suti zakonov, kasayushchihsya tajny perepiski". Abcug napomnila emu o konstitucii i prochem. Prezident soglasilsya, chto sootvetstvuyushchie zakony sushchestvuyut i organy politicheskogo syska bol'she ne narushayut tajnu perepiski. ANB-de zayavilo, chto polozhilo konec operacii "SHamrok" - zashifrovannoe nazvanie perlyustracii chastnyh pochtovyh i telegrafnyh otpravlenij. Abcug prervala govorivshego g-na Neppa: "Vot chto, zabud'te ob etom. Zavtra oni mogut poslat' podal'she zayavlenie ob operacii "SHamrok"... YA zajmus' vashim prosveshcheniem. CRU pered etim komitetom svidetel'stvovalo, chto ne vskryvalo pisem. Zatem vyyasnilos', chto CRU prodolzhalo zanimat'sya etim. FBR pered drugimi komitetami kongressa dokazyvalo, chto polozhilo konec nekotorym svoim operaciyam - slezhke v armii i t. d. Zatem vyplylo, chto FBR prodolzhaet etu slezhku. Pojmite, my pytaemsya izmenit' vse eto, no oni dejstvuyut po-prezhnemu. Poetomu ne ssylajtes' na zayavlenie ob operacii "SHamrok"... Itak, chto vy sdelaete, esli oni opyat' yavyatsya k vam i skazhut - my vozobnovili svoyu deyatel'nost', davajte nam informaciyu? CHto togda?" Neskol'ko posleduyushchih stranic otcheta o slushaniyah v podkomitete zanyali bessmyslennye rassuzhdeniya Neppa. Abcug podvela itog: "YA tak i ne mogla zastavit' vas dat' razumnoe ob®yasnenie, i pust' ves' vash bred pojdet v stenogrammu. Nepp: No v voennoe vremya lyuboe soobshchenie mozhet soderzhat' to, chto yavlyaetsya tajnoj... Abcug: My govorim ne o vojne. V poslednie tridcat' let v SSHA proizoshlo ogranichenie demokraticheskih prav teh, kto yavlyaetsya klientami vashej korporacii. |to ne vojna v prinyatom smysle. |to vojna protiv konstitucii i prav cheloveka v SSHA. Vot kakaya eto vojna!"[35]. S teh por proshli schitannye gody. B. Abcug uzhe ne kongressmen, prokatili pri popytke pereizbrat'sya v senat i F. CHercha. Kak tut ne vspomnit' slova Dzhona Kennedi, kotoryj vskore posle v®ezda v Belyj dom doveritel'no govoril prof. Dzh. Gelbrejtu: "Odno iz redkih i priyatnyh udovol'stvij moego posta - chtenie dokumentov FBR o naznachaemyh mnoyu na gosudarstvennye posty. Ty ne mozhesh' predstavit' sebe, skol'ko gryazi sobrano o samyh svyatyh lyudyah. Ni odin chelovek ne risknul by podat'sya na gosudarstvennuyu sluzhbu, esli by znal, chto kto-to drugoj budet chitat' vse eto o nem"[36]. Inye v senate prosto gordyatsya svoej pryamoj prichastnost'yu k delam politicheskogo syska. Za chto i poluchayut hvalebnuyu attestaciyu ot CRU. Vot ved' kakie prekrasnye lyudi zasedayut v senate, raschuvstvovalsya direktor CRU Terner pered korrespondentami zhurnala "N'yusuik": "Vchera ya zashel k odnomu senatoru prosto s vizitom vezhlivosti. My chto-to obsuzhdali, i neozhidanno on skazal mne: "Luchshe pishite". On prekrasno ponimaet neobhodimost' sohraneniya sekretnosti. Ego kabinet nekotoroe vremya ne proveryali na podslushivayushchie ustrojstva, i, kogda ya obmolvilsya o sekretnyh delah, my stali obmenivat'sya zapiskami, sidya vdvoem... Odno iz preimushchestv kontrolya kongressa nyne v tom, chto ego chleny nachinayut ponimat' znachenie razvedki, oni osoznayut, kakaya na nih lezhit Otvetstvennost'"[37]. Ostavlyaya v