/In a way, this book is easier: it is much shorter./ [in awe of] See: STAND IN AWE OF. [in a while] See: AFTER A WHILE, EVERY NOW AND THEN or EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE. [in a whole skin] See: WITH A WHOLE SKIN. [in a word] See: IN BRIEF. [in a world of one's own] or [in a world by oneself] 1. In the place where you belong; in your own personal surroundings; apart from other people. * /They are in a little world of their own in their house on the mountain./ 2a. In deep thought or concentration. * /Mary is in a world of her own when she is playing the piano./ Compare: LOSE ONESELF. 2b. {slang} Not caring about or connected with other people in thoughts or actions. - Usually used sarcastically. * /That boy is in a world all by himself. He never knows what is happening around him./ [in a zone] {adv.}, {slang}, {informal} In a daze; in a daydream; in a state of being unable to concentrate. * /Professor Smith puts everyone in a zone./ [in back of] See: BACK OF. [in bad] {adv. phr.}, {substandard} Out of favor; unpopular; in difficulty; in trouble. * /No, I can't go swimming today. Father told me to stay home, and I don't want to get in bad./ - Usually used with "with". * /Mary is in bad with the teacher for cheating on the test./ * /The boy is in bad with the police for breaking windows./ Contrast: IN GOOD, IN ONE'S FAVOR. [in bad form] {adv. phr.} Violating social custom or accepted behavior. * /When Bob went to the opera in blue jeans and without a tie, his father-in-law told him that it was in bad form./ Contrast: IN GOOD FORM. [in behalf of] or [on behalf of] {prep.}, {formal} 1. In place of; as a representative of; for. * /John accepted the championship award on behalf of the team./ 2. As a help to; for the good of. * /The minister worked hard all his life in behalf of the poor./ Compare: IN ONE'S BEHALF IN ONE'S FAVOR. [in black and white] See: BLACK AND WHITE. [in brief] or [in short] or [in a word] {adv. phr.} Briefly; to give the meaning of what has been said or written in a word or in a few words; in summary. * /The children could play as long as they liked, they had no work to do, and nobody scolded them; in short, they were happy./ * /The speaker didn't know his subject, nor did he speak well; in brief, he was disappointing./ * /John is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In a word, he is admirable./ [in cahoots with] See: IN LEAGUE WITH. [in case] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In order to be prepared; as a precaution; if there is need. - Usually used in the phrase "just in case". * /The bus is usually on time, but start early, just in case./ * /The big dog was tied up, but John carried a stick, just in case./ 2. [in case] or [in the event] {conj.} If it happens that; if it should happen that; if; lest. * /Tom took his skates in case they found a place to skate./ * /Let me know in case you're not coming./ * /The night watchman is in the store in case there is ever afire./ * /Keep the window closed in case it rains./ * /I stayed home in case you called./ * /In the event that our team wins, there will be a big celebration./ * /What shall we do in case it snows?/ [in case of] also [in the event of] {prep.} In order to meet the possibility of; lest there is; if there is; if there should be. * /Take your umbrellas in case of rain./ * /The wall was built along the river in case of floods./ [inch] See: BY INCHES, EVERY INCH, GIVE ONE AN INCH AND HE WILL TAKE A MILE, WITHIN AN ACE OF or WITHIN AN INCH OF, WITHIN AN INCH OF ONE'S LIFE. [inch (one's way) along] {v. phr.} To. proceed slowly and with difficulty. * /When the electricity failed, it took John half an hour to inch his way along the corridors of the office building./ [in character] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In agreement with a person's character or personality; in the way that a person usually behaves or is supposed to behave; as usual; characteristic; typical; suitable. * /John was very rude at the party, and that was not in character because he is usually very polite./ * /The way Judy comforted the little girl was in character. She did it gently and kindly./ 2. Suitable for the part or the kind of part being acted; natural to the way a character in a book or play is supposed to act. * /The fat actor in the movie was in character because the character he played was supposed to be fat and jolly./ * /It would not have been in character for Robin Hood to steal from a poor man./ Contrast: OUT OF CHARACTER. [in charge] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, 1. In authority or control; in a position to care for or supervise; responsible. * /If you have any questions, ask the boss. He's in charge./ 2. Under care or supervision. * /The sick man was taken in charge by the doctor./ * /During your visit to the library, you will be in the librarian's charge./ Compare: TAKE CARE OF. [in charge of] {prep.