all he can read about them./ Syn.: EAT UP(3). [lardhead] {n.}, {slang} A stupid or slow-witted person. * /You'll never convince Donald; he's a lardhead./ [large] See: AT LARGE, BY AND LARGE. [large as life] See: BIG AS LIFE. [large-eyed] See: ROUND-EYED. [large order] {n. phr.} Difficult job; a difficult task to fulfill. * /It is a large order to educate three children in college at the same time./ Compare: TALL ORDER. [lash] See: TONGUE LASHING. [lash out] {v.} 1. To kick. * /The horse lashed out at the man behind him./ 2. To try suddenly to hit. * /The woman lashed out at the crowd with her umbrella./ 3. To attack with words. * /The senator lashed out at the administration./ * /The school newspaper lashed out at the unfriendly way some students treated the visiting team./ [last] See: AT LAST, EVERY LAST MAN, EVERY SINGLE or EVERY LAST, FIRST AND LAST, HE LAUGHS BEST WHO LAUGHS LAST, HAVE THE LAST LAUGH, ON ONE'S LAST LEGS, TILL THE LAST GUN IS FIRED or UNTIL THE LAST GUN IS FIRED. [last but not least] {adv. phr.} In the last place but not the least important. * /Billy will bring sandwiches, Alice will bring cake, Susan will bring cookies, John will bring potato chips, and last but not least, Sally will bring the lemonade./ [last ditch] {n.} The last place that can be defended; the last resort. * /They will fight reform to the last ditch./ [last-ditch] {adj.} Made or done as a last chance to keep from losing or tailing. * /He threw away his cigarettes in a last-ditch effort to stop smoking./ Compare: BACK TO THE WALL. [last-ditch effort] See: LAST DITCH. [last lap] {n. phr.} The final stage. * /Although the trip had been very interesting, we were glad that we were on the last lap of our tiring journey./ See: LAST LEG. [last laugh] See: HAVE THE LAST LAUGH. [last leg] {n. phr.} 1. Final stages of physical weakness before dying. * /The poor old man was on his last leg in the nursing home./ 2. The final stage of a journey. * /The last leg of our round-the-world trip was Paris to Chicago./ See: LAST LAP. [last out] {v.} 1. To be enough until the end of. * /There is enough food in the house to last out the snowstorm./ * /Our candies won't last out the night./ 2. To continue to the end of; continue to live after; live or go through. * /The old man is dying; he won't last out the night./ * /This car will never last out the winter./ Compare: HOLD OUT. [last stand] {n. phr.} See: LAST DITCH. [last straw] or [straw that breaks the camel's back] {n. phr.} A small trouble which follows other troubles and makes one lose patience and be unable to bear them. * /Bill had a bad day in school yesterday. He lost his knife on the way home, then he fell down, and when he broke a shoe lace, that was the last straw and he began to cry./ * /Mary didn't like it when the other girls said she was proud and lazy, but when they said she told fibs it was the straw that broke the camel's back and she told the teacher./ [last word] {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern thing. * /Mrs. Green's stove is the last word in stoves./ [latch on] or [hitch onto] {v.}, {informal} 1. To get hold of; grasp or grab; catch. * /He looked for something to latch onto and keep from falling./ * /The football player latched onto a pass./ 2. {slang} To get into your possession. * /The banker latched onto a thousand shares of stock./ 3. {slang} To understand. * /The teacher explained the idea of jet engines until the students latched onto it./ Syn.: CATCH ON. 4. {informal} To keep; to hold. * /The poor woman latched onto the little money she had left./ 5. {slang} To stay with; not leave. * /Marie and Dick wanted to go to the movies by themselves, but Mane's little brother latched onto them./ [latch string] {n.} 1. A string that opens an old-fashioned door by lifting a small bar. * /The early settlers kept the latch string outside the door when they were working around the house, but at night they pulled it to the inside./ 2. {informal} A warm welcome; a friendly greeting. - Used in such phrases as "the latch string is out." * /Mary has her latch siring out for everyone who comes./ Syn.: WELCOME MAT(2). [late] See: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, OF LATE. [lately] See: JOHNNY-COME-LATELY. [later] See: SOONER OR LATER. [later on] {adv.} Later; not now. * /Finish your lessons. Later on, we may have a surprise./ * /Bill couldn't stand on his head when school started, but later on he learned how./ [lather] See: IN A LATHER. [laugh] See: HE LAUGHS BEST WHO LAUGHS LAST, HAVE THE LAST LAUGH. [laugh all the way to the bank] {v. phr.} To have made a substantial amount of money either by lucky investment or by some fraudulent deal and rejoice over one's gains. * /If you had done what I suggested, you, too, could be laughing all the way to the bank./ [laughing matter] {n.