' zaangazhiro-vannogo; priverzhannost' vysokoj idee kak psihicheskaya opora.

1. Participation in the idea and practical flexibility of the person engaged; devotion to the lofty idea as a psychic foothold.

2. Vysokie celi i vybor sredstv dlya ih dostizheniya.

2. Lofty ideas and choice of means for their realization.

3. Vliyanie zaangazhirovannosti na avtodidakticheskij process (aktivizaciya znanij, napravlenie osnovnogo razvitiya), dopolnitel'naya energiya ot vneshnej "nuzhnosti" i t.d. (M. Bakunin, L. Tolstoj; yaponskij epos).

3. Influence exercised by engagement on the autodidactical process (activization of knowledge, guidelines for basic development), supplementary energy gained from outer "necessity", etc. (M. Bakunin, L. Tolstoy; Japanese epos).

4. CHuvstvo primenimosti umeniya kak sledstvie prichastnosti.

4. Sense of a skill's employment as the result of participation.

5. Polnaya prichastnost'. ("Nash krugozor nuzhen obshchestvu, nuzhna vsem nasha glubina, nashi chistye pomysly, nash put' sovershenstvovaniya"); nespravedlivost' v tom, chto bytie ne opredelyaetsya soznaniem; v narushenie dialektiki; pravil'no i s oshibkoj (bytie opredelyaemo soznaniem i bytie opredelyaet soznanie).

5. Complete participation. ("The society needs our scope, everybody needs our depth, our pure intentions, our way of development"); the injustice lies in the following: being is not determined by consciousness; in the infringement of dialectics: it would be correct and with a mistake (being is determined by consciousness and being determines consciousness).

III. Prichastnost' k kollektivnomu ejdosu kul'tury.

III. Participation in the collective eidos of culture.

1. Obratnaya svyaz': "Vsemirnaya kul'tura" - "ya" ("ego").

1. Feedback: "The world culture" - "I" (ego).

2. Prichastnost' "po vertikali" i "po gorizontali":

2. "Horizontal" and "vertical" participation:

a) "vitayushchie sostoyaniya" (analogi bytuyushchih intonacij);

a) "flying" feelings and emotional states (analogous to common intonations);

b) uchastie v sozdanii sovremennogo ejdosa kul'tury;

b) participation in the creation of the contemporary eidos of culture;

v) ostrota prichastnosti v yunosti;

c) acuteness of non-participation at young age;

g) granicy vozmozhnogo razvitiya lichnosti i sovremennyj ej uroven' refleksivnosti.

d) limits of a personality's possible development and the level of reflexiveness typical of the time.

3. CHuvstvo elitarnosti i prichastnosti k vysokomu. "Zrelost' lichnosti i naibolee polnaya prichastnost' k kul'ture - eto sposobnost' videt' v kazhdom cheloveke potencial'noe chudo, geniya, vozmozhnoe ukrashenie roda chelovecheskogo, no eto i neizmerimaya toska po povodu nevoploshchennosti lyudej, eto poslednee i yavlyaetsya instrumentom otbora, t.e. zachisleniya v elitarnuyu gruppu".

3. Sense of elitism and participation in the greatest. "A personality's maturity and thoroughgoing participation in culture prove themselves in the ability to see in everybody a potential miracle, a genius, a possible celebrity of the human race, but at the same time they are manifested in immeasurable yearning for self-realization of people and the latter is an instrument of selection, i.e. enrolment into the elite group."

4. Prichastnost': etnos i lichnost'; pervaya faza (300 let) - podŽem (final: passionarnyj peregrev); akmeicheskaya faza (individualizm, grazhdanskie vojny); konec tvorchestva vo vzaimootnosheniyah so sredoj; uroven' passionarnosti snizhaetsya do nadloma; obyvatel' smenyaetsya subpassionariem i t.d.; faza obskurantizma, memorial'naya faza; parallel' s dvizheniem.

