and not speak against something; be still; keep quiet. * /I did not agree with the teacher, but held my peace as he was rather angry./ Compare: HOLD ONE'S TONGUE [hold one's temper] or [keep one's temper] {v. phr.} To make yourself be quiet and peaceful; not become angry. * /The meeting will go smoothly if the president keeps his temper./ * /Dave can't keep his temper when he drives in heavy traffic./ Contrast: LOSE ONE'S TEMPER, BLOW ONE'S STACK. [hold one's tongue] {v. phr.} To be silent; keep still; not talk. - May be considered rude. * /The teacher told Fred to hold his tongue./ * /If people would hold their tongues from unkind speech, fewer people would be hurt/ [hold on to] {v. phr.} 1a. or [hold to] To continue to hold or keep; hold tightly. * /When Jane played horse with her father, she held on to him tightly./ * /The teacher said that if we believed something was true and good we should hold on to it./ * /The old man held on to his job stubbornly and would not retire./ 1b. To stay in control of. * /Ann was so frightened that she had to hold on to herself not to scream./ Contrast: LET GO. 2. To continue to sing or sound. * /The singer held on to the last note of the song for a long time./ [hold on to your hat] See: HANG ON TO YOUR HAT. [holdout] {n.} A rebel who refuses to go with the majority. * /Sam was a lone holdout in town; he refused to sell his old lakefront cottage to make place for a skyscraper./ [hold out] {v. phr.} 1. To put forward; reach out; extend; offer. * /Mr. Ryan held out his hand in welcome./ * /The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on./ * /The Company held out many fine promises to Jack in order to get him to work for them./ 2. To keep resisting; not yield; refuse to give up. * /The city held out for six months under siege./ Compare: HANG ON, HOLD ON. 3. To refuse to agree or settle until one's wishes have been agreed to. * /The strikers held out for a raise of five cents an hour./ 4. {slang} To keep something from; refuse information or belongings to which someone has a right. * /Mr. Porters partner held out on him when the big payment came in./ * /Mother gave Bobby cookies for all the children in the yard, but he held out on them and ate the cookies himself./ * /John knew that the family would go to the beach Saturday, but he held out on his brother./ [hold out an olive branch] See: BURY THE HATCHET. [holdover] {n.} 1. A successful movie or theater production that plays longer than originally planned. * /Because of its great popularity. Star Wars was a holdover in most movie theaters./ 2. A reservation not used at the lime intended, but used later. * /They kept my seat at the opera as a holdover because I am a patron./ [hold over] {v.} 1. To remain or keep in office past the end of the term. * /The city treasurer held over for six months when the new treasurer died suddenly./ * /The new President held the members of the Cabinet over for some time before appointing new members./ 2. To extend the engagement of; keep longer. * /The theater held over the feature film for another two weeks./ 3. To delay action on; to postpone: to defer. * /The directors held over their decision until they could get more information./ [hold still] {v. phr.} To remain motionless. * /"Hold still," the dentist said. "This won't hurt you at all."/ [hold the bag] {v. phr.} To be made liable for or victimized. * /We went out to dinner together but when it was time to pay I was left holding the bag./ [hold the fort] {v. phr.} 1. To defend a fort successfully; fight off attackers. * /The little group held the fort for days until help came./ 2. {informal} To keep a position against opposing forces. * /Friends of civil liberties held the fort during a long debate./ 3. {informal} to keep service or operations going * /It was Christmas Eve, and a few workers held the fort in the office./ * /Mother and Father went out and told the children to hold the fort./ [hold the line] {v. phr.} To keep a situation or trouble from getting worse; hold steady; prevent a setback or loss. * /The mayor held the line on taxes./ * /The company held the line on employment./ [hold the stage] [v. phr.] 1. To continue to be produced and to attract audiences. * /"Peter Pan" holds the stage year after year at its annual Christmas showing in London./ 2. To be active in a group; attract attention. * /We had only an hour to discuss the question and Mr. Jones held the stage for most of it./ * /Jane likes to hold the stage at any party or meeting, so she does and says anything./ [hold to] See: HOLD ON TO. [hold true] or [hold good] {v. phr.} To remain true. * /It has always held true that man cannot live without laws./ * /Bob is a good boy and that holds true of Jim./ [holdup] {n.} 1. Robbery. * /John fell victim to a highway holdup./ 2. A delay, as on a crowded highway. * /Boy we're late! What's causing this holdup?/ [hold up] {v.