1602 . * *" ". * 1951 . , (Middleton, Thomas, . 1570-1627) - . "" (The Witch) , *"". , - "" . , *" ". *" ". , (Miller, Jonathan, p. 1934) - " 1973 - 1975 ., *"-" 1987 -1990 . : *" " (, 1969), *" " ( *, , 1970), *"" ("", 1970), *"" ("", 1974), *" " ( , 1974), *" - " ("", 1975), "" (" ", 1982), *" " (* , 1987), "" (1988), " " (1989, - "-"), *" " ("", 1996). " --". , (Milton, John, 1608-1674) - . " . " (An Epitaph on the Admirable Dramatic Poet, W. Shakespeare), * (1632). ", 1630" , 1645 . (World Shakespeare Congress). - 1971 . (Simon Fraser Umiversity). * , . , (Mirren, Helen, p. 1946) - , 1967 1983 . * . (1968), (1969), , , (1970), (1974), 1, 2 3- *" IV" (1977) (1982). *" --" (1979, " "), (1978), (1981) (1982). W. H. (Mr W. .). - . . " " (Much Ado About Nothing). - * 1600 ., , . * (1623). * 1598 . 1598-1600 . , ( - *) " " (1516, 1591). 1613 . , * (1640), . * , " " (1662), . 1721, 1739 1746 . 1748 ., * . 1776 . *. XIX (Frances Abigton) (Elizabeth Farren). * 1803 . XIX . * *"" (1882), * . XX . * --, ( ) 1949 . 1950 . , * - ; 1950-. " " . XX . . (Hugh Hunt) * 1947 . (Douglas Seale) -- 1958 . 1851-, * (*"-", 1965) - XIX ., * (--, 1976 .) - XIX . ( * ); * ( --) 1982 . (Susan Fleetwood) (Roger Allam) * (--, 1990), * (1993), (). . - , , . , (Mnouchkine, Ariane, p. 1939) - ; 1964 . " " (Theatre du Soleil) . . 1968 . *" ", 1981 . 3 *" II", *" " *" IV". , (Moiseiwitsch, Tanya, p. 1914) - -; 1 2- *" IV" -- 1951 . , *, . , , (Mompelgard, Frederick, Count of). - 1592 . , . 1593 . (Duke of Wurttemberg). , * . 1597 ., . *" ", 1597 . , . , "cozen Garmombles" (. . - IV.v., *). , . , (Monck, Nugent, 1877-1958). - . "", . (soliloquy). - , . , (Montemayor, Jorge de, . 1521-1561). - . "". , (Montaigne, Michel de, 1533 -1592) - , . * 1603 . , *"". (Monument, Shakespeare's) - , . --. * (. ). ; : Iudicio Pylium, Genio Socratem, Arte Maronem: Terra tegit, populus maeret, Olympus habet .. " , - , - ; , , ". : , , ? , , - , , , . -: "Obiit anno domini 1616; Aetatis 53 Die 23 Apr[ilis].", : " 23 1616 . 53 ". 1623 ., , 1749 . 1790 . , , . , , 23 . , (More, Sir Thomas). - . " ". , (Morgan, McNamara, . 1762) - ; *" ", " , " (The Sheep-Shearing; or Florizel and Perdita), *"-" 1754 . , (Morgann, Maurice, 1726-1802) - ; " " (Essay on the Dramatic Character of Falstaff, 1777) . , (Morley, Thomas, 1557 - . 1603) - , " " (A Plain and Easy Introduction to Practical Music, 1597). " " ('It was a Lover and his lass" *" ") ", " (" mistress mine" *" "). , , : . (music based on Shakespeare). - . , , , , , , , . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (. 1622). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- , . , , , . , , : " ". : " ". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "" (Mucedorus) - , 1598 . XVII . . "" (Mousetrap, The) - , (III.ii) , " ". , (Malone, Edmond, 1741-1812) - , , " " (History of the Stage, 1780), * (1790). , - (James Boswell the younger). , 1812 ., " " " ". , *. , (Manningham, John, . 