} 1. Responsible for; having supervision or care of. * /Marian is in charge of selling tickets./ * /The girl in charge of refreshments forgot to order the ice cream for the party./ * /When our class had a play, the teacher put Harold in charge of the stage curtain./ 2. or [in the charge of] Under the care or supervision of. * /Mother puts the baby in the charge of the baby-sitter while she is out./ * /The money was given in charge of Mr. Jackson for safekeeping./ [in check] {adv. phr.} In a position where movement or action is not allowed or stopped; under control; kept quiet or back. * /The boy was too small to keep the big dog in check, and the dog broke away from his leash./ * /The soldiers tried to keep the attacking Indians in check until help came./ * /Mary couldn't hold her feelings in check any longer and began to cry./ [in circles] See: IN A CIRCLE. [in circulation] or [into circulation] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Going around and doing things as usual; joining what others are doing, * /John broke his leg and was out of school for several weeks, but now he is back in circulation again./ * /Mary's mother punished her by stopping her from dating for two weeks, but then she got hack into circulation./ Contrast: OUT OF CIRCULATION. [inclined to] {adj. phr.} Having a tendency to; positively disposed toward. * /I am inclined to fall asleep after a heavy meal./ [in clover] or [in the clover] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In rich comfort; rich or successful; having a pleasant or easy life. * /They live in clover because their father is rich./ * /When we finish the hard part we'll be in the clover./ Compare: BED OF ROSES, LIFE OF RILEY, LIVE HIGH OFF THE HOG, ON EASY STREET. [in cold blood] {adv. phr.} Without feeling or pity; in a purposely cruel way; coolly and deliberately. * /The bank robbers planned to shoot in cold blood anyone who got in their way./ * /The bandits planned to murder in cold blood all farmers in the village by the river./ [in command] {adv. phr.} In control of; in charge. * /Helen is in command of the situation./ [in commission] or [into commission] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. On duty or ready to be put on duty by a naval or military service; in active service. * /The old battleship has been in commission for twenty years./ * /It took many months to build the new bomber, and now it is ready to be put into commission./ 2. In proper condition; in use or ready for use; working; running. * /The wheel of my bicycle was broken, but it is back in commission now./ Compare: IN ORDER(2). Contrast: OUT OF COMMISSION(2). [in common] {adv. phr.} Shared together or equally; in use or ownership by all. * /Mr. and Mrs. Smith own the store in common./ * /The four boys grew up together and have a lot in common./ * /The swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the neighborhood./ Compare: COMMON GROUND. [in condition] See: IN SHAPE. [in consequence] {adv. phr.} As a result; therefore; so. * /Jennie got up late, and in consequence she missed the bus./ * /You studied hard, and in consequence you passed the test./ [in consequence of] {prep.}, {formal} As a result of. * /In consequence of the deep snow, school will not open today./ * /In consequence of his promise to pay for the broken window, Bill was not punished./ Compare: BECAUSE OF, ON ACCOUNT OF. [in consideration of] {adv. phr.} 1. After thinking about and weighing; because of. * /iN consideration of the boy's young age, the judge did not put him in jail for carrying a gun./ 2. In exchange for; because of; in payment for. * /In consideration of the extra work Joe had done, his boss gave him an extra week's pay./ Compare: IN RETURN. [in days] or [weeks] or [years to come] {adv. phr.} In the future. * /In the years to come I will be thinking of my father's advice about life./ [in deep] {adj. phr.} Seriously mixed up in something, especially trouble. * /George began borrowing small sums of money to bet on horses, and before he knew it he was in deep./ Compare: DEEP WATER, UP TO THE CHIN IN. [in deep water] See: DEEP WATER. [in defiance of] {prep.} Acting against; in disobedience to. * /The girl chewed gum in defiance of the teacher's rule./ * /Bob stayed up late in defiance of the coach's orders./ [in demand] {adj. phr.} Needed; wanted. * /Men to shovel snow were in demand after the snow storm./ * /The book about dogs was much in demand in the library./ [Indian] See: CIGAR-STORE INDIAN. [Indian giver] {n. phr.} A person who gives one something, but later asks for it back. - An ethnic slur; avoidable. * /John gave me a beautiful fountain pen, but a week later, like an Indian giver, he wanted it back./ [Indian sign] {n.}, {informal} A magic spell that is thought to bring bad luck; curse; jinx; hoo-doo. - Used with "the", usually after "have" or "with"; and often used in a joking way. * /Bill is a good player, but Ted has the Indian sign on him and always beats him./ * /Father says that he always wins our checker games because he has put the Indian sign on me, but I think he is joking./ Compare: GET ONE'S NUMBER. [Indian summer] {n. phr.