni.

13. Frequency of discoveries and time densation.

14. Skanirovanie materiala i samoocenka (perehod iz podmas-ter'ya v mastera).

14. Scanning of material and self-assessment (turning from an apprentice into the master).

15. Rolevaya igra (predstavlenie o sebe samom, budushchem, obratnaya svyaz', "YA" voobrazhaemoe i "YA" segodnyashnee; amplua ponaroshke, naigrysh, samoobmany; vne voobrazhaemoj roli ne sushchestvuet ni odnogo "YA"; organizaciya tvorcheskogo sostoyaniya.

15. Role playing (fancying oneself in future, feedback, imaginary Self and today's Self; putting on a certain kind of a role; affectation, self-deception; there is not a single individual existing out of an imaginary role; organization of creative states.

16. |vristicheskaya igra i bar'er igrovogo (preodolenie neob-hodimo; nuzhno znat', chto vo vsem imeetsya privkus igry); (byl li A. |jnshtejn Homo ludens?). Vse v meru igrovoe densiruet vremya (J. Hejzinga, G. Gesse, "vysokaya igra"). Densaciya - apologiya igry.

16. Heuristic games and barriers of the playful (overcoming is compulsory; it is necessary to know that everything is playful); ( was A. Einstein a Homo ludens?) Everything at measure playful condenses time (J. Huizinga, G. Hesse, "lofty game"). Densation is an apologia of game.

III. Mnogoplanovost' zhizni.

III. Versatility of life.

1. Informacionnye kanaly razvivayushchejsya lichnosti.

1. Informational channels of a developing personality.

2. Mnogodnevnost' mnogokanal'nogo astronomicheskogo dnya.

2. Multichannel astronomic day seems to last like many days.

3. Napravlenie myslechuvstvovaniya - material'noe zavoevanie evolyucionnogo prostranstvo-vremeni (1.4 ravno R, t.e. vremya ravno mysli).

3. Direction of thought-feelings is a material winning of evolutionary space-time (1,4 is equal to R, i.e. time is equal to thought).

4. "Sloistye oblaka vremeni", vremennoj lepton (leptonnyj gaz vremeni raven leptonnomu gazu evolyucionnoj mysli).

4. "Strati of time", time lepton (leptonic gas of time is equal to lepton gas of evolutionary thought).

5. Praktika mnogokanal'nosti:

5. Practising multichannels:

a) shirota krugozora i fakticheskaya prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni (uchityvaya tezaurus sostoyanij, glubokoe postizhenie);

a) world outlook scope and actual length of life (with account of thesaurus of states, depth of comprehension);

b) dolgoletie aktera, svyashchennika i mnogokanal'nost';

b) longevity of actors and priests and multichannelness;

v) "Festina lente!" odnako vsegda bud' v evristicheskom naprya-zhenii;

c) "Festina lente!" but be always in heuristic tension;

g) mnogoslojnost' kontinuuma: vneshnyaya diskretnost' i vnut-rennyaya nepreryvnost'. Pamyat' sostoyanij i vremya: naslaivanie, delenie, peremeshchenie, sozdanie leptonnyh dvojnikov;

d) multistrata continuum: outer discretion and inner continuity. Memory of states and time; piling up, division, movement, creation of lepton twins;

d) kollektivnyj ejdos kak vechnost' i vremennaya mnogokanal'-nost' svyazej s nim;

e) the collective eidos as the eternity and multichannel connection with it in time;

e) chuvstvo udovletvorennosti zhizn'yu kak sledstvie uchastiya v sotvorchestve evolyucionnogo vremeni;

f) sense of life satisfaction as a consequence of participating in co-creation of evolutionary time;

zh) oshchushchenie pokolenij vnutrennego cheloveka, peredacha znanij, postupatel'noe dvizhenie, Mafusailov vek.

g) sensation of inner person's generations, transmission of knowledge, progressive movement, age of Methuselah.

"Sovershenstvovanie yazykovyh znanij - eto v pervuyu ochered' sovershenstvovanie primeneniya yazykov".

"The perfection of linguistic knowledge is primarily the perfection of languages employment."


* * *

Vse svyazano, no my razobshcheny,

i govoryashchie, po suti dela, - nemy,

i dazhe, mozhet byt', sovsem ne my

zhivem pod vidom dramy i poemy.

Net vygody! Est' tol'ko pribyl' dush

v poryve beskorystnogo deyan'ya.

Net grusti! - tol'ko tvorchestvo plakush

na fone duri i na fone p'yani.

YA zhdu, idushchij k Mocartu, tebya

na perekrestke nashih glavnyh istin,

chtob vmeste byt' moguchim - ne grubya,

i vechnoj gryaz' priznav, ostat'sya chistym.

* * *

Life isn't smooth. It is a turn of

that pains disperse in us all of a sudden,

though we are always ready meet the mud in

this cleanliness and Cleons instead of Pericles.