1622) - ; . 13 1602 . *, . 2 1602 . *" " *"l-". : " " , ", " " "" , "" (Inganni). , , , , . , , , , . .; , ". , (Muir, Kenneth, 1907-1996) - , 1951 1974 . ( ) . 15 *" ", *"" *" " * .  (Blackfriars Gatehouse). - 1613 . 140 , , (. ""). -, . , (Knight, G. Wilson, 1897-1985) - , , " " (The Wheel of Fire, 1930, - 1949), " " (The Imperial Theme, 1931), " "*" (The Shakespearean Tempest, 1932), " " (The Sovereign Flower, 1958) " . 40 " (Shakespeare and Religion: Essays of Forty Years, 1967). " " (Der Bestrafte Brudermord) - *"". 1710 . , , . , (Nunn, Trevor, p. 1940) - * 1968-1986 ., 1997 . - * . , . 1976 ., *" ", *" " - , *"". : *" " *" " (1968), *" " *" VIII" (1969), *"" (1970), * (1972), "" (1974 . .), *" " (1976), *" - " (1981), 1 2- *" IV" ("", 1982), *"" (1989, - 1990), *" " (1991, - ) *" " (1989) "-". (National Theatre). - . . (heavens) - . . " " (Ingratitude of a Commonwealth, The). - . "". (lost years, Shakespeare's). - - 1585 . * 1592 . , , , * , " ". 1598 . , , 1592 . " " (Misery of Civil War, The). - . , ; " IV, ". , (Nicolai, Otto, 1810-1849) - , *" " (1849). , (Nicoll, Allardyce, 1894-1976) - , *" " " . , (Ninagawa, Yukio, p. 1935) - ; ( ): *" " (1974), *" " (1975, ""), *"" (1978) *"" (1980,1990), " " (1991), *"" (1992) *" " (1995, ""). (New Arden edition). - . . (New Cambridge edition) - , 1983 . . (Ph. Brockbank). 1921 1966 ., - . * - (Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch), 1944 . . (New Penguin edition) - , , . . . (. J. . Spenser) 1967 . , , . 1996 -1997 . , *"" *" ". (New Shakspere Society). - 1873 . . . . - , , " * " * *" ". 1894 . (New Variorum edition). - . , . . , (North, Sir Thomas, 1535?-1601) - ; " " (Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, 1579), "" *, (Jacques Amyot), * . . . . . " " (Shakespeare's Plutarch, 1964) , , " , " (*" ", II.ii). (Norton edition) - , 1997 . , * (1986) ( ). , *" ", , , * *, *"" . , . , (Noble, Adrian, p. 1950) - ; 1981 . * , 1991 . . . : *" " (1982), *" V" (1984), *" " (1985), *"" (1986), *"" (1988), *" ", *"" ( - 1992), *" " (1994, - 1995), *"" (1997, - * ), *"" (1998). - (New York Shakespeare Festival). - - (Joseph Papp, 1921-1991) 1953 . 1962 . "" -, . . "-" (New Place) - -- * , - -, XV . . "-" , VIII, 1534 1542 . , 1710 - 1712 . " " (The Itinerary of John Leland), "-" " ". 60 4 1597 . , , , , , . , 60, - 70 . 1598 . -- 10 " 1 ". , , . "-". 1767 . , 1683 ., , " , , , "-*". , " , ; , , , , , ". , 1737 . (George Vertue) . " ". , " ... - , ". "-" . , , , 4 1598 . -. , 80 - , . , - 1602 . -. 1611 . , -, . * *, - *. 1675 . "-" , , 1699 . . 1702 ., . , , , , 1756 . *, "-" 1759 . 1892 . , "-", * " ". , , , . , , . , , . , (Nash family). - (. 1587) - (. 1622) (. 1623), - 26 8 . . 