You can't teach an old dog new tricks./ [you don't say] {interj.}, {informal} - Used to show surprise at what is said. * /Your ring is a real diamond? You don't say!/ * /"Bill and Jean are going to get married." "You don't say!"/ Syn.: DO TELL. [your] See: HANG ON TO YOUR HAT or HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT or HOLD YOUR HAT, YOU BET YOUR BOOTS or YOU BET YOUR LIFE. [you're telling me] {interj.}, {informal} - Used to show that a thing is so clear that it need not be said, or just to show strong agreement. * /"You're late." "You're telling me!"/ Compare: YOU BET, YOU SAID IT. [you said it] or [you can say that again] {interj.}, {slang} - Used to show strong agreement with what another person has said. * /"That sure was a good show." "You said it!"/ * /"It sure is hot!" "You can say that again!"/ Compare: SAY A MOUTHFUL. [you tell 'em] {interj.}, {slang} - Used to agree with or encourage someone in what he is saying. * /The drunk was arguing with the bartenders and a man cried, "You tell 'em!"/ [yours truly] {adv. phr.} 1. Signing off at the end of letters. * /Yours truly, Tom Smith./ 2. I, the first person singular pronoun, frequently abbreviated as t.y. * /As t.y. has often pointed out.../ * /T.y. is not really interested in the offer./ [yum-yum] {interj.}, {informal} - Used usually by or to children, to express great delight, especially in the taste of food. * /"Yum-Yum! That pie is good!"/ Z [zero hour] {n.} 1. The exact time when an attack or other military action is supposed to start. * /Zero hour for the bombers to take off was midnight./ 2. The time when an important decision or change is supposed to come; the time for a dangerous action. * /It was zero hour and the doctor began the operation on the man./ * /On the day of the championship game, as the zero hour came near, the players grew nervous./ [zero in on] {v.} 1. To adjust a gun so that it will exactly hit (a target); aim at. * /Big guns were zeroed in on the enemy fort./ * /American missiles have been zeroed in on certain targets, to be fired if necessary./ 2. {slang} To give your full attention to. * /The Senate zeroed in on the Latin-American problems./ * /Let's zero in on grammar tonight./ [zip one's lip] See: BUTTON ONE'S LIP. [zone defense] {n.} A defense in a sport (as basketball or football) in which each player has to defend a certain area. * /The coach taught his team a zone defense because he thought his players weren't fast enough to defend against individual opponents./ [zonk out] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To fall asleep very quickly. * /Can I talk to Joe? - Call back tomorrow, he zonked out./ 2. To pass out from fatigue, or alcohol. * /You won't get a coherent word out of Joe, he has zonked out./ [zoom in] {v. phr.} 1. To rapidly close in on (said of airplanes and birds of prey). * /The fighter planes zoomed in on the enemy target./ 2. To make a closeup of someone or something with a camera. * /The photographer zoomed in on the tiny colibri as it hovered over a lovely tropical flower./