Accounts for UCSB On-Line System 345 - Interest Mixed Integer Programming (MPSX on 360/91 at CCN) -- 6644 -- 321 - CBI Networking Activity at MITRE 317 - Official Host-Host Protocol Modification: Assigned Link Numbers 311 - New Console Attachments to the UCSB Host 251 - Weather Data 223 - Network Information Center Schedule for Network Users 217 - Specification Changes for OLS, RJE/RJOR, and SMFS 174 - UCLA-Computer Science Graphics Overview 122 - Network Specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File System 121 - Network On-Line Operators 120 - Network PL1 Subprograms 119 - Network FORTRAN Subprograms 074 - Specifications for Network Use of the UCSB On-Line System 8. Network Specific 8a. ARPANET 1005, 878, 851, 802 - The ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol 852 - The ARPANET Short Blocking Feature 789 - Vulnerabilities of Network Control Protocols: An Example 716 - Interim Revision to Appendix F of BBN 1822 704 - IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Change 696 - Comments on the IMP/HOST and HOST/IMP Protocol Changes 695 - Official Change in Host-Host Protocol 692 - Comments on IMP/Host Protocol Changes 690 - Comments on the Proposed Host/IMP Protocol Changes 687 - IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol 667 - BBN Host Ports 660 - Some Changes to the IMP and the IMP/Host Interface 642 - Ready Line Philosophy and Implementation 638, 633 - IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule 632 - Throughput Degradation for Single Packet Message 627 - ASCII Text File of Hostnames 626 - On a possible Lockup Condition in IMP Subnet due to Message Sequencing -- 6655 -- 625 - On Line Hostnames Service 623 - Comments on On-line Host Name Service 622 - Scheduling IMP/TIP Down Time 620 - Request for Monitor Host Table Updates 619 - Mean Round-Trip Times in the ARPANET 613 - Network Connectivity: A Response to RFC 603 611 - Two Changes to the IMP/Host Protocol 606 - Host Names On-Line 594 - Speedup of Host-IMP Interface 591 - Addition to the Very Distant Host Specification 568, 567 - Cross-Country Network Bandwidth 548 - Hosts Using the IMP Going Down Message Specification 547 - Change to the Very Distant Host Specification 533 - Message-ID Numbers 534 - Lost Message Detection 528 - Software Checksumming in the IMP and Network Reliability 521 - Restricted Use of IMP DDT 508 - Real-Time Data Transmission on the ARPANET 476, 434 - IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedules 449, 442 - The Current Flow-Control Scheme for IMPSYS 447, 445 - IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule 417 - LINK Usage Violation 410 - Removal of the 30-second Delay When Hosts Come Up 406 - Scheduled IMP Software Releases 395 - Switch Settings on IMPs and TIPs 394 - Two Proposed Changes to the IMP-HOST Protocol 369 - Evaluation of ARPANET Services (January through March, 1972) 335 - New Interface-IMP/360 312 - Proposed Change in IMP-to-Host Protocol 297 - TIP Message Buffers 280 - A Draft Set of Host Names 274 - Establishing a Local Guide for Network Usage 271 - IMP System Change Notification 270 - Correction to the BBN Report No. 1822 263 - "Very Distant" Host Interface 254 - Scenarios for Using ARPANET Computers -- 6666 -- 247 - Proffered Set of Standard Host Names 241 - Connecting Computers to NLC Ports 239 - Host Mnemonics Proposed in RFC 226 237 - The NIC's View of Standard Host Names 236 - Standard Host Names 233 - Standardization of Host Call Letters 230 - Toward Reliable Operation of Minicomputer-based Terminals on a TIP 229 - Standard Host Names 228 - Clarification 226 - Standardization of Host Mnemonics 218 - Changing the IMP Status Reporting 213 - IMP System Change Notification 209 - Host/IMP Interface Documentation 208 - Address Tables 073, 067 - Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking 071 - Reallocation in Case of Input Error 070 - A Note On Padding 064 - Getting Rid of Marking 041 - IMP/IMP Teletype Communication 025 - No High Link Numbers 019 - Two Protocol Suggestions to Reduce Congestion at Swap-Bound Nodes 017a, 017 - Some Questions Re: HOST-IMP Protocol 012 - IMP-HOST Interface Flow Diagrams 007 - HOST-IMP Interface 006 - Conversation with Bob Kahn 8b. Host Front End Protocols 929, 928, 705, 647 - Host-Front End Protocol 8c. NCP ARPANET ( TCP/IP) ARPANET NCP (Obsolete predecessor of TCP/IP) 801 - NCP/TCP Transition Plan 773 - Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy -- 6677 -- 714 - A Host/Host Protocol for an ARPANET-type Network 689 - Tenex NCP Finite State Machine for Connections 663 - A Lost Message Detection and Recovery Protocol 