Bzzt, a little hacky info for you. Alien Odyssey stores all the savegame info in purely textual format. So, if you open up one of the saves you'll see smth like this: 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 IDENTIFIER "NEARTHEEND" ^^^^^^^^^^ Savegame name. LEVEL ARMOURY ^^^^^^^ Self-explanatory. PSAPH 67, .... the rest is useless ^^ Room number. Most useful. This opens the way for one nasty trick - the vanishing opponents. Scan your savegame for "ROOM 67" (or whichever you're in) line. Here it is - ROOM 67,0.000000,0 ... useless stuff skipped ... CENTURIAN -772.030304,1403.29318 ... 0,5461,6,-2.000000,9,29 ^^^^^^^^^ This is what interests you. Centurian is a large robot who likes to kick your ass very much. If your health points are near 20, you probably won't be glad to meet him. So if yoy wanna skip the sucker - delete this line and the droid will disappear as never was! COLOR 0 FLOOR 0,0,0.000000,0 COLOR 1 FLOOR 1,1,18.000000,1 COLOR 4 DOOR 0,0,18.000000,1,5,68,4,-0,"",40960,6,0 COLOR 5 DOOR_SENSOR 1,1,18.000000,1 COLOR 15 FLOOR 0,1,18.000000,3 ^^^^^ Don't touch these lines though. END ... MINE -169.887100,727.796509,0,50.000000,30.00000000,20.000000 ^^^^ If you're bored with mines - erase the buggers too! 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The same applies to all of your enemies. To be a hero you just need to be familiar with a text editor. :) Be careful though, and don't expect too much from this method - the final enemy, for example, cannot be erased, and if you erase some of the needful drones (the ones that give you keys and hands) you'll get stuck. Always back up! If you wanna skip levels 1 and 3 (dreadful flying ones) go to your AO CD, and copy the files commbunk.sct and armoury.sct from /SCRIPTS dir, into /SAVEGAME on your HD. Rename them to smth like game03.sct and start as savegames. You'll skip those horrible Rebel Assault levels! BoN 26/03/96 A.D. 00:00 (cool! :))