

     - ( ) -,
 , 1914 ( )

     - . : . - .
 ""(500 . ), 1916.

     - :  . :
. . . . . 1918. (   . 
 . ,     ).

     - . : , 1923.

     -  . : , 1923.

     -  :  
. : , 1930.

     -  1929-1951. :
. 1952.

     - Poems. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday. 1959.

     - Poems and Problems. New York,
Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1971. (1)

     - . , : ,
1979 (  . . ) (2)

     -  :  
. : , 1930. (C:  ; ; ;
  ; ; ; ; ; 
 ; ; ; ; ; 
; ).

     - . : . 
, 1938(  "" 
: ; ;
Terra Incognita; ; ;  ;
; ; ;
  ; ; ).

     - Nine Stories. Norfolk, Connecticut:
New Directions, 1947. (: The Aurelian (); Cloud,
Castle, Lake (, ,
); Spring in Fialta (
 ) (3); Mademoiselle O (4); A Forgotten
Poet; The Assistant Producer;
"That in Aleppo Once..."; Time and Ebb; Double Talk).

     -      .
-:  .
, 1956. (:   ; ; ; 
. . ;  ; ; ;  ;
; , , ;    (5); Ultima Thule).

     - Nabokov's Dozen. New York: Doubleday,
1958. (: Spring
in Fialta (  ); A Forgotten Poet; First Love(6);
Signs and
Symbols; The Assistant Producer; The Aurelian  (); Cloud,
Castle, Lake (, ,
); Conversation Piece, 1945 (7); "That in Aleppo Once... ";
Time and Ebb;
Scenes from the Life of a Double Monster;
Mademoiselle O; Lance).

     - Nabokov's Quartet. New York: Phaedra, 1966.
(: An Affair of Honor (); Lik (); The Vane Sisters
; The visit to the Museum ( )(8)).

     - A Russian Beauty and Other Stories.
New York, Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1973. (: A Russian Beauty
( )(9); The Leonardo (); Torpid
Smoke (  ); Breaking
the News (); Lips to Lips ( 
); The Visit to the
Museum; An Affair of Honor; Terra Incognita(. 
. ); A Dashing Fellow
(); Ultima Thule (.  ) Solus Rex

     (.  . ); The Potato Elf
( ); The Circle ()(10)).

     -Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories.
New York, Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1975.
(: Tyrants Destroyed
( ); A Nursery Ta le (); Music ();
Lik (); Recruiting (); Terror );
The Admiralty Spire (
); A Matter of Chance ();
In Memory of L. I. Shigaev ( . . ); Bachmann
(), Perfection ();
Vasiliy Shishkov ( )(11);
The Vane Sisters (12)).

     - Details of a Sunset and other
Stories. New York, Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1976. (: Details
of a Sunset (); A Bad Day (); Orache ();
The Return of Chrb ( ); The Passenger ();
A Letter That Never Reached Russia (  ); A Guide
to Berlin (  ); The Doorbell (); A
Slice of Life (  ); Christmas (); A Busy
Man ( )

     - The
Enchanter. . . . NewYork, Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1986.

     - //
. , 20  24 , 1923.

     - // . , 14 .,

     - // . , 2 ., 1923

     - //
 II. , 1923

     - // . , 14  16
., 1924.

     -   //. ,
1 ., 1927.

     - //  . ,
. 4, , 1938.

     -  //  .
,. 11,  1938.

     - The Waltz Invention: A Play in
Three Acts (transl. by D. Nabokov). NewYork: Phaedra, 1966).

     - Rusalka. New York, 1942. (16)

     - Lolita. A Screenplay. New York: McGraw-Hill,

     - The Man from the USSR and Other
Plays. (Intr. And transl. by D. Nabokov)Bruccoli Clark, New York

     - London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1984. (:  .  "Nabokov and the theatre";
  ;  .  ( 
): The Man from the USSR (  ); The Event
(); The Pole (); The Grand-dad ().  . 
"Introduction". 2  . : "Playwriting",
"The Tragedy of Tragedy").