} A dry and warm period of time late in the fall, usually in October. * /After the cold and foggy weather, we had a brief Indian summer, during which the temperature was up in the high seventies./ [in dispute] {adj. phr.} Disagreed about; being argued. * /The penalty ordered by the referee was in dispute by one of the teams./ * /Everyone in the clans wanted to say something about the subject in dispute./ [in doubt] {adv. phr.} In the dark; having some question or uncertainty. * /When in doubt about any of the words you're using, consult a good dictionary./ [in due course] or [in due season] or [in due time] See: IN GOOD TIME(2). [in due season] or [in due time] See: IN GOOD TIME. [industrial park] {n.} A complex of industrial buildings and/or businesses usually located far from the center of a city in a setting especially landscaped to make such buildings look better. * /The nearest supermarket that sells car tires is at the industrial park twenty miles from downtown./ [in Dutch] {adj. phr.}, {slang} In trouble. * /George got in Dutch with his father when he broke a window./ * /John was in Dutch with his mother because he tore his new jacket./ [in earnest] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Seriously; in a determined way. * /The beaver was building his dam in earnest./ * /Bill did his homework in earnest./ - Often used like a predicate adjective. Sometimes used with "dead", for emphasis. * /Betty's friends thought she was joking when she said she wanted to be a doctor, but she was in dead earnest./ [in effect] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. The same in meaning or result. * /The teacher gave the same assignment, in effect, that she gave yesterday./ * /Helping your mother with the dishes is in effect earning your allowance./ 2. Necessary to obey; being enforced. * /The coach says that players must be in bed by midnight, and that rule is in effect tonight./ Syn.: IN FORCE. [in effigy] See: HANG IN EFFIGY or BURN IN EFFIGY. [in error] {adv. phr.} Wrong; mistaken. * /You were in error when you assumed that he would wait for us./ [in evidence] {adj. phr.} Easily seen; noticeable. * /The little boy's measles were very much in evidence./ * /The tulips were blooming; spring was in evidence./ [in fact] also [in point of fact] {adv. phr.} Really truthfully. - Often used for emphasis. * /No one believed it but, in fact, Mary did get an A on her book report./ * /It was a very hot day; in fact, it was 100 degrees./ Compare: MATTER OF FACT. [in favor of] {prep.} On the side of; in agreement with, * /Everyone in the class voted in favor of the party./ * /Most girls are in favor of wearing lipstick./ Compare: IN BACK OF(2). [in fear and trembling] See: FEAR AND TREMBLING. [in fear of] {adj. phr.} Fearful of; afraid of. * /They live so close to the border that they are constantly in fear of an enemy attack./ [in for] {prep.}, {informal} Unable to avoid; sure to get. * /The naughty puppy was in for a spanking./ * /On Christmas morning we are in for some surprises./ * /We saw Father looking angrily out of the broken window, and we knew we were in for it./ Compare: HAVE IT IN FOR. [in force] {adj. phr.} 1. To be obeyed. * /New times for eating meals are now in force./ Syn.: IN EFFECT. 2. In a large group. * /People went to see the parade in force./ Syn.: EN MASSE. [in front of] prep. Ahead of; before. * /The rabbit was running in front of the dog./ * /A big oak tree stood in front of the building./ Contrast: IN BACK OF(1). [in full swing] {adj. phr.} Actively going on; in full action. * /The Valentine party was in full swing./ * /All of the children were planting seeds; the gardening project was in full swing./ [in fun] See: FOR FUN. [in general(1)] {adv. phr.} Usually; very often. * /In general, mother makes good cookies./ * /The weather in Florida is warm in general./ Compare: ON THE WHOLE(2). [in general(2)] {adj. phr.} Most; with few exceptions. * /Women in general like to shop for new clothes./ * /Boys in general like active sports more than girls do./ Contrast: IN PARTICULAR. [in glass houses] See: PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES. [in good] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Well liked; accepted. - Used with "with". * /The boy washed the blackboards so that he would get in good with Iris teacher./ * /Although Tom was younger, he was in good with the older boys./ Compare: ON ONE'S GOOD SIDE. Contrast: IN BAD. [in good faith] See: GOOD FAITH. [in good form] Contrast: IN BAD FORM. [in good season] See: IN GOOD TIME. [in good stead] See: STAND IN GOOD STEAD. [in good time] or [in good season] {adv. phr.