1629 . (1593-1647) *. *"-" - 1643 . (. 1647) . , (Nashe, Thomas, 1567-. 1601) - . * "" (1589) *"-". " " (Pierce Penniless his Supplication to the Devil, 1592) " " - 1- *" VI", . , . , , -, .  " " (Rape of Lucrece, The). - 1594 . * - , , . *" ". *, 3- . " " ( , abab-bcc) 1855 . 1640 . 7 . " ", *" ", . , , , , , , , , *"". (imagery). - , , , . XVIII . (. , ), 1930- . , " ". , " " - , . " , " * (Shakespeare's Imagery and What it Tells Us, 1935) , . . * " " (The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery, 1951) . , , , . . . *, . . (education, Shakespeare's). - . () , --. (Pattern of Painful Adventures, The). - . , . , (Aubrey, John, 1626-1697). - " " (Brief Lives) . , - , . ", , " , " , ... , , ". , " ". , * . ( ) (Publius Ovidius Naso, 43 . . - 18 . .) - . "" , . *" " "" , . "" *" " (IV.i). " " (Jonathan Bate, Shakespeare and Ovid, 1993). (Welcombe enclosures). - 1614 . ( --), *. . -- . , . , , * "" (1973). , , 17- (Oxford, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of, 1550-1604) - , , . *"" , 17- " (. Looney. "Shakespeare" Identified in Edward de Vere the Seventeenth Earl Oxford, 1920). , " , " *" (Percy Allen. Talks with Elizabethans Revealing the Mystery of "William Shakespeare", 1947) , (. ). (Oxford Shakespeare). - 1978 . (. . ). , , , , , . 1982 . . ( ) 1986 . , , , , , . *" ": * 1608 . *; *"" *"". 1- *" IV" "" ""; *""; . , . 1987 . " " (Textual Companion), . * . (octavo) - , 1/8 . , , *, " ..." (1595, . ""), *" " *" " *" ", . (., ) . "-", (Old Vic Theatre) - , 1818 . , , "-", 1833 . "". , 1880 . , - " " -. 1914 . * " ". 1923 . . , * (1919-1925), (1929-1933) * (1933-1934, 1936-1943), , *, *, *, *, *, *. , , . 1950 . "-" . 1953 . * 5 ; *" VIII" (1958) . "-" 1963 ., " . *"" (1977-1981). 1997 . - *, , *" ". , (Oldcastle, Sir John, . 1375-1417) - , . - *" V" - * 1- *" IV". , - , , , . 2- " IV": " , ; , , ". *" -", , 2- , " , " (The True and Honourable History of the Life of Sir John Oldcastle, the Good Lord Cobham, 1599-1600). , , 1600 ., 1619 . , * (1664). , (Aldridge, Ira, 1807-1867) - , . " ". , , III, . , ( ) [Olivier, Lord (Layrence Olivier), 1907-1989] - . - * (1963-1973). : (*"-", 1935; -, 1940), , , V ("-", 1937), ("-" , 1937; --, 1955), ("-", 1938), ("-", 1938; --, 1959), III ( , 1944 . .), , ( , 1945-1946), ( , 1946, - 1983), *" " ("-", 1951), (--, 1955), (--, 1955), ( , 1964, - 1965), ( , 1970). ( ) *" V" (1944), *"" (1948) *" III" (1955), . (operas based on Shakespeare's plays). - . (Winton Dean) " ", (Shakespeare in Music, 1964). , ., : , ; , . (Oregon, Shakespeare Festival). - (Angus Bowmer) 1935 . , . , , *"". , . , (Orff, Carl, 1895-1982) - ; *" " (1939). (modern-dress productions). - XVIII . . *"" * (1923) , -, , . , , , , , . "" (Othello). - * 1622 . * (1623). . 1604 . , , . *. XVII XVIII ., . *, * * , * * - . 1785 . . . * * . *, 1814 1833 . , ,