636 - TIP/TENEX Reliability Improvements 635 - An Assessment of ARPANET Protocols 534, 516, 512 - Lost Message Detection 492, 467 - Proposed Change to Host-Host Protocol Resynchronization of Connection Status 489 - Comment on Resynchronization of Connection Status Proposal 425 - "But my NCP Costs $500 a day..." 210 - Improvement of Flow Control 197 - Initial Connection Protocol - Revised 176 - Comments on Byte Size for Connections 165 - A Proferred Official Initial Connection Protocol 147 - The Definition of a Socket 142 - Time-out Mechanism in the Host-Host Protocol 132, 124, 107, 102 - Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee 129 - A Request for Comments on Socket Name Structure 128 - Bytes 117 - Some Comments on the Official Protocol 072 - Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol 068 - Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands (CEASE, ALL, GVB, RET) and RFNM 065 - Comments on Host-Host Protocol Document Number 1 060 - A Simplified NCP Protocol 059 - Flow Control-Fixed Versus Demand Allocation 058 - Logical Message Synchronization 057, 054 - An Official Protocol Proffering 056 - Third Level Protocol 055 - A Prototypical Implementation of the NCP 050, 049, 048, 047, 046, 045, 044, 040, 039, 038, 036, 033 - New Host-Host Protocol 042 - Message Data Types 023 - Transmission of Multiple Control Messages 022 - Host-Host Control Message Formats -- 6688 -- 018 - Comments Re: Host-Host control link 015 - Network Subsystem for Time Sharing Hosts 011 - Implementation of the Host-Host Software Procedures in GORDO 009, 001 - Host Software 008 - ARPA Network Functional Specifications 005 - DEL 002 - Links 8d. ICP ARPANET ARPANET Initial Connection Protocol 202 - Possible Deadlock in ICP 197 - Initial Connection Protocol - Revised 161 - A Solution to the Race Condition in the ICP 151, 148, 143, 127, 123 - A Proferred Official ICP 150 - The Use of IPC Facilities 145 - Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands 093 - Initial Connection Protocol 080 - Protocol and Data Formats 066 - 3rd Level Ideas and Other Noise 8e. USENET 1036 - Standard for interchange of USENET messages 8f. Other 1132 - Standard for the transmission of 802.2 packets over IPX networks 935 - Reliable Link Layer Protocols 916 - Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol 914 - Thinwire Protocol 824 - The Cronus Virtual Local Network 9. Measurement 9a. General -- 6699 -- 573 - Data and File Transfer - Some Measurement Results 557 - Revelations in Network Host Measurements 546 - Tenex Load Averages for July 1973 462 - Responding to User Needs 415 - TENEX Bandwidth 392 - Measurement of Host Costs for Transmitting Network Data 352 - TIP Site Information Form 308 - ARPANET Host Availability Data 286 - Network Library Information System 274 - Establishing a Local Guide for Network Usage 214, 193 - Network Checkout 198 - Site Certification - Lincoln Labs 182 - Compilation of List of Revelant Site Reports 180 - File System Questionnaire 156 - Status of the Illinois Site (Response to RFC 116) 153 - SRI ARC-NIC Status 152 - SRI Artificial Intelligence Status Report 126 - Ames Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center 112 - User/Server Site Protocol Network HOST Questionnaire 104 - Link 191 106 - USER/SERVER Site Protocol Network Host Questionnaire 9b. Surveys 971 - A Survey of Data Representation Standards 876 - Survey of SMTP Implementations 848 - Who Provides the "Little" TCP Services? 847 - Summary of Smallberg Surveys 844 - Who Talks ICMP, too? Survey of 18 February 1983 846, 845, 843, 842, 839, 838, 837, 836, 835, 834, 833, 832 - Who Talks TCP? 787 - Connectionless Data Transmission Survey/Tutorial 703, 702, 701, 679, 669 - Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers 565 - Storing Network Survey Data at the Datacomputer 545 - Of What Quality be the UCSB Resource Evaluators? 530 - A Report on the SURVEY Project 523 - SURVEY is in Operation Again -- 7700 -- 519 - Resource Evaluation 514 - Network Make-Work 464 - Resource Notebook Framework 460 - NCP Survey 459 - Network Questionnaire 450 - Multics Sampling Timeout Change 446 - Proposal to Consider a Network Program Resource Notebook 096 - An Interactive Network Experiment to Study Modes of Access to the Network Information Center 090 - CCN as a Network Service Center 081 - Request for Reference Information 078 - NCP Status Report: UCSB/Rand 9c. Statistics 1128 - Measured performance of the Network Time Protocol in the Internet system 1030 - On testing the NETBLT Protocol over divers networks 996 - Statistics Server 618 - A Few Observations on NCP Statistics 