     - . : , 1926.

     - Mary (transl. by Michael Glenny
in collab. with the author). New York, Toronto:
McGraw-Hill, 1970.

     - , , . :
, 1928.

     - King, Queen, Knave (transl. by
Dmitry Nabokov in collab. with the
author ) New York, Toronto:
McGraw-Hill, 1968.

     - . : ,

     - The Defence (transl. by Michael
Scammel in collab. with the author). New
York: G. P. Putnam's Sons,

     -  // .
,. 44, , 1930. (17)

     - The Eye (transl. by D. Nabokov
in collab. with the author). New York: Phaedra
Publishers, 1965.

     - . : . 
, 1932.

     - Glory (transl. by D. Nabokov in
collab. with the author). New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.

     -  . : . 
  , 1933.

     - Laughter in the Dark. Indianopolis,
New York, Toronto: The Bobbs Merrill Co, 1938. (18)

     - . : ,

     - Despair. NewYork: John Long, 1937.

     - Despair (2 transl. ) New York:
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1966.

 . :  , 1938.

Invitation to a Beheading (transl. by D. Nabokov in collab. with
the author). New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1959.

     - //  . 63-67.
, 1937-1938 ( 4 ).
  : -:
  , 1952.

     - The Gift (transl. by M. Scammel
in collab. with the author). New York:
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1963 (Revised
Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ardis, 1975) (19)

     -Solus Rex //  ,
. 70, , 1940 (2  
 Solus Rex).

     - Ultima Thule//  ,. 1,
-, 1942 (1    Solus Rex).

     - The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.
Norfolk, Connecticut: New Directions, 1941.

     - Bend Sinister. New York: Henry
Holt, 1947. (20)

     - Lolita. Paris: The Olympia Press,

     - . -: Phaedra, 1967. (21)

     - Pnin. GardenCity, New York: Doubleday,

     - Pale
Fire. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1962.

Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle. New York, Toronto: McGraw-Hill,
1969. (22)

Transparent Things. New York, etc.: McGraw-Hill, 1972.

Look at the Harlequins! New York, etc.: McGraw-Hill. 1974.

     - Conclusive
Evidence - A Memoir. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1951. (23)

. -:   , 1954.

Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited. New York: G. P. Putnam's
Sons, 1967.

 ? //  . . 5,  1931

     - Pouchkine ou le vrai et le vraisemblable//
Nouvelle Revue Francaise, XLYII, # 282, 1937

     - Nikolay Gogol. Norfolk, Connecticut:
New Directions 1944

     -  // 
. -. 49, 1957

     -   II// .
-. 8 1957

     - The Servile Path// On Translation.
ed. Reuben Brower. Cambridge, Mass., 1959

     - Notes on Prosody. From the Commentary
to translation of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin".
An offprint from Bollingen SeriesLXXII, 1963

     - Nabokov's Congeries \ The Portable
Nabokov (Selected, with a critical
introduction by Page Stegner).
New York: The Viking Press, 1968 (: From "Speak, Memory:
An Autobiography Revisited". : Terra
Incognita; Cloud, Castle,
Lake (, , ); The Visit to the
Museum ( );
Spring in Fialta (  ); "That in
Aleppo Once... "; The
Assistant Producer; Signs and Symbols; First Love;
Scenes from the Life of a
Double Monster; Lance; The Vane Sisters. On a
Book Entitled "Lolita";
Introduction to "Bend Sinister"; Foreword to M. Lermontov's

     "A Hero of Our Time";
>From "Nikolai Gogol": The Government Specter; From
the Commentary to "Eugene
Onegin": On Romanticism, The Art of the Duel; From "Eugene
Onegin": A Sample translation from Ch. One, Stanzas I-YIII;
Reply to My Critics; From
"Despair"; From "The Gift"; Pnin. . )