} 1. To raise; lift. * /John held up his hand./ 2. To support; hear; carry. * /The chair was too weak to hold up Mrs. Smith./ 3. To show; call attention to; exhibit. * /The teacher held up excellent models of composition for her class to imitate./ 4. To check; stop; delay. * /The wreck held up traffic on the railroad's main line tracks./ 5. {informal} To rob at gunpoint. * /Masked men held up the bank./ 6. To keep one's courage or spirits up; remain calm; keep control of oneself. * /The grieving mother held up for her children's sake./ 7. To remain good; not get worse. * /Sales held up well./ * /Our team's luck held up and they won the game./ * /The weather held up and the game was played./ 8. To prove true. * /The police were doubtful at first, but Tony's story held up./ 9. To delay action; defer; postpone. Often used with "on". * /The college held up on plans for the building until more money came in./ * /The President held up on the news until he was sure of it./ [hold up one's end] See: HOLD ONE'S END UP. [hold water] {v. phr.} 1. To keep water without leaking. * /That pail still holds water./ 2. {informal} To prove true; stand testing; bear examination. - Usually used in negative, interrogative, or conditional sentences. * /Ernest told the police a story that wouldn't hold water./ [hold your hat] See: HANG ON TO YOUR HAT. [hole] See: ACE IN THE HOLE, BURN A HOLE IN ONE'S POCKET, IN A HOLE or IN A SPOT, IN THE HOLE, OUT OF THE HOLE, SQUARE PEG IN A ROUND HOLE. [hole in] See: HOLE UP. [hole in one] {n. phr.} A shot in golf that is hit from the tee and goes right into the cup. * /Many golfers play for years before they get a hole in one./ [hole-in-the-wall] {n. phr.} A small place to live, stay in, or work in; a small, hidden, or inferior place. * /The jewelry store occupied a tiny hole-in-the-wall./ * /When Mr. and Mrs. Green were first married, they lived in a little hole-in-fhe-wall in a cheap apartment building./ 2. {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon}. A tunnel. * /Let's get through this hole in the wall, then we'll change seats./ [hole out] {v.} To finish play in golf by hitting the ball into the cup. * /The other players waited for Palmer to hole out before they putted./ [hole up] also [hole in] {v.}, {slang} To take refuge or shelter; put up; lodge. * /After a day's motoring, Harry found a room for rent and holed up for the night./ * /The thief holed up at an abandoned farm./ * /"Let's hole in," said Father as we came to a motel that looked good./ [holiday] See: HALF-HOLIDAY. [holier-than-thou] {adj.} Acting as if you are better than others in goodness, character, or reverence for God; acting as if morally better than other people. * /Most people find holier-than-thou actions in others hard to accept./ * /After Mr. Howard stopped smoking, he had a holier-than-thou manner toward his friends who still smoked./ [holistic health] {n.}, {informal}, {semi-technical} The maintenance of health and the avoidance of disease through such psychogenic practices and procedures as biofeedback, meditation, alternative methods of childbirth, and avoidance of drugs. * /The Murgatroyds are regular holistic health freaks - why, they won't even take aspirin when they have a headache./ [holler before one is hurt] See: CRY BEFORE ONE IS HURT. [hollow] See: BEAT ALL HOLLOW also BEAT HOLLOW. [hollow out] {v.} To cut or dig out or to cut or dig a hole in; make a cut or cave in; excavate. * /The soldier hollowed out a foxhole in the ground to lie in./ * /The Indians used to hollow out a log to make a canoe./ * /Joe's father hollowed out a pumpkin to make a jack-o-lantern./ [holy cats] or [holy cow] or [holy mackerel] or [holy Moses] {interj.}, {informal} - Used to express strong feeling (as astonishment, pleasure, or anger); used in speech or when writing conversation. * /"Holy cats! That's good pie!" said Dick./ * /"Holy cow! They can't do that!" Mary said when she saw the boys hurting a much smaller boy./ [holy terror] {n.}, {informal} A very disobedient or unruly child; brat. * /All the children are afraid of Johnny because he's a holy terror./ [home] See: AT HOME, BRING HOME, BRING HOME THE BACON, CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST, CLOSE TO HOME, CONVALESCENT HOME or NURSING HOME or REST HOME, KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING, MAKE ONESELF AT HOME, NOBODY HOME, WRITE HOME ABOUT. [home brew] {n. phr.} A beer or other malt liquor made at home, not in a brewery. * /Home brew reached its greatest popularity in America during national prohibition./ [home on] or [home in on] {v.} To move toward a certain place by following a signal or marker. * /The airplane homed in on the radio beacon./ * /The ship homed on the lights of New York harbor./ [home plate] {n.} The base in baseball where the batter stands and that a runner must touch to score. * /The runner slid across home plate ahead of the tag to score a run./ [home run] {n.