speare, Her Majesty's Players and Pembroke's Men, Shakespeare Survey 27 (Cambridge, 1974), pp. 129-136. 12. (Alexander. Shakespeare's Henry VI and Richard III, pp. 191-192); . the New Arden 1 Henry VI, ed. Andrew S. Cairncross (1962), p. xxxiii. 13. Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI, ed. J. Dover Wilson (The New Shakespeare; Cambridge, 1952), pp. xii-xiv. 14. . "Extracts from the Letters and Journals of William Cory", ed. Francis Warre Cornish (1897), p. 168; , ii. 329. 15. Mary Edmond, Pembroke's Men, Review of English Studies, n. s., xxv (1974), 129-136. 16. F. . Wilson, The Plague in Shakespeare's London (Oxford, 1927), p. 52. 17. E. . Chambers, The Elizabethan Stage (Oxford, 1923), iv. 313. 18. , iv. 314-315. 19. . "Italy", The Reader's Encyclopaedia of Shakespeare, ed. Oscar James Camp bell and Edward G. Quinn (1966), pp. 388-393; John S. Smart, Shakespeare's Italian Names, Modern Language Review, xi (1916), 339. "" . 20. (. 339) . ( ) Luccicos, . , , . 391). 21. . A. L. Rwse, Shakespeare the Man (1973), pp. 106 ff. "Simon Forman" (1974), pp. 99-117. "brown" (Stanley Wells, The Times Literary Supplement, 11 May 1973, p. 528). 22. John Sanford, Apollinis et Musarum Euktika Eidyllia (Oxford, 1592), G. P. V. Akrigg, Shakespeare and the Earl of Southampton (1968), p. 36. (Shakespeare's Southampton, Patron of Virginia (1965)) . 23. Nshe, The Unfortunate Traveller, In Works, ed. McKerrow, ii. 202. 24. Shakespeare, Works, ed. Alexander Dyce (1857), i. p. xlv; (Hyder Edward Rollins) the New Variorum edition of The Poems (Philadelphia and London, 1938), p. 385. 25. . E. M. irwd, Richard Field, Printer, 1589-1624, The Library, 4th Ser., xii (1931), 1-39. 26. . . Slopes, Shakespeare's Environment (2nd ed., 1918), p. 155. , " ". 27. "The First Part of the "Return from Parnassus" "The Three Parnassus Plays (1598-1601)", ed. J. B. Leishman (1949), pp. 185, 192-193. 28. . : Joseph Quincy Adams, A Life of William Shakespeare (Boston and New York, 1923), p. 238; Rwse, Shakespeare the Man, p. 75. 29. EKC, i. 61-2. 30. "The Second Part of the Return from Parnassus" "Three Parnassus Plays, ed. Leishman, p. 244. 31. Nicholas Rowe, Some Account of the Life, & c, of Mr. William Shakespear : Shakespeare, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i., p. x. He " ", " " " , [] - ". 32. Rwse, Shakespeare the Man, p. 215; . "Shakespeare's Southampton, p. 85, , , . 33. .: Akrigg, Shakespeare and the Earl of Southamptoi pp. 38-39, 47. 34. Shakespeare, The Sonnets, ed. Rollins (New Variorum; Philadelphia and London, 1944), ii. 53. 35. Henry Willbie, Willoibe his Avisa (1594), sigs. L1v-L2. 36. .: Arthur heson, Mistress Davenant (1913) Shakespeare's Sonnet Story (1922). 37. . N. De Luna, The Queen Declined: An Interpretation of Willobie his Avisa (Oxford, 1970), pp. 5-43. (Douglas Hamer) The Review of English Studies, n. s., xxii (1971), , "W. S." , ; , " , ". 38. Willobie, Willobie his Avisa, sig. A4. 39. . , . 243-244. 12. - 1. G. E. Bentley, Shakespeare: A Biographical Handbook (New Haven, 1961), p. 119. "" . 2. . Kenneth Muir, Shakespeare the Professional (1973), pp. 3-4. 3. "Gesta Grayorum: or, the History of the High and Mighty Prince, Henry Prince of Purpoole..." (1688), p. 22. 4. William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream, ed. Stanley Wells (New Penguin Shakespeare; 1967), introd., pp. 13-14. 5. Francis Meres, Palladis Tamia. Wits Treasury (1598), sig. A2. 6. (Don Cameron Alien) "Palladis Tamia" (New York, 1938), pp. viiviii. . D. . Alien, Francis Meres's Treatise 'Poetrie' A Critical Edition (Urbana, 111., 1933). 7. Meres, Palladis Tamia, ff. 281v-282. 