} A funny happening; a silly situation. - Usually used with "no". * /John's failing the test is no laughing matter!/ * /We were amused when our neighbor's cat had five kittens, but when our own cat had six kittens it was no laughing matter./ [laugh in one's beard] See: LAUGH UP ONE'S SLEEVE. [laugh in one's sleeve] See: LAUGH UP ONE'S SLEEVE. [laugh off] {v.} To dismiss with a laugh as not important or not serious; not take seriously. * /He had a bad fall while ice skating but he laughed it off./ * /You can't laugh off a ticket for speeding./ Compare: MAKE LIGHT OF. [laugh one out of] {v. phr.} To cause another to forget his/her worries and sorrows by joking. * /Jack was worried about getting airsick, but his son and daughter laughed him out of it./ [laugh one's head off] {v. phr.}, {informal} To laugh very hard; be unable to stop laughing. * /Paul's stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them./ [laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth] or [laugh on the other side of one's mouth] or [laugh out of the other side of one's mouth] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be made sorry; to feel annoyance or disappointment; cry. * /Paul boasted that he was a good skater, but after he fell, he laughed out of the other side of his mouth./ [laugh up one's sleeve] or [laugh in one's sleeve] or [laugh in one's beard] To be amused but not show it; hide your laughter. * /He was laughing up his sleeve when Joe answered the phone because he knew the call would he a joke./ [launch window] {n.}, {Space English}, {informal} 1. A period of time when the line-up of planets, Sun, and Moon are such as to make favorable conditions for a specific space launch. * /The mission was canceled until the next launch window which will be exactly six weeks from today./ 2. A favorable time for starting some kind of ambitious adventure. * /My next launch window for a European trip isn't until school is over in June./ [laurel] See: LOOK TO ONE'S LAURELS, REST ON ONE'S LAURELS. [lavender] See: LAY OUT(7). [law] See: LAY DOWN THE LAW, PARLIAMENTARY LAW, TAKE THE LAW INTO ONE'S OWN HANDS. [law-abiding] {adj.} Obeying or following the law. * /Michael had been a law-abiding citizen all his life./ [lawful age] See: LEGAL AGE. [law of averages] {n. phr.} The idea that you can't win all the time or lose all the time. * /The Celtics have won 10 games in a row but the law of averages will catch up with them soon./ [law unto oneself] {n. phr.}, {literary} A person who does only what he wishes; a person who ignores or breaks the law when he doesn't like it. * /Everybody in Germany feared Hitler because he was a law unto himself./ * /Mr. Brown told Johnny that he must stop trying to be a law unto himself./ Compare: TAKE THE LAW INTO ONE'S OWN HANDS. [lay] See: KILL THE GOOSE THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGG. [lay about one] {v. phr.} To hit out in all directions. - Used with a reflexive object: "her", "him", or "them". * /The bandits surrounded the sheriff, but he laid about him so hard, with his gun used as a club, that they stepped back and let him escape./ * /Mrs. Franklin didn't kill the mouse, but she laid about her so hard with the broom that she scared it away./ [lay a finger on] {v. phr.} To touch or bother, even a little. - Used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. * /Don't you dare lay a finger on the vase!/ * /Suppose Billy fakes his brother with him; wilt the mean, tough boy down the street dare lay a finger on him?/ * /If you so much as lay a finger on my boy, I'll call the police./ Compare: LAY HANDS ON, PUT ONE'S FINGER ON. [lay an egg] {v. phr.}, {slang} To fail to win the interest or favor of an audience. * /His joke laid an egg./ * /Sometimes he is a successful speaker, but sometimes he lays an egg./ [lay aside] {v. phr.} 1. To put off until another time; interrupt an activity. * /The president laid aside politics to turn to foreign affairs./ 2. To save. * /They tried to lay aside a little money each week for their vacation./ [lay at one's door] {v. phr.}, {literary} To blame (something) on a person. * /The failure of the plan was laid at his door./ Compare: LAY TO(1). [lay away] {v.} 1. To save. * /She laid a little of her pay away each week./ 2. To bury (a person). - Used to avoid the word "bury", which some people think is unpleasant. * /He was laid away in his favorite spot on the hill./ [lay-away plan] {n.} A plan for buying something that you can't pay cash for; a plan in which you pay some money down and pay a little more when you can, and the store holds the article until you have paid the full price. * /She could not afford to pay for the coat all at once, so she used the lay-away plan./ [lay bare] {v. phr.} To expose; reveal; divulge. * /During his testimony the witness laid bare the whole story of his involvement with the accused./ [lay by] {v.