} A hit in baseball that allows the batter to run around all the bases and score a run. * /Frank hit a home run over the left field wall in the second inning./ [honest broker] {n. phr.} A person hired or appointed to act as an agent in a legal, business, or political situation where impartial advice is needed in order to settle a dispute. * /Michael has been asked to act as an honest broker to settle the argument between the employees and the management./ [honestly] See: COME BY HONESTLY. [honest to goodness] or [honest to God] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Really; truly; honestly. - Used to emphasize something said. * /When we were in Washington, we saw the President, honest to goodness./ * /"Honest to goodness, Jane, I think you are the messiest girl in the world," said Mother./ [bonest-to-goodness] or [honest-to-God] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Real; genuine. - Used for emphasis. * /She served him honest-to-goodness deep dish apple pie./ * /It was the first honest-to-goodness baseball game he'd seen since going abroad./ [honeymoon is over] The first happy period of friendship and cooperation between two persons or groups is over. * /A few months after a new President is elected, the honeymoon is over and Congress and the President begin to criticize each other./ * /The honeymoon was soon over for the new foreman and the men under him./ [honky-tonk] {n.} A cheap nightclub or dance hall. * /There were a number of honky-tonks near the army camp./ [honor] See: DO THE HONORS, IN HONOR OF, ON ONE'S HONOR. [hook] See: BY HOOK OR BY CROOK, GET THE HOOK at GET THE BOUNCE(2), GIVE THE HOOK at GIVE THE BOUNCE(2), OFF THE HOOK. [hooked on] {adj.} 1. Addicted to a substance such as cigarettes, coffee, tea, drugs, or alcohol. * /Fred is hooked on grass, but Tim is only hooked on tea./ 2. Enthusiastic or very supportive of something. * /I am hooked on the local symphony./ [hookey] See: PLAY HOOKEY. [hook, line and sinker] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without question or doubt; completely. * /Johnny was so easily fooled that he fell for Joe's story, hook, line and sinker./ * /Mary was such a romantic girl that she swallowed the story Alice told her about her date, hook, line and sinker./ * /Bobby trusted Jim so he was taken in by his hard-luck story hook, line and sinker./ [hookup] {n.} A connection, electrical or otherwise, between two instruments or two individuals. * /Edwin and Hermione are a perfect couple; they have got the right hookup./ [hook up] {v. phr.} To connect or fit together. * /The company sent a man to hook up the telephone./ * /They could not use the gas stove because it had not been hooked up./ [hoop] See: JUMP THROUGH A HOOP. [hop] See: MAD AS A HORNET Or MAD AS HOPS. [hop, skip and a jump] See: STONE'S THROW. [hope] See: CROSS ONE'S HEART or CROSS ONE'S HEART AND HOPE TO DIE, IN HOPES. [hope against hope] {v. phr.} To try to hope when things look black; hold to hope in bad trouble. * /The mother continued to hope against hope although the plane was hours late./ * /Jane hoped against hope that Joe would call her./ [hop to it] {v. phr.}, {slang} To get started; start a job; get going. * /"There's a lot to do today, so let's hop to it," the boss said./ [hopped up] {adj.}, {slang} 1. Doped with a narcotic drug. * /Police found Jones hiding in an opium den, among other men all hopped up with the drug./ 2. Full of eagerness; excited. * /Fred was all hopped up about going over the ocean./ [horn] See: BLOW ONE'S OWN HORN or TOOT ONE'S OWN HORN, PULL IN ONE'S HORNS or DRAW IN ONE'S HORNS, TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS. [hornet] See: MAD AS A HORNET or MAD AS HOPS or MAD AS A WET HEN, STIR UP A HORNET'S NEST. [horn in] {v.}, {slang} To come in without invitation or welcome; interfere. Often used with "on". * /Jack would often horn in on conversations discussing things he knew nothing about./ * /Lee horned in on Ray and Annie and wanted to dance with Annie./ Compare: BUTT IN. [horns of a dilemma] {n. phr.} Two choices possible in a situation in which neither is wanted. Usually used after "on". * /Joe found himself on the horns of a dilemma; if he went to work, he'd miss seeing Mary; if he stayed out, he'd he too broke to take her anywhere./ [horror] See: THROW UP ONE'S HANDS IN HORROR. [horse] See: BET ON THE WRONG HORSE, CART BEFORE THE HORSE, CHANGE HORSES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREAM or CHANGE HORSES IN MIDSTREAM, EAT LIKE A HORSE, HOLD ONE'S HORSES. IRON HORSE, LOCK THE BARN DOOR AFTER THE HORSE IS STOLEN, LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH, OFF ONE'S HIGH HORSE, ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE, PUT ONE'S MONEY ON A SCRATCHED HORSE, STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH. [horsefeathers!] {n. phr.}, {slang} 1. Not true; I don't believe what you're saying. * /"Horsefeathers!" Brad cried. "I can't believe a word of what you said about Jessica."