8. . W. Baldwin, Shakespere's Love's Labour's Won: New Evidence from the Account Books of an Elizabethan Bookseller (Carbondale, 111., 1957), p. 15. " " , , 1603-1604 . . New Arden edition (1959), pp. xviii-xxv. 9. Leslie Hotson, 'Love's Labour's Won, Shakespeare's Sonnets Dated and Other Essays (1949), pp. 37-56. 10. Augustus Ralli, A History of Shakespearian Criticism (1932), i.1. 11. . S. Lewis, English Literature in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama (Oxford History of English Literature; Oxford, 1954), p. 430; . Bentley, Shakespeare, pp. 199-203. 12. Thomas Fuller, The Church-History of Britain: from the Birth of Jesus Christ, until the year 1648 (1655), bk. iv, cent. xv, p. 168. 13. Fuller, The Worthies of England (1662), ii. 253. 1661 . 14. 'N. D.' [Nicholas Dolman, ] The Third Part of a Treatise, Intituled: of three Conversions of England: An Examen of the Calendar or Catalogue of Protestant Saints, by John Fox (1604). The Last Six Monethes (1604), p. 31; ii. 213. 15. . . 344-345. 16. Bodleian Library, MS. James 34; SS, item 101, p. 143. 17. Nicholas Rowe, Some Account of the Life, & c. of Mr. William Shakespeare aShakespeare, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i, p. ix. 18. John Dennis, Epistle Dedicatory 'To the Honourable George Granville, Esq.', "The Comicall Gallant: or the Amours of Sir John Falstaffe" (1702), sig. A2. 19. Dennis, The Person of Quality's Answer to Mr. Collier's Letter (1704), p. 4; , ii. 263. 20. Row e, Account, aShakespeare, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i, pp. viii-ix. 21. Charles Gildon, Remarks on the Plays of Shakespear, Shakespeare, Works (1710), vii. 291. 22. Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor, ed. H. J. Oliver (New Arden Shakespeare; 1971), introd., p. xlv. 23. , , , : William Green, Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor (Princeton, N. J., 1962). 24. Htsn, Shakespeare versus Shallow (1931), p. 24. . 25. . . 285-289. 26. John Davies of Hereford, The Scourge of Folly (n. d.; Stationers' Register: 8 October 1610), Epig, 159, p. 76. 27. "Historia Histrionica: an Historical Account of the English Stage... In a Dialogue, of Plays and Players" (1699), p. 4. 28. Row e, Account, Shakespeare, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i, p. vi. 29. Shakespeare, Plays, ed. Samuel Johnson and George Steevens (1778), i. 204. 30. Edward apell, Notes and Various Readings to Shafaespeare (1779), vol. i, pt. 1, p. 60. 31. Sir Walter Scott, Kenilworth, ch. xvii. 32. Rowe, Account, aShakespeare, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i, pp. xii-xiii. 33. Rihard Rn, Dramatic Table Talk; or Scenes, Situations and Adventures, Serious and Comic, in Theatrical History and Riography (1825), ii. 156-7. 34. (G. E. ently Shakespeare, p. 9), , . 35. British Library, MS. Harley 5353, f. 29v; S S, item 115, p. 152. 36. , "" , Chambers, The Elizabethan Stage (Oxford, 1923), ii, Jseph Quin Adams, Shakespearean Playhouses (Boston, 1917). 37. [Edward Guilpin], Skialetheia, or, a shadowe Truth, in certaine Epigrams and Satyres (1598), sig. D6. 38. C. W. Walle, The First London Theatre: Materials for a History, Nebraska University Studies, xiii (1913), 278-279. 39. . 40. John Stow, A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster... Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged... by John Strype (1720), vol. ii, bk. iv, p. 28; : Adams, Shakespearean Playhouses, p. 243. 41. Wallace, First London Theatre, pp. 275-276. 42. Ernest Schanzer, Thomas Platter's Observations on the Elizabethan Stage, Notes and Queries, cci (1956), 466. 