} To save, especially a little at a time. * /The students laid a little money by every week till they had enough for a trip to Florida./ * /The farmer laid by some of his best corn to use the next year for seed./ [lay down] {v.} 1. To let (something) be taken; give up or surrender (something). * /The general told the troops to lay down their arms./ * /He was willing to lay down his life for his country./ Compare: GIVE UP. 2. To ask people to follow; tell someone to obey; make (a rule or principle). * /The committee laid down rules about the size of tennis courts./ 3. To declare; say positively; say surely; state. * /She laid it down as always true that "a fool and his money are soon parted."/ 4. To store or save for future use, especially in a cellar. * /They laid down several barrels of cider./ [lay down one's arms] {v. phr.} To cease fighting; surrender. * /The Civil War ended when the Confederate army finally laid down its arms./ [lay down one's cards] See: LAY ONE'S CARDS ON THE TABLE. [lay down one's life] {v. phr.} To sacrifice one's life for a cause or person; suffer martyrdom. * /The early Christians often laid down their lives for their faith./ [lay down the law] {v. phr.} 1. To give strict orders. * /The teacher lays down the law about homework every afternoon./ 2. To speak severely or seriously about a wrongdoing; scold. * /The principal called in the students and laid down the law to them about skipping classes./ Compare: TELL ONE WHERE TO GET OFF. [lay eyes on] or [set eyes on] {v. phr.} To see. * /She knew he was different as soon as she laid eyes on him./ * /I didn't know the man; in fact, I had never set eyes on him./ [lay for] {v.}, {informal} To hide and wait for in order to catch or attack; to lie in wait for. * /The bandits laid for him along the road./ * /I knew he had the marks for the exam, so I was laying for him outside his office./ [lay hands on] {v. phr.} 1. To get hold of; find; catch. * /The treasure hunters can keep any treasure they can lay hands on./ * /If the police can lay hands on him, they will put him in jail./ Compare: LAY ONE'S HAND ON(2). 2. To do violence to; harm; hurt. * /They were afraid that if they left him alone in his disturbed condition he would lay hands on himself./ [lay hold of] {v. phr.} 1. To take hold of; grasp; grab. * /He laid hold of the rope and pulled the boat ashore./ 2. To get possession of. * /He sold every washing machine he could lay hold of./ 3. {Chiefly British} To understand. * /Some ideas in this science book are hard to lay hold of./ [lay in] {v.} To store up a supply of; to get and keep for future use. * /Mrs. Mason heard that the price of sugar might go up, so she laid in a hundred pounds of it./ * /Before school starts, the principal will lay in plenty of paper for the students' written work./ Compare: LAY UP. [lay into] or [light into] {v.}, {informal} 1. To attack physically; go at vigorously. * /The two fighters laid into each other as soon as the bell rang./ * /John loves Italian food and he really laid into the spaghetti./ Syn.: PITCH INTO, SAIL INTO. 2. {slang} To attack with words. * /The senator laid into the opponents of his bill./ Syn.: LACE INTO, RIP INTO. Compare: BAWL OUT, TELL OFF. [lay it on] or [lay it on thick] also [put it on thick] or [spread it on thick] or [lay it on with a trowel] {v. phr.}, {informal} To persuade someone by using very much flattery; flatter. * /Bob wanted to go to the movies. He laid it on thick to his mother./ * /Mary was caught fibbing. She sure spread it on thick./ Compare: PUT ON(2b). [lay it on the line] See: LAY ON THE LINE(2). [lay low] {v.} 1. To knock down; to force into a lying position; to put out of action. * /Many trees were laid low by the storm./ * /Jane was laid low by the flu./ 2. To kill. * /The hunters laid low seven pheasants./ 3. See: LIE LOW. [layoff] {n.} A systematic or periodical dismissal of employees from a factory or a firm. * /Due to the poor economy, the car manufacturer announced a major layoff starting next month./ [lay off] {v. phr.} 1. To mark out the boundaries or limits. * /He laid off a baseball diamond on the vacant lot./ Compare: LAY OUT(5). 2. To put out of work. * /The company lost the contract for making the shoes and laid off half its workers./ 3. {slang} To stop bothering; leave alone. - Usually used in the imperative. * /Lay off me, will you? I have to study for a test./ 4. {slang} To stop using or taking. * /His doctor told him to lay off cigarettes./ [lay of the land] also [how the land lies] {n. phr.} 1. The natural features of a piece of land, such as hills and valleys. * /The style of house the contractor builds depends partly on the lay of the land./ 2. The way something is arranged; the important facts about something; how things are. * /The banker wanted to check the lay of the land before buying the stock./ * /Before the new boy will join our club, he wants to see how the land lies./ [lay on] {v.