} 1. A little early; sooner than necessary. * /The school bus arrived in good time./ * /The students finished their school work in good time./ * /We reached the station in good season to catch the 9:15 bus for New York./ 2. or [in due course] or [in due season] or [in due time] In the usual amount of time; at the right time; in the end. * /Spring and summer will arrive in due course./ * /Sally finished her spelling in due course./ [in great measure] {adv. phr.} To a great extent; largely. * /The Japanese attack on Hawaii was in great measure a contributing factor to President Roosevelt's decision to enter World War II./ Compare: TO A LARGE EXTENT. [in half] {adv. phr.} 1. Into two equal parts. * /The ticket taker at the football game tore the tickets in half./ * /Mother cut the apple in half so each child could have an equal share./ Syn.: IN TWO. 2. To half the size before; to one half as big. * /As a punishment, Father cut Bob's allowance in half./ [in hand] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Under control. * /The principal was happy to find that the new teacher had her class in hand./ * /The baby-sitter kept the children well in hand./ * /Mabel was frightened when the barking dog ran at her, but she soon got herself in hand and walked on./ Contrast: OUT OF HAND. 2. In your possession; with you. - Often used in the phrase "cash in hand". * /Tom figured that his cash in hand with his weekly pay would be enough to buy a car./ Compare: ON HAND. 3. Being worked on; with you to do. * /We should finish the work we have in hand before we begin something new./ [in honor of] {prep.} As an honor to; for showing respect or thanks to. * /We celebrate Mother's Day in honor of our mothers./ * /The city dedicated a monument in honor of the general./ [in hopes] {adj. phr.} Hopeful; hoping. * /The Mayor was in hopes of having a good day for the parade./ * /Mother was in hopes that the cake would be good to eat./ [in horror] See: THROW UP ONE'S HANDS IN HORROR. [in hot water] See: HOT WATER. [in] or [into orbit] {adj. phr.} Thrilled; exuberantly happy; in very high spirits. * /When Carol won the lottery she went right into orbit./ [in] or [into the clear] {adj. phr.} Free; cleared of all responsibility and guilt. * /Because of the new evidence found, Sam is still in the clear, but Harry is still behind bars./ [in] or [into the doldrums] {adj. phr.} Inactive; sluggish; depressed. * /The news of our factory's going out of business put all of us in the doldrums./ [in] or [into the limelight] {adj. phr.} In the center of attention. * /Some people will do almost anything to be able to step into the limelight./ Compare: IN THE SPOTLIGHT. [in itself] See: END IN ITSELF. [injury] See: ADD INSULT TO INJURY. [in keeping] {adj. phr.} Going well together; agreeing; similar. * /Mary's hair style was in keeping with the latest fashion./ * /Having an assembly on Friday morning was in keeping with the school program./ Contrast: OUT OF KEEPING. [in kind] {adv. phr.} In a similar way; with the same kind of thing. * /My neighbor pays me in kind for walking her dog./ * /Low returned Mary's insult in kind./ [in knots] See: TIE IN KNOTS. [in league with] or {informal} [in cahoots with] {prep.} In secret agreement or partnership with (someone); working together secretly with, especially for harm. * /People once believed that some women were witches in league with the devil./ * /The mayor's enemies spread a rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters./ [in left field] See: OUT IN LEFT FIELD. [in lieu of] See: INSTEAD OF. [in light of] also [in the light of] {adj. phr.} 1. As a result of new information; by means of new ideas. * /The teacher changed John's grade in the light of the extra work in the workbook./ 2. Because of. * /In light of the muddy field, the football team wore their old uniforms./ Syn.: IN VIEW OF. [in line(1)] {adv. phr.} In or into a straight line. * /The boys stood in line to buy their tickets./ * /Tom set the chairs in line along the wall./ * /The carpenter put the edges of the boards in line./ [in line(2)] {adj. phr.} 1. In a position in a series or after someone else. * /John is in line for the presidency of the club next year./ * /Mary is fourth in line to be admitted to the sorority./ 2. Obeying or agreeing with what is right or usual; doing or being what people expect or accept; within ordinary or proper limits. * /The coach kept the excited team in line./ * /When the teacher came back into the room, she quickly brought the class back in line./ * /The government passed a new law to keep prices in line./ Compare: IN HAND. Contrast: OUT OF LINE. [in line with] {prep.} In agreement with. * /Behavior at school parties must be in line with school rules./ * /In line with the custom of the school, the students had a holiday between Christmas and New Year's Day./ [in love] {adj. phr.} Liking very much; loving. * /John is in love with Helen./ * /Tom and Ellen arc in love./ * /Mary is in love with her new wristwatch./ [in luck] {adj. phr.