storone to, chto privleklo by satirika, nel'zya ne videt': direktor CRU i senator - souchastniki gryaznyh del. Tol'ko osen'yu 1983 goda vskrylos': FBR po trebovaniyu Belogo doma i gosudarstvennogo departamenta velo mnogie gody slezhku za T. Uollesom, vice-prezidentom SSHA pri F. Ruzvel'te, ministrom torgovli pri G. Trumene. Zapodozriv neladnoe, G. Uolles v rechi v 1947 godu obvinil FBR v tom, chto ono "vedet kampaniyu terrora protiv liberal'nyh gosudarstvennyh sluzhashchih". Togda FBR otreagirovalo: "Mister Guver zayavil, chto on ne namerevaetsya udostoit' Uollesa otvetom". Teper', spustya 18 let posle smerti G. Uollesa, v rasporyazhenii ego biografa 539 stranic arhivnyh dokumentov, dokazyvayushchih eto. Biograf R. Kirklend vse ravno gor'ko zhaluetsya na to, chto "mnogie iz etih dokumentov podverglis' zhestkoj cenzure"[38]. Vremya ot vremeni vyplyvayut otryvochnye dannye o "podvigah" amerikanskogo politicheskogo syska. Vysvetilos' - uchenyj Al'bert |jnshtejn byl ob®ektom mnogoletnej slezhki so storony FBR i voennoj kontrrazvedki. Dos'e FBR na |jnshtejna, vedsheesya do ego smerti v 1955 godu, dostiglo pochti 2000 stranic. Vyyasnilos' - bolee poloviny zhizni do samoj konchiny pisatel' |rnest Heminguej byl pod "kolpakom" FBR. Biograf pisatelya Dzh. Mejrs zayavil vesnoj 1983 goda: "FBR ne nravilsya Heminguej... Heminguej byl ochen' krupnym deyatelem, kotoryj mog by obrushit'sya na FBR. Poetomu vedomstvo ego boyalos' ego"[39 ]i dejstvovalo v strogoj tajne. Proyasnilos' - 1972 godu estradnyj pevec Dzhon Lennon (ubityj v 1980 godu) edva ne stal zhertvoj intrig FBR. Opasayas' ego deyatel'nosti i vyskazyvanij v pol'zu mira, v FBR gotovili operaciyu - arestovat' pevca po obvineniyu v tom, chto on uvlekalsya narkotikami, i s pozorom vyslat' iz SSHA. Intriga provalilas', Lennon ne poddalsya na provokacii[40]. Itak, nikto v SSHA nachinaya ot vysshih dolzhnostnyh lic, krupnejshih uchenyh i pisatelej ne zastrahovan ot ekscessov politicheskogo syska. x x x Rukovoditeli politicheskogo syska v SSHA ne skryvayut, chto oni zashchishchayut. Otpravlyayas' ot izvestnoj amerikanskoj doktriny - SSHA-de naslednik antichnogo Rima, zamestitel' direktora FBR |. Miller v 1974 godu skazal: "Rim prostoyal 600 let, my priblizilis' k svoemu 200-letiyu. |to ne oznachaet, chto u nas ostalos' 400 let. My dolzhny ostanovit'sya i podumat' o sobstvennoj zashchite. Kakoe inakomyslie i kakie revolyucionnye rechi my mozhem terpet' v zdorovoj strane? Revolyucii nachinayutsya s neznachitel'nogo... Nyne ekonomicheskoe polozhenie skvernoe, doverie k pravitel'stvu palo nizko. Nashi revolyucionery za etim pristal'no sledyat. Poetomu FBR dolzhno sosredotochit' vnimanie na vsem etom... My dolzhny chetko predstavlyat', v kakoj stadii nahoditsya revolyucionnyj process"[41]. My videli, kak Miller vypolnyal etu zadachu, za chto byl osuzhden dazhe amerikanskim sudom, no proshchen prezidentom R. Rejganom. Direktor CRU mul'timillioner U. Kejsi v sentyabre 1983 goda ob®yasnyal: "ZHizn' pronizana politikoj bol'she chem kogda by to ni bylo. Mir kuda sil'nee vzaimosvyazan i kuda bolee opasen... Prishlo vremya ostanovit' spolzanie po skol'zkoj doroge k kollektivizmu" (tak imenuyut inogda v SSHA socializm. - N. YA.)