} 1. To spread on or over a surface; apply. * /He told us that we should lay on a second coat of paint for better protection against the weather./ 2. To beat; to strike. * /Little John seized a staff and began to lay on with great energy./ 3. See: LAY IT ON. [lay one's cards on the table] or [lay down one's cards] or [put one's cards on the table] {v. phr.}, {informal} To let someone know your position and interest openly; deal honestly; act without trickery or secrets. * /In talking about buying the property, Peterson laid his cards on the table about his plans for it./ * /Some of the graduates of the school were unfriendly toward the new superintendent, but he put his cards on the table and won their support./ [lay oneself open to] {v. phr.} To make oneself vulnerable to; expose oneself. * /If you don't perform your job properly, you will lay yourself open to criticism./ [lay oneself out] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make an extra hard effort; try very hard. * /Larry wanted to win a medal for his school, so he really laid himself out in the race./ [lay one's finger on] See: PUT ONE'S FINGER ON. [lay one's hands on] or [get one's hands on] {v. phr.} 1. To seize in order to punish or treat roughly. * /If I ever lay my hands on that boy he'll be sorry./ Compare: LAY A FINGER ON. 2. To get possession of. * /He was unable to lay his hands on a Model T Ford for the school play./ Compare: LAY HANDS ON(1). 3. or [lay one's hand on] or [put one's hand on] To find; locate. * /He keeps a file of letters so he can lay his hands on one whenever he needs it./ [lay on the line] or [put on the line] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To pay or offer to pay. * /The sponsors had to lay nearly a million dollars on the line to keep the show on TV./ * /The bank is putting $5,000 on the line as a reward to anyone who catches the robber./ Compare: PUT UP. 2. To say plainly so that there can be no doubt; tell truthfully, * /I'm going to lay it on the line for you, Paul. You must work harder if you want to pass./ 3. To take a chance of losing; risk. * /The champion is laying his title on the line in the fight tonight./ * /Frank decided to lay his job on the line and tell the boss that he thought he was wrong./ [lay out] {v. phr.} 1. To prepare (a dead body) for burial. * /The corpse was laid out by the undertaker./ 2. {slang} To knock down flat; to hit unconscious. * /A stiff right to the jaw laid the boxer out in the second round./ 3. To plan. * /Come here, Fred, I have a job laid out for you./ 4. To mark or show where work is to be done. * /The foreman laid out the job for the new machinist./ 5. To plan the building or arrangement of; design. * /The architect laid out the interior of the building./ * /The early colonists laid out towns in the wilderness./ Compare: LAY OFF(1). 6. {slang} To spend; pay. * /How much did you have to lay out for your new car?/ 7. or [lay out in lavender] {slang} To scold; lecture. * /He was laid out in lavender for arriving an hour late for the dance./ Compare: JUMP ON, LAY INTO(2), LET HAVE IT(1c). [layout] {n.} General situation; arrangement; plan. * /The layout of their apartment overlooking Lake Michigan was strikingly unusual./ Compare: LAID OUT. [layover] {n.} A stopover, usually at an airport or in a hotel due to interrupted air travel. * /There were several layovers at O'Hare last month due to bad weather./ [lay over] {v.} 1. To put off until later; delay; postpone. * /We voted to lay the question over to our next meeting for decision./ 2. To arrive in one place and wait some time before continuing the journey. * /We had to lay over in St. Louis for two hours waiting for a plane to Seattle./ [lay rubber] or [lay a patch] {v. phr.}, {slang} To take off in a car or a motorcycle so fast that the tires (made of rubber) leave a mark on the pavement. * /Look at those crazy drag racers; they laid rubber in front of my house./ [lay the blame at one's door] {v. phr.} To say that another person or group is responsible for one's own failure. * /The angry coach laid the blame at the door of the players when our college lost the basketball game./ [lay the fault at one's door] See: LAY THE BLAME AT ONE'S DOOR. [lay their heads together] See: PUT THEIR HEADS TOGETHER. [lay to] {v.} 1. To give the blame or credit to; to name as cause. * /He was unpopular and when he made money, it was laid to his dishonesty, but when he lost money, it was laid to his stupidity./ Compare: LAY AT ONE'S DOOR. 2. To hold a ship or boat still against the wind. * /The pirates decided to lay to that night and go ashore in the morning./ Compare: LIE TO. 3. To exert oneself; to work hard. * /He picked up a shovel and laid to with the rest of the gang./ [lay to heart] See: TAKE TO HEART. [lay to rest] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To put a dead person into a grave or tomb; bury. * /President Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery./ 2. To get rid of; put away permanently; stop. * /The Scoutmaster's fears that Tom had drowned were laid to rest when Tom came back and said he had gone for a boat ride./ * /The rumor that the principal had accepted another job was laid to rest when he said it wasn't true./ [lay up] {v.