/ 2. Exclamation of disgust. * /"Horsefeathers!" Fred cried. "We've just missed the bus."/ Compare: FIDDLESTICKS, BULLSHIT. [horselaugh] {n. phr.} A loud, sarcastic, and derisive laugh. * /When the speaker praised politics as one of the oldest and noblest professions, his audience of college students gave him a horselaugh./ [horse around] {v.}, {slang} To join in rough teasing; play around. * /They were a hunch of sailors on shore leave, horsing around where there were girls and drinks./ * /John horsed around with the dog for a while when he came in from school./ [horse of a different color] or [horse of another color] {n. phr.}, {informal} Something altogether separate and different. * /Anyone can be broke, but to steal is a horse of a different color./ * /Do you mean that the boy with that pretty girl is her brother? I thought he was her boyfriend. Well, that's a horse of another color./ [horse opera] {n. phr.} A Western movie in which cowboys and horses play a major part. * /John Wayne played in many horse operas./ [horseplay] {n.} Rough, practical joking. * /The newlyweds couldn't get a wink of sleep all night because there was a lot of yelling and screaming outside of their window - the usual horseplay./ [horse sense] {n.}, {informal} A good understanding about what to do in life; good judgment; wisdom in making decisions. * /Bill had never been to college, but he had plenty of horse sense./ * /Some people are well educated and read many books, but still do not have much horse sense./ [horse trade] {n.} 1. The sale of a horse or the exchange of two horses. * /It was a horse trade in which the owner of the worse animal gave a rifle to make the trade equal./ 2. {informal} A business agreement or bargain arrived at after hard and skillful discussion. * /Party leaders went around for months making horse trades to get support for their candidate./ * /The horse trade finally called for a new car for the radio station in exchange for several weeks of advertising for the car dealer./ [hot] See: BLOW HOT AND COLD, MAKE IT HOT. [hot air] {n.}, {informal} Nonsense, exaggerated talk, wasted words characterized by emotion rather than intellectual content. * /That was just a lot of hot air what Joe said./ [hot and bothered] {adj.}, {informal} Excited and worried, displeased, or puzzled. - A hackneyed phrase. * /Fritz got all hot and bothered when he failed in the test./ * /Leona was all hot and bothered when her escort was late in coming for her./ * /Jerry was hot and bothered about his invention when he couldn't get it to work./ * /It is a small matter; don't get so hot and bothered./ [hot and heavy] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Strongly; vigorously; emphatically. * /Fred got it hot and heavy when his wife found out how much he had lost at cards./ * /The partners had a hot and heavy argument before deciding to enlarge their store./ [hot dog] {n. phr.}, {informal} A frankfurter or wiener in a roll. * /The boys stopped on the way home for hot dogs and coffee./ [hot dog] {interj.}, {informal} Hurrah! - A cry used to show pleasure or enthusiasm. * /"Hot dog!" Frank exclaimed when he unwrapped a birthday gift of a small record player./ [hot dog roast] See: WIENER ROAST. [hot number] {n.}, {slang} A person or thing noticed as newer, better, or more popular than others. * /The boys and girls thought that song was a hot number./ * /The new car that Bob is driving is a real hot number./ * /John invented a new can opener that was a hot number in the stores./ [hot off the press] {adj. phr.} Just appeared in print. * /This is the latest edition of the Chicago Tribune; it's hot off the press./ [hot one] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} Something out of the ordinary; something exceptional, such as a joke, a person whether in terms of looks or intelligence. * /Joe's joke sure was a hot one./ * /Sue is a hot one, isn't she?/ [hot potato] {n.}, {informal} A question that causes strong argument and is difficult to settle. * /Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the 1960s./ [hot rod] {n.}, {informal} An older automobile changed so that it can gain speed quickly and go very fast. * /Hot rods are used by young people especially in drag racing./ [hot seat] {n.}, {slang} 1. The electric chair used to cause death by electrocution in legal executions. * /Many a man has controlled a murderous rage when he thought of the hot seat./ 2. {informal} A position in which you can easily get into trouble. * /A judge in a beauty contest is on the hot seat. If he chooses one girl, the other girls will be angry with him./ [hot stuff] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} Coffee. * /Let's stop and get some hot stuff./ [hot under the collar] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Angry. * /Mary gets hot under the collar if you joke about women drivers./ * /Tom got hot under the collar when his teacher punished him./ [hot water] {n.