[42]. Predel'no chetkie formulirovki filosofii ohranitelej gospod kapitalistov! Net takih prestuplenij protiv mira i chelovechestva, na kotorye ne pojdut CRU, FBR i K° radi interesov denezhnogo meshka. PRIMECHANIYA. CRU PROTIV SSSR. Predislovie avtora. 1. "Daily World", January 6, 1983. 2. Nikolai V. Sivachev and Nikolai N. Jakovlev. Russia and the United States. U. S.-Soviet Relations from the Soviet point of view. Chicago University Press, 1979, 1980. 3. "In These Times", June 20-26, 1979. 4. A. Brown. The Last Hero. Wild Bill Donovan, N. Y. 1982, p. 833. 5. R. Dun lop. Donovan. America's Master Spy, N. Y. 1982, p. 507. Neobhodimoe poyasnenie. 1. "The Washington Post", June 24, 1982. 2. A. Dulles. The Craft of Intelligence, N. Y., 1963, p. 264. 3. F. Prouty. The Secret Team. The CIA and its Allies in control of the United States and the World, Englewood Cliffs, 1973, pp. 66-67. 4. R. Sigford. The Phetoric of the Vietnam War; Presidents Johnson and Nixon. University of Minnesota. Ph. D. 1973. p. 193. 5. W. So1bu and P. Forbath. Honorable Men. My Life in the CIA. N. Y., 1978, pp. 300-301. 6. "The Nation", November 19, 1977, p. 514. 7. G. Kennan. The Cloud of Danger. Current Realities of American Foreign Policy. Boston, 1977, pp. 212, 210. 8. "War Report of the Office of Strategic Services". Washington 1949, p. 99. 9. D. Halberstam. The Best and the Brightest. N. Y., 1973, p. 526. 10. H. Thompson. Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail 72, N. Y., 1973, pp. 403-404. 11. "The Washington Post", September 12, 1982. 12. G. Ford. A Time to Heal, N. Y., 1980, p. 106. 13. The Intelligence Investigations: Congress Cops Out, "The Progressive", July 1976, pp. 16-17. 14. "Newsweek", April 27, 1981, p. 46. 15. "The Washington Post", September 14, 1982. 16. R. Nixon. The Real War, N. Y., 1980, p. 40, 264. 17. "The Washington Post", November 13, 1981. Vojna posle vojny. 1. J. Gaddis. Russia, the Soviet Union and the United States. An Interpretive history, N. Y., 1978, pp. 154-155. 2. "Izvestiya", 1946, 29 oktyabrya. 3. "Izvestiya", 1947, 24 yanvarya. 4. G. Kennan. Memoirs 1925-1950, Boston 1967, pp. 266-267. 5. J. Gaddis. The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941-1947, N. Y., 1972, pp. 259-260. 6. G. Kennan. Op. cit., p. 277. 7. D. Yergin. Shattered Peace. The Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State. Boston, 1977, pp. 96-98. 8. F. R.: 1945, v. 3, p. 1228. 9. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities. U. S. Senate. Book I, Washington; 1976, pp. 19-20. 10. "The Patton Papers", Ed. by M. Blumenson, Boston, 1974, pp. 721, 731-734. 11. M. Sherry. Preparing for the Next War. American Plans for postwar defense, 1941-45, Yale University Press, 1977, p. 57. 12. M. Malloff. Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare 1943-1944, Washington, 1959, pp. 523-524. 13. J. Burns. Roosevelt: the Soldier of Freedom, N. Y., 1970, p. 459. 14. M. Sherry. Op. cit., pp. 201, 205, 212-213. 15. Ibid., pp. 214-215. 16. F. R.: 1946, v. 1, pp. 1160-1165, 1125-28. 17. W. Manchester. The Glory and the Dream, N. Y., 1978, pp. 375-376. 