} Being lucky; having good luck; finding something good by chance. * /Bill was in luck when he found the money on the street./ * /Mary dropped her glasses and they did not break. She was in luck./ [in memory of] {prep.} As something that makes people remember (a person or thing); as a reminder of; as a memorial to. * /The building was named Ford Hall in memory of a man named James Ford./ * /Many special ceremonies are in memory of famous men./ [in midair] See: UP IN THE AIR(2). [in mind] {adv. phr.} 1. In the center of your thought; in your close attention. * /You have to be home by 11 o'clock. Keep that in mind, Bob./ * /Mary is studying hard with a good grade in mind./ * /Bear in mind the rules of safety when you swim./ Compare: ON ONE'S MIND. 2. See: PUT IN MIND OF. [in mint condition] {adj. phr.} Excellent; as good as new. * /Grandma seldom uses her car; it is already ten years old, but it is still in mint condition./ [in my book] See: BY MY BOOK. [in name] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Having a title, but not really doing what someone with the title is expected to do. * /The old man is a doctor in name only. He does not have patients now./ * /He was the captain of the team in name only./ [in need of] {adj. phr.} Destitute; lacking something. * /The young girl is so ill that she is seriously in need of medical attention./ [inner city] {n.}, {colloquial} Densely populated neighborhoods in large metropolitan areas inhabited by low income families usually of minority backgrounds, such as Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, or African Americans; characterized by slums and government-owned high rises. * /Joe comes from the inner city - he may need help with his reading./ [in nothing flat] See: IN NO TIME. [in no time] or [in nothing flat] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a very little time; soon; quickly. * /When the entire class worked together they finished the project in no time./ * /The bus filled with students in nothing flat./ [in no uncertain terms] See: IN SO MANY WORDS(2). [in on] {prep.} 1. Joining together for. * /The children collected money from their classmates and went in on a present for their teacher./ 2. Told about; having knowledge of. * /Bob was in on the secret./ * /The other girls wouldn't let Mary in on what they knew./ [in one ear and out the other] See: GO IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER. [in one fell swoop] or [at one fell swoop] {adv. phr.} 1. {literary} In one attack or accident; in one bad blow. * /The millionaire lost his money and his friends at one fell swoop./ 2. At one time; at the same time. * /Three cars drove into the driveway, and Mrs. Crane's dinner guests all arrived at one fell swoop./ [in one's bad graces] {adj. phr.} Not approved by; not liked by. * /John was in his mother's bad graces because he spilled his milk on the tablecloth./ * /Don got in the bad graces of the teacher by laughing at her hat./ Compare: DOWN ON, IN BAD, OUT OF FAVOR. Contrast: IN ONE S GOOD GRACES. [in one's behalf] or [on one's behalf] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. For someone else; in your place. * /My husband could not be here tonight, but I want to thank you on his behalf./ 2. For the good of another person or group; as a help to someone. * /My teacher went to the factory and spoke in my behalf when I was looking for a job./ Compare: IN BEHALF OF, ON ONE'S ACCOUNT. [in one's blood] or [into one's blood] {adv. phr.} Agreeing perfectly with one's sympathies, feelings, and desires. * /Living in a warm section of the country gets in your blood./ * /The woods got into Jim's blood./ Contrast: OUT OF ONE'S BLOOD. [in one's bones] See: FEEL IN ONE'S BONES. [in one's boots] See: DIE IN ONE'S BOOTS or DIE WITH ONE'S BOOTS ON, IN ONE'S SHOES also IN ONE'S BOOTS. [in one's craw] or [in one's crop] See: STICK IN ONE'S CRAW or STICK IN ONE'S CROP. [in one's cups] {adj. phr.}, {literary} Drunk. * /The man was in his cups and talking very loudly./ [in one's element] {adv. phr.} 1. In one's natural surroundings. * /The deep-sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water./ 2. Where you can do your best. * /John is in his element working on the farm./ Compare: AT HOME 2. Contrast: OUT OF ONE'S ELEMENT. [in one's face] {adv. phr.} 1. Against your face. * /The trick cigar blew up in the clown's face./ * /A cold wind was in our faces as we walked to school./ 2. In front of you. * /The maid slammed the door in the salesman's face./ * /I told the boys that they were wrong, but they laughed in my face./ Compare: IN THE FACE OF, THROW SOMETHING IN ONE'S FACE, TO ONE'S FACE, UNDER ONE'S NOSE. [in one's favor] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In a way that is good for you. * /Both teams claimed the point, but the referee decided in our favor./ * /Bob made good grades in high school, and that was in his favor when he looked for a job./ Compare: COME ONE'S WAY. [in one's footsteps] See: FOLLOW IN ONE'S FOOTSTEPS. [in one's glory] {adj. phr.