We wait for medow and, for ancient Greeks

for quiet and peripathetic garden,

but often see the muddled, is regard on

terrestial surface that the letters picks

for martyrdom, for suffering, for Rome

where christians were at first the first and some

of them were may be last and everlasting

with deeds in ages and poetry in prose

that for us hidden till the cleaner grows

us for the good souls sake all our thoughts

Tema 20.

Theme 20


Participation - social and private

I. Sovershenstvovanie postupkov i prichastnost':

I. Perfection of acts and participation:

1. "Baj yuj Dzin" (pervaya Cyuan').

Pritcha. Durak nazval bratom bogatogo, no otkazalsya ot bratstva, kogda tot komu-to zadolzhal. Takov i tot, kto radi vygody, a ne radi sovershenstvovaniya nazyvaet sebya vstupivshim na put' istiny i t.d.

1. "Baiyujin" (the first quan).

A parable. A fool called a rich man his brother, but denied their brotherhood when the rich man had made debts. In the same way behaves that one who announces himself to have entered the path of truth for the sake of benefit, but not for the sake of perfection, etc.

"Uslyshav slova Buddy o dobre, oni prisvoil ih i vydaval za svoi, kogda zhe okruzhayushchie hoteli, chtoby on sovershenstvoval svoi postupki, on ne pozhelal ih sovershenstvovat'".

"Having heard Buddha's words about good, he took them and passed off as his own, but when the people around wanted him to improve his acts, he refused to perfect them."

2. Samoutverzhdenie i prichastnost' k voploshcheniyu vysokoj celi:

2. Self-assertion and participation in bringing a lofty idea into life:

"Slova Buddy o nastavlenii na put' vsego sushchego ya prisvoil v raschete na vygodu, a ne radi istinnyh deyanij, zachem zhe mne sovershenstvovat' svoi postupki" ("Baj yuj Dzin").

"I took Buddha's words about setting right all beings in existence on the expectation of benefits, not for the sake of real acts. What for shall I refine my deeds?" ("Baiyujin")

3. Prichastnost' k vysokoj idee kak luchshaya vozmozhnost' samoutverditsya. "Esli ty polezen drugim - znachit ty polezen sebe samomu" (manchzhurskaya etika).

3. Participation in a lofty idea as the best way of self-assertion. "If people find you useful that means you are useful to yourself" (Manchu ethics).

4. Vysokaya ideya kak segment kruga. "To, chto chelovek shepchet samomu sebe (govorit pro sebya), nebo slyshit, slovno grom" (manchzhurskaya etika).

4. A lofty idea as the segment of a circle, "What a men whispers to himself, sounds like a thunder to the heaven" (Manchu ethics).

5. Prichastnost' k schast'yu ("My budem neschastlivy, esli postoyanno budem zhalovat'sya na neschast'ya") i k vysokoj idee: "Esli ty nichego ne delaesh' dlya drugih, naprasny tvoi molitvy, obrashchennye k Budde" (manchzhurskaya etika).

5. Participation in hapiness ("We shall be unhappy, if we constantly complain of hardships") and in a lofty idea: "If you do nothing for others, your prayers to Buddha are vain." (Manchu ethics).

6. Prichastnost' i talantlivost'. "Esli ty talantliv, pridut na tebya posmotret' i nezvannnye - kak ni dalek cvetok blago-uhannyj, a nad nim vsegda gudit roj pchel" (tibetskaya etika).

6.Participation and talant. "If you are talanted, even the uninvited will come to have a look on you - no matter how faraway a sweet-smelling flower grows there is always a buzzing swarm of bees over it." (Tibetian ethics).

7. Prichastnost' i vysokie chelovecheskie naslazhdeniya. "Okean nikogda ne syt vodoj, carskaya kazna ne syta den'gami, naslazhdenie predmetom zhelaniya ne znaet konca, rechami zhe prekrasnymi mudryj voveki ne syt" (tibetskaya etika).

7. Participation and peak human joys. "The ocean is never full of water, the emperor's treasury is never full of money, enjoyment with the desirable is endless, a wise man is ever thirsty for splendid talk." (Tibetian ethics).

8. Prichastnost' i neprityazatel'nost'. "Nailuchshee bogatstvo milostynya, naibol'shee schast'e - pokoj dushi, neprevzojdennoe ukrashenie - prosveshchennost', a nesravnennyj drug tot, kto nichego ne trebuet (ot drugih)" (tibetskaya mudrost').

8. Participation and non-demand. "The best richness is alms, the best happiness is the peace of the soul, the unexcelled decoration is enlightenment, and an incomparable friend is that one who demands nothing (from others)". (Tibetian wisdom).