} {informal} Trouble. - Used with "in", "into", "out", "of". * /John's thoughtless remark about religion got John into a lot of hot water./ * /It was the kind of trouble where it takes a friend to get you out of hot water./ [hound] See: ROCK HOUND, RUN WITH THE HARE AND HUNT (RIDE) WFTH THE HOUNDS. [hour] See: AFTER HOURS, ALL HOURS, COFFEE HOUR, ON THE HOUR, ZERO HOUR. [house] See: BOARDING HOUSE REACH, BRING DOWN THE HOUSE, PUN HOUSE, HASH HOUSE, KEEP HOUSE, ON THE HOUSE, PARISH HOUSE, PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES, PLAGUE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES or PLAGUE O' BOTH YOUR HOUSES, PUT ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER or SET ONE'S HOUSE TN ORDER. [housebroken] {adj.} Trained to go outside to relieve themselves (said of domestic pets, primarily dogs). * /All young puppies must eventually be housebroken./ [house detective] {n.} A detective employed by a hotel, store, or other business to watch for any trouble. * /The one-armed man sweeping the bank floor was really the house detective./ [house of cards] {n. phr.} Something badly put together and easily knocked down; a poorly founded plan, hope, or action. * /John's business fell apart like a house of cards./ [house of ill fame] or [of ill repute] {n. phr.} A bordello; a brothel. * /At the edge of town there is a house of ill repute run by a Madame who used to be a singer in a bar./ [housetop] See: SHOUT FROM THE HOUSETOPS or SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS. [hover over] {v. phr.} 1. To remain close or above. * /The rescue helicopter was carefully hovering above the stranded rock climbers./ 2. To watch over; supervise. * /"Mother!" Phillip cried, "if you don't stop hovering over me, I'll go bananas!"/ [how] See: AND HOW! [how about] or [what about] {interrog.} - Used to ask for a decision, action, opinion, or explanation. 1. Will you have or agree on? * /How about another piece of pie?/ * /What about a game of tennis?/ * /How about going to the dance with me Saturday?/ 2. Will you lend or give me? * /How about five dollars until Friday?/ * /What about a little help with these dishes?/ 3. What is to be done about? * /What about the windows? Shall we close them before we go?/ 4. How do you feel about? What do you think about? What is to be thought or said? * /What about women in politics?/ * /How about this button on the front of the typewriter?/ [how about that] or [what about that] {informal} An expression of surprise, congratulation, or praise. * /When Jack heard of his brother's promotion, he exclaimed, "How about that!"/ * /Bill won the scholarship! What about that!/ [how come] {informal} also {nonstandard} [how's come] {interrog.} How does it happen that? Why? * /How come you are late?/ * /You're wearing your best clothes today. How come?/ Compare: WHAT FOR. [how do you do] {formal} How are you? - Usually as a reply to an introduction; it is in the form of a question but no answer is expected. * /"Mary, I want you to meet my friend Fred. Fred, this is my wife, Mary." "How do you do, Mary?" "How do you do, Fred?"/ [how goes it?] {v. phr.}, {interrog.} How are you and your affairs in general progressing? * /Jim asked Bill, "how goes it with the new wife and the new apartment?"/ [howling success] {n.}, {informal} A great success; something that is much praised; something that causes wide enthusiasm. * /The party was a howling success./ * /The book was a howling success./ [how's come] See: HOW COME. [how so] {interrog.} How is that so? Why is it so? How? Why? * /I said the party was a failure and she asked. "How so?"/ * /He said his brother was not a good dancer and I asked him, "How so? "/ [how's that] {informal} What did you say? Will you please repeat that? * /"I've just been up in a balloon for a day and a half." "How's that?"/ * /"The courthouse is on fire." "How's that again?"/ [how the land lies] See: LAY OF THE LAND. [how the wind blows] See: WAY THE WIND BLOWS. [huddle] See: GO INTO A HUDDLE. [hue and cry] {n.} 1. An alarm and chase after a supposed wrongdoer; a pursuit usually by shouting men. * /"Stop, thief," cried John as he ran. Others joined him, and soon there was a hue and cry./ 2. An excited mass protest, alarm, or outcry of any kind. * /The explosion was so terrible that people at a distance raised a great hue and cry about an earthquake./ [hug the road] {v. phr.} To stay firmly on the road; ride smoothly without swinging. * /A heavy car with a low center of gravity will hug the road./ * /At high speeds a car will not hug the road well./ [huh-uh] or [hum-um] or [uh-uh] {adv.}, {informal} No. - Used only in speech or to record dialogue. * /Did Mary come? Huh-uh./ * /Is it raining out? Uh-uh./ Contrast: UH-UH. [humble] See: EAT HUMBLE PIE. [hump] See: OVER THE HUMP. [hundred] See: BY THE DOZEN or BY THE HUNDRED or BY THE THOUSAND. [hunky-dory] {adj.