} 1. To collect a supply of; save for future, use; store. * /Bees lay up honey for the winter./ 2. To keep in the house or in bed because of sickness or injury; disable. * /Jack was laid up with a twisted knee and couldn't play in the final game./ 3. To take out of active service; put in a boat dock or a garage. * /Bill had to lay up his boat when school started./ * /If you lay up a car for the winter, you should take out the battery./ [lay waste] {v. phr.}, {literary} To cause wide and great damage to; destroy and leave in ruins; wreck. * /Enemy soldiers laid waste the land./ [lead] See: ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME, BLIND LEADING THE BLIND. [lead] See: GET THE LEAD OUT OF ONE'S PANTS. [lead a dog's life] {v. phr.}, {informal} To live a hard life, work hard, and be treated unkindly. * /A new college student of long ago led a dog's life./ [lead a merry chase] {v. phr.} To delay or escape capture by (someone) skillfully; make (a pursuer) work hard. * /The deer led the hunter a merry chase./ * /Valerie is leading her boyfriend a merry chase./ [lead by the nose] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have full control of; make or persuade (someone) to do anything whatever. * /Many people are easily influenced and a smart politician can lead them by the nose./ * /Don't let anyone lead you by the nose; use your own judgment and do the right thing./ [leader] See: MAJORITY LEADER, MINORITY LEADER. [lead-footed] See: HEAVY-FOOTED. [leading light] {n. phr.} A prominent person in a community, company, or group. * /Alan is the leading light of our discussion group on music./ [lead off] {v.} To begin; start; open. * /Richardson led off the inning with a double./ * /We always let Henry lead off./ * /Mr. Jones led off with the jack of diamonds./ * /When the teacher asked if the film helped them to understand, Phil led off by saying that he learned a lot from it./ [lead on] {v. phr.} To encourage you to believe something untrue or mistaken. * /Tom led us on to believe that he was a world traveler, but we found out that he had never been outside our state./ * /We were led on to think that Jeanne and Jim were engaged to be married./ [lead one a merry dance] {v. phr.} To cause someone unusual discomfort or expense; tire someone by causing one to overdo. * /With her personal extravagances and constant social activities that cost a fortune, Carol led her husband a merry dance./ [lead the way] {v. phr.} To go before and show how to go somewhere; guide. * /The boys need someone to lead the way on their hike./ * /The men hired an Indian to lead the way to the Pueblo ruins./ * /That school led the way in finding methods to teach reading./ [lead to] {v. phr.} To result in. * /Such a heavy arms race can only lead to war./ [leaf] See: TURN OVER A NEW LEAF. [leaf through] {v. phr.} To scan or glance through a book or other reading matter. * /I only had time to leaf through the program before the concert started./ [league] See: IN LEAGUE WITH, IVY LEAGUE. [leaguer] See: TEXAS LEAGUER. [leak out] {v. phr.} To become known; escape. * /The famous beauty queen tried to keep her marriage a secret, but news of it soon leaked out./ [leak to] {v. phr.} To purposely let a secret be known, as if conveying it in the strictest confidence. * /The movie star's secret divorce was leaked to the tabloids by her housekeeper./ [lean on] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To pressure (someone) by blackmailing, threats, physical violence, or the withholding of some favor in order to make the person comply with a wish or request. * /I would gladly do what you ask if you only stopped leaning on me so hard!/ [lean over backward] See: BEND OVER BACKWARD. [lean-to] {n.} 1. A shed for tools, such as spades, hoes, etc., attached to the wall of a house, * /Joe looked for the garden hose in the lean-to./ 2. A small cabin in the country. * /They spend their weekends in their modest lean-to in Wisconsin./ [leap] See: BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. [leap year] {n.} Every fourth year during which the month of February contains 29 rather than 28 days. * /During a leap year one must wait a day longer for one's February pay check./ [learn] See: LIVE AND LEARN. [learn by heart] See: BY HEART. [learn by rote] {v. phr.