
ovcm -newcacert

#  -
 /opt/OV/lbin/sec/ovcs -checkinit

ovc -start ovcs

(       ,
  ovcert    )

ovcert -list
ovcert -remove    .....
ovcert -remove CA_.....
ovcert -remove    ..... -ovrg server
ovcert -remove CA_..... -ovrg server

rm -f  /var/opt/OV/datafiles/sec/ks/*
rm -f  /var/opt/OV/shared/server/datafiles/sec/ks/*


ovoinstall -t

ls -la /var/opt/OV/shared/server/datafiles/sec/ks
ls -al /var/opt/OV/datafiles/sec/ks

ovcert -list
ovcert -remove    .....
ovcert -remove CA_.....
ovcert -remove    ..... -ovrg server
ovcert -remove CA_..... -ovrg server


ovcm -newcacert


ovcm -issue -file /tmp/jjj  -pass hp -name `uname -n` -coreid `ovcoreid`


ovcert -importcert  -file /tmp/jjj  -pass hp -ovrg server


ovcert -importcert  -file /tmp/jjj  -pass hp

ovc -start ovcs # 

opcsv -start


ovcert -list   # ,   
ovcert -check  # , ,   

1 :  ,     :


ovcert -certreq #       CA-  


### opccsacm -list_pending_cr # ,    
### opccsacm -grant certifikat-id

ovcm -listpending
ovcm -grant ......

2 :      "   "

 $ opccsacm -genInstKey -file /tmp/mos057.p12 -pass 4rg54

mos057$ ovcert -certreq -instkey A:\mos057.p12 -pass 4rg54

3 :      ,   

 $ opccsacm -issue -name mos057 -file /tmp/mos057.p12 -pass 4rg54

mos057$ ovcert importcert -file A:\mos057.p12 -pass 4rg54

/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcertbackup -backup
A tar archive file is created at the following default address:

 Stop the HP OpenView platform processes.

 Install the backup from the old OVO management server installation
onto the newly installed system with the command:
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsvcertbackup -restore file filename pass password force

    - - :
(   opcinstall


/usr/sbin/kctune -B -C "OVO" max_thread_proc=1090
/usr/sbin/kctune -B -C "OVO" maxssiz=0x8000000
/usr/sbin/kctune -B -C "OVO" maxssiz_64bit=0x40000000
/usr/sbin/kctune -B -C "OVO" maxuprc=3690
/usr/sbin/kctune -B -C "OVO" nflocks=4150
/usr/sbin/kctune -B -C "OVO" shmmni=512
/usr/sbin/kctune -B -C "OVO" shmseg=400
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" msgmni=4096
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" msgseg=32767
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" msgtql=4096
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" msgmap=4098
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" ncsize=34848
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" ninode=34848
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" semmni=4096
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" semmns=8192
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" semmnu=4092
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" semume=250
/usr/sbin/kctune -h -B -C "OVO" vps_ceiling=64








cd /media

unzip 10gr2_database_hpi.zip

mkdir OVOCD1
mkdir OVOCD2

mv OVO81_IA64_CD1.tar OVOCD1/OVO81_IA64_CD1.tar
mv OVO81_IA64_CD2.tar OVOCD2/OVO81_IA64_CD2.tar
mv OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD1.tar OVOSSPI/OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD1.tar
mv OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD2.tar OVOSSPICD2/OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD2.tar

cd /media/OVOCD1
tar -xfv OVO81_IA64_CD1.tar

cd /media/OVOCD2
tar -xfv OVO81_IA64_CD2.tar

cd /media/OVOSSPI
tar -xfv OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD1.tar

cd /media/OVOSPICD2
tar -xfv OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD2.tar

cd /media
mv OVOCD1/OVO81_IA64_CD1.tar /media
mv OVOCD2/OVO81_IA64_CD2.tar /media
mv OVOSSPI/OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD1.tar /media
mv OVOSSPICD2/OVO81_SPI_IA64_CD2.tar /media

gunzip NNM7.50-IPF.tar.gz
tar -xfv NNM7.50-IPF.tar
mv /media/disk1 /media/OVNNMCD1
mv /media/disk2 /media/OVNNMCD2

  dba  oinstall   > 100
  oracle, /home/oracle . oinstall,  dba

useradd -m -g oinstall -G dba oracle
umask 022

#  Oracle 9.2
mkdir -p /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0 /opt/oracle/oraInventory
chown -R oracle:dba /opt/oracle