4. Participation: ethnos and personality; the first phase (300 years) - ascending ( the final: passionate overheating); the acmeic phase (individualization; civil wars); the end of creativity in interrelation with the enviroment; the level of passionateness decreases into a break-down; a philistine turns into a subpassionate person, etc.; the phase of obscurantism, the memorial phase; parallel to motion.

"V uchenii prezhde vsego nuzhno imet' tverduyu reshimost' uznat' put' (metod) stanovleniya mudrosti i nikogda ne molodushnichat' ili ne teryat'sya. Esli u cheloveka net takoj reshimosti, on nikogda ne dostignet sovershenstva. Obladat' zhe takoj reshimost'yu oznachaet projti polputi..."(yaponskaya etika)

"When studying one should first of all be firmly determined to learn the way (method of becoming wise and never be faint-hearted or panic. If a man lacks such determination, he will never gain perfection. To posses such determination means to have passed halfway... (Japanese ethics).


* * *

...i, mnitsya, serdcem razumeyu

rech' bezglagol'nuyu tvoyu.

Evg. Baratynskij

Bez slova mysl'...

A. Blok

Net ne Zemle bessmyslennogo slova -

samoj proiznesennost'yu svoej

i aromatom zvukovyh chastej

ono sposobno soobshchit' osnovu,

kakoyu ta byla v razgar inogo

nakala chelovecheskih strastej -

na doslovesnom urovne idej.

Osobennost' myshleniya zamenogo:

bez smysla ne byvaet nichego,

chto vozymelo b s myslyami rodstvo, -

ved' on vsegda naslednik dvuh znachenij,

i dumat' - chto ih soedinyat',

i znat' znachen'ya - znachit ponimat',

a slovo - lish' posol dlya poruchenij.

* * *

Most would be happier in staying home,

but them moves something stronger than the will

in inside power of the men. A hill,

the endless slopes. May be begins a Rome.

May be All-mighty it is building Dome,

when body travels purposing a skill

that is not selfish and at last not ill.

May be the better doing is - to come,

and thus to be among the other soul

that always are next door and wait for ours

in everlasting journey of the outer

and tender substance that is lead to us

like must-be-crushed and must-be-throw-away glass

like all those facts and all their sense and matter.

Tema 21.

Theme 21

Dialog i avtodidaktika

You + Me ... (Dialogue and selfstudying)

I. Dialog kak forma zhivogo obshcheniya.

I. Dialogue as the form of living communication.

1. Usloviya vozniknoveniya znakovoj situacii.

1. Circumstances for a sign situation.

2. Dialog v obydennom razgovore.

2. Dialogue in every day conversation.

3. Dialog filosofichnyj.

3. Philosophical dialogue.

4. Dialog filosofskij - zhanr filosofskoj prozy:

4. Philosophic dialogue as a genre of philosophic prose:

a) Sokrat;

a) Socrates;

b) definicii, ih rol' v vozniknovenii znakovoj situacii;

b) definitions, their role in the emergence of sign situation;

v) dialektika i dialog.

c) dialectics and dialogue.

5. Masterstvo argumentacii i masterstvo spora.

5. Skill of argumentation and skill of discussing.

6. Nablyudatel'nost' pokolenij, masterstvo formulirovaniya vop-rosa. Nablyudatel'nost' i umenie sistematizirovat'.

6. Observation of generations, skill of formulating a question. Observation and systematic aproach.

7. Dialog i monolog; dialog podlinnyj i dialog uslovno-vnutrennij.

7. Dialogue and monologue; genuine dialogue and inner dialogue.

8. Myshlenie i dialog; ponimanie kak osoznanie znakovoj situa-cii vnutri "YA"; ubezhdennost' i psihicheskaya demobilizaciya; analitizm i samoponimanie; proverka interiorizirovannyh zapretov na celesoobraznost'; priem vnutrennego diaprognozirovaniya.

8. Thinking and dialogue; understanding as awareness of a sign situation within "self"; conviction and psychic demobilization; analitizm and self- comprehension; verification of interiorized prohibitions on expediency; reception of inner diaforcasting.