} To blindly memorize what was taught without thinking about it. * /If you learn a subject by rote, it will be difficult to say anything original about it./ [learn one's way around] See: KNOW ONE'S WAY AROUND. [learn the hard way] See: HARD WAY. [learn the ropes] See: THE ROPES. [least] See: AT LEAST, IN THE LEAST, LAST BUT NOT LEAST, LINE OF LEAST RESISTANCE. [leatherneck] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} A member of the United States Marine Corps. * /I didn't know your son Joe became a leatherneck./ [leave] See: SHORE LEAVE, TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, TAKE LEAVE OF, TAKE ONE'S LEAVE. [leave a bad taste in one's mouth] {v. phr.} To feel a bad impression; make you feel disgusted. * /Seeing a man beat his horse leaves a bad taste in your mouth./ * /His rudeness to the teacher left a bad taste in my mouth./ [leave alone] See: LET ALONE. [leave at the altar] {v. phr.} 1. To decide not to marry someone in the last minute; jilt. * /Ed left poor Susan at the altar./ 2. To overlook and skip for promotion; not fulfill deserved expectation. * /Once again I didn't get my promotion and was left at the altar./ [leave behind] {v. phr.} 1. Abandon. * /Refugees on the run must sometimes leave old and sick people behind./ 2. To forget; go away without. * /We had reached our car when we noticed that we had left our keys behind./ [leave flat] {v. phr.}, {informal} To quit or leave suddenly without warning when wanted or needed; desert; forsake; abandon. * /Sam found that being a member of the trail-clearing group was a lot of hard work, so he left them flat./ * /My car ran out of gas and left me flat, ten miles from town./ Compare: LEAVE IN THE LURCH, WALK OUT(2). [leave hanging] or [leave hanging in the air] {v. phr.} To leave undecided or unsettled. * /Because the committee could not decide on a time and place, the matter of the spring dance was left hanging./ * /Ted's mother didn't know what to do about the broken window, so his punishment was left hanging in the air until his father came home./ Compare: UP IN THE AIR. [leave high and dry] See: HIGH AND DRY. [leave holding the bag] or [leave holding the sack] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To cause (someone) not to have something needed; leave without anything, * /In the rush for seats, Joe was left holding the bag./ 2. To force (someone) to take the whole responsibility or blame for something that others should share. * /When the ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left George holding the bag./ * /After the party, the other girls on the clean-up committee went away with their dates, and left Mary holding the bag./ [leave in the lurch] {v. phr.} To desert or leave alone in trouble; refuse to help or support. * /The town bully caught Eddie, and Tom left him in the lurch./ * /Bill quit his job, leaving his boss in the lurch./ Compare: LEAVE FLAT, HIGH AND DRY(2), WALK OUT(2). [leave it at that] {v. phr.} To avoid further and more acrimonious disagreement; not argue or discuss any further. * /Our opinion on health care is obviously different, so let's just leave it at that./ [leave no stone unturned] {v. phr.} To try in every way; miss no chance; do everything possible. - Usually used in the negative. * /The police will leave no stone unturned in their search for the bank robbers./ Compare: ALL OUT, BEND HEAVEN AND EARTH, FINE-TOOTH COMB. [leave off] {v.} To come or put to an end; stop. * /There is a high fence where the school yard leaves off and the woods begin./ * /Don told the boys to leave off teasing his little brother./ * /Marion put a marker in her book so that she would know where she left off./ Contrast: TAKE UP. [leave one's mark] {v. phr.} To leave an impression upon; influence someone. * /Tolstoy never won the Nobel Prize, but he left his mark on world literature./ See: MAKE ONE'S MARK. [leave open] {v. phr.} To remain temporarily unsettled; subject to further discussion. * /Brad said that the question of health insurance would be left open until some future date./ [leave out] {v. phr.} To skip; omit. * /The printer accidentally left out two paragraphs from Alan's novel./ [leave out in the cold] See: OUT IN THE COLD. [leave out of account] {v. phr.} To fail to consider; forget about. * /The picnic planners left out of account that it might rain./ Contrast: TAKE INTO ACCOUNT. [leave-taking] See: TAKE ONE'S LEAVE. [leave the matter open] See: LEAVE OPEN. [leave well enough alone] See: LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. [leave without a leg to stand on] See: LEG TO STAND ON. [leave word with] {v. phr.} To leave a message. * /Hank left word with his secretary where he could be reached by phone while he was away from his office./ [left] See: OUT IN LEFT FIELD, RIGHT AND LEFT. [left field] {n.} 1. The part of a baseball out-field to the batter's left. * /Right-handed batters usually hit to left field./ Compare: CENTER FIELD, RIGHT FIELD. 2. See: OUT IN LEFT FIELD. - [left fielder] {n.