#  Oracle 10.2
mkdir -p /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0 /opt/oracle/oraInventory
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oracle

export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle
# export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/9.2.0
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0
export ORACLE_SID=openview
export NLS_LANG=american_america.WE8ISO8859P1
# export NLS_LANG=russian_russia.WE8ISO8859P5

case "$TERM" in
hpterm)	    export ORACLE_TERM=hp    ;;
dtterm|*)   export ORACLE_TERM=ansii ;;

umask 022
export ENV=$HOME/.shrc
export HISTFILE=$HOME/.sh_history

/usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &
/usr/sbin/pfsd &
Use an editor to add the following line to the file /etc/pfs_fstab:

 /SD_CDROM pfs-rripc xlat=unix 0 0

where  is the CD-ROM device file.
Create the directory /SD_CDROM.

mkdir /SD_CDROM
/usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rripc -o xlat=unix /dev/cdrom /SD_CDROM

xhost +
su - oracle

export DISPLAY=mos137:0.0
#   cdrom
/SD_CDROM/install/hpunix/runInstaller &
#   /media
/media/database/install/runInstaller &

( openview    - opcconfig).


su - root

   Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory
   Enter: /usr/lbin


shutdown -ry 0


su - oracle
( echo startup ; echo exit ) | sqlplus / as sysdba

########   Oracle ##############

########  Operation ##############

#   oracle ( ?)
lsnrctl start
#  oracle ( ? -  )
###      ,  : #######

su - oracle
while sleep 2 ; do echo "grant all privileges to opc_op ;" | sqlplus / as sysdba ; done

su - root

umask 027
export LANG=C
/media/OVOCD1/ovoinstall -t

# If installation aborts, skip configuration phase:

CD MountPoint/ovoinstall -restart


export LANG=C
export NLS_LANG=american_america.WE8ISO8859P1

#   db
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcdbinit -c
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcdbsetup ??
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcdbinst ??

  Configure database automatically? Y
  Oracle user system password [manager]: CR
  opc_op password: opc_op (repeat)
  opc_report password: opc_report (repeat)
  Start database at boot time (yes): CR
  Data directory: CR
  Index directory: CR
  Oracle SID (openview): CR
  Oracle base (/opt/oracle): CR
  Oracle home (/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0): CR
  dba user (oracle): CR
  This step can take a few minutes, too.
  Read opc.log (y/n) ? n 

/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/Ovweb.conf :

Browser: /usr/local/bin/netscape
Port: 3443

 PATH : /opt/OV/bin/OpC:/opt/OV/bin


/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsv  -status
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcagt -status
opc user opc_adm passwd OpC_adm

tail  /var/opt/OV/log/opc_inst.log
tail /var/opt/OV/log/OpC/mgmt_sv/inst_err.log

opclic -list


opcsv -stop # Remove the OVO configuration and OpenView database opcdbsetup d swremove

    HP-UX 11.11

+ PHCO_27958 mountall cumulative patch, Dev IDs enabler + PHCO_30269 cumulative sh-posix patch + PHKL_25993 thread nostop for NFS, rlimit, Ufalloc fix + PHSS_28871 ld(1) and linker tools cumulative patch

CHARACTER SET = "american_america.WE8ISO8859P15" If NLS_LANG is not set in the environment, OVO uses the value specified in the file: /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/ovdbconf language_territory.characterset OVO checks the character set of the Oracle database, and stores this information as part of its configuration. Oracle provides a dynamic database table v$nls_parameters that contains the settings for the language and character-set parameters.

17. Reset the name of the OVO management server in the database by changing the IP address using the opc_node_change.pl script. Use the following "old name / new name" scheme: /opt/OV/bin/OpC/utils/opc_node_change.pl -oldname OLD_FQDN -oldaddr OLD_IP_ADDR -newname NEW_FQDN -newaddr NEW_IP_ADDR Since opcdbsetup was run on the database-server system, the entry in the database for the OVO management server uses the hostname and IP address of the database-server system. This is incorrect: the entry needs to be changed to reflect the hostname and IP address of the OVO management server itself.

Last-modified: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 13:19:12 GMT