9. Dialog kak social'noe sobytie:

9. Dialogue as a social event:

a) gorizontal'nyj dialog v predelah sociogruppy edino-mysh-lennikov; chastotnost' znakovoj situacii; dialog-razryadka; dialog- nasyshchenie;

a) horizontal dialogue within a social group of like-minded peoples; frequency of sign situation; dialogue - relaxation; dialogue - saturation;

b) estestvennaya potrebnost' obshcheniya i dialog;

b) natural need for communication and dialogue;

v) gorizonital'nyj dialog vne gruppy edinomyshlennikov; dialog-vyyasnenie; vozrastnye kategorii uchastnikov dialoga; formy obrashcheniya (lingvostranovedenie) - primery; dialog so specialistom (-ami); terminologiya, podgotovka, special'nye spravochniki; napravlenie myslej i organizaciya dialoga (vybor roli, perevoploshchenie);

c) horizontal dialogue beyond a group of like-minded peoples; dialogue - clarification; age categories of the participants in a dialogue; form of address (linguistica and area studies) - examples; dialogue with a specialist(-s); terminology; preparing; special reference books; orientation of thought and organization of dialogue (choice of a role; putting on a role);

g) psevdodialog i konformizm; aktual'nyj interes kak kriterij podlinnosti dialoga; densaciya obshcheniya; ponyatie sushchnostnogo dialoga; izbezhanie, svedenie do minimuma nesushchnostnogo dialoga;

d) pseudo-dialogue and conformity; actual interest as the criterion of a genuine dialogue; densation of communication; concept of an essential dialogue; evasion from or reduction of a non-essential dialogue;

d) ispol'zovanie klyuchevogo slova v dialoge; uslovnost' polnogo ponimaniya partnera; psihologicheskaya ustojchivost';

e) usage of a key word in a dialogue; relative understanding of a partner to full extent; psychological stability;

e) optimal'nyj dialog ("na svete est' dve veshchi: napisat' stihotvorenie i pogovorit' ob etom" (A. Ahmatova));

f) optimum dialogue ("there are two things in the world: to write a poem and to speak about that" (A. Akhmatova);

zh) dialog obshchestvennyh stratov; perechen' sostoyanij u raznyh obshchestvennyh sloev; ustanovlenie kontaktov na reflektornom urovne;

g) dialogue of social strata; enumeration of feelings and experiences practised by various social strata; establishment of contacts on reflex level;

z) adaptaciya k partneru; chrezmernoe ponimanie kak prichina nevozmozhnosti dialoga; razvitie lichnosti kak garantiya svezhesti otnoshenij (A. Gercen, A. Ogarev);

h) adaptation to a partner; excessive understanding as a cause of the impossibility of a dialogue; development of personalities as a guarantee of refreshment of relations (A. Hertsen and A. Ogaryov);

i) nedoskazannost' i podtekst, dialog sostoyanij;

i) semi-expressiveness and underlying theme, dialogue of feelings;

k) social'noe bytie kak summa summarum dialogov oral'nyh i dialogov-sostoyanij.

j) social being as summa summarum of oral dialogues and dialogues-feelings.

II. Vertikal'nyj dialog pokolenij.

II. Vertical dialogue of generations.

1. Preobrazovanie ponyatij i vozmozhnosti vzaimoponimaniya.

1. Transformation of concepts and possibilities for mutual understanding.

2. Uslovnyj skvoz'vremennoj ili transtemporal'nyj dialog (TD).

2. Conventional throughtime or transtemporal dialogue (TD).

3. Predstavitel'stvo kul'tur i patriotizm sovremennosti.

3. Representation of cultures and patriotism of the present day.

4. Razvitie lichnosti i pristrastie k TD; razvitie analogizacii periodov (Kirkvud, XVII-j vek Evropy i YAponii).

4. Development of a personality and affection for TD; development of analogization of periods (Kirkwood, the 17-th century in Europe and Japan).