     - Strong Opinions (a collection
of interviews, letters to editors and
articles). New York: McGraw-Hill,

     - Lectures on Literature. Ed.
by Fredson Bowers. Intr. by John Updike.
Bruccoli Clark, New York and
London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980
(: Good Readers and
Good Writers; Jane Austen: "Mansfield Park";
Charles Dickens: "Bleak
House"; Gustave Flaubert: "Madame Bovary"; Robert

     Louis Stevenson: "The Strange
Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"; Marcel
Proust: "The Walk by
Swann's Place"; Franz Kafka: "The Metamorphosis";
James Joyce: "Ulysses";
The Art of Literature and Commonsense; L'Envoi).

     - Lectures on Ulysses. Bloomfield
Hills, Michigan and Columbia, South
Carolina: Bruccoli Clark,

     - Lectures on Russian Literature.
Ed. with an intr. by Fredson Bowers.
Bruccoli Clarc, New York
and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981
(: Russian Writers,
Cencors, and readers; Nikolay Gogol

     (1809-1852): "Dead Souls"
(1842); "The Overcoat"(1842); Ivan Turgenev
(1818-1883); "Fathers
and Sons" (1862); Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881);
"Crime and Punishment"
(1886); "Memoirs from a Mousehole" (1864); "The
Idiot" (1868); "The
Possessed" (1872); "The Brothers Karamazov" (1880);
Leo Tolstoy
(1828-1910); "Anna Karenin" (1877); "The Death
of Ivan Ilyich" (1884-1886); Anton
Chekhov (1860-1904); "The
Lady with the Little Dog" (1899); "In the Gully"
(1900); Notes on "The
Seagull" (1896); Maxim Gorki (1868-1936); "On the
Rafts" (1895); Philistines
and Philistinism; The Art of Translation;
L'Envoi; Appendix: Nabokov's
Notes for an Exam on Russian Literature)

     - Lectures on Don Quixote. Ed.
by Fredson Bowers. Intr. by Guy Davenport.
Bruccoli Clark, New York
and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983
(: Inroduction; Two
Portraits: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza;
Structural matters; Cruelty
and Mystification; The Chroniclers Theme,
Dulcinea, and Death; Victories
and Defeats; Narrative Commentary: Part One
(1605); Narrative Commentary:
Part Two (1615)


- . (Colas Breugnon). . . . : , 1922. - . (Alice in Wonderland). . . . . : , 1923. - "In Memoriam" Tenison ()//. . 23 1926. - XYII XXYII // . 18 ,, 1927. - " " ("La Nuit de mai" Alfred de Musset ( ) // . , 7 . 1928. - " " ( "La Nuit de decembre" A. de Musset)// . . 7 . 1928 - "" . ( 4, 7 5, 1)// . , 19 . 1930 - " " ( "La Bateau ivre" Arthur Rimbaud ( )// . . 16 . 1928 - "" . ( 3, 1) - "" // . , 15 (? ) . 1932


- "Vers cmposes pendant l'insomnie" (. . ", ")// Hommage a Pouchkine 1837-1937. ed. by Z. Schakovskoy. Brussels: Les Cahiers du journal des poetes # 28, 5 atdh. 1937 - "Ne me les chante pas, ma belle... "; "Je ne puis m'endormir... "; "Pourquoi le vent troublant la plaine... " (. " , , ... "; " . ... "; " .. ") // Nouvelle Revue Francaise, vol. 48, #282, Paris, March 1, 1937.