18. Cit. po: "Novoe vremya", 1980, No 8, s. 28, 29. 19. F. R., 1946, v. 6, p. 705. 20. "Containment. Documents on American Policy and Strategy 1945-1950". Ed. by T. Etzold and J. Gaddis, N. Y., 1978, pp. 66-68. 21. F. R.: 1946, v. 6, pp. 709, 699. 22. F. R.: 1947, v. 1, pp. 772, 776-777. 23. F. R.: 1948, v. 1, pt. 2, p. 580. 24. "Containment. Documents on American Policy and Strategy 1945-1950", pp. 174, 176, 180-181, 190, 189, 196, 197, 201-203 25. J. To1and. Adolf Hitler, N. Y., 1981, p. 702. 26. "Drop Shot. The United States Plan for War with the Soviet Union in 1957". Ed. by A. Brown, N Y., 1978, p. 36. 27. F. R.: 1948, v. 1. pt. 2, pp. 666, 665. 28. "Drop Shot...", p. 6. 29. "Containment. Documents...", p. 323. 30. "Drop Shot...", p. 9-10. 31. Ibid., p. 7. 32. "Containment. Documents...", pp. 357-360. 33. Ibid., pp. 361-364. 34. "Drop Shot...", p. 5. 35. R. Hewlett and F. Dunean. Atomic Shield: 1947-52, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1969, pp. 362-369. 36. "Drop Shot... ", p. 20. 37. Ibid., p. 28 38. Ibid., p. 47. 39. Ibid., p. 241. 40. Ibid., pp. 243-245. 41. Ibid., pp. 42, 73. 42. Ibid., pp. 60, 74-75, 62. 43. K. Klauzevic. O vojne. M., 1941 t 2, s. 365. 44. "Drop Shot...", p. 20. 45. "Containment. Documents...", pp. 212, 222. 46. J. Gaddis. Strategies of Containment, N. Y., 1982, p. 47. 47. "Drop Shot...", pp. 76, 75, 41. 48. Ibid., pp. 243-244. 49. Ibid., p. 1-2. 50. L. Chester, G. Hodgson, V. Rage. The American Melodrama, N. Y., 1969, p. 778. 51. F. R., 1950, v. 1., pp. 237-292. 52. Harry S. Truman Library, President's Secretary's File. 53. T. Powers. The Man who Kept the Secrets. Richard Helms and the CIA, N. Y., 1981, p. 404. 54. D. Rosenberg. A. Smoking Radiating Ruin at the End of Two Hours, "International Security", Winter 1981/82, pp. 34-39. 55. G. Gertner. Strategic Vulnerability of a Multinational State, "Political Science Quarterly, Summer 1981, pp. 211-219. 56. "The Washington-Post", January 14, 1982. 57. "Naval War College Review", May -June 1975, pp. 51 - 108. 58. "An Overreview of East - West Relations, Report of the Trilateral Task Force on East - West Relations to the Trilateral Commission", 1978, p. 1. 59. "Penthouse", December 1977, pp. 160, 89, 166. 60. "An Overreview of East - West Relations... ", pp. 46-47, 9- 10, 52-54. Ot USS k CRU. 1. Cit. po: D. Uajz, T. Ross. Nevidimoe pravitel'stvo. M., 1965, s. 99. 2. H. Truman. Memoirs. Years of Trial and Hope, N. Y., 1965, v. 2, pp. 74, 73. 3. Final Report of the Select Committee to study Governmental operations with respect to Intelligence Activities. U. S. Senate. Washington, 1976, v. 4. pp. 15, 7, 4. 4. W Stevenson A Man Called Intrepid. The Secret War. The Authentic account of the most decisive intelligence operations of World War 11 - and the superspy who controlled them. N. Y., 1977, p. 279. 5. R. Cline. Secrets, Spies and Scholars, Washington 1976, pp. 75_76. 6. G. Wills. The CIA from Beginning to End, "The New York Review of Books", January 22, 1976, pp. 23-26. 7. A. Wolfe. The Limits of Legitimacy, N. Y., 1977, pp. 182-183. 8. D. Rosenbaum. An Elegy for Mumbo Jumbo, Esquire, September 1977, p. 85. 