} The player in baseball who plays in left field. * /The scoreboard in the ball park is on the fence behind the left fielder./ [left-handed] {adj.}, {informal} 1. Using the left hand habitually. 2. Crooked; phoney; homosexual. * /Morris is such a left-handed guy./ 3. Clumsy; untoward; awkward. * /Grab that hammer and stop acting so left-handed./ [left-handed compliment] An ambiguous compliment which is interpretable as an offense. * /I didn't know you could look so pretty! Is that a wig you're wearing?/ [left-wing] {adj.} That which is or belongs to a group of people in politics that favors radical change in the direction of socialism or communism. * /The left-wing faction called for an immediate strike./ [leg] See: ON ONE'S LAST LEGS, PULL ONE'S LEG, SHAKE A LEG, TAIL BETWEEN ONE'S LEGS. [legal age] or [lawful age] The age at which a person is allowed to do a certain thing or is held responsible for an action. * /In most states the legal age for voting is 27./ * /He could not get a driver's license because he was not of lawful age./ [leg man] {n.}, {informal} 1. An errand boy; one who performs messenger services, or the like. * /Joe hired a leg man for the office./ 2. {slang}, {semi-vulgar}, {avoidable} A man who is particularly attracted to good looking female legs and pays less attention to other parts of the female anatomy. * /Herb is a leg man./ [leg-pulling] See: PULL ONE'S LEG. [Legree] See: SIMON LEGREE. [leg to stand on] {n. phr.} A firm foundation of facts; facts to support your claim. - Usually used in the negative. * /Jerry's answering speech left his opponent without a leg to stand on./ * /Amos sued for damages, but did not have a leg to stand on./ [leg work] {n.}, {informal} The physical end of a project, such as the typing of research reports; the physical investigating of a criminal affair; the carrying of books to and from libraries; etc. * /Joe, my research assistant, does a lot of leg work for me./ [leisure] See: AT LEISURE or AT ONE'S LEISURE. [lend a hand] or [give a hand] also [bear a hand] {v. phr.} To give help; make yourself useful; help. * /The stage manager asked some of the boys to lend a hand with the scenery./ * /Dick saw a woman with a flat tire and offered to give her a hand with it./ Compare: LIFT A FINGER. [lend an ear to] See: GIVE AN EAR TO. [lend color to] See: GIVE COLOR TO. [lend itself to] {v. phr.} To give a chance for or be useful for; to be possible or right for. * /Bob was sick and did not go to Jane's party, but his absence lent itself to misunderstanding./ * /The teacher's paperweight was a heavy piece of metal which sometimes lent itself to use as a hammer./ * /This poem lends itself to our program very well./ Compare: LEND ONESELF TO. [lend oneself to] {v. phr.} To give help or approval to; encourage; assist. * /Alice wouldn't lend herself to the plot to hide the teacher's chalk./ [length] See: AT LENGTH, GO TO ANY LENGTH, KEEP AT A DISTANCE or KEEP AT ARM'S LENGTH. [less] See: MORE OR LESS, MUCH LESS. [lesson] See: TEACH A LESSON. [less than] {adv.} Not; little. * /We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day./ * /The boys were less than happy about having a party./ Contrast: MORE THAN. [less than no time] {n. phr.}, {informal} Very quickly. * /We can be ready to go in less than no time./ * /It took Sally less than no time to get dinner ready./ [let] See: LIVE AND LET LIVE. [let alone] {conj. phr.} 1. Even less; certainly not. - Used after a negative clause. * /I can't add two and two, let alone do fractions./ * /Jim can't drive a car, let alone a truck./ Compare: MUCH LESS, NOT TO MENTION. 2. [let alone] or [leave alone] {v.} To stay away from; keep hands off; avoid. * /When Joel gets mad, just let him alone./ * /Little Patsy was warned to leave the birthday cake alone./ Compare: LET BE. [let be] {v.} To pay no attention to; disregard; forget. * /Let her be; she has a headache./ Compare: LET ALONE. [let bygones be bygones] {v. phr.} To let the past be forgotten. * /After a long, angry quarrel the two boys agreed to let bygones be bygones and made friends again./ * /We should let bygones be bygones and try to get along with each other./ Syn.: FORGIVE AND FORGET. Compare: BURY THE HATCHET, LIVE AND LET LIVE. [letdown] {n.} A disappointment; a heartbreak. * /It was a major letdown for John when Mary refused to marry him./ [let down] {v. phr.} 1. To allow to descend; lower. * /Harry let the chain saw down on a rope and then climbed down himself./ 2. To relax; stop trying so hard; take it easy. * /The horse let down near the end of the race and lost./ * /The team let down in the fourth quarter because they were far ahead./ Compare: LET GO. 3. To fail to do as well as (someone) expected; disappoint. * /The team felt they had let the coach down./ [let down easy] {v. phr.