- Mozart and Salieri (. " ") (transl. by V. Nabokov and Edmund Wilson)// New Republic, Washington D. C., April 21 1942 - "Alter Ego"; "When life is torture... "; "The Swallow"(. "Alter Ego"; "")// Russian Review vol. 3 # 1. Hanover, New Hampshire autumn 1943 - Three Russian Poets: Selections from Pushkin, Lermontov and Tyutchev in new translations by V. Nabokov. Norfolk, Connecticut: New Directions, 1945 - Pushkin: rhymed paraphrases of three stanzas from "Eugene Onegin" // The russian Review. New York IY # 2, 1945 - A Hero of Our Time. A Novel by Michail Lermontov (Transl by V. Nabokov in collab. with D. Nabokov . Translator's foreword). New York: Doubleday, 1958 - The Song of Igor's Campaign: An Epic of the Twelfth Century (Transl. from Old Russian by V. nabokov. Foreword, genealogy, map, commentaru by V. Nabokov. Translator's introduction). New York: Vintage Books, 1960 - Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin ( transl, with a commentary by V. Nabokov. Translator's intr. ) in 4 vols. Princeton, New Jersey: Bollingen, 1964 (Revised Edition - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, Bollingen Series LXII (Added: Foreword; "Eugene Onegin" Revisited) - The Nabokov-Wilson Letters. Correspondence between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson 1940-1971. Edited, Annotated and with an Introductory Essay by Simon Karlinsky. New York, London: Harper and Row, 1979 (1980 - corrected edition) - (. , . ). , : , 1985 - Selected Letters 1940-1977. Ed. by Dmitry Nabokov and Matthew J. Bruccoli. Bruccoli Clark, New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989 1 : , 39 , 13 ( . "Poems"), 18 . 2 , 222 , 3 ( " ") (Petr Pertzov). 4 "Mademoiselle O" "Measures",. 2, 1936; (Hilda Ward). 5 " " 1931 , . 6 "First Love" "Colette"("The New Yorker", 31 1948). 7 "Conversation Piece, 1945" . "Nine Stories" "Double Talk". 8 . . . 9 "" , - . . 10 "A Russian Beauty... " . 11 "Vasiliy Shishkov" "" ("Poets"). 12 "Tyrants Destroyed... " . 13 12 . . 13 "Details of a Sunset... " . 13 . . 14 "The Enchanter"(1986) - "", , . , 1939 (. " , "") "", 1993.,. 1. 15 1 , . 16 Rusalka (1942) - "- ""// . -.. 2, 1942. 17 . "" - . . , 1938. 18 " O " (Winifred Roy) - Camera Obscura. London: John Long, 1933. 19 ( . "The Gift" - . 1975) . 20 Bend Sinister. New York: Time Reading Program Special Edition. Time Inc., 1964 c . 21 - The Annotated Lolita. Ed., with preface, intr. and notes by Alfred Appel, Jr. New Tork, etc.: McGrawHill, 1970. 22 Ada... Penguin Books, 1970 Vivian Darkbloom (a Vladimir Nabokov). 23 , Speak, Memory: A Memoir. London: Victor Gollancz, 1951. : - Zimmer, Dieter E. Vladimir Nabokov: Bibliographie des Gesamtwerks. Reinbekbei hamburg: Rowohlt, 1963, 1964 - Field Andrew. Nabokov: A Bibliography. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973 - Grayson Jane. Nabokov Translatd: A Comparison of Nabokov's Russian and English Prose. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977 - The Nabokovian (formerly, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter). Stephen Parker (ed. ). Lawrence, Kansas: Vladimir Nabokov Society at the University of Kansas, 1978 - Schuman Samuel. Vladimir Nabokov: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall and Co., 1979 - Juliar Michael. Nabokov: A Descriptive Bibliography. New York and London: Garland Publishers, 1986 (Addition - 1991) - Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990 - Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. Princeton: Princeton Universiyu Press, 1991 - . . . 1986-1992. . . (. . . . , . ). , 1993 () - . . . . . ( , ). ": Pro et contra" - . ( , , ). , , . (M. Juliar 19 ) (A. Field 18 ). , 1923 1940 , . . .: Juliar, M. A Descriptive Bibliography. , - "Poems and Problems"(1971) "" (1979). . , , . , , . . 1962 ( "") : " 1959 , , . , , , . - - , , . 6 . - , . "", . , , - , , , ... 7 8 , ... " "Playboy"1964 : " , . . , , - - . - , . , , . , , - , , . , ". "Paris Review"1966 : " , , - , 6 , . , - , , , . , , . , , , , ". . : M. Juliar, pp. 343-344. . "Mary", "King, Queen, Knave", "The Defence", "The Eye", "Glory", "TheGift", "Invitation to a Beheading", "Pale Fire" "Weidenfeld and and Nicolson", London.