43. " " , : Wallace, 'Shakespeare's Money Interest in the Globe Theatre', The Century Magazine, Ixxx (1910), 500-512. , , the Nebraska University Studies, x ("Shakespeare and his London Associates as Revealed in Recently Discovered Documents"). "" "" : , ii. 52-71; . : . Roland Lewis, The Shakespeare Documents (Stanford, 1940), ii. 508-520. 44. The Folger Shakespeare Library, MS. V. a. 292 ( MS. 2073.5), f. 140; SS, item 116, p. 155. 45. Sidne Lee, A Life of William Shakespeare (4th ed. of revised version, 1925), p. 315. 46. M. M. Reese, Shakespeare: His World and his Work (1953), p. 365. , "" "", " " (. 214). 47. Arthur Collins, Letters and Memorials of State... written and collected by Sir Henry Sydney, Sir Philip Sydney, Sir Robert Sydney, etc. (1746), ii. 175; : , ii. 322. 48. British Library, MS. Harley 5353, f. 12v; SS, item 117, p. 156. 49. : R. . aid, The Booke of Sir Thomas More and its Problems, Shakespeare Survey 2 (Cambridge, 1949), p. 55. . , , (Harold Jenkins) "Sir Thomas More" (W. W. Greg), 1961 . , Malone Society Collections, vi (1961 (1962)), pp. 179-192. , 1594-1595 . Michael L. Hays, Shakespeare's Hand in Sir Thomas More: Some Aspects of the Paleographic Argument, Shakespeare Studies VIII (1975), 241-253, , , , . 50. .: R. W. Chambers, The Expression of Ideas-Particularly Political Ideas-in the Three Pages and in Shakespeare : Alfred Pollard et al., Shakespeare's Hand in the Play of Sir Thomas More (Cambridge, 1923), pp. 142-187, 158-160. .: F. P. Wilsn, Shakespeare's Reading, Shakespeare Survey 3 (Cambridge, 1950), pp. 19-20. 51. "The Book of Sir Thomas More", ed. W. W. Greg (Malone Society Reprints, 1911), 11. 584-92; ld, p. 53. 52. J. Dover Wilson, The Essential Shakespeare: A Biographical Adventure (Cambridge, 1932), p. 103. 53. EKC, ii. 326-7. 54. Wilson, Essential Shakespeare, pp. 104-7. 13.  1. Alexander Pope, Imitations of Horace, ed. John Butt (2nd ed., 1953), p. 199 (The Twickenham Pope, vol. iv). 2. "A Life of William Shakespeare", : Shakespeare, Works, ed. J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps (1853-65), i. 151. 3. , , . S. Giuseppi, 'The Exchequer Documents Belative to Shakespeare's Besidence in Southwark], Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, N. S., v (1929), 281-288. , , , EKC (ii. 88-90) . : N. . vans, Shakespeare in the Public Becords (1964), pp. 9-12; : . oland Lewis, The Shakespeare Documents (Stanford, 1940), i. 262-271. , , . : Stephen Dowell, A History of Taxation and Taxes in England (2nd ed., 1888), 67-71, , - . 4. ; . ; A. L. Rowse, William Shakespeare (1963), pp. 280-281. 5. . 6. Edmond Malone, An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments (1796), pp. 215-216. 7. . . 332 . 8. Arthur H. Nethercot, Sir William D'Avenant, Poet Laureate and Playwright-Manager (Chicago, 1938), p. 20. H (pp. 16-20). 9. Joseph Spence, Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Books and Men, Collected from Conversation, ed. James . Osborn (Oxford, 1966); i. 184. 10. Bodleian Library, MS. Hearne, Diaries 20, f. 127; SS, item 126, p. 165. 11. Shakespeare, Plays, ed. Samuel Johnson and George Steevens (1778), i. 203-204. 12. Spene, Observations, ed. Osborn, i. 185. 13. : "All the Works of John Taylor the WaterPoet..." (1630), p. 184 (sig. Qq4v). 14. Gerard Langbaine, The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets..., ed. Charles Gildon (1698), p. 32. 15. William Chetwood, A General History of the Stage... (1749), p. 21n. 16. : Raymond Carter Sutherland, The Grants of Arms to Shakespeare's Father, Shakespeare Quarterly, xiv (1963), 379-385. 17. , EKC (ii. 19). 18. : . W. Scott-Giles, Shakespeare's Heraldry (1950), p. 33. - (pp. 2741). " " (. . 