612, 601, 586, 579, 566, 556, 538, 522, 509, 497, 482, 455, 443, 422, 413, 400, 391, 378 - Traffic Statistics 603, 597, 376, 370, 367, 366, 362, 352, 344, 342, 332, 330, 326, 319, 315, 306, 298, 293, 288, 287, 267, 266 - Network Host Status 550 - NIC NCP Experiment 388 - NCP Statistics 255, 252, 240, 235 - Site Status 10. Privacy And Security 10a. General 1135 - Helminthiasis of the Internet 1115 - Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part III - algorithms, modes, and identifiers [Draft] -- 7711 -- 1114 - Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part II - certificate-based key management [Draft] 1113 - Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part I - message encipherment and authentication procedures [Draft] 1040 - Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part I: Message encipherment and authentication procedures 1038 - Draft revised IP security option 1004 - Distributed-protocol authentication scheme 11. Network Experience and Demonstrations 11a. General 968 - 'Twas the Night Before Start-up 967 - All Victims Together 573 - Data and File Transfer - Some Measurement Results 527 - ARPAWOCKY 525 - MIT-Mathlab Meets UCSB-OLS 439 - PARRY Encounters the Doctor 420 - CCA ICC Weather Demo 372 - Notes on a Conversation with Bob Kahn on the ICCC 364 - Serving Remote Users on the ARPANET 302 - Excercising the ARPANET 231 - Service Center Standards for Remote Usage - A User's View 227 - Data Transfer Rates (RAND/UCLA) 113 - Network Activity Report: UCSB and Rand 089 - Some Historic Moments in Networking 004 - Network Timetable 12. Site Documentation 12a. General 30, 27, 24, 16, 10, 3 - Documentation Conventions -- 7722 -- 13. , IAB Protocol Standards By Other Groups Of Interest 13a. ANSI 570 - Experimental Input Mapping Between NVT ASCII and UCSB Online System 183 - The EBCDIC Codes and Their Mapping to ASCII 020 - ASCII Format for Network Interchange 13b. CCITT 987 - Mapping Between X.400 and RFC 822 874 - A Critique of X.25 11c. NRC 942 - Transport Protocols for Department of Defense Data Networks 939 - Executive Summary of the NRC Report on Transport Protocols for Department of Defense Data Networks 13d. ISO 1139 - Echo function for ISO 8473 1008 - Implementation guide for the ISO Transport Protocol 1007 - Military supplement to the ISO Transport Protocol 995 - End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange Protocol for Use in Conjunction with ISO 8473 994 - Final Text of DIS 8473, Protocol for Providing the Connectionless Mode Network Service 982 - Guidelines for the Specification of the Structure of the Domain Specific Part (DSP) of the ISO Standard NSAP Address 941 - Addendum to the Network Service Definition Covering Network Layer Addressing 926 - Protocol for Providing the Connectionless-Mode Network Services 905 - ISO Transport Protocol Specification (ISO DP 8073) 892 - ISO Transport Protocol 873 - The Illusion of Vendor Support -- 7733 -- 14. , TCP/IP Interoperability With Other Protocols 14a. Protocol Translation And Bridges 1086 - ISO-TP0 bridge between TCP and X.25 1029 - More fault tolerant approach to address resolution for a Multi-LAN system of Ethernets 14b. Tunneling And Layering 1090 - SMTP on X.25 1089 - SNMP over Ethernet 1085 - ISO presentation services on top of TCP/IP based internets 1070 - Use of the Internet as a subnetwork for experimentation with the OSI network layer 1006 - ISO transport services on top of TCP: Version: 3 1002 - Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Detailed specifications 1001 - Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Concepts and methods 14c. , Mapping of Names, Addresses and Identifiers 1148, 1138 - Mapping between X.400(1988)/ISO 10021 and RFC 822 1069 - Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addresses in the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol 1026 - Addendum to RFC 987: (Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822) 987 - Mapping Between X.400 and RFC 822 14d. Other 15. Miscellaneous -- 7744 -- 15. General 1121 - Act one - the poems 1118 - Hitchhikers guide to the Internet 1015 - Implementation plan for interagency research Internet 16. RFC Unissued 16a. Never Issued 014, 026, 092, 159, 201, 220, 244, 248, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 272, 275, 277, 279, 284, 337, 341, 358, 375, 380, 383, 397, 424, 427, 428, 444, 465, 481, 484, 502, 507, 517, 536, 540, 541, 554, 558, 564, 572, 575, 583, 605, 639, 641, 646, 648, 649, 650, 664, 665, 668, 670, 673, 676, 682, 693, 709, 710, 711, 715, 723, 853. 16b. Not yet Issued 1060, 1061, 1099, 1108, 1140, 1142, 1147