} OK; satisfactory; fine. * /The landlord asked about our new apartment and we told him that so far everything was hunky-dory./ [hunt] See: RUN WITH THE HARE AND HUNT (RIDE) WITH THE HOUNDS. [hunt and peck] {n. phr.}, {informal} Picking out typewriter keys by sight, usually with one or two fingers; not memorizing the keys. * /Many newspaper reporters do their typing by hunt and peck./ - Often used, with hyphens, as an adjective. * /Mr. Barr taught himself to type, and he uses the hunt-and-peck system./ [hunt down] {v.} 1. To pursue and capture; look hard for an animal or person until found and caught. * /The police hunted down the escaped prisoner./ Compare: TRACK DOWN. 2. To search for (something) until one finds it. * /Professor Jones hunted down the written manuscript in the Library of Congress./ Syn.: TRACK DOWN. [hunting] See: HAPPY HUNTING GROUND. [hunt up] {v.} To find or locate by search. * /When John was in Chicago, he hunted up some old friends./ * /The first thing Fred had to do was to hunt up a hotel room./ [hurry on with] or [make haste with] {v. phr.} To make rapid progress in an undertaking. * /Sue promised to hurry on with the report and send it out today./ [hurry up] {v. phr.} To rush (an emphatic form of hurry). * /Hurry up or we'll miss our plane./ [hurt] See: CRY BEFORE ONE IS HURT or HOLLER BEFORE ONE IS HURT. [hush-hush] {adj.}, {informal} Kept secret or hidden; kept from public knowledge; hushed up; concealed. * /The company had a new automobile engine that it was developing, but kept it a hush-hush project until they knew it was successful./ [hush up] {v.} 1. To keep news of (something) from getting out; prevent people from knowing about. * /It isn't always easy to hush up a scandal./ 2. {informal} To be or make quiet; stop talking, crying, or making some other noise. - Often used as a command. * /"Hush up," Mother said, when we began to repeat ugly gossip./ I [ice] See: BLOOD RUNS COLD or BLOOD TURNS TO ICE, BREAK THE ICE, CUT ICE, ON ICE, SKATE ON THIN ICE. [iceberg] See: COOL AS AN ICEBERG. [idea] See: THE IDEA, WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA or WHAT'S THE IDEA. [I declare] {interj.}, {dialect} Well; oh my; truly. - Used for emphasis. * /I declare, it has been a very warm day!/ * /Mother said, "I declare, John, you have grown a foot."/ [idiot box] {n.} A television set. * /Phil has been staring at the idiot box all afternoon./ [if] See: WHAT IF. [if anything] {adv. phr.} More likely; instead; rather. * /The weather forecast is not for cooler weather; if anything, it is expected to be warmer./ * /Joe isn't a bad boy. If anything he's a pretty good one./ Compare: MATTER OF FACT. [if it's not one thing it's another] If a certain thing doesn't go wrong, another most probably will. * /When John lost his keys and his wallet, and his car wouldn't start, he exclaimed in despair, "If it's not one thing it's another."/ Compare: ONE DAMN THING AFTER ANOTHER (ODTAA). [if need be] {adv. phr.} If the need arises. * /If need be, I can come early tomorrow and work overtime./ [if only] I wish. * /If only it would stop raining!/ * /If only Mother could be here./ Syn.: WOULD THAT. [if the hill will not come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the hill] If one person will not go to the other, then the other must go to him. - A proverb. * /Grandfather won't come to visit us, so we must go and visit him. If the hill won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad will go to the hill./ [if the shoe fits, wear it] If what is said describes you, you are meant. - A proverb. * /I won't say who, but some children are always late. If the shoe fits, Wear it./ [if worst comes to worst] If the worst thing happens that be imagined; if the worst possible thing happens; if troubles grow worse. * /If worst comes to worst and Mr. Jones loses the house, he will send his family to his mother's farm./ * /If worst comes to worst, we shall close the school for a few days./ [if you can't lick them, join them] If you cannot defeat an opponent or get him to change his attitude, plans, or ways of doing things, the best thing to do is to change your ideas, plans, etc. * /"The small car manufacturers are winning over the big car makers," the president of an American car factory said. "If we want to stay in business, we must do as they do. In other words, if you can't lick them, join them."/ [I'll bet you my bottom dollar] {interj.}, {informal} An exaggerated assertion of assurance. * /I'll bet you my bottom dollar that the Cubs will win this year./ [I'll say] or [I tell you] {interj.}, {informal} I agree with this completely. - Used for emphasis. * /Did the children all enjoy Aunt Sally's pecan pie? I'll say!/ * /I'll say this is a good movie!/ [I'll tell you what] or [tell you what] {informal} Here is an idea. * /The hamburger stand is closed, but I'll tell you what, let's go to my house and cook some hot dogs./ [ill] See: IT'S AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NOBODY GOOD, TAKE ILL. [ill at ease] {adj. phr.