} Pleased and contented with yourself. * /When John won the race, he was in his glory./ * /Tom is very vain, and praise puts him in his glory./ [in one's good books] See: IN ONE'S GOOD GRACES. [in one's good graces] or [in one's good books] {adv. phr.} Approved of by you; liked by someone. * /Ruth is in her mother's good graces because she ate all her supper./ * /Bill is back in the good graces of his girlfriend because he gave her a box of candy./ Compare: IN GOOD. Contrast: IN ONE'S BAD GRACES. [in one's grave] See: TURN IN ONE'S GRAVE or TURN OVER IN ONE'S GRAVE. [in one's hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Bothering you again and again; always annoying. * /Johnny got in Father's hair when he was trying to read the paper by running and shouting./ * /The grown-ups sent the children out to play so that the children wouldn't be in their hair while they were talking./ Compare: GIVE A HARD TIME, IN ONE'S WAY. Contrast: OUT OF ONE'S HAIR. [in one's hands] See: TAKE ONE'S LIFE IN ONE'S HANDS. [in one's heart of hearts] {adv. phr.} Deep down where it really matters; in one's innermost feelings. * /In my heart of hearts, I think you're the nicest person in the whole world./ [in one's mind's eye] {adv. phr.} In the memory; in the imagination. * /In his mind's eye he saw again the house he had lived in when he was a child./ * /In his mind's eye, he could see just what the vacation was going to be like./ [in one's mouth] See: BUTTER WOULDN'T MELT IN ONE'S MOUTH, MELT IN ONE'S MOUTH. [in one's own juice] See: STEW IN ONE'S OWN JUICE. [in one's right mind] {adj. phr.} Accountable; sane and sober. * /If you were in your right mind, you wouldn't be saying such stupid things to our boss./ [in one's shell] or [into one's shell] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into bashfulness; into silence; not sociable; unfriendly. * /After Mary's mother scolded her, she went into her shell./ * /The teacher tried to get Rose to talk to her, but she stayed in her shell./ Contrast: OUT OF ONE'S SHELL. [in one's shoes] also [in one's boots] {adv. phr.} In or into one's place or position. * /How would you like to be in a lion tamer's boots?/ Compare: PUT ONESELF IN ANOTHER'S PLACE, STEP INTO ONE'S SHOES. [in one's sleeve] See: UP ONE'S SLEEVE. [in one's tracks] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Just where one is at the moment; abruptly; immediately. * /The hunter's rifle cracked and the rabbit dropped in his tracks./ * /Mary stopped dead in her tracks, turned around, and ran back home./ Syn.: ON THE SPOT(1), THEN AND THERE. 2. See: FOLLOW IN ONE'S FOOTSTEPS. [in one's way] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Within reach; likely to be met; before you. * /The chance to work for a printer was put in my way./ Compare: PUT IN THE WAY OF. 2. or [in the way] In your path as a hindrance; placed so as to block the way. * /Fred tried to get to the door, but the table was in the way./ * /A tree had fallen across the street and was in Jim's way as he drove./ * /Mary tried to clean the house, but the baby was always in the way./ [in order] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In arrangement; in the proper way of following one another. * /Come to my desk in alphabetical order as I call your names./ * /Line up and walk to the door in order./ * /Name all the presidents in order./ Compare: IN TURN. 2. In proper condition. * /The car was in good working order when I bought it./ * /The club leader looked at the club treasurer's records of money collected and spent, and found them all in order./ Compare: IN COMMISSION(2), PUT ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER. 3. Following the rules; proper; suitable. * /Is it in order to ask the speaker questions at the meeting?/ * /At the end of a program, applause for the performers is in order./ Compare: IN PLACE. Contrast: OUT OF ORDER. 4. See: PUT ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER or SET ONE'S HOUSE IN ORDER. [in order that] See: SO THAT(1). [in order to] or [so as to] {conj.} For the purpose of; to. - Used with an infinitive. * /In order to follow the buffalo, the Indians often had to move their camps./ * /We picked apples so as to make a pie./ Compare: SO THAT. [in part] {adv. phr.} To some extent; partly; not wholly. - Often used with "large" or "small". * /We planted the garden in pan with flowers. But in large part we planted vegetables./ * /Tom was only in small part responsible./ [in particular] {adv. phr.} In a way apart from others; more than others; particularly; especially. * /The speaker talked about sports in general and about football In particular./ * /All the boys played well and Bill in particular./ * /Margaret liked all her classes, but she liked sewing class in particular./ Contrast: IN GENERAL. [in passing] {adv. phr.