9. D. Kahn. The Codebreakers, London 1978, pp. 6. 10. "The New York Review of Books", January 22, 1976, p. 31. 11. J. Costello. Why America was taken by surprise. "The Sunday Telegraph", November 22, 1981. 12. "Time", January 1982, p. 31. 13. The FDR Tapes, "American Heritage", February - March 1982, p. 15. 14. "The New York Times", January 17, 1982. 15. C. Ford. Donovan of USS, Boston 1979, pp. 111-149-150. 16. H. Rozitzke. CIA's Secret Operations, N. Y., 1977, p. XIII. 17. R. Sline. Op. cit., p. 76. 18. R. Jones. Most Secret War, London 1979, p. 480. 19. W. Stevenson. Op. cit., p. 378. 20. Ibid., p. 396. 21. W. Langer. The Mind of Adolf Hitler. The Secret Wartime report, N. Y., 1972, pp. 141, 143, 153-155, 189, 192, 246, 26, 166-167. 22. "Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-1944". Ed. by H. Trevor - Roper. N. Y., 1953, pp. 442-476. 23. D. Irving. Hitler's War, London, 1977, p. 610. 24. R. S1ine. Op. cit., p. 78. 25. H. Rositzke. Op. cit., pp. 221-222. 26. "The Pentagon Papers as published by the New York Times", N. Y., 1971, p. XIX. 27. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, N. Y., 1978, p. 509. 28. V. Lasky. It didn't start with Watergate, N. Y., 1977, pp. 285-286. 29. R. Sigfogd. The Phetoric of the Vietnam War: Presidents Johnson and Nixon, University of Minnesota. Ph. D. 1973, p. 190. 30. F. Prouty. The Secret Team. The CIA and its Allies in control of the United States and the World, Englewood Cliffs, 1973, p. 58. 31. V. Lasky. Op. cit., p. 282-283. 32. D. Wise. The American Police State. The Government against People, N. Y., 1976, p. 403. 33. W. So1bu and P. Forbath. Honorable Men. My Life in the CIA, N. Y., 1978, p. 337. 34. "The Presidential Transcripts. In conjunction with the staff of the Washington Post", N. Y., 1974, pp. 91-92. 35. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, p. 514. 36. T. Powers. Op. cit., p. 29. 37. J. Gaddis. Strategies of Containment, N. Y. 1982, pp. 18-20. 38. C. Ford. Op. cit., p. 152. 39. W. Peck. The AFL-CIA. "Uncloaking the CIA", Ed. by H Frazier. N. Y., 1978, p. 257. 40. "The Washington Post", September 29, 1982. 41. R. Sline. Op. cit., pp. 83-84. 42. C. Ford. Op. cit., p. 304: R. S1ine, Op. cit., p. 85, W. Solbu, Op. cit., p. 59. 43. "Final Report...", v. 4, p. 13. 44. T. Powers. Op. cit., pp. 29-30. 45. "The Washington Post", May 18, 1982. 46. "The Washington Post", May 20, 1982. 47. F. Prouty. Op. cit., p. 61. 48. H. Rositzke. Op. cit., p. 1, 13. 49. "Final Report...", v. 4, pp. 28-29, 26. 50. R. Cline. Op. cit., p. 101. 51. "Containment. Documents on American Policy and Stratecrv 1945-1950", Ed. by F. Etzold and J. Gaddis, N. Y., 1978, 127-128. 52. "Final Report...", v. 4, pp. 31-33. 53. W. So1bu. Op. cit., p. 73. 54. H. Rositzke. Op. cit., p. 154. 55. R. Sigford. The Phetoric of the Vietnam War: President's Johnson and Nixon, pp. 201. 56. W. So1by. Op. cit., p. 97, 82, 93, 83. 57. T. Powers. Op. cit., pp. 44-45. 58. F. Prouty. Op. cit, p. 164. 59. R. S1ine. Op. cit., 76. 60. H. Rositzke. Op. cit., pp. 37-38. 61. C. Sulzberger. A Long Row of Candles, Toronto 1969, p. 1023. 62. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, pp. 377-378. 63. Na sluzhbe CRU. Razoblachenie antisovetskoj deyatel'nosti narodno-trudovogo soyuza. M., 1977, s. 7. 64. K. CHerezov. Maska NTS ili NTS bez maski M., 1975, s. 57. 65. E. I. Divnich. NTS - nam pora ob®yasnit'sya! N'yu-Jork, 1969, s. 89-90. 66. "The New York Times", June 21, 1982. 67. R. Sline. Op. cit., p. 131. 68. "Final Report...", v. 4, p. 93. "Klub gospod" i nauka. 1. A. Guerin. Les Gens de la C. I. A. Paris, 1980, p. 9. 2. R. S1ine. Secrets, Spies and Scholars, Blueprint of the Essential CIA, Washington, 1976, p. 120. 3. Ibid., p. 144. 4. "Final Report...", v. 4, p. 19. 5. G. Wills. The CIA from Beginning to End, "The New York Review of Books", January 22, 1976, p. 26. 6. "Psychological Offensive vis-a-vis the USSR. Objectives, Tasks and Times", pp. 1, 3-5. Harry S. Truman. Library, President's Secretary File. 7. Razvedchiki razoblachayut. M., 1977. 8. "Final Report...", v. 4, p. 36. 9. R. Cline. Op. cit., p. 128. 10. C. Ford. Donovan of OSS, Boston 1970, p. 125. 11. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. N. Y., 1978, p. 183. 12. "The New York Times'', November 30, 1976. 13. W. Colby. Op. cit., pp. 134-135. 14. T. Powers. Op. cit., pp. 67, 117-119. 15. W. Colby. Op. cit., p. 134. 16. G. Kennan. Memoirs 1960-1963, v. 2, Boston.1972, p.97-99. 17. D. Wise. The American Police State. The Government against the People, N. Y., 1976, pp. 160-163. 18. Ibid., p. 161. 2 19. D. Epstein. Legend, N. Y., 1978, pp. 168, 312. 20. D. Wise. Op. cit., p. 189. 21. Lyndon Johnson Library, White House Central Files, Confidential Files, Countries, Co 303 (USSR). 22. Ibid., Co 312 (Vietnam). 23. M. Sope1and. Without Cloak or Dagger. The Truth about the new espionage, N. Y., 1974, p. 176. 24. M. Ha1perin. Y. Berman, R. Borosage, Ch. Marwick. The Lawless State. N. Y., 1976, p. 142. 25. The Bulletin of the American Society of Newspaper Editors July/August 1980, pp. 8-11. 26. W. So1bu. Op. cit., p. 220. 27. "Time", February 6, 1978, p. 29. 28. "Dirty Work. The CIA in Western Europe". Ed. by Ph. Agee and L. Wolf, Secaurus, 1978, p. 309. 29. Ibid., p. 311. 30. R. Kaiser. Russia, The People and the Power. London 1977 pp. 84, 234, 223, 165, 314, 321, 327. 31. "Arms, Men and Military Budgets. Issues for Fiscal Year 1978", N. Y., 198, pp. 299-300. 32. Ibid., p. XXX-XXXI. 33. F. Ho1zman. Are the Soviets Really Overspending the U. S. on Defense? "International Security". Spring 1980, pp. 92, 93, 100. 34. G. Hodgson. America in Our Time, N. Y., 1976, pp. 96-97, 115. 35. A. Scheflin and E. Opton. The Mind Manipulators. N. Y., 1978. p. 446. 36. A. Speer. Inside the Third Reich, London, 1978, pp. 506-507, 699. CRU: na polyah srazhenij "psihologicheskoj vojny. 1. W. Rostow. Europe after Stalin. Eisenhower's Three Decisions of March 11, 1953, N. Y., 1982, pp. 28, 35, 32, 37, 148. 2. G. Hodgson. American in Our Time, N. Y., 1976, pp. 74-75. 3. J. Gaddis. Russia, the Soviet Union and the United States. An Interpretive History. N. Y., 1978, pp. 31-32. 4. R. S1ine. Secrets, Spies and Scholars, Washington, 1976, pp. 129-170; H. Rositzke, CIA Secret Operations. Espionage, counterespionage and covert actions. N. Y., 1977, p. 163. 