} Not feeling at ease or comfortable; anxious; worried; unhappy. * /Donald had never been to a big party before and he was ill at ease./ * /When Joe first went to dancing school, he was ill at ease, not knowing how to act./ Contrast: AT EASE(2). [ill-favored] {adj.} Ugly; unprepossessing. * /Oddly enough, the father had less trouble in marrying off his ill-favored daughter than her prettier sister./ [ill-gotten gains] {n. phr.} Goods or money obtained in an illegal or immoral fashion. * /The jailed criminal had plenty of time to think about his ill-gotten gains./ [image] See: SPITTING IMAGE or SPIT AND IMAGE. [impose on] {v.} To try to get more from (a person who is helping you) than he or she intended to give. * /Don't you think you are imposing on your neighbor when you use his telephone for half an hour?/ * /You may swim in the Allens' pool so long as you do not impose on them by bringing all your friends./ Compare: TAKE ADVANTAGE. [improve on] or [improve upon] {v.} To make or get one that is better than (another). * /Dick made good marks the first year, but he thought he could improve on them./ * /Charles built a new model racer for the derby race, because he knew he could improve upon his old one./ [I'm telling you] {informal} It is important to listen to what I am saying. * /Marian is a smart girl but I'm telling you, she doesn't always do what she promises./ [in a bad frame of mind] {adv. phr.} In an unhappy mood. * /Make sure the boss is not in a bad frame of mind when you ask him for a raise./ Contrast: IN A GOOD FRAME OF MIND. [in a bad way] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In trouble or likely to have trouble. * /If you have only those two girls to help you, you are in a bad way./ * /Jerry has written only one sentence of his term paper that is due tomorrow, and he knows he is in a bad way./ * /Mrs. Jones has cancer and is in a bad way./ * /A new supermarket opened across the street, and the Peters' grocery business was soon in a bad way./ [in a big way] {adv. phr.}, {informal} As fully as possible; with much ceremony. * /Our family celebrates birthdays in a big way./ * /John likes to entertain his dates in a big way./ [in a bind] or [in a box] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Likely to have trouble whether you do one thing or another. * /Sam is in a bind because if he carries home his aunt's groceries, his teacher will be angry because he is late, and if he doesn't, his aunt will complain./ Compare: BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA, HORNS OF A DILEMMA. [in a breeze] See: WIN IN A WALK or WIN IN A BREEZE. [in absentia] {adv. phr.}, {formal} When the person is absent. - Used in graduation exercises when presenting diplomas to an absent student or during a court case. * /On Commencement Day, Joe was sick in bed and the college gave him his bachelor's degree in absentia./ (Latin, meaning "in absence.") [in accordance with] {adv. phr.} In consonance with something; conforming to something. * /Employees at this firm are expected to always behave in accordance with the rules./ [in a circle] or [in circles] {adv. phr.} Without any progress; without getting anywhere; uselessly. * /The committee debated for two hours, just talking in circles./ * /If you don't have a clear aim, you can work a long time and still be going in circles./ * /He seemed to be working hard, but was just running around in circles./ [in addition] {adv. phr.} As something extra; besides. * /We saw a Mickey Mouse cartoon in addition to the cowboy movie./ * /Aunt Mary gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies in addition./ * /He has two cars and in addition a motorboat./ [in advance] or [in advance of] {adv. phr.} 1. In front; ahead (of the others); first. * /In the parade, the band will march in advance of the football team./ * /The soldiers rode out of the fort with the scouts in advance./ 2. Before doing or getting something. * /The motel man told Mr. Williams he would have to pay in advance./ * /The paperhanger mixed his paste quite a while in advance so it would have time to cool./ * /It will be easier to decorate the snack bar if we cut the streamers in advance of the actual decorating./ [in a family way] or [in the family way] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Going to have a baby. * /Sue and Liz are happy because their mother is in the family way./ * /The Ferguson children are promising kittens to everyone because their cat is in a family way./ Compare: WITH CHILD. [in a fix] {adv. phr.} In trouble. * /Last night Jack wrecked his car and now he is in a fix./ Compare: IN A JAM, IN A PICKLE. [in a flash] also [in a trice] {adv. phr.} Very suddenly. * /We were watching the bird eat the crumbs; then I sneezed, and he was gone in a flash./ * /Bob was looking over his notes for English class and in a flash he knew what he would write his paper about./ [in a flutter] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a state of nervous excitement. * /Whenever Norm and Cathy are near one another, both are in a flutter; they must be in love./ [in a fog] or [in a haze] {adv. phr.