5. Rasshirenie vozmozhnostej TD i avtodidaktiki (izuchenie yazykov v bukval'nom smysle i v perenosnom).

5. Extending potentialities of TD and selfstudying (languages learning in literal and figurative meanings).

6. TD i vospitanie vkusov, vyrabotka ocenok, otbor vechnogo.

6. TD and cultivation of taste, development of assessments; selection of the eternal.

7. Priem voobrazhaemoj besedy i vyyasnenie otnoshenij s opre-delennoj epohoj.

7. Reception of an imaginary talk and formation of attitudes to a certain epoch.

8. Ritoricheskoe obshchenie s proshlym.

8. Rhetorical communication with the past.

9. Verbal'naya polifoniya - muzyka kollektivnogo ejdosa:

9. Verbal polyphony is the music of the collective eidos:

a) verbal'naya polifoniya zhivoj chelovecheskoj obshchnosti (sem'ya, tolpy, holly, magaziny, ulicy, ploshchadi, i t.d.);

a) verbal polyphony of a living human community (a family, a crowd, halls, shops, streets, squares, etc.);

b) uslovnaya verbal'naya polifoniya v transtemporal'nyh srezah (slyshanie epoh) - primery; (priem obobshcheniya znaniya - obŽedinennoe predstavlenie); slyshanie istorii;

b) conventional verbal polyphony in transtemporal section (hearing of epochs) - examples; (technique of knowledge generalization - combination of images); hearing of history;

v) kompleks horista (statista) pri vospriyatii ejdosa kul'tur; oshchushchenie unikal'nosti individual'nogo pri voploshchenii lichnosti.

c) complex of a chorister (supernumerary) when perceiving the eidos of culture; sensation of individual uniqueness alongside self-realization.

III. Vospriyatie i plyuralizm.

III. Perception and pluralism.

1. Mnenie i dialekticheskoe edinstvo protivopolozhnostej; soot-noshenie mneniya i konteksta sobytij; nesovershenstvo lyubogo mneniya, primenennogo voobshche.

1. Opinion and dialectical unity of opposites; correlation of opinion and context of events; imperfection of any opinion applied in general.

2. Plyuralizm vkusov; nedialektichnost' vospriyatiya kak sledstvie social'noj oshibki (I. Franko i A. Krymskij - druz'ya pri raznyh ocenkah proizvedenij drugih avtorov).

2. Pluralism of tastes; non-dialectic perception as a consequence of a social mistake (I. Franko and A. Krimsky were friends despite they assessed the works by other authors differently).

3. Kul'tura filosofichnogo dialoga:

3. Culture of philosophic dialogue:

a) vyyasnenie definicij;

a) clarification of definitions;

b) formulirovanie definicij i formulirovanie voprosov (dve storony odnogo);

b) definition formulating and questions formulating (as two aspects of one and the same);

v) stremlenie zamenit' sobstvennoe "nemoe prevoshodstvo" slova-mi, sillogizmami, obrazami (v tom chisle risunkami, shemami, pokazami) - effekt podlinnogo obshcheniya lyudej;

c) aspiration to replace one's own "mute" superiority with words, syllogisms, images including drawings, schemes, shows) - effect of genuine communication of people;

g) paritetnye nachala dialoga i uvazhenie partnera (neobman kak vysshaya forma pieteta - sirech' razum, mudrost' i t.d.); rasskaz ob A. Mesmere.

d) parity of a dialogue and respect for the partner (non-deception as the supreme form of pietism or wisdom, etc.); a story about A. Mesmere.


* * *

Davajte budem glubzhe, veselee -

ved' glubina tak radosti polna

i - esli chelovech'ya - ne temna,

i dlitsya zhizn'yu, kazhdym dnem svetleya.