} To refuse or say no to (someone) in a pleasant manner; to tell bad news about a refusal or disappointment in a kindly way. * /The teacher had to tell George that he had failed his college examinations, but she tried to let him down easy./ * /The boss tried to let Jim down easy when he had to tell him he was too young for the job./ [let down one's hair] See: LET ONE'S HAIR DOWN. [let drop] {v. phr.} 1. To cease to talk about; set aside; forget. * /This is such an unpleasant subject that I suggest we let it drop for a few days./ 2. To disclose; hint. * /He unexpectedly let drop that he was resigning and joining another firm./ [let fall] See: LET DROP. [let George do it] {v. phr.}, {informal} To expect someone else to do the work or take the responsibility. * /Many people expect to let George do it when they are on a committee./ Compare: PASS THE BUCK. [let go] {v.} 1a. To stop holding something; loosen your hold; release. * /The boy grabbed Jack's coat and would not let go./ - Often used with "of". * /When the child let go of her mother's hand, she fell down./ Compare: GIVE UP(1a), LET LOOSE. 1b. To weaken and break under pressure. * /The old water pipe suddenly let go and water poured out of it./ Syn.: GIVE WAY. Contrast: HOLD ON TO. 2. To pay no attention to; neglect. * /Robert let his teeth go when he was young and now he has to go to the dentist often./ * /After she was married, Jane let herself go and was not pretty anymore. / 3. To allow something to pass; do nothing about. * /When Charles was tardy, the teacher scolded him and let it go at that./ * /The children teased Frank, but he smiled and let it go./ Compare: LET OFF(2), LET RIDE. 4. To discharge from a job; fire. * /Mr. Wilson got into a quarrel with his boss and was let go./ 5. To make (something) go out quickly; shoot; fire. * /The soldiers let go a number of shots./ * /Robin Hood let go an arrow at the deer./ * /Paul was so angry that he let go a blow at the boy./ * /The truck driver saw the flat tire and let go a loud curse./ * /The pitcher let go a fast ball and the batter swung and missed./ Compare: CUT LOOSE, LET OUT. 6. or [let oneself go] {informal} To be free in one's actions or talk; relax. * /Judge Brown let go at the reunion of his old class and had a good time./ * /The cowboys worked hard all week, but on Saturday night they went to town and let themselves go./ Syn.: CUT LOOSE, LET LOOSE(3), LET OFF STEAM(2). [let go hang] See: GO HANG. [let go of] {v. phr.} To release one's grasp. * /As soon as Sally let go of the leash, her dog ran away./ [let go of one's mother's apron strings] See: TIED TO ONE'S MOTHER'S APRON STRINGS. [let grass grow under one's feet] {v. phr.} To be idle; be lazy; waste time. - Used in negative, conditional, and interrogative sentences. * /The new boy joined the football team, made the honor roll, and found a girlfriend during the first month of school. He certainly did not let any grass grow under his feet./ [let it all hang out] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} Not to disguise anything; to let the truth be known. * /Sue can't deceive anyone; she just lets it all hang out./ [let it lay] {v. phr.}, {used imperatively}, {slang} Forget it; leave it alone; do not be concerned or involved. * /Don't get involved with Max again - just let it lay./ [let it rip] {v. phr.}, {used imperatively}, {slang} Don't be concerned; pay no attention to what happens. * /Why get involved? Forget about it and let it rip./ 2. (Imperatively) Do become involved and make the most of it; get in there and really try to win. * /Come on man, give it all you've got and let it rip!/ [let know] {v. phr.} To inform. * /Please let us know the time of your arrival./ [let loose] {v.} 1a. or [set loose] or [turn loose] To set free; loosen or give up your hold on. * /The farmer opened the gate and let the bull loose in the pasture./ * /They turned the balloon loose to let it rise in the air./ 1b. or [turn loose] To give freedom (to someone) to do something; to allow (someone) to do what he wants. * /Mother let Jim loose on the apple pie./ * /The children were turned loose in the toy store to pick the toys they wanted./ 1c. To stop holding something; loosen your hold. * /Jim caught Ruth's arm and would not let loose./ Compare: LET GO, LET OUT. 2a. {informal} To let or make (something) move fast or hard; release. * /The fielder let loose a long throw to home plate after catching the ball./ 2b. {informal} To release something held. * /Those dark clouds are going to let loose any minute./ Syn.: CUT LOOSE, LET GO. 3. {informal} To speak or act freely; disregard ordinary limits. * /The teacher told Jim that some day she was going to let loose and tell him what she thought of him./ * /Mother let loose on her shopping trip today and bought things for all of us./ Syn.: CUT LOOSE, LET GO. [let me see] or [let us see] {informal} 1. Let us find out by trying or performing an action. * /Let me see if you can jump over the fence./ 2. Gi