5. Final Report of the Select Committee to study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities, U. S. Senate, Book I, Washington 1976, p. 193. 6. "The Washington Post", June 2, 1982. 7. "The New York Times", October 26, 1982. 8. J. Beam. Multiple Exposure, N. Y., 1978, pp. 232-233. 9. C. H. Sergeev-Censkij. Sevastopol'skaya strada. M., 1958, t. 1, s. 427. 10. "Literaturnaya Rossiya", 1972, 7 aprelya. 11. A. A. Brusilov. Moi vospominaniya. M., 1983, s. 70. 12. "Otechestven front", 1974, 10 iyunya. 13. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1945, Washington 1961, p. 549. 14. D. Yergin. Shattered Peace, Boston, 1977, p. 414. 15. Otechestven front", 1974, 11 iyunya. 16. "Newsweek", March 18, 1974, p. 43. 17. R. Kaiser. Russia: The People and the Power. London, 1977, p. 397. 18. "The Listener", March 1976, p. 261. 19. "The New York Times", July 11, 1975. 20. "The Washington Post", July 3, 1975. 21. "Tele/express", 22.3.1976. 22. "Blanco u Negro", 27.3.1976. 23. "The Times", April 8, 1976. 24. "Foreign Affairs", April 1980, pp. 833, 834, 797. 25. M. Copeland. Without cloak and dagger The Truth about the New Espionage, N. Y., 1974, pp. 26-28, 182, 186, 188, 257. 26. Razgovor nachistotu. M., 1979, s. 42-44. 27. A. Tocquevi11e. On the Penitentairy System in the United States and its Application in France, Philadelphia, 1833, Appendix A. 28. R. Schwitzgelel. Limitations on the Coercive Treatment of Offenders, "Criminal Law Review", 1972, pp. 269-270. 29. D. Mitford. Tyuremnyj biznes. M., 1978, s. 51. 30. A. Ssheflinand and E. Opton. The Mind Manipulators, N. Y., 1978, pp. 98-100. 31. E. Epstein. Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald. N. Y., 1978, pp. 14, 45, 258, 46-47. 32. A. Summers. Conspiracy. Who Killed President Kennedy? Glasgow 1980, p. 199. 33. Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations, Washington, 1979, p. 102. 34. "Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche", October, 1978. 35. E. Epstein. Op. cit., p. 271. 36. "The Washington Post", November, 24, 1981. 37. Mandate for Change, Ed. by A. Heartherly, Washington 1981, pp. 945-946. 38. "The New York Times", October 4, 1977. 39. "Common Sense in U. S. - Soviet Relations", Washington, 1978, pp. 50, 22. 40. K. P. Mangold to Robert Owen of the Soviet Affairs at the State Department, March 17, 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Ex. Co 303. 41. E. Goldman. The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson, N. Y., 1969, p. 500. 42. "Dissent in the USSR; policy, ideology and people", Ed. by R. Tokes. N. 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The American Police State, p. 208-209. 117. "The Washington Post", October 23, 1975. 118. Alleged Assassination Plots..., p. 11. 119. "The New York Times Magazine", January 16, 1983, p. 21. 120. "The New York Times", April 22, 1983. 121. D. Kahn. Big Ear or Big Brother. "The New York Times Magazine", May 16, 1976 p. 31. 122. "The Washington Post", March 28, 1983. 123. "Penthouse", February 1980, p. 114. 124. Y. Bamford. The Puzzle Palace. Boston, 1983, p. 65. 