9. Prichastnost' i samostoyatel'nost' myshleniya. "Ne otlichat' dobra ot zla, zabyvat' o tebe sodeyannom dobre, dostojnym udivleniya recham ne udivlyat'sya, rassprashivat' o veshchah, vidimyh i yasnyh, tashchit'sya vsled za drugimi - vot primety duraka" (tibetskaya etika).

9. Participation and independence of thinking. "Not to distinguish between good and evil, to forget about good done for you, not to get surprised at hearing surprise worthy talk, to ask about visible and clear things, to lag behind others - these are indications of a fool." (Tibetian ethics).

10. Prichastnost' i sociogruppa "Kogda blagochestivyj soedinit-sya s greshnikom, to budet isporchen ego nrav - ved' vody Ganga, priblizhayas' k moryu, stanovyatsya solonovatymi" (tibetskaya etika).

10. Participation and a social group. "When a pious man unites with a sinner, his ways will be distorted as the Ganga's waters become salty when approaching the sea." (Tibetian ethics).

11. Prichastnost' i samosovershenstvovanie. "Kol' ty reshil vseh svoih vragov unichtozhit', to kogda zhe ty pokonchish' so smertoubijstvom? Unichtozh' svoi strasti, i ty ub'esh' srazu vseh svoih vragov" (tibetskaya etika).

11. Participation and selfdevelopment. "Since you decided to kill all your enemies, how are you going to put an end to murdering? Kill your passions and you will kill all your enemies at once." (Tibetian ethics).

"CHelovek, ne izuchayushchij nastavleniya svyatyh lyudej, shodit s tro-py chelovecheskoj i prevrashchaetsya v zhivotnoe" (yaponskaya etika).

"The man who does not study the instructions of saints, abandons the path of a human being and turns into a beast" (Japanese ethics)."

"Vo vseh (veshchah) delah, kol' hochet chelovek byt' schastlivym, dolzhno ne lenitsya s samogo nachala, i osobenno eto k ucheniyu otnositsya: tot kto v yunosti potrudilsya, budet v starosti naslazhdat'sya velikim schast'em" (yaponskaya etika).

"If a man wants to be happy in everything, he should not be lazy from the very beginning, especially in studying: that one who worked hard being young will enjoy great happiness being an old man." (Japanese ethics).

"I kogda kto-to budet prilezhen iz dnya v den' nepreryvno, cherez desyat' let u togo budut uspehi velikimi, i uvidit on, chto dostig polovinu puti v svoem nauchenii" (yaponskaya etika).

"When someone is continually diligent day after day, ten years later he will enjoy great success and see that he has passed half the way in his knowledge." (Japanese ethics).

"Dazhe esli vy chitaete i ochen' mnogo knig, odnako ne ispol'zuete ih (v vashej zhizni), to eto bespoleznoe uchenie, krome togo, kogda komu izvestno o mnogih veshchah i kogda on postig ih tochnyj smysl, to emu sleduet ih eshche raz svyazat' drug s drugom".

"Even if you read a lot of books, but do not apply them to your life, such studying is useless moreover when someone knows a lot of things as he has grasped their exact meaning, he should once again connect them with each other."

Pyat' zapovedej dlya nachinayushchih uchebu (yaponskaya etika).

Five commandments for those who begin studying. (Japanese ethics).

1. Umnozhat' znaniya, izuchaya proizvedeniya masterov, slushat' dru-gih, issledovat' proshloe i nastoyashchee.

1. Multiply knowledge by reading masterpieces, listening to others, studying the past and present.

2. Druzej i uchenyh muzhej o veshchah, v kotoryh somnevaesh'sya, rasprashivat' tshchatel'no.

2. Carefully ask friends and learned people about things you doubt.

3. Zrelo myslit', t.e. spokojno vsmatrivat'sya i ser'ezno dumat' o tom, chto uzhe izucheno, chtoby postich' ego i vobrat' v sebya (interiorizaciya).

3. Think profoundly, i.e. calmly peer into and seriously mediate about what have been studied and try your best to comprehend and absorb it (interiorization).

4. Tochno razlichat' granicy mezhdu dobrom i zlom, mezhdu prav-divym i lozhnym.

4. Distinguish exact boundaries between good and evil, between truth and lie.

5. Revnostno i prilezhno brat'sya za rabotu, i to, chemu chelovek nauchilsya, takzhe primenyat', sledya za slovami i deyaniyami svoimi; ezheli chelovek horosho za delo voz'metsya, to budut oshibki redki.

5. Zealously and diligently take up studying and try to use what you have learned keeping an eye on your words and deeds; if a man makes a good beginning he will rarely make mistakes.

"Uchenie - eto sredstvo dlya togo, chtoby ispravit' plohoe".

"Studying is the means of rectifying bad."

II. Prichastnost' k vysokoj idee i social'naya zaan-gazhirovannost'.

II. Participation in the lofty idea and social engagement.

1. Priverzhennost' idee i prakticheskaya gibkost