298). 19. Charles Crisp, Shakespeare's Ancestors, Coat of Arms, vi (1960), 105-109; : Sutherland. p. 384. 20. J. O. Halliwell[-Phillipps], An Historical Account of the New Place, the Last Besidence of Shakespeare (1864)., p. 10; ME - (86-89). .: J. H. Morrison, The Underbills of Warwickshire (Cambridge, 1932), pp. 152-156, 183-185. 21. , . - SP12/79. , 1571. 22. 1663 .; .: lliwell[-Phillipps], Historical Account, p. 162. 23. Stowe MSS. Huntington Library; "A Document Concerning Shakespeare's Garden", The Huntington Library Bulletin, i (1931), 199-201; ME, 91. ME. 24. Joseph Quincy Adams, A Life of William Shakespeare (Boston and New York, 1923), p. 259. , , . 25. (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office, Misc. Doc. I, 136) . , . -, , {Shakespearian Facsimiles... (1863), Plate IX, item 1); "Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare" (7th ed., 1887), ii. 59-60; . . lne, Life of William Shakespeare "1821 Variorum" (ii. 569-572). EKG ii. 103; ME, 95 . (Misc. Doc. I, 135; E , ii, 101-102) . 26. . . 369. 27. . . 122. 28. .: ii. 113-118-1 ME, 91-92, 107. 29. alne, Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare's Plays Published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens (1780), ii. 369-70: " ". 30. Shakespeare, Plays, ed. Johnson and Steevens (1778), i. 205. 31. Nicholas Rowe, Some Account of the Life, &c. of Mr. William Shakespear; Shakespeare, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i, p. xxxvi. 32. "A Relation of a short Survey of 26. Counties... By a Captaine, a Lieutennant, and an Ancient. All three of the Military Company in Norwich", British Library, MS. Lansdowne 213, f. 332v; , ii.243. 33. Francis Peck, Explanatory & Critical Notes on Divers Passages of Shakespeare's Plays "New Memoires of the Life and Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton" (1740), pp. 222-223. 34. MS., Shakespeare Library, Birmingham Public Library; shelf mark: S977, pp. 25-26. , . , ii. 293-294. 35. , , ("Shakspere: A Critical Study of his Mind and Art" (1875), p. 35); . S. Schoenbaum, Shakespeare's Lives (Oxford, 1970), pp. 492ff. 36. ME, 103. 37. , ii. 125. 38. "Huband" (). . , (baud) (105). 39. . 14.  1. ; ; Richard Levin, The King James Version of Measure for Measure, Clio, iii (1974), 129-163. , , : David Lloyd Stevenson, The Historical Dimension in Measure for Measure: The Role of James I in the Play, "The Achievement of Shakespeare s Measure for Measure" (Ithaca, N. Y., 1966), pp. 134-166. 2. . : David . Bergeron, English Civic Pageantry 1558-1642 (1971), pp. 66-89. 3. . Roland Lewis, The Shakespeare Documents (Stanford, 1940), ii. 368. 4. : Joseph Quincy Adams, A Life of William Shakespeare (Boston and New York, 1923), p. 364, : Ernest Law, Shakespeare as a Groom of the Chamber (1910). 5. G. E. entley, Shakespeare and the Blackfriars Theatre, Shakespeare Survey 1 (Cambridge, 1948), p. 40. 6. Advertisement to Lintot's Edition of Shakespeare's Poems (c. 1709), sig. A2V. 7. , ii. 280. 8. John Davies, Microcosmos (1603), p. 215; , ii. 213. 9. William Barksted, Mirrha the Mother of Adonis: or, Lustes Prodegies (1607), sig. El; , ii. 216. 10. Bodleian Library, MS. Arch. F. c. 37 ( Aubrey MS. 6, f. 109); SS, item 57, p. 58. 11. Nicholas Rowe, Some Account of the Life, & c. of Mr. William Shakespear, : Shakespea re, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i, pp. viii, xxxv-xxxvi. 12. "Shakespeare and Jonson: Fact and Myth", The Elizabethan Theatre II, ed. David Galloway (Toronto, 1970), . 1-19. . . 398. . British Library, MS. Harley 6395, f. 2 (L'Estrange); Bodleian Library, MS, Ashmole 38, p. 181 (Burgh); MS. 25, ff. 77, 161, the Plume Library at Maldon, Essex (Plume); SS, items 167-9, p. 206. 