} Mentally confused; not sure what is happening. * /I didn't vote for Alice because she always seems to be in a fog./ * /I was so upset that for two days I went around in a haze, not even answering when people spoke to me./ Contrast: ALL THERE, HIT ON ALL CYLINDERS. [in a good frame of mind] {adv. phr.} In a happy mood. * /After a relaxing holiday in the Bahamas, the boss was in a very good frame of mind./ Contrast: IN A BAD FRAME OF MIND. [in a hole] or [in a spot] {adj. phr.}, {informal} In an embarrassing or difficult position; in some trouble. * /When the restaurant cook left at the beginning of the busy season, it put the restaurant owner in a hole./ Compare: BEHIND THE EIGHT BALL, IN THE HOLE. [in a huff] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Angrily. * /Ellen went off in a huff because she didn't get elected class president./ [in a jam] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a predicament; in a situation fraught with difficulty. * /If you continue to disregard the university instructions on how to take a test, you'll wind up in a jam with the head of the department./ Compare: IN A PICKLE, IN DEEP SHIT. [in a jiffy] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Immediately; right away; in a moment. * /Wait for me; I'll be back in a jiffy./ [in a kind of way] See: IN A WAY(1). [in a lather] {adj.}, {slang} In great excitement; all worked up; extremely agitated. * /I couldn't get across to Joe, he was all in a lather./ [in all] {adv. phr.} 1. All being counted; altogether. * /You have four apples and I have three bananas, making seven pieces of fruit in all./ * /In all we did very well./ 2. See: ALL IN ALL(2). [in and out] {adv. phr.} 1. Coming in and going out often. * /He was very busy Saturday and was in and out all day./ 2. See: INSIDE OUT(2). [in another's place] See: PUT ONESELF IN ANOTHER'S PLACE. [in a nutshell] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a few words; briefly, without telling all about it. * /We are in a hurry, so I'll give you the story in a nutshell./ * /In a nutshell, the car is no bargain./ Compare: IN SHORT. [in any case] also [in any event] or [at all events] {adv. phr.} 1. No matter what happens: surely; without fail; certainly; anyhow; anyway. * /It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case./ * /I may not go to Europe, but in any event, I will visit you during the summer./ 2. Regardless of anything else; whatever else may be true; anyhow; anyway. * /Tom was not handsome and he was not brilliant, but at all events he worked hard and was loyal to his boss./ * /I don't know if it is a white house or a brown house. At all events, it is a big house on Main Street./ Compare: AT ANY RATE, AT LEAST(2). [in any event] See: IN ANY CASE. [in a pickle] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a quandary; in a difficult situation. * /I was certainly in a pickle when my front tire blew out./ [in a pig's eye] {adv.}, {slang}, [informal] Hardly; unlikely; not so. * /Would I marry him? In a pig's eye./ [in a pinch] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In an emergency. * /Dave is a good friend who will always help out in a pinch./ [in arms] {adv. phr.} Having guns and being ready to fight; armed. * /When our country is at war, we have many men in arms./ Syn.: UP IN ARMS! [in a row] See: GET ONE'S DUCKS IN A ROW. [in arrears] {adv. phr.} Late or behind in payment of money or in finishing something. - Usually used of a legal debt or formal obligation. * /Poor Mr. Brown! He is in arrears on his rent./ * /He is in arrears on the story he promised to write for the magazine./ [in a sense] {adv. phr.} In some ways but not in all; somewhat. * /Mr. Smith said our school is the best in the state, and in a sense that is true./ * /In a sense, arithmetic is a language./ [inasmuch as] {conj.} 1. See: INSOFAR AS. 2. also [for as much as] {formal} Because; for the reason that; since. * /Inasmuch as this is your team, you have the right to choose your own captain./ * /Inasmuch as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the boat./ [in a sort of way] See: IN A WAY(1). [in a spot] See: ON THE SPOT(2). [in a trice] See: IN A FLASH. [in at the kill] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Watching or taking part, usually with pleasure, at the end of a struggle; present at the finish. * /Frank and John have been quarreling for a long time and tonight they are having a fight. Bill says he wants to be in at the kill, because he is Frank's friend./ [in a walk] See: WIN IN A WALK. [in a way] {adv. phr.} 1. also {informal} [in a kind of way] or {informal} [in a sort of way] To a certain extent; a little; somewhat. * /I like Jane in a way, but she is very proud./ Compare: AFTER A FASHION, MORE OR LESS. 2. In one thing. *