125. Final Report... Book 3, p. 750. 126. Final Report... Book 3, p. 739. 127. "The New York Times", October 11, 1975. 128. Y. Bamford, op. cit, pp. 122. 56. 129. "The Washington Post", August 18, 1975. 130. Final Report... Book 3, p. 764. 131. "The New York Times Magazine", March 1983, p. 70. 132. Y. Bamford, op. cit, p. 379. 133. Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations. Departments of Treasure, Post Office and Executive Office, Appropriations for 1971, U. S. Congress, House, Washington, 1971, pt. 2, pp. 840, 949. 134. P. Cowan, N. Engleson, N. Hentoff. State Secrets. Police Surveillance in America. N. Y., 1947, pp. 6-7. 135. Cit. po: Subversion of Law Enforcement Intelligence Gathering Operations. Hearings before the Subcommittee to investigate the administration of the Internal Security Act... of the Committee on Judiciary. U. S. Senate, Washington, 1976. p. 46. V bor'be s sobstvennym narodom. 1. "The New York Times", July 1, 1975. 2. "Plain Dealer", September 29, 1975. 3. "The Cleveland Press", August 28, 1975. 4. Military Surveillance Hearings..., pp. 39-40. 5. Military Surveillance Hearings..., pp. 40-68. 6. "U. S. News and World Report", November 15 1982, p. 38. 7. "Congressional Record", August 1, 1972, p. SI2430 8. Ibid., pp. S12432-12435. 9. Ibid., p. S12431. 10. "The Washington Post", December 18, 1974. 11. "The Washington Post", March 30, 1975. 12. Y. Mitford. Kind and Usual Punishment: The Prison Business. N. Y., 1974, pp. 139, 143. 13. M. Minz, J. Cohen. Power, Inc., p. 623. 14. Final Report... Book 1, p. 389. 15. Final Report... Book 1, pp. 391, 399, 398. 16. M. Halperin, Y. Berman, R. Borosage, Ch. Marwick, The Lawless State..., p. 52. 17. Final Report... Book 1, pp. 294, 298, 404. 18. "The Washington Post", July 23, 1975. 19. M. Mintz, J. Cohen. Power, Inc., pp. 626-627. 20. Final Report... Book 1, pp. 411, 420. 21. Final Report... Book 1, pp. 415-416. 22. "The New York Times", September 21, 1975. 23. Final Report... Book 1, pp. 403, 422. 24. Dzhek London. Sobr. soch. v 14-ti tomah, t. 6, s. 166, 207-209, 217-218. 25. "Za rubezhom", 1978, No 1, s. 18. 26. S. Bernstein, V. Woodward. All The President's Men. N. Y., 1975, pp. 75, 348. 27. "Facts on File, 1977", p. 953. 28. P. Cowan, N. Engeson, N. Hentoff. State Secrets, pp. 34-35. 29. Ibid., pp. 300-302. 30. "Milwaukee Journal", July 1, 1971. 31. P. Cowan, N. Engeson, N. Hentoff. State Secrets, p. 266. 32. H. Rositzke. CIA's Secret Operations. N. Y., 1977, p. 210. 33. "U. S. News and World Report", November 15, 1982, p. 70. 34. "The Blade", March 9, 1975. 35. Interseption of Nonverbal communications by federal intelligence agencies. Hearings before a subcommittee of the committee on government operations. House of Representatives Washington 1976, pp. 96, 158, 317-321. 36. J. Ga1braith. Ambassador's Diary. Boston 1969, p. 32. 37. "Newsweek", February 6, 1978, p. 18. 38. "The New York Times", September 6, 1983. 39. "The Washington Post", March 13, 1983. 40. "The Washington Times", March 23, 1983. 41. S. Ungar, Boston, 1975, p. 119. 42. Y. Conaway. Spy Master: The File on Bill Casey, "The Washington Post", September 7, 1983.