http://main.comset.spb.ru/cult/nabok/libary/russian/nabwork.html - . . . (). / . , . . - .: , 1988. - : / . . . - .: , 1989. - : , / . ; ., . . - : , 1989. (: . . ). - : . - .: , 1989. - /. . . . . - .: . , 1989. (: . . ). - : . /. . . . . . . . - : . i., 1989. (: ; ; ; ). - : / . . .; . . . - .: , 1989. - (- . " . . " ). - ; : . - : - . -, 1989. - , , : /. - . . ߟ. . - .: . , 1989. (: ; ; ; ). - : , , , / . . . - : . , 1989. (: ; ; ; : ; : , : . .; : . . ). - ; : ; , , / . . . . . . . . . . - : , 1989. - (. . ). - , . . . . . / . . . - .: . -, 1989. - : /. . . . . . - .: " ", 1990. - . 1; 2. - : . - .: . - . . . " ", 1990. - : / . . . - : . - . -, 1990. (: ; ; ). - : /. . . . - .: , 1990. - ; : . - : . . -, 1990. /. . . . ; . . . . - .: , 1990. (: ; Pnin; ( ), ( . ). - : . . . . / . . . . ; . . . . - .: . . , 1990. - : / . . .; . . . - .: " ", 1990. - : /. . . - .: , 1990. - ; ; ; : (): /. . . . - .: . ., 1990. - ; : . - : . - . . -, 1990. - . / ., . . . . - .: , 1990. - /., . ; . . . . - .: , 1990. (: ; ; ; ). - 4 /., . . . . , . . - .: , 1990. - (- " " ). . 1 - ; , , ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . . 2 - ; ; : ; ; ; Terra incognita; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . . 3 - , . . 4 - ; ; . - / . . . . - .: . . , 1990. - Terra incognita: . - .: . - . . . " ", 1990. (: ; ; ). - : . - : . - . -, 1991. - : /. . . . . . . - .: , 1991. (: ; ; ). - : , , . - .: . - . " ", 1991. (: ; ; ). - . - : . - . - " ": . . - . - " ", 1991. - , , ; : . - : " ", 1991. - : , , /. . . ; . . . . - .: . , 1991 (: ; ; ). - /. . . . . - .: . ., 1991. - : . - : . - . . -, 1991. - . - : . . -, 1991. - . - .: -. " -", 1991. - . - .: , 1991. - . - .: , 1991. - /. . . 1. - : , 1991. - : . - : . -, 1991. (: ; ; ; ; ). - ; /., . , . . ; . . . . - .: , 1991. (.: ; ). - ; : , ., . ., . . . . - .: - , 1991. - /., . . . . . - .: , 1991. - /., . . . . . - .: , 1991. - . /. . . . ; . . . . . - .: . ., 1991. - , . /. . . - .: . " ", 1991. - , . /. . . - .: . , 1991 - (: (. . . ); (. ); (. ). : , 1991 - : . . . : "91", 1991 - , , ; ; : . - : . i., 1992. - , . - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. . . . . . . : , 1992 - Bend Sinister (). (: ; ; Bend Sinister, 3 Bend Sinister) . . -: -, 1993. - : /. . . ; . . . - .: . ., 1993. . 5 () ; ; . : , 1992 . 6 () , . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . : . : -, 1995 , . : ( , : , 1970- . 1980-), . .


Last-modified: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 05:16:05 GMT