13. Thomas Fuller, The History of the Worthies of England (1662), "Warwickshire", p. 126. 14. en Jonson, Timber: or, Discoveries; Made upon Men and Matter (1641), : Ben Jonson, Workes (1640 titlepage), pp. 97-98. 15. S. A. Shapiro "The "Mermaid Club"", Modern Language Review, xlv (1950), 6-17. 16. . , . 348. (Leslie Hotsou, Shakespeare and Mine Host of the Mermaid, Shakespeare's Sonnets Dated and Other Essays (1949), pp. 76-88). 17. - : John Stow, A Survey of London, ed. C. L. Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), i. 291 ff. . : Jhn Earl, Microcosmographie (1628), sig. Illv. : L. Rwse, Shakespeare the Man (1973 p. 197). 18. . . (. L. Rowse, Secrets of Shakespeare's Landlady, The Times, 23 April 1973, p. 6). . : . L. Rwse, Simon Forman: Sex and Society in Shakespeare's Age (1974), pp. 98-99. 19. . W. Wallace, New Shakespeare Discoveries: Shakespeare as a Man among Men, Harper's Monthly Magazine, cxx (1910), 489-510. 26 , , , ("Shakespeare and his London Associates as Revealed in Recently Discovered Documents", Nebraska University Studies, X (1910), pp. 261-360). EKC (. 90-5). : Adams, Life of William Shakespeare, (pp. 378-387, 393-395). 20. Adams, Life of William Shakespeare, pp. 380-381. 21. , , , : Alfred Harbage, Shakespeare and the Rival Traditions (New York, 1952). 22. G. E. Bentley, Shakespeare and his Theatre (Lincoln, Neb., 1964), p. 88. . : J. A. Lavin, Shakespeare and the Second Blackfriars, The Elizabethan Theatre III, ed. David Galloway (Toronto, 1973), pp. 66-81. 23. Bodleian Library, MS. Ashmole 208, ff. 200-13; EKC, ii. 337-41. "" : SS, item 176, . 215. 24. EKC, ii. 62-71. 25. "Troilus and Cressida", 1609, sig. 2. 26. Peter Alexander, Shakespeare (1964), p. 247. Shakespeare, Works, ed. Richard Grant White (Boston, 1865, i. 152; New Variorum Sonnets (Philadelphia and London, 1944), ii. 166. 28. Htsn, Mr. W. H. (1964). 29. Thmas Hewd, An Apology for Actors (1612), sig. G4r-v. 30. Logan Pearsall Smith, The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton (Oxford, 1907), ii. 17; E , ii. 153. 31. Htsn, Shakespeare's Sonnets Dated, pp. Ill-140, 207-217. , (Nm: Shakespeare) Bodl. Rawlinson Poet. MS. 160, f. 41, " 1650 ." the Catalogue; EKC (i. 551). 32. (Sidney Lee, A Life of William Shakespeare (4th ed. of revised version, 1925)), p. 488n. 33. , pp. 488-489. 34. Halliwell-Phillipps, Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare (7th ed., 1887), ii. 36-7. .: ii. 154-169. 35. ME, 112. 36. Smith, Wotton, ii. 32-3. 37. E. K. Chambers, The Elizabethan Stage (Oxford, 1923), ii. 421. 15.  1. William Shakespeare, Dramatic Works, ed. Thomsa Campbell (1838), p. Ixiv. .: S. Schoenbaum, Shakespeare's Lives (Oxford, 1970), pp. 312-315. 2. Nicholas Rowe, Some Account of the Life, & c. of Mr. William Shakespear, : Shakespeare, Works, ed. Rowe (1709), i, p. xxxv. 3. ME 133, "The Final Years" (131-144), , . 4. , 1610 1614; ; ii. 153. 5. : Rihrd Savage, The Athenceum, 29 August 1908, p. 250. 6. "Original Collections on Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon, by John Jordan, the Stratford Poet.., ed. J. 0. Halliwell-Phillipps" (1864), p. 50. . ME, 133. 7. ME, 135-136. 8. .: EKC, ii. 141-52; . M. Ingleby, Shakespeare and the Enclosure of Common Fields at Welcombe (Birmingham, 1885); ME, 136-138. 9. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Corporation Records, Misc. Doc. XII, 103; Halliwell-Phillipps, Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare (7th ed., 1887), ii. 378. 9 . 10. "Shakespeare: Man and Artist" (1938), ii. 806, 300 , : 1617 . 