} While talking about that subject; as extra information; also. * /Our teacher showed us different kinds of flowers and told us in passing that those flowers came from her garden./ * /The writer of the story says he grew up in New York and mentions in passing that his parents came from Italy./ Compare: BY THE WAY. [in person] also [in the flesh] {adv. phr.} Yourself; personally. * /A TV actor appeared in person today in school./ * /The governor cannot march in the parade in person today, but his wife wilt march./ Compare: FACE-TO-FACE(2). Contrast: INSTEAD OF. [in place(1)] {adv. phr.} 1a. In the right or usual place or position. * /Nothing is in place after the earthquake. Even trees and houses are turned over./ * /The picture is not in place on the wall. It is crooked./ 1b. In one place. * /Our first exercise in gym class was running in place./ 2. In proper order. * /Stay in place in line, children./ Compare: IN ORDER. Contrast: OUT OF PLACE. [in place(2)] {adj. phr.} In the right place or at the right time; suitable; timely. * /A dog is not in place in a church./ * /Linda wondered if it would be in place to wish the bride good luck after the wedding./ Compare: IN ORDER(1). Contrast: OUT OF PLACE. [in place of] See: INSTEAD OF. [in plain English] {adv. phr.} Plainly; simply; in clear language. * /Stop healing around the bush and saying that John "prevaricates"; in plain English he is a liar./ [in poor shape] {adv. phr.} In a bad condition. * /Most of the streets of Chicago are in poor shape due to the heavy snow and frost during the winters./ [in practice(1)] also [into practice] {adv. phr.} In actual doing. * /The idea sounds good but will it work in practice?/ * /It is easy to say that we will he good. It is harder to put the saying into practice./ [in practice(2)] {adj. phr.} In proper condition to do something well through practice. * /A pianist gets his fingers in practice by playing scales./ * /An ice-skater keeps in practice by skating every day./ Compare: IN SHAPE. Contrast: OUT OF PRACTICE. [in print] {adj. phr.} Obtainable in printed form from a printer or publisher; printed. * /The author has finished writing his book but it is not yet in print./ * /The story of the students' trip to Washington appeared in print in the newspaper./ * /It is a very old book and no longer in print./ Contrast: OUT OF PRINT. [in private] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not openly or in public; apart from others; confidentially; secretly. * /Mr. Jones waited until they were home in private before he punished his son./ * /The teacher told Susan that she wanted to talk to her in private after class./ Compare: IN SECRET. Contrast: IN PUBLIC. [in progress] {adj. phr.} Going ahead; being made or done; happening. * /Plans are in progress to build a new school next year./ * /A dog ran out on the playing field while the game was in progress./ Contrast: IN CHECK. [in public] {adv. phr.} 1. In a place open to the people; in such a way that the public may see, hear, or know; not secretly; openly. * /Two boys down the street are dancing in public for pennies./ * /Actors are used to appearing in public./ * /The mayor has told his friends that he is sick but will not admit it in public./ Contrast: IN PRIVATE. 2. See: AIR ONE'S DIRTY LINEN IN PUBLIC or WASH ONE'S DIRTY LINEN IN PUBLIC. [in question] {adj. phr.} 1. In doubt; in dispute; being argued about or examined. * /I know Bill would he a good captain for the team. That is not in question. But does he want to be captain?/ Contrast: BEYOND QUESTION. 2. Under discussion; being talked or thought about. * /The girls in question are not in school today./ * /On the Christmas Day in question, we could not go to Grandmother's house, as we do every year./ [in quest of] See: IN SEARCH OF. [in reason] {adv. phr.}, {formal} Following the rules of reasoning; sensibly; reasonably. * /One cannot in reason doubt that freedom is better than slavery./ [in reference to] or [with reference to] or [in regard to ] or [with regard to] {prep.} In connection with; from the standpoint of; concerning; regarding; about. * /I am writing with reference to your last letter./ * /He spoke in reference to the Boy Scouts./ * /I spoke to him with regard to his low marks./ * /In regard to the test tomorrow, it is postponed./ Compare: IN RELATION TO, IN RESPECT TO. [in regard to] See: IN REFERENCE TO. [in relation to] or [with relation to] {prep.} In connection with; in dealing with; as concerns; in comparison to; respecting; about. * /Father spoke about school in relation to finding a job when we are older./ * /What did you say in relation to what happened yesterday?/ * /With relation to his job, skill is very important./ * /In relation to Texas, Rhode Island is quite a small state./ Compare: IN REFERENCE TO, IN RESPECT TO. [in respect to] or [with respect to] In connection with; related to, about; on. * /The teacher told stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest./ * /In respect to your visit with us, we hope you can come before September./ * /There was no shortage in respect to food./ Compare: AS TO, IN REFERENCE TO, IN RELATION TO. [in return] {adv. phr.