Po-buninski siyatel'ny allei

sadom glubinnyh tam, gde vlyublena

vselennaya v lyudej i schastliv s neyu

i ty, i kazhdyj, kto s toboj, s toboj,

kotoryj znachim svetloj glubinoj

i vysprennost' traktuet pervozdanno -

vsego lish' kak vysokost'... Bozhe moj,

kak horosho togda nad golovoj

siyayut zvezdy v myslyah okeana!..

* * *

A cold grey day. And all my winters are

here at the window in the sombre room,

in too long thought that's working like a broom,

in nety while that catched a fishy star,

in white dots on the pavement, in the car,

that lost an age ago a long line of a boom,

in this short age that is a minute doom

of rocky second born by the nightmare.

The time had failed to be itself this time,

and had produced a Black Hole of the crime

that is to be unable to be always

and steady to believe, to hope, to trust,

and bravely to distruct an absurd crust,

and not to take the bodies for the souls.

Tema 22.

Theme 22

Potok soznaniya i yazyk.

The flood of consciousness and the language

I. Razvitie mirovoj kul'tury i fiksaciya (osoznanie) potoka soznaniya (PS).

I. Development of the world culture and fixation (awareness) of the flood of consciousness (FC).

1. Real'noe videnie i predstavlenie. Videnie (zrenie) v pervye dve nedeli zhizni, zavisimost' videniya ot predstavleniya cheloveka, iskazhenie predstavleniem.

1. Actual vision and imagination. Vision (seeing) within two first weeks of life, dependence of vision on human imagination, distortion by imagination.

2. Predstavlenie cheloveka o samom sebe, kolichestvo znaniya o sebe kak o vide i zavisimost' ot nih psihologicheskih dejstvij. Sovershenstvovanie analitichnosti.

2. The idea of a person about himself, amount of knowledge about oneself as a species and resultative psychological actions. Perfection of analytism.

3. Determinirovannost' PS usloviyami sushchestvovaniya v prelom-lennom vide.

3. FC is determined by the conditions of existence in refracted state.

4. Ostanovka mgnoveniya kak estestvennaya potrebnost'.

4. Suspension of a moment as a natural need.

5. Peshchera Al'tamiry (begushchie byki) i Delone (zhenshchina, spus-kayushchayasya po lestnice): emblema PS, nepolnoe diskretnoe izobrazhenie.

5. The Altamira cave (running buffaloes) and Delaunay (a lady, walking downstairs); a symbol of FC, incomplete discrete image.

II. Svojstva PS.

II. Qualities of FC

1. Nalichie fonovoj mysli - sostoyaniya ("vertel"), ("pauzy v shashlyke" -> diskretnost' mysli), zavisimost' predstavlenij ot fonovoj mysli.

1. Background thought-state ("a split"; "pauses in shashlik" -> discretion of thought), dependence on images of the background thought.

2. Otrazhenie sobytij vneshnih i vnutrennih - akt orientirovaniya (silovye linii zhizni -> miry, vzletayushchie po silovym magnitnym liniyam). Ubezhdeniya, principy.

2. Reflection of inner and outer events as an act of orientation (power vectors of life -> worlds, flying up along magnetic power vectors). Convictions, principles.

3. Pozhiznennyj heppening PS, nepredskazuemost' PS - istochnik interesa k zhizni.

3. Lifelong happening of FC, unpredictability of FC as the source of interest to life.

4. Modelirovanie budushchego - cel' tekushchego PS.

4. Modelling of future as the aim of the current FC.

5. Sposobnost' PS densirovat'sya (sgushchat'sya), razzhizhat'sya (aden-sirovat'sya); razvetlenie (obraz rukavov), divergenciya.

5. Ability of FC to get denser, to dilute, to branch, to diverge.

6. Receptornye plasty PS (muzykal'nyj, obraznyj, izobrazi-tel'no-obraznyj, taktil'nyj, vegetativno-fiziologicheskij, slovesno-obraznyj), sgustki neidentificirovannyh sostoyanij - plast dushi, psihoreceptor.

6. Receptory layer of FC (musical, image-guided, graphic, tactile, vegetative and physiological, verbal and colourful) , clusters of unidentified states as a layer of the soul, a psychoreceptor.