590 , 400 (ME, 129). 11. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office, Corp. Rec., Misc. Doc. XIII, 26a; SS, item 190, p. 233. 12. ME, 137. 13. ME, 138. 14. "Shakespeare and the Enclosure of Common Fields" (pp. 16-18). , (Ingleby, .12). 15. : . R. . Brinkworth, Shakespeare and the Bawdy Court of Stratford (1972), p. 46. , , : Hugh A. Hanley, Shakespeare's Family in Stratford Records, The Times Literary Supplement, 21 May 1964, p. 441. 16. ME, 115. 17. : Harriet Joseph, Shakespeare's Son-in-Law: John Hall, Man and Physician (Hamden, Conn., 1964); . ME, 114-115. 18. John Hall, Select Observations on English Bodies.., transl. James Cooke (1657), pp. 227-228. 19. Fripp, Shakespeare, ii. 885-891. 20. Hall, Select Observations, pp. 47-51. 21. ME, 113. 22. Hall, Select Observations, sig. 3r-v. 23. 200 "", . 24. ME, 139. 25. Public Record Office, Star Chamber Proceedings, James I, 26/10, m. 2; : Fripp, Shakespeare, ii. 824, ME, 140. ME , . 26. , : . Hanley, Shakespeare's Family in Stratford Records rinkworth, Shakespeare and the Bawdy Court. 27. .: Fripp, Master Richard Quyny (Oxford, 1924), pp. 206-207; "Shakespeare", ii. 833. 28. ME, 140-141. 29. British Library, MS. Landsdowne 721, f. 2. . 30. . Roland Lewis, The Shakespeare Documents (Stanford, 1940), ii. 471. 31. G. . entely, Shakespeare: A Biographical Handbook (New Haven, 1961), p. 61. 32. William West, The First Part of Simboleography... (1615 ed.). Sect. 643. 33. Brinkworth, Shakespeare and the Bawdy Court, pp. 80-83. 34. , 5 5 . 35. ME, 136. 36. "A Brief Discourse... of the Laudable Customs of London" (1584), pp. 24-25. , . . 37. Marchette Chute, Shakespeare of London (1949), p. 279. 38. "Supplement to the Edition of Shakespeare's Plays Published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens", ed. Edmond Malone (1780), i. 657. 39. "Diary of the Rev. John Ward...", ed. Charles Severn (1839), p. 56. 40. laine W. Fwler, The Earl of Bedford's "Best Bed", Shakespeare Quarterly, xviii (1967), 80. 41. ME (164-165). 42. : G. R. tter, Shakespeare's Will and Raleigh's Instructions to his Son, Notes and Queries, civiii (1930) 364. Raleigh, "Remains". 43. "Borough Customs", ed. Mary Bateson {Publications of the Selden Society, 21; 1906), ii. 142-143, 144. 44. "The Joint and several Answers of Susan Hall, widow, and Thomas Nashe, gent.", . : Frank Marcham, William Shakespeare and his Daughter Susannah (1931), pp. 66-71. 45. "An Answer to Mr. Pope's Preface to Shakespear... "By a Stroling Player (1729), pp. 45-46; EEC, ii. 272. 46. William Shakespeare, Plays and Poems, ed. Malone (1790), vol. i, pt. 1, p. 136. 47. ME, 142. 48. ; . Bodleian Library, MS. Rawlinson D. 377, f. 90; SS, item 205, p. 251. 17 ( , ii. 181). 49. ay (S S, item 218, . 262) , , , " " . - Halliwell-Phillipps Outlines (ii, 357), a EKC ii, 261. 50. Bodleian Library, MS. Rawlinson D. 377, f. 90; S S, item 205, p. 251. 51. EKC, ii. 242-3; British Library, MS. Lansdowne 213, f. 332v; . . 312. 52. ; . "The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale, ed. William Hamper (1827), p. 99. 53. ( , ii. 185). 54. R. . Wheler, The Gentleman's Magazine, Ixxxv (1815), 390. 55. , , . 56. A. L. Rwse, The English Spirit: Essays in Literature and History (rev. ed.; 1966), p. 6. 57. . KNorton Facsimile, The First Folio of Shakespeare (New York, 1968). : W. W. Greg, The Shakespeare First Folio, Hinman, The Printing and Proofreading of the First Folio of Shakespeare (Oxford, 1963), 2 vols. (i. 248-9). 58. . : . J. . Spencer, Ben Ionson on his beloved, The Author Mr. William Shakespeare, The Elizabethan Theatre IV, ed. G. R. Hibbard (Toronto, 1974), pp. 22-40.