} In order to give back something; as payment; in recognition or exchange. - Often used with "for". * /Bud gave me his knife and I gave him marbles in return./ * /The lady helped Mother when she was sick and in return Mother often invited her to dinner./ * /How much did John give you in return for your bicycle?/ * /I hit him in return for the time he hit me./ * /I wrote Dad a letter and got a package in return./ [in reverse] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} In a backward direction; backward. * /John hit the tree behind him when he put the car in reverse without looking first./ * /The first of the year Bob did well in school but then he started moving in reverse./ [in round figures] {adv. phr.} As an estimated number; as a rounded-off figure containing no decimals or fractions. * /Skip the cents and just tell me in round figures how much this car repair will cost./ [in round numbers] See: IN ROUND FIGURES. [ins and outs] {n. phr.} The special ways of going somewhere or doing something; the different parts. * /The janitor knows all the ins and outs of the big school building./ * /Jerry's father is a good life insurance salesman; he knows all the ins and outs of the business./ [in search of] or {literary} [in quest of] {prep.} Seeking or looking for; in pursuit of. * /Many men went West in search of gold./ * /The hunter stayed in the woods all day in quest of game./ * /We looked everywhere in search of our dog./ [in season] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. {literary} At the proper or best time. * /Fred's father told him that he was not old enough yet but that he would learn to drive in season./ 2a. At the right or lawful time for hunting or catching. * /Deer will be in season next week./ * /In spring we'll go fishing when trout are in season./ 2b. At the right time or condition for using, eating, or marketing; in a ripe or eatable condition. * /Christmas trees will be sold at the store in season./ * /Native tomatoes will be in season soon./ * /Oysters are in season during the "R" months./ Compare: IN GOOD TIME. Contrast: OUT OF SEASON. [in secret] {adv. phr.} In a private or secret way; in a hidden place. * /The miser buried his gold in secret and no one knows where it is./ * /The robbers went away in secret after dark./ Compare: IN PRIVATE. [in shape] or [in condition] {adj. phr.} In good condition; able to perform well. * /The football team will he in shape for the first game of the season./ * /Mary was putting her French in shape for the lest./ Compare: IN PRACTICE. Contrast: OUT OF SHAPE. [in short] See: IN BRIEF. [in short order] {adv. phr.} Without delay; quickly. * /Johnny got ready in short order after his father said that he could come to the ball game if he was ready in time./ [in short supply] {adj. phr.} Not enough; in too small a quantity or amount; in less than the amount or number needed. * /The cookies are in short supply, so don't eat them all up./ * /We have five people and only four beds, so the beds are in short supply./ [inside] See: STEP INSIDE. [inside and out] See: INS AND OUTS, INSIDE OUT(2). [inside of] {prep.} In; within; on or in an inside part of; not beyond; before the end of. * /There is a broom inside of the closet./ * /There is a label on the inside of the box./ * /Hand your papers in to me inside of three days./ Contrast: OUTSIDE OF. [inside out] {adv.} 1. So that the inside is turned outside. * /Mother turns the stockings inside out when she washes them./ 2. or [inside and out] also [in and out] In every part; throughout; completely. * /David knows the parts of his bicycle inside out./ * /We searched the house inside and out for the kitten./ Compare: BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS, INS AND OUTS, THROUGH AND THROUGH. [inside track] {n. phr.} 1. The inside, shortest distance around a curved racetrack; the place that is closest to the inside fence. * /A big white horse had the inside track at the start of the race./ 2. {informal} An advantage due to special connections or information. * /I would probably get that job if I could get the inside track./ [insofar as ] {conj.} To the extent that; to the point that; as much as. * /You will learn your lessons only insofar as you are willing to keep studying them./ [in so many words] {adv. phr.} 1. In those exact words. * /He hinted that he thought we were foolish but did not say so in so many words./ 2. or [in no uncertain terms] In an outspoken way; plainly; directly. * /I told him in so many words that he was crazy./ * /Bob was very late for their date, and Mary told Bob in no uncertain terms what she thought of him./ Compare: WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE. [in someone else's shoes] See: IN ONE'S SHOES. [insomuch as] See: INASMUCH AS. [in spite of] {prep. phr.} Against