7. PS kak psihologicheskij gruz (TEDIUM VITAE, nagruzki po sublimacii).

7. FC as a psychic burden (TEDIUM VITAE, sublimation tensions).

8. PS i kul'tura sublimirovaniya(energetika mysli, rukovodstvo PS, uglublenie rusla lichnosti, upravlenie emocional'nym i chuvstvennym faktorom).

8. FC and culture of sublimation (power of thought, FC guidance, deepening of a personality's "river bed," guidance of emotions and sensations).

9. PS i ocenki (aksiologicheskaya labil'nost').

9. FC and assessments (axiological lability).

10. PS - process otmeny sostoyaniya ("prodolzhenie zhizni est' oproverzhenie predshestvuyushchego, kotoroe chashche vsego bylo luchshe").

10. FC as the process of cancelling feelings and states ("continuation of life is the denial of the previous, which has been better").

11. PS i emocii (koefficient "trezvosti", kachestvo osoznaniya, vodopad soznaniya: "krasivo, no slishkom penisto"; vozmozhnosti otrezvleniya - vklyuchenie levogo mozga ("chtoby men'she zhalet' o "kaverne" v zhizni"):

11. FC and emotions (coefficient of "sobriety", quality of awareness, waterfall of consciousness: "beautiful but too foamy"; possibility of sobering up - the left brain involvement "not to be too sorry about a "cavern" in life"):

a) polozhitel'nye emocii i PS: vysokaya skorost' myshleniya, operezhayushchij effekt dvizheniya myslej, povyshennaya evristichnost', odnako kazhushchayasya (effekt proskakivaniya pervogo poryadka);

a) positive emotions and FC: high speed of thinking, surpassing effect of thought motion, increased heuristic ability, but actually apparent (the effect of "jumping through" of the first type);

b) otricatel'nye emocii i PS: ponizhenie skorosti myshleniya ("melanholicheskij prud s krupnymi rybami"), effekt proskakivaniya vtorogo poryadka - "zastryavshest' fonovoj mysli - sostoyaniya"; "zacepka za vodorosl' ili koryagu" meshaet opoznat' otkrytie, priznat' ego takovym; preodolenie obmanchivosti polozheniya, prodolzhenie raboty (fiksirovanie), - v rezul'tate - otkrytie; ponizhenie koefficienta trezvosti za schet soznatel'nogo uskoreniya myshleniya, chastyh smen mikrodeyatel'nosti (narochistoj); paradoksal'naya radost' "mutnoj vode" ("otkroyu chto-nibud'!");

b) negative emotions and FC: decreasing speed of thinking ("a melancholic pond with big fish"), the effect of "jumping through" of the second type - "jamming of the background thought-state"; "getting snagged on" prevents from recognizing a discovery; overcoming of deceptive situation, continuation of work (fixation) with the result of making a discovery; decreasing coefficient of "sobriety" at the expense of aware acceleration of thinking, frequent changes of deliberate microactivities; paradoxical joy of "turbid water" ("I'll find something!");

v) emocii i chuvstva; emociya, rozhdennaya s ocenkoj sobstvennogo chuvstva ("vospominanie utrom o tom, chto ty vlyublen");

c) emotions and feelings; the emotion born by the assessment of one's own feeling ("recollection in the morning that you are in love");

g) "elektronnoe derevo" predstavleniya i rukovodstvo PS, myslennoe prisutstvie na prirode - v lesu, v pole i t.d.

d) "electronic tree" of imagination and FC guidance, imaginary being outdoors - in the forest, in the field, etc.

III. PS i yazykovaya storona myshleniya.

III. FC and linguistic aspects of thinking.

1. Verbal'noe myshlenie, osoznanie sobstvennogo myshleniya; psiholingvistika; izuchenie vozmozhnostej verbal'nogo myshleniya; shkoly (R. YAkobson, A. Reformatskij, t.d.).